See how I'm forced to be the savior

Chapter 66 Fire Lion King

Orbai and the others went directly into the hinterland of the forest under the leadership of the flaming lion. Although they saw many other high-level monsters along the way, they never dared to come forward to provoke them. It can be seen that the flaming lion was The prestige of the forest is not built.

Albay didn't know how long he had been driving, and when they came back to their senses, they had already appeared in a camp.It is the territory of the entire lion clan, and the most powerful flame lion is the king of the forest and the leader of the lion clan.

There were all kinds of lion cubs running and playing with each other in the territory, tumbling and rolling, jumping and jumping off Albay's shoulders.

"Little ones, Master is back." Tiaotiao shouted at the little lions.

Those playful little lions glanced sideways at it, and then started running towards each other again.Tiaotiao ignored it, and quickly chased after a small white lion, biting its tail to keep it from moving.The little lion quickly looked at the big lions around, but it seemed that the big lions around didn't see it, and let them play and frolick.

The little white lion yelled twice, it was a surrender to the jump, and the other little lions who had run away also came over and circled around the jump, as if they really recognized it as the one who had been away from the forest for a long time boss.

Aolbai and the others jumped off the back of the Flame Lion, and the huge Flame Lion then became the size of a lion as tall as a person. "Three, please, the king is already waiting for you."

Orbai and the others arrived in a huge cave. The cave was clean and tidy, spacious and bright, even a transformed lion could be accommodated.At the end of the cave, a lion that was bigger than all the lions present was lying there. It opened its eyes and stared at Albay and the others.

"You are the ones brought back by my grandson." The lion king spoke with a dull old voice.

Rendell took the lead and said: "Yes, we are going to the most central sacrificial hall, just passing through the Warcraft Forest, and we brought Tiao Tiao together."

The lion king looked at him: "You are the one who worships the hall. We, the flame lion clan, have been friends with the priests for generations. The lion clan in the entire forest of monsters must listen to our call. But the other kings of the forest are not necessarily so. After all, you priests have killed a lot of dark creatures, most of which were converted from monsters, although it is understandable, but if you reveal your identity in front of them, you will not have good fruit to eat."

"So this time I came to the Lion Clan territory, and I will not go to the place of other kings in the Warcraft Forest."

The lion king nodded its huge head, and then looked at Albay and Sit: "I can't tell which of you two is the one my grandson really brought back."

"Lion King, we just came to Tiaotiao's house to take a look at it, and then we will go to the sacrifice hall together." Aolbai took the initiative to speak.

"I heard from Xiao Wu that you own a big red tree, so you can unfold it to have a look."

Albay had nothing to hide, he stretched out his hand and meditated on the little tree, and the little tree gradually floated in his palm.The lion king looked at the tree in his hand without blinking, and sniffed: "Sure enough, it smells like that tree. Are you really the one chosen by him? But it doesn't seem very strong." Wang muttered to himself, but Orbai didn't hear clearly.

"Do you know Siding, the sun god?" The Lion King asked Orbai a question.

"I know, there are books, and there are statues of the Sun God in the sacrificial hall."

"Then do you know where the sun god came from?"

"I heard that the Sun God was an orphan and was adopted by a monster, so he learned magic."

"You said it the other way around. It was the Warcraft who was adopted by him. What I can tell you is that the ancestor of our flame lion was his mount back then, so we have maintained a good relationship with the priest over the years."

"This is different from the rumors circulating."

"If you go to the sacrificial hall, the priests there should really give you the answer. Maybe you will also know the real origin of this big tree. I can only tell you so much for the time being. In short, before the big war comes, don't Die." After finishing these words, the Lion King fell asleep again, and the sound of snoring resounded throughout the cave.

Aolbai came out of the cave with doubts. At this time, Tiaotiao was already very excited: "Olbai, how is it? How are you talking with my grandpa? Is it sleeping again? I'll go in and have a look at it." Unable to answer by Orbai, Tiaotiao had already run in.

"It's getting late tonight, let's rest here for one night, and start our journey again tomorrow." Lild suggested to the two of them.Albay said he had no objection, and naturally Sitter would not object.

"Sit, do you think I'm really that mother of the earth? After the lion king saw my little tree just now, he said something about the sun god. I also dreamed about the sun god in my dream, and there was that one behind him. A big red tree."

Sit grabbed his hand and said softly: "Look at what the priests said when you went to the hall for offering sacrifices. I don't think so. It's possible that the mother of the earth is just that tree, but it happened to choose Just you."

"Well, that's right." Albay felt a lot more comfortable after being enlightened by Sit, and he felt that there was no need to worry now.Whether it is true or not, they are already in this continent anyway, so what could be the worst?

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