Stone Gambler

Chapter 35

Vincent took his hand and went back to the hotel where they were staying. Bai Zishi, who was very conflicted with his mood, didn't try to buy those broken jadeites.He always felt that Andy Mi had just experienced a broken relationship. If he said in the past that he wanted to buy someone else's jade, not only would he not wink at the occasion, but he would also have a subtle sense of provocation. Cent's contractor.

He didn't try to comfort Andy Mi, although he wanted to, but from this standpoint, Bai Zishi felt that it was best for him to remain silent.He also didn't think Andy Mi would be open-minded enough to accept the comfort of a 'rival in love'.

As for whether he is the other party's "rival in love" or not, Bai Zishi feels at a loss for such things. He is not sure whether he is in love with Vincent, the kind of love.But he was very sure that he began to have a sense of possessiveness and dependence on Vincent, which was actually very wrong. Lan Jiaya took care of him for more than half a year, and he was only grateful and close to him. For himself who came to this strange planet For me, such kindness is precious and worth remembering and being grateful for a lifetime.It can be said that Lan Jiaya is a bridge connecting the two worlds for him, bringing himself into this world a little bit, like the first teacher in life, let him respect, but such emotions did not make him dependent feel.Spiritually, he is a visitor from another world who can't go home in a foreign land. He carefully keeps a distance from the people around him. The more he understands this world, the more lonely he feels because this place is different from himself.

However, Vincent is different. The time they spend together is even less than three months. He has already realized his dependence on him. This dependence does not come from material things, but from the heart, more similar to an emotional relationship. demand and draw.There will always be one or some people who are indispensable to you in your life. When you are together, there is no material conflict of interest, but you can’t do without each other. You always have to talk together when you find time, even if it’s just Don't say anything, look at each other, sit together in silence, just feel that the other party seems to be able to get some power, and the existence of some people can bring you a sense of security.These people may be your best friends, your family members, or your lover.

For the current Bai Zishi, Vincent has become such an existence.He was his first friend on the Boya Continent. To be precise, in his heart, Vincent was the first person to walk into him, not even Lan Jiaya.His mind stood in nothingness, surrounded by bustling people from other worlds coming and going, even Lan Jiaya was talking to him, and he himself was looking at and touching these things from other worlds. They all told him that this was already his real life, but when he lied in his heart, there was always a sense of great distance.Then Vincent came, and among so many people, he walked towards him, holding his wrist with a broad hand.Afterwards, many things happened, but this orc was always approaching him firmly. This kind of inexplicable persistence made Bai Zishi embarrassed to stay where he was, so he started to make friends with him, and then gradually speeded up his integration into this world speed.

Human beings live in groups, not only for a more convenient life, but also because we need and even need spiritual prosperity.Vincent's feelings are a precious asset to Bai Zishi.

Bai Zishi, who has never been in love, is really ignorant of love. Of course, this does not mean that he is naturally dull or slow. It is just because he does not understand that he is extra cautious. Sometimes feelings are not what you think he should be. He is what he is.It is really because of cherishing that I am more careful, worry about gains and losses, and refuse to draw conclusions so easily.

Bai Zishi knows that it is easy for him to confuse some feelings in this situation. In this foreign world, he is a weak person. Whether it is body or mind, he suddenly experienced such huge and earth-shattering life changes. He is alone. Let him can't wait to catch the person who can fill his heart, similar to the plot of the fledgling.He also knows that even under normal circumstances, a good friend will have an exclusive desire for the good friend around him, and he doesn't want him to have a friend who is better than him, and he doesn't even want him to get married. Share each other's feelings.Especially when this friend treats you differently.

So he made it even more difficult for him to figure out which one he belonged to Vincent.

But at this moment, Vincent's palm was holding his own, and the weather was not cool yet. His hand was very hot, and after holding it together, a thin layer of sweat broke out in a short while, this slightly sticky feeling Bai Zishi has never liked it, but at this time it can bring him peace of mind and warmth.No matter what, just stay by his side quietly, and one day we will figure it out.

"What's the matter?" Maybe Bai Zishi had been watching for a long time, so Vincent naturally turned his head to ask him.

Bai Zishi shook his head, then smiled suddenly: "It's nothing, I just think Vincent is very handsome."

The orc paused, and gently rubbed Bai Zishi's hair with the other hand, the corner of his mouth slightly raised: "Yes, so you will work hard in the future."

Bai Zishi blinked, and it took him a while to understand what the orc meant. His eyes widened suddenly. This person would make such a joke!Hmm... No, it's not really a joke. Judging by Vincent's appearance, peach blossoms are definitely indispensable. Andymi's respect for him also shows that Vincent is not an ordinary orc.A popular idol like Andy Mi can be chased from a place like Yacheng, so how many damn loves does Vincent have waiting in Yacheng? !

"Hey...can I return the product now..." Bai Zishi murmured.

Vincent turned his head to look at Bai Zishi for a while, his star-like black eyes brought a slight but not negligible sense of oppression, Bai Zishi lowered his head: "Okay, okay, I will be your shield , to help you pawn those rotten peach blossoms you don't like. But, Vincent..."

Bai Zishi stopped and stared at the orc seriously: "If you meet the person you want in these three years, then you have to tell me, and I will terminate our contract."

The orc was silent for a while, then suddenly covered his eyes with his hand, and said in a low voice as cold as gold, "Don't think too much." After thinking about it, he added, "I like the current state very much."

With a slight tremor in his heart, Bai Zishi smiled and didn't answer. He just pulled his hand down and complained, "Why are you covering my eyes?"

I'm afraid I can't help kissing you.Vincent said in his heart that Bai Zishi's dark eyes were too serious and desolate when he said that the contract was terminated, which made him feel an indescribable feeling, some distressed and more anger.Being stared at by those eyes again, he was afraid that he couldn't help but ravage the other's lips, but he couldn't, it would scare him.

When they got back to the hotel, Ellen was already waiting, and when she saw two people, she howled, "I'm almost starving to death! Vincent, you've been there for too long! Didn't you..." He nudged his friend, winked at Bai Zishi, and warned solemnly, "Beastman, you must learn to be patient. A mature orc with enough restraint is worth relying on!"

Vincent answered him with a crisp elbow. Ellen covered her chest and wailed: "Vincent, you are too cruel, heartless and unreasonable! I just gave you a very Just practical advice!"

Bai Zishi couldn't help bursting out laughing anymore, Ellen is really a treasure, what he said just now reminded him of the scene in the popular movie "Deep Love X Misty".That discussion about who is ruthless and who is cruel and who is vexatious.Grandma Joan Y is really good at making up words.

Bai Zishi looked at the sadness on Ellen's face, and thought of Grandma QY's various powerful lines, his laughter couldn't be controlled.

Vincent and Ellen looked at each other, not knowing what happened, but seeing the Little Asian orc man smiling so happily, and seeing the obvious joy on his small face, Vincent also had a soft expression on his face.

As for Ellen, looking at her friend who was indifferent and seemed to be non-existent, although she didn't know which words she said had such a strong sense of joy, it was not bad to be able to entertain such a cute little orc man.

So he shrugged: "I'm going to eat first~~"

The author has something to say: The discussion about ruthless, cruel and unreasonable troublemaking will not take up the number of words on it. I post it here for everyone to have fun. Every time I read it, I still feel so happy: Man: You are ruthless, you are cruel, and you are unreasonable.

Female: Then you are not ruthless! ?Not cruel! ?Not vexatious! ?

Man: How can I be ruthless! ?How cruel! ?Where are you making trouble for no reason! ?

Female: You are not ruthless! ?Where is it not cruel! ?There's no reason to make trouble! ?

Male: No matter how ruthless, cruel and vexatious I am, I will not be more ruthless, cruel and vexatious than you!

Female: I will be more ruthless than you! ?crueler than you! ?More vexatious than you! ?You are the most ruthless, cruel and unreasonable person I have ever seen!

Male: Hmph, I am absolutely not as heartless as you are, as cruel as you are, as vexatious as you are!

Female: Well, since you say I am ruthless, I am cruel, and I make trouble for no reason, I will show you cruelty, show you cruelty, and make trouble for no reason!

Male: Look and say that you are not ruthless, cruel and not vexatious. Now you have fully shown your ruthless, cruel and vexatious side!

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