See how I'm forced to be the savior

Chapter 71 Information Query

"Are you really going to the Tea Country to investigate the traitors hidden among the human beings?" Sit still asked Albay to think carefully.

"Sit, I have already decided on this matter. Last time, didn't we say that we would go to Chacha Country if we had a chance? This time is just a chance."

"But the last time I talked about playing, this time I was doing dangerous things."

"Will you be with me?"

"That's natural. I said that I will go wherever you go."

"That's fine, you listen to me this time, let's look up the information now." Albay was tough for a while, and Sit couldn't say anything more.

The three of them walked to the reference room next to them, and quietly searched for materials in the reference room.

"Look here, it is recorded that there was a rebellion when the queen of the tea country came to the throne 50 years ago. The royal family lost countless lives and was involved in a lot. The crown prince who was originally appointed before her could not wait for the previous generation of kings to die before starting to rebel. The usurpation of the throne was stopped by the joint efforts of the second prince and the third prince. Afterwards, the Chacha Kingdom fell into ten years of royal strife. The Great Chamber of Commerce was formed because of this. And the one who won the throne was not the second prince or the third prince, but an unknown princess who focused on business, but she was supported by priests behind her, so there should be no problem in itself." Orr Bai showed the records in the notebook to Sit and Lild.

"It's another drama of treason and usurpation, so familiar." Sit said his opinion.

"That's right, this reminds me of the scene when His Majesty Yag came to the throne of the Iris Kingdom more than 30 years ago. It is said that it was also after a rebellion, and even dark creatures appeared. Although the man behind the scenes has been killed now, I always I don’t think there is any connection between these two things.”

"You're right. On the surface, it's just a royal chaos. But for decades, the two kingdoms have had infighting, and countless children of the royal family have been killed or injured. This is also rare."

"However, I think the queen of Chacha Kingdom seems to say that there is a priest behind her, so there shouldn't be any problem with her identity, right?"

"You are right, our priests will not participate in the battle of the royal heir. But the impact of the incident 50 years ago was too great. Many priests stationed in Chacha were killed, so the former chief priest Appointing the priest guard team to counter the rebellion, and finally supporting the princess who has no power and has a strong economic mind, the economy of the Chacha country did not finally collapse. Now the royal family of Chacha and the three major private chambers of commerce have formed a rivalry , This is also due to royal infighting."

"Did you see anything in it? I saw the rise of the three major private chambers of commerce and the decline of the royal family." Albay said bluntly.

"You mean that the three major chambers of commerce may be human traitor organizations? We also suspected it at the time of the Sacrifice Hall, but their rise was entirely due to the inaction of the royal family, which caused the civil economy to be turbulent and the people to suffer. The three major chambers of commerce thus Gaining the hearts of the people and rising."

"Even if they are clean, all doubts cannot be ruled out. Maybe they are also involved in the royal family's infighting. Otherwise, can the three major chambers of commerce compete with the royal family?" Orbai explained indirectly from another aspect over my own doubts.

"But there is no evidence, so it's useless to say more about this kind of speculation."

"So, the focus of our trip to the Tea Country this time is the three major chambers of commerce." Albay pointed out the purpose directly, "Let's check other information, maybe there are more clues."

Sit and Lild also searched carefully, focusing on finding out all the materials from 60 years ago to the present, and Albay checked again to confirm the validity of the materials based on what they searched.

The jump next to him has been watching their busy figures boredly, feeling sleepy again. Anyway, it can't help much in this kind of thing, so it simply dozed off.

The three of them and one lion stayed in that room for a day and a night. There was already a pile of books in front of Albay, and his eyes were dazzled.Albay stretched and stood up from his seat.

"Finally finished reading it. The information about the Chacha Kingdom here is quite complicated. Most of the incidents involving priests will be recorded in detail. Only the first incident of the royal rebellion seen is the most specific. The subsequent records are all It’s a common thing, and rarely involves the royal family or the three major business houses. If we want to know more specific information, we must contact it in person to know.”

"If I really go to the Chacha Country, I can help. After all, the headquarters of the Thorn Flower Organization is in the Chacha Country. The Treasure Pavilion opened last time can be regarded as the organization's industry. At the same time, it also has contacts with the three major chambers of commerce. Maybe there are some of them in the organization. The information is not necessarily."

"After all, it's your organization, will checking the information casually affect you?" Albay was worried about Sit's safety.

"Don't worry, my authority in the organization is still very high, and the basic information can still be seen. No matter how bad it is, I can find other intelligence organizations to collect information on the three major chambers of commerce and the royal family. In the Chacha Kingdom, I can trade anything. "

"Okay then, be careful then."

"I won't go back to the organization. I'll ask Tie Li to check for me. His authority is the same as mine. I'll write to him later. We should be able to get more information when we arrive in Chacha Country. "Olbai was relieved after listening to Sit's words. Since they had finished reading this place and couldn't find any more clues, they went out.

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