Home in another world

Chapter 27 The Legendary Dragon Blessing

Lin Yue knew that he had no ability to change Argus' decision, so he could only focus on doing his own thing well.

Since moving to Redstone Town, Old Worf has doubled the amount of training as a matter of course, causing Lin Yue to not even have the strength to raise his hand to add recovery magic to himself.Owen wanted to discuss with Old Wolf several times to reduce the intensity of training, but was blocked by Old Wolf's indifferent eyes, so he could only run to greet Lin Yue after training.

However, this kind of high-intensity training is very effective. At least Lin Yue can still... dodge a few tricks against the old wolf who is at the middle level.

Although it doesn't sound too boastful, it means that even if Lin Yue can't beat most mid-level magicians, at least he won't get hurt - normal mid-level magicians don't have the highly pure spirit of Old Worf force.

Lin Yue was very satisfied with this result.Food needs to be eaten bite by bite. If someone advances to a high-level magician in a short period of time and quickly leaps to the stage of a great magister... Lin Yue thinks that is not a person, but a monster.

With a feeling of contentment and joy, Lin Yue endured the mental and physical torture of Old Worf every day with vigor and vitality. Owen was also excited and asked to increase the amount of training.

Early in the morning, Lin Yue put on his robe and walked out of the room, and saw Owen with his face bruised and purple.Seeing the thick dark circles under his eyes, Lin Yue said: "Today is the opening day of the college league, fat man, come along if you have nothing to do. Don't push yourself too hard, combining work and rest is the right way."

It was rare that Lin Yue took the initiative to invite, and Owen nodded happily: "Okay!"

The opening ceremony of the college league was a bit different from Lin Yue's impression. It was hosted by someone from the royal family. Before the start, the pterosaurs guarding the capital would circle the college to show the interaction between the dragon clan and the Ives royal family. good.

Although Lin Yue had heard of this pterosaur a long time ago, he only heard of its name but never saw the reality, so he took Owen to occupy a good position on the roof of the teaching area early.

Looking at the crowd as small as ants below, Lin Yue sighed, "I should bring a telescope up."

Owen is very used to Lin Yue's new idea: "What is a telescope?"

"Not this one?" Lin Yue shook his head: "It's something that allows you to see farther, similar to farsighted magic. It's not a complicated thing. I'll go to the dwarf alchemy shop to make it later."

Owen nodded, but quickly said: "You want to see the situation below, I have a solution! I brought a scroll with the 'Mirror of So Close', after using it, I can manipulate the 'Mirror of So Close'. "He took out the scroll like offering a treasure.

Doesn't he think it's too good to use a high-level scroll for such a trivial matter?And this mirror is still a consumable magic, right?It will expire within seven days... But Lin Yue also knew that mentioning the word "luxury" to Owen was a waste of effort, so he didn't bother to stop him from continuing.Anyway, with his toes, he knew that these scrolls were made by Old Wolf, and he didn't mind keeping Old Wolf busy.

The dense fog in the morning gradually dissipated, and the bright sun rose slowly, followed by a loud noise in the sky.

Lin Yue finally saw the legendary pterosaur.This pterosaur is far different from the dragon Lin Yue imagined. Except for the huge wings that can block half of the sun, its body looks like...

"Are you waiting for this reptile-like lizard..." Owen said what Lin Yue was thinking.

"You should be glad that there is no one else around." Lin Yue said righteously: "It is wrong to slander the pterosaurs guarding the empire like this."

Owen opened his mouth in surprise: "You don't think so?"

Lin Yue was silent for a while, and finally answered truthfully: "...Like."

Not knowing if it sensed that someone was insulting it, the pterosaur turned its head to the rooftop where Lin Yue and the others were.After a momentary pause, it flew towards this side under the astonished eyes of everyone.

Can you hear it this far?Can't be so unlucky?Lin Yue frowned.

At this time, the pterosaur had swooped down and stopped in front of them.Owen's eyes were a little confused, and then, as if driven by inertia, he reached out and patted the huge head of the pterosaur: "Hello, big lizard."

Not only was the pterosaur not angry, but it also sprayed warm dragon breath near the roof, making the entire teaching area glow with brilliance.

Lin Yue heard someone exclaim in the mirror: "Blessing of the pterosaur!" "Who is on it? It can make the dragons show their favor!"

Not good!Watching the pterosaur fly away, Owen was still standing there blankly, Lin Yue greeted: "Fatty, let's go!"

Owen was puzzled: "Ah? Why?"

Lin Yue: "Because I don't want to be watched."

Although he didn't know how the pterosaurs were so close to Owen, Lin Yue knew that if they stayed here, they would soon become famous.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it was an onlooker. Not long after Lin Yue dragged Owen away from the rooftop, he saw the crowd flocking to them, almost filling up the entire teaching building.

Going around to the middle and rear of the crowd, Lin Yue signaled Owen to follow him back, and grabbed a student casually and said, "Do you see who that is?"

The student shook his head: "It's too high, I didn't see it clearly! I really don't know who is so lucky."

Lin Yue also looked forward to it: "I also want to know who it is! It's good to have some light."

"Then hurry up! I won't talk to you anymore, I'm too far behind!" The student ran forward quickly.

Lin Yue waved him off behind his back.

Owen wiped his sweat and looked puzzled: "How do you know they will do this?"

"This is common sense." Lin Yue raised his head and patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry, I know you have everything but you have no common sense, so don't be depressed."

Owen was depressed.

Lin Yue didn't intend to ask Owen what was going on, and he probably was also confused.However, I feel sorry for Alpha, who is dedicated to maintaining order in the academy, for making such a good opening day such a mess.As the person who brought the culprit here, Lin Yue felt a little guilty: "Anyway, you've already used the mirror so close, why don't we go to the dormitory for a drink, and I haven't been back for a long time."

Owen naturally had no objection. He didn't like this kind of chaotic scene at first, and it was best to be alone with Lin Yue.

As soon as he walked not far away, Lin Yue saw a small black figure rushing towards him: "Andrew, Andrew, are you guys up there, right?" In such a tone, who else is there besides Fang Fang?

"It's us." Lin Yue just felt that he didn't want too many people to know, and he didn't have to hide it: "But the pterosaur is going after the fat man, and I don't know what's going on."

Owen raised his hand and interjected: "I don't know either!"

Fang was a little embarrassed: "If Patch asks, can you tell him?"

Lin Yue patted his head: "Okay. There is such a big mess, you have to pay more attention, go get busy."

Fang Fang nodded: "Okay!" Then, with a snort, he disappeared in front of Lin Yue.

Lin Yue took Owen back to the long-lost dormitory, put the "mirror close at hand" on a wall, and prepared to watch the wonderful "live broadcast" of the college league while drinking a cold drink.

But before they could sit still, Fang Fang jumped in from the window: "Not good! Wayne is fighting! Andrew, go!"

During the league period, first-year students do not have to attend classes and can freely choose the games they want to watch.Recently, the students in class three have been tormented completely. Lin Yue felt that it is not good to be too tight, so yesterday he just explained a few words and let them go freely-I didn't expect them to start making troubles as soon as they regained their energy.

But Wayne...

Lin Yue frowned: "Fatty, you can stay here first, I'll go and have a look."

Owen nodded obediently.

When Lin Yue arrived, Wayne was already on the verge of collapse.It's not so much a fight, it's better to say that he was beaten unilaterally.His opponent was none other than Zwirner whom Lin Yue had met a few times.He didn't make a move at all, but just leaned under an old tree leisurely, letting the Red Nightmare Beast, which had already recognized its master, face Wayne.

Where is Wayne's opponent.The defense was destroyed again and again, the spell was interrupted again and again, and he was even burned by the flames released by Red Nightmare repeatedly...

Fortunately, the place where they were located was relatively remote and did not attract many spectators.Lin Yue frowned and looked at Wayne who was struggling to stand up, and when he was about to be thrown down by the scarlet blood shadow, he even released a defensive magic: "Wayne! What are you doing?"

Although Scarlet Nightmare is just a "phantom", it cannot pass through the defensive barrier that can isolate elements of various systems.

Seeing Lin Yue, Zhuo Na smiled and said, "Take care of your student and tell him not to overestimate himself. I don't have time to quarrel with him too many times. After all, I'm not like him... I'm not talented but I don't want to Resign to your fate and develop in other directions." After speaking, he turned and left.

Lin Yue said with a sullen face, "I will."

Wayne lowered his head, not knowing what to think.When Zwirner turned and left, he raised his head, his eyes were firm and stubborn: "Professor Andrew, I want to learn compound magic from you."

He said this sentence once, but Lin Yue did not agree.This time, Lin Yue looked at his serious eyes, and couldn't say anything to refuse.

Sighing, Lin Yue still said: "No, your state is very dangerous. Learning to conform to magic is the most important thing to avoid impatience and distracting thoughts, and you have both."

"Could it be that I will never be able to compare... I will never be able to compare!" Wayne's eyes turned red: "When I was young, my grandfather hugged me and said that he would give Red Nightmare to me...he said he would give it to me."

It turned out to be for this reason.

Lin Yue didn't want to say anything more about His Majesty Ryan's seemingly ruthless approach, but could only point out objectively: "Even if you give it to you, it's useless, you can't control it."

Wayne's eyes were red and he didn't speak.

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