
Chapter 8

Arthur is very busy, and Arthur is also very idle. He is very busy because there are always many things in the clan or the city that he needs to deal with. He is very idle because these things are nothing to him, so most of the time , he would be bored.Oh, forgot to mention, Arthur is the patriarch of the Tiger Clan.

Arthur was very young, so every time the city lord called the patriarchs of various tribes to hold a meeting, Arthur's young face seemed extremely incompatible among a bunch of old men who were either past their age or knew their destiny.

Arthur thought it was nothing, since no one in his own clan raised any objections, and those old men thought it was nothing, look, young, capable, handsome and talented, and also a patriarch, what a good marriage partner ah.

But the most popular and best match partner in the main city doesn't seem to be interested in this at all, and is still buried in work every day, turning a deaf ear to those hints of pink, which makes those people even more excited, oh, There is also a sense of professionalism, which is really good and couldn't be better.

For these, Arthur has always been like a gust of wind, even if it blows over, but occasionally he will feel a little helpless when he sees his father leisurely, "Dad, you are still very young, and I am also very young, because you are young, so I miss you You can lead our Tiger Clan to a more glorious future, and I am young, so I need more opportunities to learn from behind you. But you taught me the position of the patriarch so early, which makes me too disturbed."

Lawrence, who had retired early, rolled his eyes when he saw his son's insincere expression, "Son, you always learn the truth by practicing it. If you follow me, you won't learn the real thing. Trust me, you can do it yourself." What you can get will be much more than following me to see. Moreover, I am not as free as you think, I don’t think I have enough time with your Daddy every day, who has the energy to deal with those trivial things!"

Arthur's expression became even more helpless, "Dad, do you think the affairs of the city and the family are trivial matters? The city lord and our people will be sad to hear it. You know, the city lord thinks you are a capable general. People also see you as a great patriarch."

"Oh, come on, boy, put away your fake expression, don't think I don't know what's in your heart," Lawrence thumped Arthur's shoulder dissatisfied, "The showy always falls The fastest, low-key is our purpose. Boy, I know you are impatient, so don't procrastinate and find a female to be your partner. When the child grows up, you can do what you want every day like me done..."

After explaining to his son the route of "making a fortune with a silent voice", Lawrence left the room thinking about where he would take his partner to go shopping and eat something, but he didn't notice that his son was looking helpless. Laughing and watching himself leave.

Because of the father who did this, Arthur had to take on the burden of leading the clan to move on while the noble children of his own age were still playing around.

Because of his father's instructions, Arthur fulfilled the tasks entrusted by the city lord without asking for merit or fault. He talked and laughed with those hypocritical nobles at the banquet, and dealt with the affairs of the clan vigorously and resolutely.

In the end, the city lord was very satisfied with his low profile, the nobles admired his intelligence, and the clansmen were convinced of his means.

People are multifaceted, and Arthur is no exception. He has seen through the hypocrisy and cunning of the so-called aristocratic upper class. In his spare time, he prefers to take the form of a white tiger and relax in the forest belonging to the tiger clan. Flattery and flattery, no double-faced, no intrigue, only there, Arthur can really relax, he likes that forest.

And now, that forest also gave him a great gift.

Accidents often come without warning. When Arthur was lying leisurely on the boulder he used to lie down and dozed in the wind, a heavy object fell on him with a crackling sound.

Arthur, who was stunned for three seconds without warning, found a female lying on his body when he came back to his senses.This blow like a flying fairy raised Arthur's vigilance to the highest level. He silently watched the female slowly shift her gaze to his face, and then looked at him in surprise. He stared at himself for a while, muttered a word he hadn't heard before, and then rolled his eyes like this-passed out.

Is this the new trick of those nobles?This was the first reaction in Arthur's mind-you must know that in order to get such a promising son-in-law as Arthur, the nobles with unmarried females in their families can be said to be using all kinds of tricks. After getting out, the result is always to greet the slippery Arthur with a smile after suffering a big loss, which made countless nobles grit their white teeth in private.

After standing up and looking around at the fainted boy, Arthur had to admit that the nobleman who came up with such a bad idea this time found someone who liked him. Arthur, who was extremely annoyed by the nobles' behavior towards him, became interested at this moment.

So he took the boy back to the cave where he stayed in the forest with his strange big box, wanting to see what new tricks he would have this time.

Arthur looked at the terrified expression on the boy's face after he woke up and pulled his strange box to the entrance of the cave. This made Arthur feel strange for the first time, because the boy's frightened eyes didn't look like Pretending, but which female would be afraid of an orc who turned into a beast?

After staring at the boy for a long time, Arthur felt a bad taste in his heart. He approached the boy leisurely step by step, and then saw the fear on the boy's face getting heavier and heavier, watching the boy because of As he approached, he pursed his lips and closed his eyes, looking like he was being slaughtered. Such a reaction made Arthur laugh inwardly.Taking this opportunity, Arthur took a good look at the young man. He has soft black hair, fair skin, delicate facial features, soft facial lines, and those watery eyes that can't be forgotten after just one glance. Black eyes and pink lips are now tightly pressed together because of tension, and the long eyelashes are constantly trembling, like a butterfly about to fly.Arthur also had to admit that this was a long and beautiful child, at least Arthur didn't hate it.

After examining the boy's appearance, Arthur looked at the boy with a smile on his face, because after waiting for a long time without any movement, he secretly opened his eyes to confirm the situation, and because he sat here without moving, his moist eyes His eyes opened abruptly, and the expression on his face clearly read—why didn't he pounce on me and bite me?

Such a young man who clearly expressed what he wanted in his heart made Arthur more interested.

He watched the boy go from nervousness at first to relaxation later, and even two blushes flew up on his face when his stomach was growling with hunger, which made Arthur feel that the boy was not only good-looking, but also cute.

But when he was eating, the boy stuffed himself with food as if feeding a pet, which made Arthur feel that the boy's lines were a bit too thick - did he think he was a pet?Haven't you seen a tiger-shaped orc?But the boy's candid expression didn't seem to be fake, and Arthur's doubts were even greater. Does he really not know what he is?Or did he just think he was a simple beast?

Later, Arthur felt that there were more and more mysteries about the young man. He spoke a strange language that did not belong to any ethnic group. He had a small object that could burst into flames at the touch of a button. He took out a small black box and pulled it out. With two wires stuffed in his ears, he shook his head and was still humming a little tune. He even hugged himself happily and held the black box up for a while, and finally Arthur was surprised to see his own appearance on the black box , Realistic like another self, this is really incredible!

After tossing around for a while, the boy fell asleep. Arthur looked at the boy curled up in his stomach for a long time because he was afraid of the cold, and finally came to two conclusions: first, the boy was not sent by any nobleman; second, the boy was very Interesting, very much to my liking.

Such a conclusion made Arthur decide to stay in the forest for a while longer. He wanted to see if the mystery about the boy would be solved after a while.

So Arthur kept the tiger shape to accompany the young man in the forest. He hunted for the young man, watched the young man roast the food terribly, and listened to the young man muttering in a language he didn't understand by the fire at night. , There was even a time when the boy actually talked and hugged himself in tears at the end.The boy didn't allow Arthur to turn his head, so Arthur thoughtfully didn't insist, but felt that the liquid dripping on his neck was burning.

Originally, Arthur went out to hunt the next day as usual, but he was called by his subordinates to deal with urgent matters in the family. When he left, Arthur looked back at the direction of the cave, and then left without looking back.

The affairs were handled very quickly, but Arthur's thoughts kept flying to the boy in the forest involuntarily. He should have found himself missing, right?I don't know what he will eat if I don't hunt it myself, what should I do if I sleep at night?There are many things, Arthur shook his head when he came back to his senses, novel people or things are certainly interesting, but it is a dangerous thing to have too much interest in things that have never been known, even though he thinks the other party is not malicious, but who would I know, when it is inevitable that there will be mistakes in judgment, it is better to be cautious.

Originally wanting to put this strange encounter aside, Arthur finally found that the young man had a much deeper impact on him than he thought in just a few days of getting along. Don't worry about entering the forest again.

When he came to the cave, the boy had already left. After thinking about it, Arthur still followed the boy's scent, and then he saw the thrilling scene.

Dealing with a beast was just a trivial matter for Arthur, but after the vulgar beast was dealt with, the boy's howling when he hugged him made Arthur feel a little flustered, which he had never felt before.

It's not that he never thought about bringing the boy back to the main city, but the cautious habit he had developed over the years made him tell himself, wait, wait.

So the life in the forest continued, and the young man became more and more dependent on him. Time was like a clear stream, brushing away the doubts and worries in Arthur's heart. Finally, on that snowy night, Arthur Se made the decision to bring the boy back to the main city—the boy's body and thin clothes could not resist the increasingly cold weather, and it seemed that his heart had undergone a subtle change.

The next day, the boy's reaction to his changes exceeded Arthur's expectations again. He seemed to have never seen a male orc before, and his expression was unconcealable surprise, but when he was brought to the main city, he turned red with anger and trembled at him. He yelled and yelled, and finally ran out without looking back.

It was the first time someone had such a temper tantrum against him, and Arthur was stunned for a while, but in the end he asked the guard to follow the deceived boy. His reaction made Arthur feel that it was time to think again.

The news of the guards came back in a steady stream. The young man was walking in a daze on the street, curled up under the eaves to shelter from the wind and rain, and he was even reluctant to eat all the fruits.

That night, it was windy and rainy outside, the boy was having a hard time, and Arthur didn't sleep well all night. The next day, Arthur, who had made a decision, rushed to the place where the boy was staying, and looked at the surprised and frail boy who was surprised by his arrival. The expression was a little helpless and a little distressed.

On the way back with the boy in his arms, Arthur thought, maybe this is a gift from the gods.

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