The elders of the Black Crow Clan came here with their clansmen when the sky was bright. At this time, Song Wen had already helped Yi carefully tidy up all the feathers in the bed. Although Yi was a little depressed, he was still happy to see so many feathers. Move back to the cabin and hide.

Now their linen clothes are all made by a woman named Ah Shui from the Black Crow Clan. Ah Shui's face looks about 40 years old, her wings are injured and she can't fly, but when she turns into a human form, it doesn't affect the weaving action. .

Ah Shui's partner died in an attack by a monster more than ten years ago, and the cub's egg that was about to break its shell was also stolen by a flamingo in the same year. Become very silent, very different from other clansmen who like to get together and chatter from time to time and can't stop for a moment.

Ah Shui is very serious in doing things, and he is also very smart. He can quickly learn what he has taught once, and even try to think and innovate by himself. Because he cannot fly, Ah Shui usually maintains a human form most of the time. In winter, it is necessary to endure the torture of severe cold.

Knowing that animal skin and linen clothes can not only cover the body but also keep warm, Ah Shui even developed a way to make clothes out of feathers.Yi plans to hand over these feathers to Ah Shui after she becomes more proficient in making clothes. From clothes to hats, Song Wen's whole body will be wrapped in golden feathers. I can't wait to throw all the feathers to Ah Shui now.

"The feathers all fell off overnight?" Ah Que was shocked, and his voice was a bit loud, which attracted the eyes of the people around him who had not had time to disperse to fall on Yi's body. Song Wen could even hear the black crows. Curious and gossipy discussions.

"All the feathers fell out overnight, so will new feathers grow in time?"

"No way, it took me more than half a month to moult intermittently before. The feathers that grew out were short and small. It was still winter, and I almost froze to death." With lingering fears, the cubs usually choose to moult in spring, so that they will have a whole summer and autumn to grow thick and thick feathers, which are enough to resist the severe winter wind and snow.

"Then... isn't the winged beast bald now?"

Someone asked weakly, and the others all turned their gazes to the person who asked the question. Their eyes were dazed for a moment, then lit up as if thinking of something, and finally they became more sympathetic. But more is the feeling of watching the excitement.

Well, it's still a warm spring now, and after some time into summer, the temperature in the forest will become sultry. At that time, even they can't wait to take off their fur. Now the wings are just bald ahead of time. It was enough for his feathers to grow back before winter came, so these people were not very worried, and they even had the mood to imagine what it would be like to have a hairless beast.

"Like a skinned wild boar?" Yi just slaughtered a wild boar yesterday, and someone helped to kill it. The scene only passed one night, and it is still very clear in retrospect. At that time, the whole wild boar hair was rolled several times with boiling water, and then After scraping it off again and again with an iron knife, the whole wild boar becomes bald.

However, the pig skin of the wild boar is dark brown, even if the hair is shaved, it doesn't look very obvious.

"Or a skinned carnivorous rabbit?" Unlike wild boars, the rabbit fur is peeled off whole, and finally the whole rabbit is peeled off, leaving only the red flesh.

"More like a pheasant? After all, pheasants have wings."

Song Wen: "..."

The elder is used to the noisy voices of his own people, and there is probably an area in his mind that can automatically block these nonsense. No matter how cheerfully other people are discussing on the side, he can still ask calmly: "Is there something mentioned in your family's inheritance?" Has there been a second hair molt?"

Yi glared at the group of Black Crows who gathered together to discuss in a low voice, Ah Da touched his nose embarrassingly, and stepped forward to drive everyone away from Shegui Island. There is a lot of work today, just digging the foundation for the house It is estimated that it will take a whole day, and before they leave, they are told to go to the iron smelting place to pick up tools.

Seeing that the curious people had left, Yi shook his head. Although there was no mention of the second moult in the inheritance, Yi didn't feel any discomfort. He can really fly in the air, which also means that he has grown up completely and is no longer a cub.

"Moulting is not a bad thing." The elder smiled reassuringly. Their Black Crow Clan can only completely molt once in their life, which is from the cub stage to the transformation stage. After moulting, it means that the cub will grow. big.

For their birds and beastmen, moulting is no less than shedding the skin of snakes. It can be said to be a reborn growth. Although the elders have never seen anyone who can molt twice, as long as the new hair can grow back, how many times will it be possible? It's not a bad thing to change again.

Song Wen heard the elder say the same, so he was relieved, but today he didn't want Yi to go out, so he took him to see the new house laying the foundation.

The bamboo has been felled two days ago and is being piled aside to dry in the shade. The first house has only one floor, but the area is much larger than their log cabin. In addition to a living room and a living room, there is also a One place is used as a washroom, because the technology of pottery is not yet skilled enough, and bamboo is still used as a water pipe for the sewer.

These bamboos look like moso bamboo, they grow thick and tall, the largest one is almost half a person's arms, more than 20 meters high, it is said to be bamboo, but it is more like a thick tree.

If you want to use bamboo as a water pipe, you have to split the bamboo and clean the bamboo joints inside. They have cement now, so you don’t have to worry about water leakage when you paste a layer on the outside. It’s just that it will be finished in a few years. To be replaced.

Although the Black Crows can't understand the floor plan, they only need to plan the place for them and explain where to start digging and to what extent. Some people have dug wells with the elders before, and they have been helping to do it these days All kinds of farm work, digging up the foundation now also looks good.

The cheetahs are worried here, and they don't plan to go back to the group for the time being.However, he is not like a cheetah who just idles by Fatty's side every day. Instead, he goes to help carry iron ore and lime. The current road is only a dirt road that they cut all the way from the North River to the wasteland, and other places are still mixed. The grass is overgrown and it is not suitable for walking. To transport things, people from the Crow tribe or Ah Man need to transport them from the air in animal form.

Song Wen became very busy. Although Yi had just lost all his feathers, his human form was not affected at all. He used to use human form to move around a lot. After a long time, everyone forgot that his animal form was still in the bald state. The state of Mao is gone.


A sound of spring thunder exploded in the sky. Song Wen, who was working together with Yi to tie the bamboo tendons, raised his head. It was a little dark, and it seemed that a spring rain would come soon. Song Wen quickly ordered everyone to move all the materials back to the grass. to the shed.

There was a lot of rain in spring, and Song Wen built more than a dozen of those thatched huts that were only made of bamboo and branches, all of which were specially used to store things and let everyone rest.

"As soon as it rained, the fire was extinguished." Ada wiped the rain from his face, looked at the dense rain, and complained a little.

Both ironmaking and lime burning require temperature. When the spring rains, not only the temperature drops sharply, but the iron smelting furnace cannot be covered with a grass shed. If the temperature is too high, the whole grass shed will be ignited. So although they built a new kiln with cement, they still work in the open air. When it rains, half of the iron ore they smelted today will be abandoned.

"This house is just for them to practice first. After the construction is completed, I will build an ironworks and a cement factory for you." The demand for iron and cement is high, and there is no rush to mass-produce just one house now. , but there will be more houses to be built in the future, so naturally we can no longer use a few simple tandoors for production like now.

"As long as it can shelter the wind and rain." Ah Da rubbed his hands. Although he couldn't imagine what the house looked like when it was built, he also lived in a log cabin. If it rains, don't worry about it leaking inside.

This rain fell for a long time, and when it stopped, it was dark, and seeing that they couldn't work, some members of the Black Crow Clan braved the rain and flew back to the cave.

Song Wen used wooden barrels and stone pots to collect a lot of rainwater for washing and drinking. The wells will take some time to clean up. Now they rely on the freshwater pool stored on the top of Guibei Mountain for water. The water in it was melted before. ice water.

Song Wen built a small waterwheel on the top of the mountain, and covered the water pipes with bamboo. There is no need to fly to the top of the mountain to fetch water as before, and the water will flow down the mountain along the bamboo pipes.

The next day was sunny and the weather was fine, so Song Wen first went to check whether the materials inside the huts were wet by the rain.

There was also some rainwater accumulated under the foundation dug yesterday, and the dug out soil was piled aside, and after soaking in the rainwater, it became mushy, and people who walked by would be stained with mud.

The iron-smelting furnace was covered with leaves and animal skins in time. Except for the outer layer of charcoal getting a little wet, there were no major problems in other places. After cleaning, the furnace can continue to operate today. The plants in the field have absorbed the rainwater for a long time. Even though it is a mildly saline-alkali land, it has to be said that the soil dug out is very fertile. Even if no fertilizer is needed, the harvest of this season should not be bad.

The building of the house was so delayed by the sudden rain that there was no way to start today. Several members of the Black Crow tribe who were responsible for building the house squatted beside them and sighed. Song Wen simply waved his hand and assigned new tasks to everyone.

The originally slumped Black Crow clansmen lifted their spirits, "What do you want us to do?"

"Go to the forest and pick matsutake."

No matter in the surrounding mountain peaks or in the nearby forest, the largest number of trees is pine trees, and the land is wet just after rain, which is a good time for matsutake to grow. Now, take advantage of the warm weather and go to the forest There should be a lot of gains if you look for it.

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