Home in another world

Chapter 42 The Legendary Savior

Lin Yue turned his head to break away from the malicious restraint, and slowly recovered from the fight just now.If you guessed right, this guy who drove the nobles away like animals and kept calling "Lane" was the well-known Duke Hawke.

Although this kind of meeting was really not pleasant, Lin Yue still politely performed the etiquette of meeting: "I have heard about the Duke's name for a long time, and seeing him today, it really deserves his reputation."

Duke Hawk touched his right wrist with his left hand, with an expression of "you are so boring": "I heard that you have a good relationship with the descendants of the Curd family, it seems that the rumors are true, and you have been deeply affected That guy... Tsk, he still stubbornly maintains his self-righteous 'aristocratic etiquette' after being slashed in the face with a knife. You don't know, the most interesting thing is--those people with knives are also 'noble'."

Lin Yue sullenly said, "I don't think what you said can be described as 'interesting'."

"No, no, the struggle of human nature is the only interesting thing in this world." Duke Hawk seemed to disagree: "In the world we live in, there is a huge net, and everyone is jumping around in the net , some people succumbed to their desires, but some gritted their teeth and endured it. Then those who succumbed wavered, they hesitated to turn back, or they should tear everyone down the abyss; Just continue to bear it. How interesting you say..."

A little leopard sprang out from the side, opened its mouth and bit the corner of Duke Hawke's robe.Duke Hawke leaned over and hugged it into his arms, and let it rub against his neck with a smile.He went on to say: "Professor Andrew, are you also struggling? Tsk tsk, there is still compassion in a life-and-death duel, how powerful do you think you are? Actually, what is the difference between a man and a beast? There are also ferocious ones. Murderous intentions, as well as ugly desires. You can be cruel to corpse-eating beasts, but hesitate again and again when facing people... This shows that you have pushed yourself to a dead end, and it only proves one point...Your heart, there is still Absurd insistence." Duke Hawke smiled like a seductive and corrupt demon messenger: "This is what hinders your progress, throw it away as soon as possible."

Ridiculous persistence?Lin Yue thought of his particularly depressed mood recently, and had to admit that Duke Hawke's words were very reasonable.Although he doesn't find it "ridiculous".

He knew very well that if it was "Andrew", he might soon accept Duke Hawke's statement.But he is not.He comes from another world. He can try to get used to the etiquette, food, and all the new things of this world, but he instinctively resists further integration.

Perhaps as Owen said in the dream, he always thinks about the era that once belonged to him, so he is unwilling to completely lose himself.Lin Yue had read some reports before that many veterans felt at a loss for life after the war, unable to sleep at night, violent temper, etc... I have to say that it is a kind of sadness.

Those who fight for peace cannot adapt to peace.

Lin Yue felt that he had touched the crux of the problem.

He is resisting the changes caused by the environment to himself.When I find that I am involved in more and more complicated things, my calm state of mind is completely broken, and anxiety and hesitation are held in my heart, and I will become more and more irritable.

Lin Yue raised his head: "Thank you, Duke, for reminding me."

"It's nothing." Duke Hawke seemed to feel that Lin Yue's gratitude was very much deserved, and his beautiful chin rested on the little leopard's fur and rubbed it intimately twice: "It's just an apology to the little thing. Xiaohua, go and put the leopard outside Little Dila, who was peeping, please come in, and there are a few little guests."

The little flower leopard was very spiritual, and ran out of the ground.After a while, Wayne and the others came in, and the thin little boy was still nestled in Wayne's arms.However, after guessing some facts from Duke Hawke's words, Lin Yue found that although the child's face was dirty, his eyes were particularly bright.especially……

When you face yourself!

Looking at each other for a moment, the little boy squeezed his hands at the corners of his eyes and mouth, and made a face at Lin Yue.Then he jumped out of Wayne's arms and said in amazement, "You didn't vomit after seeing the corpse-eating beast up close."

Duke Hawke smiled: "Dilla."

"Dilla" quickly said: "Wait for me for ten seconds." A white mist suddenly rose around him, and soon he appeared in another image: the neat attire was very similar to Duke Hawke, just like a A well-mannered aristocrat, and his small face is also exposed - those are indescribably exquisite facial features.If you really want to mention it, it can only be said that his appearance is completely inherited from his grandmother, Mrs. Liszt who once attracted the admiration of countless Elvis warriors.

Dila walked to Duke Hawke and bowed to Lin Yue and the others: "Introduce myself again, I am Dilla Lister."

Lin Yue glanced at him and shook his head again and again: "To be honest, it's better not to show your face. It's fine if you are petite, but you still look like this..."

Dila, who was about to accept the praise, blushed.

Although Wayne was a little taciturn, he had already guessed the general idea after seeing this scene.He shook his hand in the empty air, and finally let it go: "Win Ives, greet Duke Hawke." He didn't look at Dila again.

Duke Hawke smiled: "You are not like your father at all...but you are a bit like Ryan, no wonder he likes you so much." He reached out and touched Wayne's brown hair, feeling the somewhat familiar soft.

Wayne was inexplicably cold, feeling that the blood in his body was slowly freezing.That kind of gaze seems to be looking at others through oneself - and that gaze is not nostalgia or resentment, but naked possessiveness!If the other party is really standing here, the owner of this gaze will definitely swallow him up without hesitation...

He seems to have accidentally touched the truth that he shouldn't know...

Just as Wayne stood stiffly, not knowing how to respond, Lin Yue reached out and pulled him behind him. At the same time, the other hand flashed silver, and it was frozen by ice magic and was slipping from the sleeve of Duke Hawke. The little silver snake came out: "Isn't it too despicable to attack a child like this?"

"Child? The father of this little guy wanted to kill Ryan when he was so young. When he was a little older, he came to me and said, 'I want the throne, you want your father'. How cute. It's a pity that he died It's too early," Duke Hawke said, "If he grows up a few more years, he might be more interesting than Ryan."

Wayne froze, and then retorted: "No! Father can't do such a thing!"

"You don't look like this anymore." Duke Hawke's tone was uncontrollably joyful: "Ryan's face was calm when he heard his beloved son do such a thing. That kind of expression is so unforgettable, I am afraid there is no such thing in the world People can be like him... If you can do something to change his face, you will be very excited just thinking about it. Little Wayne, if you said you killed you, would Ryan feel a little sad?"

This almost pathological paranoia... Last time, Lin Yue felt that the person who was infatuated with Ryan was very brave, but now he sympathizes with His Majesty Ryan's situation very much.

I don't know what method His Majesty Ryan used to throw the Duke to Star City...?

Lin Yue could feel that Hawke had two real murderous intentions since the meeting: one time when he said "Lianne is going to see you" to him, and the other time when he said "Lianne loves you so much" to Wayne—since Even these things are intolerable, Lin Yue can't think of a reason for this man to agree to Ryan's contamination of so many women.

Sure enough... is abnormal thinking beyond the reach of normal people?Lin Yue speculated maliciously.

Thinking about it, he still protected the students behind him: "It's getting late, we should go back. If the Duke has nothing else to do, let's call it a day."

Dila, who hadn't spoken all the time, jumped out: "Don't leave! Wayne, you just said you wanted to play with me."

Wayne didn't speak, and Isa stood up for him: "The words of Wayne are for the boy in need, not for the darling of the Duke."

Dila raised her chin: "Who is the darling! You must want to snatch Wayne from me, don't be delusional! There are not many cute guys like Wayne in the royal family, and I have made him my favorite!"

Duke Hawk touched his little head in relief: "That's a good idea... I've known each other now, you little guys can go and play by yourself. Dila, don't scare the guests, you know?"

Dila nodded obediently: "I know."

Lin Yue felt a chill run up his spine.No wonder Dila is still so righteous after cheating on Wayne. According to this teaching method, it is strange that her personality is not distorted?However, Lin Yue also heard Duke Hawke's implication: "Your Excellency, do you want to tell me something?"

"Of course." Duke Hawke signaled Lin Yue to walk up to the stands with him, and sat down comfortably: "You know that guy named Owen, right?"

Hearing others mention "Owen", Lin Yue was a little dazed, but still nodded: "That's right."

"His background is amazing," Hawk continued to take a bite of his favorite sweet berry: "Many people should have told you about this. But in fact, you haven't figured it out, right? Even he hasn't told you ..."

Lin Yue didn't speak.

"Little Dila's 'Star Magic' is very useful, he tracked silently to the place where the guy last appeared - what is that place, let me think about it. It seems to be the closest to the state of chaos, and the light has not yet been separated The "Lost Realm" with darkness, through there, it is possible to reach the territory of light, and it is also possible to reach the gate of the abyss that is heavily sealed. Guess where he went? Also, you also met the messenger of the temple, right? There are also necromancers who are becoming more and more active... You should know that the dark world is very restless recently." After speaking slowly, Hawk got up and prepared to leave: "If you continue to hesitate like this, you will become a burden sooner or later—you can take care of yourself."

Territory of Light.Lin Yue came into contact with this place name when he taught the students the principles of magic. It was the resting place of the ancient gods. After the "God" created the world, it disappeared completely. This is a fact that everyone on the mainland agrees with.But the "gods" did not abandon this world. They also left behind the most powerful dragon clan to guard everything in the Land of Light, and other races whose strength has increased to a certain level can also pass through the Land of Lost and reach the Land of Light.

These clues are enough.

The address of Old Worf, the blessing of the pterosaur, the sudden parting, the darkness emerging quietly—all point to the only truth...

Standing alone in place for a while, Lin Yue wiped his face: "I didn't expect the fat man to take the route of the savior...It's too bad."

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