When it fell down, the weak beast he promised to send home was still lying lifelessly on the ground, its big wings were covered with blood, and its tightly wrapped body could be seen to be completely exposed. Berg, who was able to roughly guess what happened to Tangyuan at that time, was furious.

"Tangyuan..." Berg approached Tangyuan hesitantly, calling in a low voice to the completely motionless Tangyuan on the ground.


The wings suddenly stretched out as if they had their own consciousness, and pointed straight at Berg, revealing their sharp feathers, obviously considering Berg as an enemy.

Tangyuan itself was wounded and unconscious. Berg couldn't get close to Tangyuan. Although he thought about taking Tangyuan away forcibly at first, after making a few cuts on his face, Berg didn't dare to underestimate Tangyuan's unconsciousness. When the wings are extremely aggressive, they are completely sharp weapons.

Tangyuan has been walking in the dreamland, in the dark without a trace of light, someone is laughing in the ear all the time, that kind of laughter makes Tangyuan feel flustered and at the same time keep shouting.

"Help! Help Tangyuan! Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! of.

Berg, who was waiting on the sidelines, was blocked several times, and he could only watch Tangyuan curl up and his face turned pale from blood loss in vain.

Opening her eyes abruptly, Tang Yuan's eyes were wide open because of fear, but her eyes were still blurred, but because she saw a figure in front of her in a blur, she flapped her wings again in fear and was about to escape.

Grabbing Tang Yuan's wrist, Tang Yuan's feet had left the ground, and Berg didn't want to look for it anymore. If Tang Yuan flew away at this time, he didn't know when he would be able to find it again.

"Tangyuan." Berg called out in a low voice with a serious face.

Tangyuan, who was still struggling desperately, paused, and the fog in front of her eyes seemed to dissipate suddenly. When Tangyuan noticed that it was not the person who made him disgusted but Berg, her heart suddenly loosened.

"Berg..." Tangyuan yelled in a low voice, and then the wings on her back suddenly disappeared, and her whole body collapsed and fell.

Berg subconsciously caught Tang Yuan's falling body, and hugged her tightly into his arms. Tang Yuan's body was still trembling, and her face was also very ugly. When she threw herself into Berg's arms, she was half stiff from the touch. However, after feeling that Berg had no intention of hurting him at all, his body slowly relaxed, but his whole face was stiff, unwilling to say a word.

"Tangyuan, what's the matter with your injury?" Berg held Tangyuan's wrist, squinting at the circle of strangulation marks, some bruises left endless associations.

Tangyuan groaned, as if he didn't quite understand what Berg meant, but the flickering fear in his eyes when he saw the marks on his wrist made Berg, who had been watching Tangyuan, see clearly. Too……

"Berg...can you take Tangyuan to take a bath, Tangyuan is so dirty, I really want to take a bath..." Tangyuan reluctantly smiled, and then kept wiping the blood on her body and the dust on the ground when she fell on the ground, looking at him He looked like he really wanted to rub the skin on his body with such force.

Berg grabs Tangyuan's hand, and his voice slows down.

"The source of water is not very far from here." Berg held the glutinous rice balls and rushed in another direction. This time, he was really rushing. How about it, although the first time he saw Tangyuan's wings, he subconsciously wanted to find a rope to tie the wings...

Carefully put the glutinous rice balls into the water source, there was still some ice in the water, when the glutinous rice balls trembled all over but still didn't say a word, they just washed their bodies with water desperately, their eyes were always red but there was no tear.

"If you really feel wronged, just cry!" Berg couldn't bear it.

Tangyuan paused, then continued to clean the marks on her body, rubbing her reddened skin vigorously, and the muffled voice was clearly transmitted to Berg.

"Tangyuan promised Mo He'an, and Baobao also said that if you keep crying, no one will like Tangyuan. Although Tangyuan is very uncomfortable and depressed, but Tangyuan knows that crying is useless. Tangyuan must be strong. No one likes a child who cries all the time."

Does no one like a child who keeps crying?

Berg paused in his heart, and the eyes he looked at Tangyuan softened a little. Although this weak beast has no ability, and its strength is even weaker, but Shengzai insists on his own ideas, which is unbelievably cute.

"If no one else wants you, I can take you." For some reason, Berg blurted out this sentence. He doesn't care much about the issue of chastity. Although the Sea Clan has always been very concerned about this issue, he Unlike those stubborn sea people, if this weak beast is really broken because of its chastity, if no one wants it, he can still have it. Anyway, the impression of him so far is pretty good.

Tangyuan looked at Berg inexplicably, asking for herself?What's the meaning?

"Would you like to live with me? If you don't have a partner." Although Berg's words now are equivalent to asking Tangyuan to be his partner, it's a pity that the expression on his face still hasn't changed, but Tangyuan didn't notice Bo The tips of Grid's ears were stained pink.


"What is a partner? I haven't met Tangyuan before, and I live with you? But Tangyuan still wants to find Mo He'an. Hehe, they must be worried. Tangyuan hasn't gone back to look for them." Speaking of this, Tangyuan's expression became anxious, and he wanted to Hurry back and find them.


It's not the first time I heard Tangyuan chanting this name, and Berg had some vague guesses about the relationship between Tangyuan and these people.

"Ann, who are you talking about, and who are you? What's the relationship?"

Tang Yuan tilted her head and was about to speak.


A big sneeze indicates that the glutinous rice balls may have caught a cold. Berg frowned, stepped into the water and hugged the glutinous rice balls. The temperature of the tentacles is very low, and the temperature of male orcs is usually higher than that of females, even those who have lived in the water for a long time The same was true for the Sea Clan, who trembled just after touching the glutinous rice balls on Berg's hot skin, then slowly squirmed closer to Berg, breathed a sigh of relief, and calmed down.

"Tangyuan wants to go home, and Tangyuan wants to comfort them." Tangyuan's low voice sounded in Berg's arms, and Berg's originally relaxed expression became stiff.

"Actually, it's very fast to walk over the mountains from the water, but you are not a sea tribe, so you can't breathe in the water." Berg said in a deep voice.

Tangyuan doesn't know what the sea tribe is, but he understands that he loves to breathe in the water, he can breathe in the water!

"I can do it! Tangyuan can breathe in water!" Tangyuan said excitedly while supporting Berg's chest.

Berg's heart moved, but he remembered something.

"Half-race?" Berg threw the glutinous rice balls into the water again.

Then Berg saw the long fish tail spreading out from Tangyuan's lower body.

It really is a mixed race!


Berg is the patriarch of the Sea Clan. Compared with Amherst, who has a half-knowledge and a part of the inside story, Berg clearly understands what it means to be a mixed race, especially at this time, and because of this, Berg's eyes on Tangyuan become even more confused. Looking at it, I don't know whether it is good or bad to meet this weak beast in this place at this time. This time I came out of the sea clan's residence because of the problem with the tree of life. If there is no problem with the tree of life, the clan would have The very serious reproductive problem is even more serious. There are still a small number of newborns born every year. After the tree of life disappears, it becomes impossible to have a newborn for a few years. The reproductive problem of the Sea Clan has always been the top priority of the clan. , because the birth of a new life is really too difficult, Berg, as the head of the clan, had to bring the powerful male orcs of the clan to land from the place of residence, but the land environment is really not suitable for them to walk, and they have to go to the land every day. Every time I walked, I tried to find the woods as close to the water source as possible. Under such circumstances, I also investigated a lot of tribes of land orcs, and found that the situation was so serious that I had to go to the root of the tree of life.This is not good news!

And the mixed race...

There has always been a legend in the family that when the tree of life withers, as long as you find a mixed blood, you can save your life. No matter what it means, you can't understand the meaning, but at least one thing is certain, that is, mixed blood is very important!When necessary, the mixed blood can even be sacrificed in exchange for the continuation of the race. If it comes to the last moment, this little guy called Tangyuan may only be a disaster...

Tangyuan sat in the water and looked at Berg with a confused face, not understanding why he threw himself into the water, "Berg?"

Berg bowed, "Little Tangyuan, you have to remember! No matter who asks you, you are only a racial identity. If you ask about mixed race, you must say you don't know! Got it? Stay with me I will say that you are from the sea clan, and if you are with your friends, you should be from the empty clan, remember!" In the end, I still don't want such a well-behaved weak beast to die because of a legend that doesn't know if it still exists. .

Tangyuan looked ignorant, but still remembered Berg's words and nodded to show that he understood. Berg also knew that it would be difficult to remember Tangyuan in his heart, but at least he left some impressions. , It can also be temporarily delayed for a while when it is dangerous.

"Tang Yuan don't understand... But Tang Yuan remembers, Berg never

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