Orc Alien

Chapter 28

Seeing that they were all back home, Ming Shan knew that now he could not rely on others and had to save himself, so when Alino put him on the bed, he immediately rolled in, pulled the quilt up and rolled it up, and then shouted: " I'm going to sleep first!" and snored directly.

Looking at Mingshan who was tightly wrapped up in the middle of the bed, Alino laughed muffledly, then sat on the edge of the bed and patted a certain place, saying: "What are you doing, come out quickly, you haven't eaten dinner yet , sleep what sleep."

"Ah!" Suddenly the person in the quilt flicked high, then rolled inward twice, and yelled muffled through the quilt: "Bastard, don't touch my PP, they say I'm asleep, don't Quarrel!"

Alino really wanted to laugh out loud, but he was afraid that Ming Shan would be annoyed, so he could only hold back his smile and coax: "Hey, be obedient, come out quickly, don't bore yourself to death."

Twisting to avoid the big palm, Ming Shan was still tightly wrapped and refused to come out.

Alino said nothing, "Okay, you sleep for a while, I'll make dinner, and I'll wake you up later."

Huh?Why are you so easy to talk this time?

Slightly raised his head, pricked up his ears and listened carefully, after confirming that the footsteps gradually faded away, Ming Shan was finally relieved.

But think again, is my reaction too much?

No, no, definitely not, no one can guess what a person in a rage will do, it's better to be careful, be careful.Moreover……

Twisting twice and shrunk into a ball, tightly buried the blushing big face in the quilt by the picture that suddenly popped up in his mind, Ming Shan muttered in his heart embarrassingly.

I can't blame him for thinking wrong, after all, their relationship is in front of him, and he doesn't hate Alino very much, ahem, anything is possible.

Not to mention that he has no ambition, he accepts a man so easily, even if he can’t go back to the original world, what can he do? If he doesn’t want to live in too much pain, he naturally has to accept the survival rules of this world, and try his best to adapt to this world All in all.

Besides, he is not a cold-blooded animal, and it is impossible for him to be indifferent to Alino's contribution, and that bastard really dotes on him, so he doesn't need to do anything, just sit and stare at others sadly, and the other party will be nervous if he hums twice Come over here to ask, ahem, anyway, he thinks it's fucking cool to be pampered like this!

"Hehehe..." Thinking that he could ride on that bastard's head in the future, Ming Shan couldn't help laughing, but after laughing a few times, he realized something was wrong, why is he so bored?

Only then did I realize that I was still stuffed in the quilt, so I hurriedly let go of the quilt and tried to get out. I was stuck in the quilt for a long time, but it was so tightly wrapped that I couldn't get out for a while.

After twisting for a long time, I only got my head out. Before I could take a deep breath of fresh air, I met Alino who was standing by the bed with a suppressed smile on his face. Before he could react, he was embraced by the other party. inside.

"Bastard, lie to me, you didn't go out at all!" Ming Shan shouted, pulling out her right hand and patting Alino's chest.

"Hahaha——" Alino laughed very unceremoniously this time, Ming Shan was so angry that he struggled vigorously to throw off the quilt and wanted to pounce on his hands and feet to "fight together", but the more anxious and chaotic he became, he couldn't get out no matter what.

It was Alino who helped him completely break free from the restraints of the quilt, and Ming Shan immediately pounced on the bastard's shoulder, just like grinding his teeth.

Alino patted Ming Shan's back reassuringly, and sighed helplessly: "Ming Shan, why did you avoid me just now?"

Ming Shan ground his teeth for a moment, and the embarrassing scene before appeared again, he quickly let go of his mouth and turned his head to the other side, not daring to look at Alino.

After waiting for a long time and seeing no response from Ming Shan, Alino looked sideways, was taken aback for a moment, and asked strangely, "Why are you blushing?"

"No, you read it wrong." Leaning his head on Alino's shoulder to avoid the other party's probing gaze, Ming Shan hurriedly changed the subject: "Alinuo, do you have time these few days?"

"What's the matter?" Alino Alino knew what Ming Shan was avoiding, and didn't force him, so he changed the subject according to his intention.

"Well, I want to look up the river I looked at last time."

With a big hand, Alino's voice trembled slightly unconsciously: "Do you know the cause of the drought?"

Mingshan shook his head in disappointment, although he has been looking for the water spirit beads that maintain the vitality of the world these days, but no matter how hard he tries and how deep he is, he still can't sense where the water spirit beads are.

It feels... feels like it doesn't even exist...

Ming Shan slightly pushed away from the warm chest, looked directly at Alino seriously and said: "Although it can't be completely resolved, I can ease the situation a little bit, that river is the main source of water here, so I want to go there first to see look."

"Will it affect you?" Alino asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, no."

"Then what are you going to do?"

When it comes to explanatory things, Ming Shan has a headache, "Well, I don't know how to say it, but you will know when you read it."

Bowing his head and thinking for a while, Alino said, "Okay, I'll get ready first, and we'll set off the day after tomorrow."

"Yeah?" Ming Shan blinked his eyes strangely, and asked puzzledly, "Can't we go tomorrow?"

Gently hugging Mingshan into his arms, Alino leaned close to his ear and whispered: "It's far away from our tribe, even if I turned into a beast and ran for more than ten days, there are a lot of things to prepare. It would be too hasty to leave tomorrow.”



Afterwards, Alino, Yi Luo and the others talked, packed a simple bag, and left the tribe with Mingshan on their backs.

Originally, the three of them also wanted to go with them, but they were firmly rejected by Alino, who stared at them coldly, making them understand how unwise it is to intervene in his two-person world journey, no matter how high-sounding it is. The reason is useless!

In fact, if you look at it from a high altitude, the source of the river is not very far from Alino's tribe in a straight line. If you have a plane as a means of transportation, you can get there in more than an hour.

But if you just take the No. 11 or No. 1111 bus on the ground, plus the winding trails between the two places, the high or low steep and dangerous cliffs, and the ferocious beasts that come out to hunt them from time to time, Maybe they can't reach their destination after walking for a month.

At the beginning, they speeded up their journey, but along the way along the river, Ming Shan found that the situation of water shortage in this time and space was not as serious as imagined, plus the beautiful mountains, rivers and scenery along the way, so he decided to Tell Alino to slow down to take in the scenery.

Alino couldn't bear to flatter him, and the situation was indeed not that serious, so he agreed, and it happened that he could also use this opportunity to investigate another matter.

So along the way, the two of them stopped and went, took a look around, ate and slept well, so they were happy.

However, when Alino had a headache, Ming Shan was too restless, unable to calm down, and loved to take risks.

Every time he encounters a steep mountain wall and cliff, he refuses to let him climb over it with his back on his back. If he resorts to a tough method and looks at him with big eyes full of water and tears, he will die on the spot. Given.

No way, I had to put up 12 points of energy and carefully protect my back, but when I saw the little guy stepping on the small stone protruding from the cliff, he just jumped up and kicked it up!

At that time, his heart was shaking, he almost jumped out, but he couldn't hold back this little guy, so he could only protect him with fear.

The most speechless thing is that when walking on flat ground, this little guy is obviously afraid of animals to death, but he still wants to use the false banner of exercising courage to tease those beasts when he is hunting to replenish food reserves, and he is frightened every time He yelled and threw himself into his arms for refuge.

But this little guy just couldn't settle down, and even ran into the beast's lair with great fanfare afterwards, even molesting his wife and children.

Along the way, Alino really worried, why is this little guy so naughty, he can't calm down for a moment.

Poor Mingshan didn't feel his distress at all, he still ate, slept, and had fun. After all, there was a caring mother Sang who took care of him along the way. When he was tired, someone would carry him away. Going to Nao Nao's houses to visit those ferocious beasts, and at night, he can hug his cutest tiger and lion and sleep soundly. This day is moist, and he is so happy that he can't find things.

Finally, one morning after more than a month, they came to the source of the river... at the foot of the mountain.

Ming Shan sat firmly on Alino's right arm, and tried his best to look up at the mountain that went straight into the sky. The invisible top made him dizzy, especially when it was naked and shining.

"What a high mountain~~"

The way Ming Shan hugged his neck and opened his mouth wide to look up desperately was really funny, Alino hurriedly put out his left hand to support the little head that was turned backwards, and said with a smile: "Be careful, don't twist your neck. "

Ming Shan lowered her head and asked curiously: "The river flows down from this mountain?"

"That's right." Alino looked at the big mountain tenderly, and said softly, "We call it Huangfeng."

With a slip of his hand, Ming Shan almost didn't fall off, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and tremblingly said: "I'm very surprised, why did you call it this name?"

"It's all yellow." He replied gently and concisely. Huangfeng is the main peak of the mountains in this area, and it is also the source of most rivers in this area. The orcs of all tribes have high respect for it.

Following this reason, Mingshan suddenly thought of a question, wiped off his sweat, and said again in embarrassment: "Don't tell me, because the source of this river is Huangfeng Mountain, so you just call it the Yellow River." It's very clear, but it's also thunderous if it's called Qinghe!

"No," said Alino softly. "We call it the Mother River."

Fortunately, the name is not so thunderous, the mother river is easy to understand, the mother river is very appropriate, the name of the orc is really simple and simple.

Rolling up his sleeves, Ming Shan shouted angrily; "Then let's start climbing the mountain, solve it as soon as possible and go home as soon as possible! Let me down."

"Okay." Alino smiled and kissed Mingshan's little face, and then strode up the mountain.

Ming Shan was taken aback for a moment, and after realizing it, he kicked his legs and shouted: "You let me down, I want to go by myself!"

"If you make trouble again, I'll take you up." Alino simply put down his harsh words.

There was a time before that Mingshan was not good when he climbed the mountain, but the mountain was so dangerous that he didn't listen to it, so Alino turned into a tigon and picked him up and left.

Thinking of the uncomfortable feeling of tossing and turning, Ming Shan gasped, and looked at Alino with big watery eyes aggrieved: "Bastard, you were always clamoring for me to be alone before. mountain climber."

Alino was annoyed and funny at once, stretched out his hand and patted Ming Shan's forehead lightly and said, "You little bastard who is confusing right and wrong, why am I clamoring for you to climb the mountain alone? , I don’t even know how scared I was when I was guarding from behind, and how dare you wrong me!”

Ming Shan quickly grabbed Alino's hand, and flattered him: "Hehehe, I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention to what I said just now, and I made a mistake in the subject, verb and guest, hehehe, don't be angry, your body will not be good if you get angry. Hehehe..."

Alino pecked Mingshan's small mouth to relieve his anger, then put him down, and turned into a tigon.

Ming Shan obediently climbed onto the back of the tigon and let Alino carry him up the mountain.

The author has something to say: This... Everyone seems to be looking forward to XXOO in this chapter, but I really want to say, how can Mingshan be eaten so easily, we have to come up with a more ecstasy way to let Alino eat it , hehehe~~ (smirking) A more ecstatic way~~hehehe~~hehehe~~

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