It took almost two months to build the house, and the temperature had already turned hot by the time it was built.

In the end, a total of five houses were built. Except for the three houses they lived in, the remaining two houses were reserved for the Black Crows who came to the wasteland to settle down, although the place where the Black Crows lived and the wasteland were just It was a distance away from a hill, but there were some people who wanted to stay in the ironworks to watch the fire, so Song Wen asked them to rest in the empty house.

A few days after the house was built, the rainy season came one step ahead of the summer, which was stronger than the continuous spring rain in spring and less than the squalling torrential rain in summer.

The elder stood under the eaves and shook off the raindrops on his body. The feathers of the Black Crow Clan were not very waterproof. Coming from the territory, even if they returned to human form, they would still be covered with moisture.

There is a clay basin in the room, with a few firewood thrown in it, and a few pieces of linen clothes are being dried on a wooden shelf next to it.

Wipe off the raindrops and dirt on the feet on the broken animal skin blanket at the door, the elder took Ah Que and pushed the door in together. The wooden door was half-closed to prevent the mist outside from being blown in by the wind. The room was a little dark, except for the middle of the hall. A few oil lamps were lit besides the clay basin.

The oil in the oil lamp is boiled from animal oil, and the wick is tanned with rushes and paper. The light is not very bright, but it is enough for lighting during the day.

The room was very dry. Song Wenzheng and Yi were talking, and Xi came over privately, and hurriedly made room for them, "Why are you here at this time? It has been raining for the past few days, and there is nothing to do here."

"It's also idle in the cave." The elder sat next to the brazier to warm the moisture on his body. Song Wen poured him a cup of hot tea. This is a kind of tea made from wild mountain flowers. The aroma, with a sweet taste, is more popular among the Black Crows than the tea made from pine needles, especially Ada, who likes sweets. He went directly to the mountain to pick several baskets of wild flowers and came back, enough for him to drink for several years .

The elder took a sip, the freshly brewed tea was still a little hot, so he simply put it aside and talked about the purpose of coming here this time.

"It has been raining for several days."

Song Wen looked out the window, the sky was gloomy, and the window was covered with a layer of water vapor, and he could only see the traces of water droplets sliding down the transparent glass, "Well, it has been raining for three days."

"I told you before that the North River would flood every summer."

Song Wen's heart skipped a beat, "Isn't it still spring now?"

"This year's rain came too early." The elder sighed. There is already a lot of precipitation in spring, and once the rainy season comes, it lasts for several days. Usually it has risen a lot, and there is a tendency to spread.Although there is no sign of the river spreading up at this time in previous years, who can be sure that it will not be earlier this year?

Song Wen groaned for a while after hearing this. He had also learned about the flooding of the Beihe River before. According to speculation in previous years, the time should not appear until about one or two months into the summer. At that time, there will be about half a month. During the rainy season, the soaring river can directly flood the caves where the Black Crows live.

Song Wen originally wanted to take the Black Crow people to build a section of the river embankment after the house was built. Now they can already fire clay bricks and cement. There are also many scattered stones on the surrounding mountain peaks, and No manual effort is required to mine.Only build the part of the river embankment that belongs to the territory of the Black Crow Clan, at least it can block the river water.

There is also Song Wen who wants to dig a moat around the wasteland, and he also wants to dig a large lake that can accommodate snakes and turtles. The river water is diverted downstream, even if the embankment is breached, at least there is still a moat to stop it.

In the past two months, the vine melons in the field have grown lush and lush, and they will be able to hang flowers in a few days. If the flowers are knocked off by the continuous torrential rain, then their hard work during this time will really be wasted.

Rattan melons can be regarded as their staple food. Song Wen planted a lot this time, and fenced the field with branches to prevent small animals in the forest from running over for food. If this amount is harvested, it will be enough for them to have an entire Black Crow Clan. People eat it for a year, and when the rattan melons mature, they will enter a long winter, so Song Wen attaches great importance to this batch of rattan melons. Even though it has been raining these two days, Song Wen has to go to the field several times. Ah Da no longer needs to make iron, and even took the initiative to take over the task of guarding the fields. Occasionally, Ah Man or Yi would replace him.

Elder Lao Paji Fang Jidan looked serious, "Maybe I'm too worried, I just hope that the rain will stop tomorrow."

Song Wen pondered for a while, sat upright, and looked at the elder, "I wonder if the elder can lend me the members of your Black Crow Clan after the rain stops?"

"Are you going to build a house?"

Song Wen shook his head. He stood up, went to the room and took out the sketches revised during this period. They were a few maps, which showed the terrain around the wasteland. Although the proportions were not accurate, the approximate location was clearly marked and familiar. People can tell it's that place just by looking at it.

Song Wen also specially asked Fatty to teach the cubs of the Black Crow Clan to read and write. They can recognize more characters than those cubs who have learned it specially. Now, with just a glance, they can understand what words are written on the rough paper made of bark.

The elder followed the cubs to learn characters, on the one hand, because he had never had such a thing as pig characters, on the other hand, he was also curious. Song Wen has been busy tinkering with all kinds of novelty things, inspecting the fields, and occasionally Going into the forest to find out if there are any edible wild vegetables, I can't wait to break them into three pieces for almost a day.

Even if Fatty teaches the cubs, it is just to see that the cubs have nothing to do every day and can only sleep on the side in a daze. I taught it by myself, and I don't worry that Fatty will teach it indiscriminately, so Song Wen hasn't mentioned the importance of writing to the elder.

The elder also saw the paper made of tree bark, but after making it, Song Wen asked them to use it to make toilet paper. Not to mention, the effect is much better than the wood chips and leaves they usually use, and it is also easy to wipe. Very clean and soft.

It was the first time for the elder to see Song Wen scribbling on paper. Although the elder couldn't understand the simplified map, he knew all the characters on it. He took the pieces of paper in his hand in surprise and looked After looking again and again, I finally couldn't help asking: "What are these?"

"Map." Song Wen pointed to one of them, and explained to the elder the matter of building an embankment on the bank of the Beihe River.

The elder didn't interrupt, but just listened quietly, until Song Wen said that he wanted to build a moat and wall around the wasteland, and stopped to drink water dryly, the elder still couldn't recover .

This emperor penguin, how many unheard of lame and unaccompanied mus can they come up with?

"With these two things, even ferocious beasts won't be able to break in." That's safer than their caves and the cliffs of the Harpy. After all, ferocious beasts can't swim, but they can climb The ability is very strong.

"These can't be done in a short while. We can build the river embankment first. There are many large stones in the surrounding mountains. We can still fire clay bricks. If we do it together, it will only be reinforced. One side of the embankment is not difficult."

The other side of the embankment depends on whether there is enough time to do it. There is also a large area within the territory of the Black Crow Clan, but there are no other races living near it.

The elder nodded. Although he didn't fully understand Song Wen's meaning, at least the things Song Wen produced during this period of time would not be random. The Black Crow Clan just put in a little effort, just like this , these foreigners seem to have not joined their Black Crow Clan, but in fact they are no different from their own clansmen.

As long as the river doesn't flow into the forest, the animals in the forest won't be drowned or run away, and they don't have to go to see the faces of the big hawks every year to hunt their prey. The big hawks have taken over a lot in recent years When foreigners come in, they have also hinted that they want their women to give birth to them. If the entire forest is submerged by floods this year, it is estimated that the big hawks will not let them enter their territory as easily as before. hunting.

Chatted with Song Wen in detail for a while, and had a meal here at noon. I have to say that Song Wen's cooking skills are very good. Some.

After eating and drinking, the elder touched his swollen stomach and said with emotion: "If I stay with you for a while, I don't want to go back."

The cave where the Black Crows live is very humid when it rains, and the rain will pour in, and the mountain wind blows, making people shivering even in the hot summer, but recently they have learned how to make linen clothes And animal skin clothes, after wearing them at such a low temperature, you won’t feel too cold. Now the people of the Black Crow Clan can maintain their human form for a long time on weekdays, and only change into animal form to fly when they go out.

"If you like, why don't you all move here?" Song Wen invited with a smile.

This is not the first time Song Wen mentioned this matter, but the elders have always been worried about the summer floods, and there is no shelter around the wasteland, unlike their caves, which only have one entrance, and the caves inside extend in all directions, even if they meet Dangerous, if the clansmen drilled inside, they could hide even if they couldn't beat it, so the elders had always firmly rejected Song Wen's proposal.

But now the elder was silent for a while, instead of refusing like in the past, "Let's talk about it after your moat and wall are built."

Song Wen was taken aback for a moment, then looked at him in surprise, "That's for sure."

The elder looked at the emperor penguin with crooked eyebrows and eyes in front of him, and couldn't help but hook his lips. At this time, the wooden door was knocked open, and the wind and rain rushed in. Song Wen, who was about to get up to send the elder out, was doused. Face.

"Song Song, broken, broken."

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