Alson's eyes were burning, staring at Yang Han closely.

But Yang Han's attitude towards Arsen was very natural.

Just like before, he stuffed the two wooden bowls in his hands into Arsen's hands, and said with a smile, "Alsen, please help me."

Arsen froze for a moment.

... back to normal so quickly?

But it's good to return to normal, so that he won't worry about something wrong with Yang Han.So he took the wooden bowl, turned and walked out.

... These two people are really "thunder, rain, little".

Seeing the senior like this, Su Ce wondered what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

After thinking about it again, the senior should have his own ideas in his heart, and what happened next...he can't control it.

Tantu entered the door only a moment later than Arsen. He looked at Su Ce standing in a daze, and shook his head. He then glanced at Yang Han who was serving the dishes next to him. He looked relaxed and seemed to be smiling, which was a little strange.Of course, they were more worried about Su Ce, so they hurried over and asked, "A Ce, what are you thinking?"

Su Ce looked up, saw the worry in Tan Tu's eyes, and thought of the warm and peaceful life of the two together for so long and their three children, he felt very soft in his heart, so he smiled and said, "It's nothing. The senior chatted for a while."

Based on the idea that "A Ce's brother will be unhappy if Ah Ce's brother is not happy", Tantu hesitated for a moment, and then asked, "Is Ah Ce okay? He was acting strange just now."

Su Ce took Tantu's hand and walked to the wooden cabinet: "The food is ready, let's help take it out together." Then he said, "The senior probably has one thing in common, so it's all right."

Tan Tu didn't quite understand, but since Ah Ce said he was fine, of course he was fine, so he honestly started fighting with Su Ce.

Once outside the house, Su Ce put the food on the table and began to look for the child who was originally held by the two males.Finally, I found a basket by the wall and walked over.

It turned out that Su Ce and Yang Han had been chatting and cooking inside, but the babies couldn't bear it and turned into three little lions. Tantu and Arsen put them in a big basket and covered them with a thick blanket. hides.

It's a pity that these little guys are also restless, probably because they were hooped up in their infancy, and they purposely changed back to animal form for fun?Now the three brothers huddled together and rolled into a ball, you pressed me and I pressed you, which made the basket tremble and wobble, as if it was about to fall down.

Su Ce was annoyed and amused watching it, and still had some pity in his heart, so he squatted in front of the basket, reached out and touched the cubs' heads one by one.

The little lions probably smelled the scent of "mother", and gradually calmed down when Su Ce approached, wrinkling their little noses and trying to arch into Su Ce's palm.After being touched, she squinted her eyes and held her head up. She was really indescribably cute.

Su Ce smiled slightly, and wanted to play with them for a while, when someone hugged his waist and picked him up from behind.

He didn't need to look back to know who it was: "Tantu, what are you messing around with?"

Tan Tu's answer was serious: "No nonsense." He said, "Ace, it's time to eat."

Su Ce smiled and agreed - he was in a good mood. Seeing such interesting children, as a "mother", he was of course full of joy and warmth, but Tan Tu looked back silently when Su Ce walked towards the table .

A Ce spent too much time on them...

This cannot be blamed on Tantu, after all, he is just a new baby daddy.

He was used to the two-person world with his beloved partner, and his relationship became more harmonious and sweet during the months of his partner's pregnancy.At that time, Tan Tu was of course looking forward to the arrival of the new life in his heart, but after the arrival of the new life, he immediately pulled his partner's thoughts to him... Not to mention how long it was since they hadn't exercised in bed, even kissing became more and more intense. Rare, how could this make him happy...

Tan Tu has already figured out that when these boys grow up, throw them out and hone themselves!

Anyway, he himself has come here like this since he was a child without a father or a mother, and there is nothing wrong with being a male who is beaten and beaten!

Tan Tu thought, he can't have so many brats in the future.

Especially females, absolutely cannot give birth!Tan Tu clenched his fist secretly.

If it is a male cub, except for a little trouble when it is young, it can be raised extensively when it is older, but females are different.Females are several times weaker than males, let alone let go, even if they are not meticulous, they may not be able to support them... Tantu scratched his hair.

He could almost imagine that if such a female cub was really born, his private life with Ah Ce would be completely disrupted, disrupted!

If A-Ce only focuses on the child because of this...

Tantu shook his head.

That would be very bad!

Su Ce sat down at the table, but didn't see Tan Tu following him. When he looked back, it was funny again.

This guy Tantu actually turned his face this way and became dazed... His golden eyes were out of focus, and he didn't know where his mind had wandered.


Thinking of this, Su Ce raised his voice to say hello: "Tan Tu, you've come to eat too!"

Tantu came back to his senses, and trotted over in response.

Because he realized that his status was constantly declining, he took care of Su Ce more attentively, even more than when Su Ce was pregnant.Su Ce didn't know what he was thinking, but he allowed him to be so considerate, but occasionally saw Yang Han's teasing eyes from the opposite side, and unconsciously blushed a little.

Time passed quickly, and before you knew it, another year passed.

During this year, the lion cubs grew stronger and stronger. They had strong and strong legs and trotted on the ground. Su Ce alone sometimes couldn't even catch them.After becoming a human form, it's a little worse, but I also like to stagger around on my fat short legs. If I accidentally bump into a brother, they fall backwards together, and then they rush at each other disliked each other. , the little short hand went straight to greet their brother's face.

What's more regrettable is that the size of these three little guys can't be distinguished in terms of personalities. Whether they are animal or human, they all look exactly the same, and they do things exactly the same. When they are mischievous, they make people laugh and cry .Even Su Ce couldn't tell the difference.

There is a thick and long tree in the yard with a dense canopy. The little ones like to crawl in the branches-of course, in the form of a little lion.Often with a "whoosh", they would disappear without a trace, then pop up suddenly, jump down from the tree, and jump directly into the arms of Su Ce who came under the tree to ask them to eat.

What also made Su Ce dumbfounded was that Tan Tu actually got jealous with the cubs. If Su Ce didn't pay attention, he would push the cubs on the ground and move them around. He really didn't look like a good father.Fortunately, the male cub was stronger after one year old, and later he fell in love with this rolling game, and occasionally gathered his brothers to play three-on-one with Tantu, which made Su Ce feel a little bit Interesting.

And Yang Han and Arsen also have new developments.

Knowing Arsen's intentions, Yang Han began to observe Arsen's actions intentionally or unintentionally, and found that this guy was indeed showing his favor intentionally or unintentionally, but his behavior was too subtle for him to notice sometimes.Later, Yang Han also decided to take the initiative, but he used to only care about brothers with men, but he didn't know how to pursue men, and Arsen didn't react.

This time the two of you hinted at me and I hinted at you. Su Ce watched it amusedly, but didn't intervene.

Until this morning, Yang Han kicked open the door of Su Ce's house in a state of embarrassment. His clothes were disheveled, and his exposed skin was covered with bruises, which surprised Su Ce greatly.

It turned out that because of Arsen's constant fuss, last night Yang Han finally made up his mind and rolled down from the "bed" in the middle of the night and fell on Arsen's body.Coincidentally, the lips of the two touched, so even though Yang Han regretted it at that moment, he was still grabbed by Arsen and entangled with him...

In this way, two raw rice cooked cooked rice.

While Su Ce was staring at the senior gaping, Arsen also broke in, wrapping Yang Han around with his long beast-shaped body, making him unable to escape.

Then there was a rush, just like Tantu was so eager at the beginning, Arsen turned into a human form and hugged Yang Han into his arms. The indifferent male who has always been concise and concise expressed that he would hold a wedding immediately, and he wanted to marry Yang Han.After Yang Han struggled in a panic, he immediately calmed down.

Then, it is to find the patriarch to preside over the wedding and some preparations for the wedding.

And now, Su Ce was standing at the wedding scene of Yang Han and Arsen.

Standing at the front of the crowd behind the altar, Su Ce was holding a basket, hugged by Tantu, and three cubs were squeezed by his legs, with a faint smile on his face.

He still remembered that just two years ago, like the current senior, he held the hand of his future partner and walked together to the most sacred place in the tribe—the hideous and majestic thin stone statue.

He was apprehensive at that time, but now he is safe.

The senior must feel the same now, or in other words, he is more determined and stable than he was then.

And what he believes is that no matter whether it is himself or a senior, after holding the hand of his future partner, he will feel that the happiness that belongs to them can all get one, which belongs to them and is stable in this world. The "home" of the Rock.

Seeing the senior and Arsen standing in front of the patriarch holding hands, and listening to the patriarch's congratulatory speech, Su Ce turned his head and looked at Tan Tu's profile, with a deeper smile on his lips...

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