The already huge travel team has grown even stronger. Wanamaker can now walk on his own. Although it doesn’t take long, as long as Amherst leads him, Ludwig can’t. He was born not long ago. Now Ludwig can only be hugged by Angus or Tangyuan, otherwise he will cry all the time. Children, the itinerary has undoubtedly been delayed for a long time, and the outside world is never smooth sailing, danger always lurks in the dark, Angus and Amherst walking in the light have to raise all their spirits, for fear that the two A child and glutinous rice balls were threatened unnecessarily, and Kermit, who was not weak himself, although the road was not easy, he came to Amherst's tribe without any danger. A tribe far away from the Si tribe.

Tangyuan was not boring along the way, the two children kept pestering him, distracting all his attention, and Kermit kept watching and nothing happened, "It's here!"

Amherst stood at the gate of the tribe, pointing to the faintly visible smoke from the tribe's cooking, with an almost imperceptible complexity in his expression. If he could, he really didn't want to come back here again, because it was really unnecessary.

The children playing at the gate of the tribe looked at them curiously, but immediately rushed into the tribe, calling out to the adults and telling them about the arrival of strangers.

It didn't take long for a tall orc figure to appear in front of them. Their cautious expression turned awkward when they saw Amherst, as if hesitating whether to greet him or not.

"Amherst... are you back?" He finally opened his mouth, but the alienation in his tone caused Angus and Kermit, who came together, to exchange glances with each other, as if Amherst was in the tribe. There is something wrong with the identity in...

Amherst replied lightly, with absolute indifference in his eyes, "Well, I asked the elders to hold a ceremony for me and my partner."

It seems that he did not expect that Amherst, who left many years ago, came back for this reason, but this result is obviously good, because Amherst who has returned now is no longer alone but with his partner. With a sigh of relief, the visitor introduced Amherst and his party into the tribe.

"Welcome back! Amherst, I believe they will be very happy for you to come back. Busada and Leman also held a ceremony a long time ago. Their baby is very cute, named Artus." The person who came seemed to be Amherst was acquainted with each other before, and began to babble about what happened in the tribe after Amherst left.

Amherst's expression didn't change at all, even if the one who had performed the ceremony was the female beast he had once favored, but that was just in the past.Now he cares more about the glutinous rice balls, and in the future he will always care about only the glutinous rice balls.

Carefully observing Amherst's expression, and finding that Amherst didn't respond, Laird finally relaxed completely. If Amherst wanted to take Busada back at this time, he didn't know Which side should I help? After all, both sides are friends. I can’t tell whose fault it was, but it was absolutely unfair to Amherst, but the son of the elder and the fatherless Amherst There is still a difference in comparison. It is expected that the elders will support Leman in the end. Amherst left the tribe because of this, which has always made him feel very guilty. After all, he was also an insider in the whole thing, but he did not Bring the news to Amherst, because Leman is his brother, and it is really difficult for him to choose between a brother and a good friend.

Tang Yuan held Angus' hand and followed Amherst. From time to time, when he saw cute children running past them, he would watch with bright eyes. When those running past children looked at him, The glutinous rice balls will immediately offer a big smile, such a cute baby!Tangyuan almost wanted to rush up and hug those cute looking babies.

Wanamaker, who was very upset that the female beast wasn't paying attention to him, pouted, but whenever a baby looked at the glutinous rice balls, he would immediately stare back, and the hand that was holding the glutinous rice balls would be even tighter. Tight, holding his head up and glaring triumphantly at those damn bad guys peeping at his female beast, the female beast belongs to him!

Ludwig, who seemed to be unwilling to be lonely and wanted to join in the fun, burst into tears. Tangyuan hurriedly patted the baby in his arms. He didn't even know why the baby was crying, but it was completely useless. The louder the crying Dalai also made Tangyuan more and more helpless, so he had no choice but to turn his eyes to Angus for help.

"Ann! The baby is crying all the time, no matter how much Tang Yuan coaxes her, it's useless..." Tang Yuan's eyes also started to turn red, but he was so anxious that he had never seen Ludwig cry so hard for a long time, thinking that the baby was uncomfortable , The glutinous rice balls are also in a hurry.

Angus first patted Tangyuan's head comfortingly, and then took Ludwig from Tangyuan's hand. Tangyuan immediately moved to Angus's side, looking anxiously at the baby in Angus' arms .

And because of the movement here, Laird and Amherst, who were leading the way, stopped completely. After discovering that the cub had an accident, Laird offered to go to a member of the tribe who knows medicine. .

Wanamaker first walked in front of Amos, his small face was completely wrinkled. Amos was worried at first, but looking at Wanamaker who seemed to be more worried than himself, Amos Te squatted down / looked at Wanamaker at a level, "What's wrong?"

Wanamaker shook his head, and held Amherst's hand tightly after a while, with a look of determination on his immature face, "Father beast, when I grow up, I not only want to protect mother The beast will protect my younger brother!"

As if he didn’t expect Wanamaker to say this, Amherst’s expression was taken aback. After all, Wanamaker’s attention was snatched away by Ludwig who was just born because of glutinous rice balls at first, but it was a long time ago. Annoyed, he once thought that his baby didn't like Ludwig, but it turned out that maybe he was wrong, brother?

Amherst smiled, and touched Wanamaker's head, "The little Werner of the father beast has grown up! My brother is still young, and even if he grows up in the future, he may not be better than Werner. Werner can do it." Will you always protect your younger brother? As an older brother."

Wanamaker nodded solemnly, "I can do it! Although it wasn't born of a father and a mother, Luther is my younger brother!"

Wanamaker is very smart. He knows that his younger brother is not the child of a mother beast and a father beast, but even so Ludwig is his younger brother, and he is responsible for protecting his younger brother.

Isn't it born of a father beast and a mother beast?Laird looked at Tangyuan in surprise when he heard it from the side. It was a very young female beast, and it was very suitable to stand with the guy who also looked like a strong beast. Combined with this, it might be Amo According to the child of Sturt, Laird probably knows the cute looking female beast, no!It should be a weak beast. Female beasts don't have such strong fertility, so Amherst shares a partner with other orcs?Really, unbelievable...

"Which one is your partner?" Laird was referring to the glutinous rice balls, and he still felt a little unbelievable. At first, he thought that the beautiful female beast was Amherst's partner!But that doesn't seem to be the case now?

"Well, he's called Tangyuan. It's Wanamaker's female animal. It's also the common partner of Angus and me. That child is called Ludwig, and it was born by Angus and Tangyuan." Amherst said. Rather calmly, he told Laird that he and Angus shared a partner. He didn't think it was something that should be hidden. He wished that all the orcs on the mainland knew that Tangyuan was his partner.

Laird opened his mouth wide, the common partner of the two strong beasts!Although it is not unheard of, orcs are very possessive, and it is incredible for them to share a partner!

After finally coaxing Ludwig to stop crying, Tang Yuan carefully carried Ludwig from Angus's arms and coaxed him in a low voice, "Oh! Oh! Be good, baby! Be good, baby! Don't cry Cry!"

The baby glutinous rice balls have definitely put their minds into it, so when they saw Ludwig crying so hard, Tang Yuan also felt uncomfortable. At this time, seeing that Ludwig finally stopped crying, he was very happy. But why did the baby cry so loudly just now?

Seemingly aware of Tangyuan's doubts, Angus handed Ludwig to Tangyuan and said softly to Tangyuan: "The baby opened his eyes just now, and it seems that the sun is uncomfortable, and it hurts his eyes. There is no big problem, but the next time you open your eyes, it is best to be in the room, the eyes of a baby who just opened their eyes are very fragile."

Angus didn't expect Ludwig to open his eyes so early, so they were still outside and the baby's eyes were hurt, but fortunately, it was not a big deal.



Baby opened his eyes?Tangyuan's face is bright again, Tangyuan likes Angus's beautiful blue eyes, does the baby have the same eyes as Angus?Baobao said before that a child’s eyes will be inherited from their parents. I don’t know if the baby’s eyes are as beautiful as Angus’s eyes...

"Ann! What color is the baby's eyes?" Tangyuan carefully hugged Ludwig and approached Angus, shining brightly

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