Stone Gambler

Chapter 78 Strange!

There are more stalls in the marked area than in the hidden area, and Bai Zishi has no purpose, just go to see which stall is crowded. Generally speaking, there are two kinds of stalls with a lot of traffic, one is in the industry The other kind of stalls that are already well-known are those that someone bought here to bet on the price and let off firecrackers.

Bai Zishi went to the stall closest to his place. When a few sub-orcs passed by just now, he heard them talking about the piece of wool that was gambled up. I heard it was a piece of ice.Unmarked wool to produce ice species... that is really not easy.What's more, when there is no bid opened in the open-label area and the hidden-label area, and there is no jade to buy, if there is such a piece of ice, if it is sold, the price will not increase by a little bit or two.Because after the bidding is opened, there will be a sudden increase in the number of people who unravel the stones, and more jadeites will be unraveled, but each person's funds are only so small. Maybe later when the funds are insufficient, the jadeites will not be able to buy the price.Just like the piece of oil green seed he sold just now, Bai Zishi estimated the price at around 100 million after he solved it, but he insisted on selling it for a high price of 150 million.

People have a kind of mentality, since the bet here has increased by one yuan, will there be a second yuan on the booth?Gambling up at least proves that the quality of wool on this stall is good.Seeing the constant stream of people coming in, the stall owner's face was flushed, and he happily talked about the betting up just now, bragging about his wool without leaving a trace.The entertainers in the shop are also full of enthusiasm. When Bai Zishi entered the door, he was pulled and chattered. If you have any questions, you can say hello. Check out and ask the boss. If you want to ask about wool, you can just ask me. Walk behind Jieshi ...

After finally getting rid of his enthusiasm for work, Bai Zishi found a place where no one was watching and squatted to look at the wool, when he was suddenly patted lightly.

The visitor really surprised Bai Zishi: "Fasha? Why do you have time to come here?"

Fasha stood behind Bai Zishi with a smile on her face, and said, "Although I'm not a stone gambler, I'm still quite interested in the stone bettor. I handed it over to Mustafa, and I also bought two pieces of wool to play with, maybe if I’m lucky, there will be emeralds inside.”

This kind of mentality is very common, Bai Zishi smiled: "Indeed, it would be a pity not to see it when you come here."

"Bai is a stone gambler, have you taken a fancy to anything?" Fasha squatted down in front of Bai Zishi, and looked at the wool that Bai Zishi was observing.

"I haven't seen anything yet." The unmarked wool leather shell he was looking at had rough crystals, no pine flowers, no python belt, no cracks, five moss, no products, and it was empty inside.It may be difficult to find good ones from unmarked wool.Bai Zishi smiled, and threw the piece of woolen stuff aside. Thinking of how Fasha and Mustafa took care of him these days, his heart moved, "Looking at woolen stuff alone is boring, why don't we go together?"

Fasha nodded happily: "That's a good thing." Although she doesn't know much about gambling stones, Fasha also knows that Bai's words mean that if she sees some woolen material, she can let him palm her eyes, which is a good thing. Although he just bought a few pieces of wool for fun, he also wanted to taste the feeling of extracting jadeite from the wool he bought.

Two people are much more interesting than one person, and Bai found that although Fasha was middle-aged, she was very young at heart, and there was some childish innocence beneath her usual stability.The two chatted and had a look, but it was also lively.

"Bai, come here, take a look, this piece of wool." Fasha moved a piece of wool from nowhere, it is not big, with a yellow-brown skin, "Look here, here, and here, are there any pine flowers?" ?” Fasha put the wool on the ground and pointed to four or five places.

When Bai Zishi heard about the pine flowers, he immediately became interested, put down the piece he was studying, and took over the wool to have a look.It's quite an inconspicuous piece of wool, with an ordinary appearance. If you don't look carefully, you really can't see the green dots in the places that Fasha points to.But this alone cannot be sure that it is not Songhua. Bai Zishi took out a magnifying glass, poured water on the wool, turned on the strong light device, and observed carefully.After looking at it for a while, she raised her head and smiled at Fasha in amazement: "Don't tell me, there are really pine flowers. Here and here are real pine flowers, but here, here, and here are fake pine flowers, left when Lu walked by. Weathered objects." He thought for a while, stretched out his hand to feel it, and then smiled, "This piece of wool has no label, so it's pretty good to find pine flowers. Personally, I think it's still a gamble. "

Fasha was very happy to hear that, and hurriedly called the stall owner to come. This piece of wool was only about seven or eight kilograms, and the stall owner asked for a price of four thousand points.But Bai Zishi could tell from the price that the stall owner never noticed that there were pine flowers on this piece of wool. If he found out, he probably wouldn't sell it at this price.

Seeing Fasha's eyes looking this way, Bai Zishi thought for a while, and smiled at the stall owner: "This Ada, this piece of wool is only a little bit, and it's not a well-known material. The leather shell is rough..." He said repeatedly After pointing out several shortcomings of the woolen material, the stall owner who said it directly looked embarrassed, and Bai Zishi changed his voice, "Of course, we still have a little thought about this woolen material, otherwise we won't call you. But is the price right?" ...We are also taking advantage of the rare stone gambling event to have fun, and it will always be a pity not to buy some wool when we come here."

Now that we have talked about this, the stall owner is not talking nonsense: "That's it, take three thousand points away." Fasha heard these few words, and four thousand points directly became three thousand points. With a happy face, he looked at Bai Zishi, opened his mouth and then closed it again, because Bai Zishi said again: "This Ada is really outrageous. Buy such a piece of wool for three thousand? Betting on the price of wool at the Stone Fair It is more expensive, but not so expensive... two thousand points, at most two thousand points."

As soon as two thousand points come out, the stall owner knows that he has met an expert. This kind of woolen material usually costs more than 1000 points. This person gave two thousand points because of the face of the stone gambling event. After thinking about it, The stall owner gritted his teeth, and looked as if he had suffered a big loss: "It's done, the stone betting event is rare, and you can't let you go away empty-handed. Two thousand points is two thousand points!"

Fasha looked at Bai Zishi in surprise. In less than 5 minutes, four thousand points turned into two thousand points?Satisfied, I went to check out with the boss.After buying wool, Fasha couldn't wait to follow the boss to unravel the stone. Bai Zishi said he wanted to look at the wool again, but he didn't go. He already had a rough idea of ​​the quality of that piece of wool. The bean species, although the emerald should not be too big, but it is already a big increase.

This piece of unmarked wool has been seen by Bai Zishi. Speaking of which, the quality of the wool in this store is really good. Just now I heard that someone opened ice jadeite from the unmarked wool. Now Fasha Found another bean seed.Search again, maybe there are more, Bai Zishi aimed at the area opposite.

Unexpectedly, just as he stood up, he was hit by a strong force, his body was unstable, he staggered suddenly, and quickly reached out to support the shelf next to him so as not to fall, he raised his head full of anger, Bai Zishi was still there Before he had time to speak, there was a scolding voice from the opposite side: "How do you walk?"

This blow made Bai Zishi angry, and the villain would sue him first!He hasn't taken a step yet!

Glancing contemptuously at the other party, Bai Zishi directly reached out and brushed the place where he was knocked down: "Don't step if you have bad eyesight. If you step and bump into someone, you should apologize properly. What are you shouting?" After finishing speaking I didn't want to pay attention to this person, so I turned around and left.

Unexpectedly, he was pulled back as soon as he turned around. The Asian orc man who bumped into him was tall and strong, and he was not handsome in appearance, but he was clean, but now he was so vicious that people felt disgusted: "Who are you talking about?" What about you!"

Bai Zishi didn't want to get in touch with him at first, but who would have thought that this person would be relentless instead: "What about you. I didn't move a step, but you bumped into me and yelled first, can't I just say a word?"

"No!" The orc man from Naya sneered, "What's wrong with me hitting you? It's your honor to bump into you! Then I pushed you!" As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Zishi felt a strong force coming from him, and his body immediately fell back 'Dengdengdeng' took a few steps back, and fell on a shelf with woolen fabrics, holding onto a piece of woolen fabric to stabilize his body.

As soon as a surge of anger welled up from the bottom of his heart was formed, Bai Zishi was stunned by the situation sensed in his hands. It was an absolutely indescribable feeling, different from any previous one. Before, he could always feel his own The mental power is wrapped and touched by balls of hair, even jadeites like purple eyes and blood jadeite are no exception.However, today this piece of wool is different. Bai Zishi feels that he is more like an outsider. He can't sense any energy clusters. He only feels that there is nothingness but full of power. It is right in front of his eyes. any contact with group energy.

How is this going?There has never been anything like it!Bai Zishi stabilized his body, ignoring that crazy guy at all, and turned his head to look at the place where his left hand touched just now. There was a large piece of wool that happened to be supported when he fell just now. The place where he fell was just right. It's one end of the shelf, and there's nothing beside it but that big piece of wool.And this one-meter-high piece of wool stands on the ground, showing the shape of a 'mountain'. Just by visual inspection, this piece of wool weighs about four to five hundred kilograms. The surface is dark brown and black, which looks very strange. pleasing.

Suppressing the desire to take a closer look, he turned his head to look at the sub-orc man who was glaring at his clothes proudly. Bai Zishi sneered, he still had to settle the matter first. He took out a communicator and opened it: "Booth No. [-] Eighty, someone is causing trouble." This is another function of the stone gambler, when he is in the venue, he is obliged to maintain the venue.

The sub-orc man didn't understand why Bai Zishi was holding the communicator, which was the special communicator used by the stone betting master at the stone betting event, and his face suddenly changed: "Hey, I'm a member of the special mission of the Libyan tribe! "

Bai Zishi ignored him. A few minutes later, several tall orcs walked in. This is another feature of the city. The sub-orc guard team composed of all sub-orcs is incomparable with the orcs, but among the sub-orcs That is absolute power.

"Excuse me, what happened here?"

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