Stone Gambler

Chapter 98 Accidental Discovery

"Did you see Susa?" Vincent asked again.Bai Zishi frowned: "I'm not sure, it really looks like Susa, what is he doing here?" Suddenly, a thought popped into his mind, "Vincent, Ellen hasn't come back since she hid last time. Yacheng, where is he?"

"I don't know." Vincent shook his head. "I haven't been in touch with Ellen for a long time. However, Susa must have gone to find Ellen when she left Yacheng."

If she was found, Ellen must be miserable.Bai Zishi thought with some concern that he had never had a good impression of Susa. Compared to Susa, Bai felt that kenaf was more suitable for Ellen.Although after such a long time, he can also see that when Kenma said that he fell in love with Ellen, he meant that Ellen was a very suitable partner, and he may not really fall in love with Ellen.

However, this is someone else's business after all.Bai Zishi couldn't say anything, Vincent couldn't help sighing when he saw that his lover's expression was not as happy as it was at the beginning, he didn't expect Bai to hate Susa so much, and wrapped his hand in his own, Vincent lowered his head and kissed Bai Zishi's forehead: "Bai, Susa didn't treat me that badly. He liked Ellen back then, but Ellen only wanted to act with me. He thought Ellen liked me. Me. That’s why I always find trouble with me, but in fact, apart from being poisonous, Susa has never done anything excessive. On the contrary, if anyone dares to provoke me, he will secretly teach that person a lesson. He has always been I thought I didn't know these things." Vincent seemed to think of something interesting, and the corner of his mouth smiled nostalgicly.

"Sousa is a very awkward person. He was a very good brother when he was a child, but I was very unhappy when he changed. From then on, when he got angry with me, I just went to Ellen, an idiot, to get angry with him." Thinking of Susa being angry The almost deformed Lian, Vincent looked very happy.

Bai Zishi was stunned by this 'truth', and then thought of Ellen talking about Susa's bad feelings towards Vincent, and she was very angry. Sympathy for him.Taking a sneak peek at his lover with gentle eyes, Bai Zishi turned his head silently - this orc has a black belly too!

When they arrived, the match had already started for a while.The place where it was held was in a very large open space. People used thick ropes to surround different competition venues. Bai Zishi took a rough look. There were four venues for competitions held at the same time. There are some places that are left empty, which should be reserved for other games.

The largest of these four arenas is the Orc Arena. At this time, there are two orcs who have transformed into wild beasts fighting, making loud bang bang sounds from time to time, and you can feel a huge gust of wind as soon as you approach it. The pressure, the blood of the onlookers seemed to be spurting, and they waved their fists vigorously to cheer for those who supported them.

Bai Zishi hesitated for a while, but didn't squeeze over to look.He also didn't know if his body could withstand such a short-distance impact.Turning his head, the one facing the arena is the beauty pageant, and the sub-orc beauties are showing their demeanor facing the arena. Bai Zishi looked to the left and then to the right, and suddenly had a deep understanding of the two orcs in the middle of the arena. What happened to the red-eyed battle like a life-and-death final?However, Bai Zishi really has no interest in this kind of beauty pageant.

After walking a few steps forward, Bai Zishi heard another burst of cheers, but most of the voices were immature. It turned out that the third match was still an orc arena, but the people in it seemed to be orc juveniles. Cubs, that is, little orcs under the age of 20.

The one in the middle of the game is a child named Ta Rang. Bai Zishi knows it because most of the shouts here are called his name. He is a tall boy. It meant that his legs were mature, cold as a blade, and opposite him was an orc who had turned into a beast, a leopard.

Bai Zishi looked at the little orc who could easily beat the leopard's lightning attack in surprise, and understood why everyone around him was calling his name.He looked so easy.

"Tower makes him great!" "This is the fifth game he has won, right? He has never been a beast!" "It's so powerful. When he grows up, he will definitely become a great beastman. "

"That's not necessarily true, Tarang is an orphan, he won't have the money to buy emeralds, and without emeralds, it will be difficult for him to become a high-level hunter!" Except for some low-level gemstones issued by the school, he has never absorbed other evolutionary gemstones at all, and he trained them all by himself!"

Hearing this, Bai Zishi's eyes flashed with surprise. He had heard what Vincent was doing.The eyes of the two people collided suddenly, and the eyes were inexplicable.The two didn't leave, they just looked at the little orc in the field, the more they looked at the two, the more surprised they were, this little orc had fought four times in a row, and the look on his face just now meant that it was already the ninth match, but he never Beast Transformation, except that his breathing was obviously heavier than before, he didn't feel any fatigue.

A gleam of light flashed in Vincent's eyes, and he nodded.In the tenth round, Tarang finally turned into a beast. His beast turned into a white lion, which looked very mighty. The wolf on the opposite side was not his opponent at all.After this match, no one challenged him anymore. Tarang looked around silently, went to the place where he received the prize, took his own prize and left.Bai Zishi and Vincent looked at each other, and after following him for a while, Tarang suddenly turned around and asked with a wary expression, "Why are you following me?"

"I want to ask you something." Vincent said, and Tarang pretended to be listening, but in fact, his body adjusted a subtle angle through this movement, which was very beneficial for attacking or escaping.

A flash of appreciation flashed in Vincent's eyes: "I heard that apart from the low-level gemstones issued by the school, you have such strength through exercise yourself?"

"So what? What does it matter to you?" Tarang's words were blunt, but Vincent was not angry, and his expression was still calm and indifferent: "If this is true, then I can provide you with a better one." School, a school that does not need to pay any fees, even if you perform well enough, I can even accept you as an apprentice."

Tajan was not swayed by Vincent's seductive words, on the contrary, he seemed to want to run away.In an instant, Vincent moved to the front of Tajan's escape position: "I have no malice. I watched the game just now, and you are very talented. That's all."

Bai Zishi looked at his lover's cold expression, sighed, and said to Ta Rang in a warm voice, "Don't worry, we really have no malicious intentions." Ta Rang looked at Bai Zishi, as if he had made an assessment, and finally Abandoned the posture of guard.Bai Zishi smiled, and the delicate appearance and warm smile made the little orc seem to relax a bit: "My name is Bai Zishi, and I am a first-level stone gambler. This is my partner Vincent, a very powerful orc."

Ta Rang was really surprised this time, he was actually a first-level stone gambler at such a young age!However, I have to admit that the identity of a stone gambler is still relatively easy to use, Tarang relaxed a little again: "Are you willing to accept our invitation?"

Tarang thought about it calmly: "You have to prove your identities, and..." He raised his head, "If you want to accept me as an apprentice, it depends on whether you are strong enough!"

The young man with his head up looked arrogant from the bottom of his heart, and a smile seemed to flash in Vincent's eyes: "What do you want?"

The little orc pointed out his hand: "That orc, called Sharvin, was the champion of the last gladiatorial arena. As long as you can defeat him, you can prove your qualifications." He turned to Bai Zishi, "You just need to take out Your stone gambler will suffice.”

"Is that so?" Vincent asked, and Tarjean nodded.Vincent stepped into the arena.

Less than a minute into the match, Sharvin had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​crushing his opponent with a humanoid form. His animal form was a giant python, which was more than ten meters long, and no one doubted it at all. If you are entangled by him, you will be squeezed into a ball.In Tarang's eyes, Sharvin is a very, very powerful orc. He has successfully become a seventh-level hunter for a long time.However, when the huge body of the boa constrictor was tied into a huge bow by Vincent in human form, the little orc successfully retreated from that guarded and sophisticated face, looking like a teenager.

Looking at Vincent who was walking leisurely in the courtyard, two fires ignited in the eyes of the little orc, and his cheeks were flushed with excitement.Bai Zishi blushed a little troubled: "I don't wear my badge, but I heard that there is a small gambler's union here."

Tarang followed Bai Zishi to the Stone Gambling Masters Guild in a daze, and told the person on duty, he inserted his magnetic card into the card slot of the guild, and a line of information appeared on the big screen instantly——Bai Zishi, a first-level gambler. Stone division, points: confidentiality.

Tarang no longer had any doubts: "I'll go with you!" Vincent nodded in satisfaction, but when they were about to leave the guild, a middle-aged sub-orc man suddenly rushed out: "Yajia Bai Zishi Here? Where? Where?!"

Bai Zishi glanced at Vincent helplessly, he seemed to be in a little trouble, the sub-orc man on duty just now seemed to have written something on the screen, Bai turned around and faced the visitor: "I am Bai Zishi stone."

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