The emperor penguins catching up behind seemed to have discovered this breathing hole, and they all changed their original routes to the sea and came over.

Song Wen circled around the breathing hole twice. Except for the breathing hole, the ice in other places is still very hard. It will probably take several months to completely melt. By then, it will probably be late summer. , the emperor penguin cubs have also come to sea.

The emperor penguins who came first were impatient, and they tentatively moved forward without seeing their companions entering the water.The little yellow chicken froze, looked around, and quickly stepped forward to protect Song Wen behind him.

"Is there any danger?" Song Wen asked upon seeing this. In some respects, the little yellow chicken is much more sensitive to danger than the emperor penguin.But the little yellow chicken didn't know if there was any danger nearby, but instinctively kept Song Wen away from the breathing hole.


At this time, the emperor penguin who had tried first had already reached the edge of the breathing hole. It did not rush into the water, but looked under the water with its head and head, wondering if it could see through the water to see if there was something fierce hidden below. predators.

Song Wen couldn't help feeling nervous and worried about it.

Although impatient, the emperor penguin is very cautious. It has been going to and from the breeding ground for several years. It is more experienced in the dangers it may encounter than other young emperor penguins. Even if it cannot see the danger underwater, it is not in a hurry. After entering the water, he stretched out his flippers to the surface of the water and stirred a few times.

Song Wen was a little surprised at the emperor penguin's intelligence, and did not notice any danger. The emperor penguin raised its neck and shook, and the other emperor penguins slowly moved closer to it. After the first emperor penguin entered the water, the other emperor penguins had to move Keep up, or procrastination is an easy target for predators.

However, before the emperor penguin plunged into the water, the predator hiding under the water seemed to be unable to wait, and rushed up. The emperor penguin reacted quickly, fluttering its wings and dodging for a while, but the emperor penguin's movements on the shore were originally It was rather clumsy, and was still bitten by a handful of hairs. The other emperor penguins had already yelled and moved away from the breathing hole, and even Song Wen was pushed back a few steps by the little yellow chicken.

The sudden attack made Song Wen stunned. The emperor penguin's temptation just now made him think that the breathing hole was safe. After all, this place is too close to the breeding ground, and the surrounding ice is very thick. Even if there is a breathing hole, the leopard seals They may not necessarily be willing to stay here forever. The closer to the sea, the ice that has gradually begun to melt is now a more suitable place for them to hunt.

The huge animal mouth is open, and the well-developed and sharp canine teeth are tightly stuck on the hair of the emperor penguin. As long as it moves forward even a little bit, it can directly get stuck into the flesh of the emperor penguin, and give the fat adult emperor penguin Drag it into the water and become food for predators.

In addition to killer whales, this is the world of leopard seals.

The emperor penguin was pulled by the leopard seal and slid a little distance into the breathing hole. His feet had already touched the icy sea water, but the will to survive made him flutter desperately to the shore, with his wings propped on the ground, because of the force Picked up a lot of broken ice slag.

Fortunately, the leopard seal's attack this time was too impatient, and only bit the outer layer of hair. Although a layer of feathers was severely torn off, the emperor penguin escaped at the last moment.Some blood flowed from the tearing place, at least his life was saved.

The leopard seal poked its head out of the water, the bloody hair of the emperor penguin was still stained on the corner of its mouth, it stretched out its tongue and licked it, and rolled the lock of hair into its mouth like this, scanning the murderous eyes coldly The emperor penguins surrounding him paused for a moment at Song Wen's body, but quickly looked away again.The pups are too small to fit between their teeth, and leopard seals don't go to great lengths to catch emperor penguin pups.

What's more, the cubs of emperor penguins will not enter the water until they reach adulthood. The speed of leopard seals on land is much more clumsy than that of emperor penguins, and it is even more impossible to hunt prey.

But the feeling of being stared at by predators made Song Wen's scalp tingle. The little yellow chicken spread its wings and stood in front of him like an old hen guarding its cubs.

"Ji." Even though the strength is not strong, the little yellow chicken looks straight at the threat of the leopard seal without fear. Of course, the other party does not take this little yellow chicken with no hairs in its eyes.

The leopard seal did not stay in the breathing hole for too long. Seeing that the prey had escaped, it smashed its mouth and slowly dived into the water. Only a few bubbles on the water surface were left to indicate the arrival of the leopard seal. .

The emergence of ferocious predators has made emperor penguins lose interest in this breathing hole that can quickly lead to the ocean. If they had been lucky before, now no one will be the first to go into the water to act The prey of the leopard seal, so that the companions can reach the sea faster through this breathing hole.

The emperor penguins lined up again, returned to their original route to the sea, staggered and continued to cross the long ice sheet directly to the sea with their feet.Song Wen swallowed his saliva, his attention was still on the big mouth of the leopard seal before, knowing that there were ferocious predators hiding under the water, it seems that it is not right to want to get food through this breathing hole possible.

Song Wen didn't want to use his and the little yellow chicken's small bodies to challenge the huge leopard seal for the sake of a few krills.

Of course, they came out with great difficulty, and it was impossible for them to go back to the breeding ground in despair after being so frightened by the leopard seals. Besides wanting to use food to exchange information with the harpies, Song Wen and the little yellow chicken More food is also needed to ensure they can survive to adulthood.

I rubbed my heart with my small wings and calmed down. At this time, the emperor penguins around the breathing hole have gradually gone away. Such a breathing hole is here, for those emperor penguins who are eager to go to sea. It is a very big temptation to say that, if it is ignored like this, I am afraid that other emperor penguins will be fooled and finally buried in the mouth of the leopard seal.

Song Wen observed that the breathing hole was not very big. After thinking about it, he muttered a few words with the little yellow chicken, and one bird and one emperor penguin pushed the snowball nearby.

When digging snow pits, the little yellow chickens already have the experience of pushing snowballs. Every time they go out, they will use snowballs to block the hole, lest other emperor penguins will run in and eat the food they have stored.

It doesn't take much effort to push the snowball on the ice, but Song Wen's prediction of the size is still a bit wrong. The diameter of the first snowball is a little smaller than the hole, and the snowball didn't last much on the breathing hole. It sank to the bottom of the sea in seconds.

The movement on the water made the leopard seal poke its head out again, but it only showed a pair of eyes that were shining coldly, and scanned around, but didn't see any other emperor penguins approaching except for the two cubs, so it couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Confused, he quickly dived down again.

Seeing the leopard seal again for the second time, the impact was not as strong as the first time. Seeing that the snowball failed to block the hole, Song Wen was not relieved, but there was not much snow nearby, most of it was solid ice. It is not easy to make the snowball a little stronger.

Song Wen looked around and set his mind on a not-too-high iceberg not far away.

Although most of the ice field under the feet is formed by the thick ice condensed from the sea surface, due to the blizzard, some uneven terrain will still be formed around it.For example, the iceberg that Song Wen was staring at was not too high, and it was only about three or four meters high by visual inspection. It might be the ice floes left over from the previous year, and it was directly frozen here after winter.

The iceberg was not too far away from the breathing hole, but there was a thick accumulation of snow at the foot of the shady mountain, which was blown down by the snowstorm, and it was too late to condense into ice, so they could be used as materials.

In order to prevent the breathing hole from luring the emperor penguin, the two cubs plan to make a snowball that can cover the entire opening of the breathing hole. The position here is a little higher, even if they make the snowball bigger. Can push back.

The little yellow chicken likes this game of pushing snowballs very much. Its strength is stronger than Song Wen's, and its wings are also more slender than Song Wen's. Its bright yellow claws can even grab a handful of shards of ice on the ground. Song Wen jumped into the snow with a cheer when he opened his mouth.

Song Wen was a little helpless, calculated the time, and when they piled up the snowballs, they would almost rush back to the breeding ground. It seemed that it was impossible to go to other places to look for food today.

One bird and one emperor penguin had a great time pushing the snowball. Watching the snowball get bigger and bigger, I always felt a sense of accomplishment.

"Xiaoji, did you hear any sound?" Song Wen stopped his movements. Although he was an emperor penguin, he couldn't tell the meaning of the calls of emperor penguins very well, so the calls of emperor penguins were not very sensitive.

At this moment, the cry of emperor penguins can be faintly heard from the back of the iceberg, including adult emperor penguins and cubs.This had to make Song Wen feel strange. It would not be surprising if the voices of adult emperor penguins appeared here. After all, it was the peak time for emperor penguins to come and go to sea, but the cubs had to be let out when they appeared here. People care.

"Hey?" The little yellow chicken tilted its neck, but it understood what Song Wen meant, and reluctantly put down the unfinished snowball, flapping its little wings and bouncing around the foot of the iceberg.

Seeing this, Song Wen also followed the little yellow chicken, waddling forward.

Although the height of this iceberg is not high, its length is not small. Song Wen suspects that the land beneath it is connected to the breeding ground, not sea water.When he got around the edge and looked forward, Song Wen was stunned. The iceberg was much bigger than he imagined, and there was a crack in the middle that divided the iceberg into two halves. Under the crack, several emperor penguins were being killed. stuck in it.

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