Wall Manor experienced this war, and most of the buildings in the manor fell down. Fortunately, there were not many casualties.Viscount Tata was lying on his bed, surrounded by Tasha and Tasha's brothers and sisters.

"Brother, tell me the truth, do you know what your father did?"

Tarot didn't answer him directly: "You know, my father always wanted to restore the glory of his ancestors, but he always said that he was not talented and didn't have the ability anymore. He pinned all his hopes on you. Even better than our brothers and sisters, sometimes I really envy you." Tarot paused for a while and continued, "But I don't know when he will stop putting all the glory on you, I thought He finally gave up that unrealistic dream, but he never thought that he would do such a crazy thing, this time our Viscount's Mansion is probably about to face the greatest crisis."

"My lord priest won't wrong a good person, but my father... Since ancient times, privately offering sacrifices to demons is a treasonous act. The priests will always investigate to the end. Even if my father can survive this time, he will be sacrificed for the rest of his life. Imprisonment in the Great Hall." Tasha said with red eyes what she was worried about.

"It's not just that, I'm afraid that the royal capital may also cut off our title, and whether we can keep the entire family in the end is still a question."

"As long as the person is fine, our descendants can still earn the title, and the fief can still be conquered."

"With your words, there will be successors in our Wall family. After the priests arrive, I will ask to accompany my father to the hall of sacrifices to plead guilty, and the family affairs will be handed over to the second brother for the time being."

"Brother, I'll go with you."

"No, you have to stay and rebuild our family with your second brother. After all, no one knows what will happen next." Tarot said lonely, and the room was silent for a while.

Orbai and his party returned to their temporary residence.

"Brother, when will the priests come? Will Viscount Tata be executed?"

"The priest will find out the reason of the matter. If it is the initiative to sacrifice to the devil, it may be bad luck, but if the devil sneaks in without knowing it, there may be a turning point."

"Then the altar was destroyed anyway, so they shouldn't be able to find anything."

"Don't underestimate the abilities of the priests. They will go back to the past and divination the future. No one or anything can hide from them."

"Ah, that's it. I guess Tasha will be sad."

"Everyone has to be responsible for what they do. If you can do whatever you want, the world will be messed up. Although we nobles have great rights, don't forget that there are priests overseeing us , and it is precisely because of their existence that demons cannot take advantage of it, and this continent has more just principles." Rendell couldn't help advising Orbai, "After the priests arrive, we will set off Your own territory, go and have a good talk with Sally, don't make her worry too much."

"Okay, brother, I see." Albay said with a cute face, "Let's go! Brother Qidu, let's go find Sister Sally, and introduce Tiaotiao to Sister Sally by the way. I like it very much."

"I'm not a pet, so I don't want girls to like it." Tiao Tiao, who was still nestled in Albay's arms, snorted loudly.

"Yes, you are the best. By the way, do you want to eat meat? The barbecue here is very special. When you add honey when roasting, it will be shiny and shiny, and the sound will be squeaky. And the pastries here are very sweet and fragrant, You must have never eaten."

Tiaotiao was almost drooling when he said it: "Then why don't you hurry up and take me there, I want to see how delicious your human food is." Tiaotiao laughed with an impatient look. Everyone, with a kick of their hind legs, jumped directly onto Aolbai's shoulder and pulled towards him.Sit couldn't bear to watch it anymore, and directly grabbed the lion cub by the back of his neck and grabbed it onto his shoulder. Tiaotiao hurriedly grabbed his hat so as not to be thrown off.He could do whatever he wanted with Albay, but he didn't dare to make trouble with Sit, and was laughed at by Albay for bullying him.

Fortunately, the battle in the backyard didn't affect the girls in the front yard. Although they didn't know exactly what happened, they were protected by the guards in the manor, and they were hardly frightened.Moreover, the noble girls themselves have also practiced martial arts and have fighting spirit. Although they have not been on the battlefield, there is no problem in protecting themselves. It's just that their freedom is temporarily restricted, and they are still very anxious.

When Albay and his party went to the front yard, they were surrounded by girls, chattering very lively.After finally getting away, they told them that he was fine and could go back, and they reluctantly let him go.

"Sister, look, this is Tiaotiao, isn't it cute?"

"Wow, what a cute kitty! Did you buy this?"

"Um, I'm not a kitten, I'm the king of the forest, the Flaming Lion. It's just that I'm still too young to show you my heroic posture." Saying so, he secretly raised his tail in front of her Send it.Sure enough, Sally couldn't help the cute jumping appearance, and rubbed it vigorously.But Orbai couldn't bear to look directly at this, and bought you off with a little delicacy. It really wasn't an accident that humans caught him so easily.

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