Stone Gambler

Chapter 76

As for the wool that has no label and can be bought and sold with the stall owner at will, Bai Zishi has no hope of declaring it, but any wool with a good opening or a bit of pine flower belt will be sent to the two areas of the open label area and the hidden label area than the boss. The bidding is up, these wools that can be bought and sold freely are usually prepared for those sub-orcs who come to bet on Chairman Shi Sheng’s knowledge, and they are usually leftovers from the poor performance of Xinchangkou, even if there is emerald in it, it is just scraps It's just a thought for these sub-orcs who are just joining in the fun.For the stone gambler, the most important thing is that these unmarked woolen materials are not within the scope of the exam. In other words, no points will be given even if the bet goes up.

According to the practice of previous years, generally speaking, the quality of the wool in the hidden label area is better than that in the open label area, and you can’t see other people’s prices. Generally speaking, a piece of wool in the hidden label area can sometimes reach a terrifying price. .But what is directly proportional to the price is the quality of the wool, such as the first-generation mine, Gaia mine, Baibi mine, boxwood mine...these can be seen in the well-known dark mark areas of Changkou of the older generation, and the probability of producing green is also high. .

Bai Zishi first planned to go to the hidden mark area to have a look. There were quite a few people going to the hidden mark area along the way, and most of them probably had the same idea as him.Bai Zishi even saw a few sub-orcs with badges marked with the level of stone gamblers.The wool in the hidden label area is much less than that in the open label area. There are a few pieces scattered on the shelves of a booth, and the most are only a dozen pieces.After a general look at Bai Zishi, it was obvious that several pieces of Gaia's old pit wool could be found.

A few stall owners were sitting by the shelf bored, and didn't respond to people coming. There were three or four stall owners holding small recording and developing devices and watching the film happily.This kind of equipment is the latest entertainment product developed by Yacheng. It is very popular, but the price is not cheap.Bai Zishi glanced at the stall owner who was in high, walked to the first shelf, took out a magnifying glass, and randomly picked a piece to look at.He is not in a hurry to use ability sensing, he has learned a lot of knowledge these days, and it just happens to be used for verification at this moment.

The piece of wool he looked at was probably taupe, not big in size, and there were scattered dot-shaped green pine flowers on the side facing the person. The color was green and soft, but it felt a little fuzzy.Next to each stall was a small bucket filled with water, and Bai Zishi scooped some water out of it and poured it on the piece of wool. After washing, the loose flowers of the wool could be clearly seen.After thinking about it for a while, Bai Zishi stretched out his hand and rubbed it on the wool, and then he left. After going back and forth a few times, he only felt that the stone was still fine.Only now did he take out the magnifying glass and observe Songhua carefully.Although the pine flowers are the relics left by the weathering of the green on the original jadeite rough, but there is no pine flower and there is green.There is a lot of knowledge about watching pine flowers, one must first distinguish between true and false pine flowers.It is often seen that the surface of some leather shells has a green film due to oxidation and weathering. Due to the effect of light, it is similar to pine flowers, or the illusion of color. Many people eat a lot of these fake pine flowers deficit.

Bai Zishi bent over and watched very carefully. The stall owner next to him took the time to glance at him. Perhaps he had just finished watching a movie and put away the developing device in his hand.When Bai Zishi got up after watching it, he came over with a smile: "How is it? Have you looked at it? This piece of wool is from the authentic boxwood mine. Everyone knows that the boxwood mine has more blue ice flowers of high ice species. Maybe it’s in there. Look at the pine flowers, feel the texture, I won’t fool people with bad ones.”

Bai Zishi was noncommittal, he thought the result was a gamble, but there must be no high ice species, it would be nice to have a glutinous or hibiscus species, took the time to touch it twice, and the naughty fur ball was bouncing happily , the size of the fur ball is relatively small, but the overall feeling is that it only looks like a hibiscus species. It is a piece of colorful jadeite. There are many blue ice flowers in the boxwood mine.

"What's the base price of this piece of wool?"

The stall owner pointed to the position next to the shelf: "Not high, 30."

30 doesn't sound like much. If it was normal, such a piece of wool Baizishi would have been bought a long time ago, but this is a hidden bid area. This piece of wool has a lot of pine flowers, and it is also a famous venue. The price may be increased by ten times. . Buy a piece of hibiscus blue jadeite for 300 million yuan, and if you decompose the jadeite inside into clear materials and sell it, it is estimated that the price will be about the same, but it may not be possible to buy it, and it is not worth it.

Bai Zishi touched his nose and smiled at the boss: "I'm not sure about this piece of wool, let's have a look again." He looked at his small recorder with relish.

The whole morning, Bai Zishi spent in the hidden mark area, the main purpose was to verify his own learning results these days, and the second was to find high-quality jadeite.He has seen it. The wool in the hidden label area is carefully selected. From the appearance, the whole pine flower python belt occupies a small half, the pine flower pleasing and tight one takes up a small half, and the one with cracks and moss It takes up a small half, most of which are old pits and famous pits. Occasionally, some new pits can be seen, and they are also performing very well.

The possibility of getting green is not small, and it makes people happy just looking at it.But that price is not covered, the lowest reserve price of 20 yuan is a piece of Xinchangkou.According to the situation in the hidden bid area of ​​the stone gambling event in previous years, it is not a problem for these woolen materials to be more than ten or even twenty times the reserve price.

The wool material of the first-generation mine that is most favored in the dark mark area, white sand skin, fine and uniform leather, pine flowers in the protruding part, tight structure, bright color, looks transparent, all of which indicate that there is green in the wool material, Moreover, the pine flowers are large and numerous, dark in color and dense in texture. Most of the jadeite inside is of semi-high quality. If you are lucky, there may be glass varieties.Of course, the base price of such a good woolen material is not low, and the price of eighty or ninety kilograms of aniseed material is 400 million points.

Many people gathered around this piece of wool, observing carefully.Bai Zishi also went to join in the fun, and when he saw it, he had a regretful expression on his face, but from the appearance, this piece of wool is really good, the first mine was famous for Gao Cui, and this piece of wool is definitely Gao Cui !After touching it with his hands, his face became serious. According to his experience, there must be glass seeds in this piece of wool, but not all glass seeds. All the wool can add up to more than ten kilograms.If it can be marked down to Vincent, even if it is still far from the goal, it can be regarded as a little gain.

However, look at the reserve price of that day.Bai Zishi sighed, they only have more than 2000 million in total, even if they were all used to buy this piece of wool, it would not be enough!

Reluctantly turning around the stuff for a few times, Bai Zishi walked out of the venue listlessly.It's time to eat!

The stalls invited by the Stone Gamblers Guild are very popular. There are countless orcs and sub-orcs who come here to gamble, and almost every food stall is full.Seeing the situation, Bai Zishi decided to go straight through the back door.


The handsome orc turned around and saw the sub-orc man waving at him with a smile on his face, completely unaware that he was already smiling: "Bai, you're here. What do you want to eat?"

"One serving of roasted Domaita vegetables, one serving of herbal tea, and one serving of smoked Bell sausage." Bai Zishi was not polite, and ordered directly. He turned around to see that there were no vacancies in the store. Mustafa thought for a while, Directly took the person to the back hall: "This is where I rest, just wait, it will be fine in a while."

"Thank you, Mustafa." Bai Zishi smiled all over his face, what did he say? ----If there is trouble, it doesn't matter if you have a relationship.

Five minutes later, Mustafa brought two meals. He and Bai Zishi ate while chatting. The rule of not talking when eating or sleeping is not applicable here. At the beginning, I was quite happy about the matter. When I heard that Bai Zishi didn’t have enough money, I still thought about how to lend it to him without hurting my self-esteem. I didn’t realize that the white bet was for Vincent, and Mustafa didn’t. Knowing what was wrong with him, he was not as happy as before, and even kept the words of borrowing money in his mouth without saying a word.

After dinner, Bai Zishi deliberately stayed and worked as a waiter for half an hour, helping to pass the busiest time in the store before drinking a saliva and walking back to the venue.

This time he will not go to the hidden bid area. Although it is very difficult, Bai Zishi still wants to try to raise money. The open bid area is earlier than the hidden bid area. Maybe he can buy a few yuan in the open bid area. Yes, when the time comes, sell it and make up for it.

There are more people in the marked area than in the hidden area. Along the way, the voices of stone gamblers bargaining with the stall owners, and the voices of those who watch woolen goods and evaluate woolen fabrics are intertwined in Bai Zishi's ears, bringing a hot feeling.He pulled the collar, looked around, and saw a place that seemed to be surrounded by quite a few people.Curious, Bai Zishi walked over there.

As soon as he got close to the crowd, he heard a heated conversation inside: "I think this fast wool is too gambled, it's not worth selling, look at this big crack, it's cracked from the middle, when the intensifier shines on it, the green light is light ……Not good, not good……"

"I don't agree with what you mean, but the green light doesn't mean anything, but everyone agrees that there is green..."

"This Ada, what are they doing?" Bai Zishi watched several people arguing endlessly, and curiously asked the middle-aged Asian orc man next to him.Whether the wool is good or not is generally not mentioned to the outside world, only those who are together communicate with each other, but these few people quarreled directly.

The middle-aged Asian orc man saw that he was a beautiful little Asian orc man, and he was also happy to tell: "This piece of wool is too cracked, the stall owner can't tell, so there is no label, and it is sold here directly. There are many people who saw it this morning. , but there were not many bids, and the price was too low. The stall owner invited a few well-known people among non-gambling stone masters to evaluate this piece of wool. At the moment, the quarrel is raging. If you are curious , just go and have a look."

Bai Zishi thanked the man, looked at the piece of wool, and was really curious, so he got in from the crowd and walked to the edge of the wool to observe.

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