The Spring of Orc's Silly Attack

Chapter 58 Arsen's Beast Form

Yang Han's expression changed, and he looked at Su Ce.

Su Ce looked at him and smiled, then looked at Tan Tu again.

Tan Tu stood up and went to open the door.

There was a subtle sense of tension in Yang Han's heart, which was noticed by Su Ce, and his mood became complicated again.

Senior, this is... what kind of mentality?

However, when Alson came in, Yang Han had almost adjusted his mood—as an alien—in fact, he was a human from Earth. Of course, he would not reveal his background at this time, showing that he did not know what kind of species an orc was. .

In short, let's deal with it first, and then find time to find the junior to learn all the orc language... By the way, also learn about the information that the junior knows about this world.

Yang Han originally thought that he could slowly observe by himself, but now it seems that there are too many unbelievable things... He better not be so arrogant.

After making up his mind in this way, when Yang Han raised his head, Yang Han just had a face-to-face meeting with Arsen.

Alson is a handsome young man with pale skin and sharp imposing manner. Occasionally he looks a little cold, but apart from talking a little less, he is quite easy to get along with...Yang Han has been with him for "wild adventure" for three days month, of course understands this very well.

Moreover, Yang Han thinks about the animal shape of this orc, and feels that such a character is really natural.

As soon as Arsen entered the door, he nodded slightly to Su Ce and Tan Tu, and after saying hello, he focused all his attention on Yang Han.

Sitting opposite Yang Han, he asked in a deep voice, "Ah Han, what's wrong with you?"

Alson clearly remembered that Yang Han just woke up this morning, saw his beast shape, and immediately ran away as if he saw something terrifying—is this kind of beast shape so annoying to him? ?

In this Tiger tribe full of ferocious male orcs, there are very few scaly males like Arsen.Although he doesn't know whether the females here prefer beast males so that they are a little hesitant in finding a partner is one of the reasons - after all, everyone is a beast partner, isn't it strange that a scaled one suddenly comes?But what's more, none of the currently mature females in this tribe is his favorite... Even after he matures, he has seen several batches of females from the Mayan tribe at the Fire Dance Festival, but there is also no one he is tempted by.

However, Yang Han and Su Ce are said to be members of relatively remote tribes, so logically speaking, they shouldn't have a special preference for male beasts... right?

So after Arsen fell in love with Yang Han, he made up his mind to make him his partner, but now it seems that he was wrong.But the feelings he gave cannot be taken back. No matter what, he also wants to try to impress Yang Han and make him and himself a family.

But no matter how much he did the psychological construction, Arsen was still hit by Yang Han's reaction.

Such an obvious, avoidable performance...

Alson has also heard that there are indeed some females who simply cannot accept a certain type of male beast. Could it be that Yang Han is one of them?This is not a good idea... If he hates it purely from a physical point of view, no matter how sincere he is, he probably won't be able to make Yang Han accept him...

Thinking of this, Arsen couldn't help becoming more and more frustrated.

But thanks to Arsen's always expressionless face, none of the three people present found him in a different mood now.

Then what Yang Han said gave him a little hope.

I only heard Yang Han laughing twice, and said: "It's nothing, you are too big for a beast, you scared me."

Was it just a surprise... Seriously, the female said that the male has a big animal shape, which is actually a compliment.A big beast means a strong male!

As the same level as Tantu in the tribe, Arsen is always called the strongest male in the tribe. Although he is used to hearing compliments, the ones from his sweetheart are different after all.

Arsen's mood improved a little, and he said, "I thought you hated my beast shape." After a pause, "I was just scared...don't you hate it?"

Alson's tone still didn't have much ups and downs, it seemed very plain, but Yang Han could hear a bit of disappointment in it strangely, making him feel as if he had done something too much——

Yang Han remembered that this man had protected him for three full months, and had taken care of him a lot until now, and felt guilty all of a sudden.

Really, they are all buddies, but there is a special... Well, it can be regarded as a supernatural ability, and he can't hurt the brother's heart!

So Yang Han walked over and patted Alsen on the shoulder: "How could I hate it, your beast shape is so beautiful!"

This is not a lie, the dark green color really shocked him.So Yang Han hesitated for a moment, coughed lightly again, and asked: "Alsen, I didn't see clearly just now, can you show me once again in the shape of a beast?"

Arsen observed Yang Han's expression carefully, and only then did he believe that the other party really didn't hate him.As for the sweetheart depends on one's animal type... of course it's no problem.

All orcs will not refuse a female's request to see their most powerful side - this is convenient for them to show their strength in front of females and increase their capital to attract females.

Yang Han was very happy when he heard Arsen's permission.Su Ce next to him saw the interaction between these two people, and really didn't know what to think...

The relationship between the senior and Arsen seems to be better than he imagined.

As a person who knows the personality of the senior very well, Su Ce understands that the senior is indeed very friendly to everyone, very cheerful and easy to get along with, but in fact he doesn't have a heart-to-heart relationship with everyone Yes, not to mention that he doesn't seem to care about everyone - almost, that is, he is good to everyone, but treats everyone in the same state.

The seniors only care about and take care of those who really treat him as a brother, such as Su Ce himself, and the other is this Arsen.

Arsen didn't know, but Su Ce could see it clearly.There was obviously not much dissatisfaction in Arsen's tone just now, but the senior seemed to have discovered the hidden emotions of the other party all of a sudden, and he couldn't wait to comfort him... Thinking about it this way, the senior's importance to Arsen may really make the two of them become friends. Maybe even a partner.

Because Alson's animal shape was relatively large, Tantu picked up Su Ce and led him back several meters.Seeing the two of them like this, Yang Han also retreated.

Finally, there was enough room left.

The next moment, Arsen turned into a dark green python.

He stretched his body as low as possible, not fully coiled up, and the snake's head was only half-raised, facing Yang Han, with golden eyes staring at him for a moment.

Yang Han blinked. Although he had just seen a man transform into a lion, he was surprised to see a man transform into a snake now.

Sure enough... very beautiful.

After turning into a beast shape, he couldn't speak, and Alsen didn't move his body, letting Yang Han look at him.

Yang Han took a step forward carefully—still a little nervous, and stretched out his hand.

Alson bowed his head, spat out the snake letter, and licked it on his hand.

A little wet and not very hot...

But because Yang Han saw Alsen turned into this snake directly, all the fear in his heart disappeared, and the rest was all curiosity and amazement.

Curious about this strange change, marveling at the beauty of the snake's body.

Yang Han withdrew his hand, blushed a little, and asked a little embarrassedly: "Can I touch your scales?" After all, this is like saying to a man "I want to touch your body", although everyone is Man, but the request is a bit strange.

But with such thick and moist scales, I really want to "hands and feet"...

Alson nodded the snake's head.Once the female makes this request, it means that she is very satisfied with the male's animal shape, and it also means that the two have the potential for further development.Of course he was very happy.

So Yang Han took a few steps forward, held his breath, and carefully placed his hand on the snake's head that Arsen hadn't raised yet—it was so smooth, so smooth...and cold, as if touching something very textured Like metal, it doesn't feel too sticky and wet, but rather dry and cool.Yang Han couldn't help touching it again and again, and even his hand slowly slid down, touching from the top of the snake's head to the back of the snake...

Sure enough, it was also easy to touch... When he touched the back of the snake, Arsen suddenly trembled.The whole snake shrank as well.

Yang Han paused: "Alsen, what's the matter?" He was wondering if Arsen was angry because he touched him too presumptuously, and whether he wanted to apologize or something.

Su Ce was also a little confused, but Tantu noticed it, and answered the doubts of the two of them: "Ahan, you touched Arsen's seven inches."


Yang Han and Su Ce reacted at the same time.

Because Alson was transformed from a man into a snake, they actually forgot his characteristics...

Yang Han quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Arsen, I forgot, but I didn't mean it!" He quickly withdrew his hand.

Alson suddenly changed back to human form: "It's okay, you can touch it whenever you want."

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