Song Wen looked around, the adult emperor penguins were busy taking care of their cubs, they would not leave the group easily, knowing that no emperor penguins would come to disturb him, so Song Wen walked around the white egg Turned twice.

From the outside, Song Wen couldn't tell what kind of egg it was. There was only a little bit of snow on the top of the white egg, and there was no sign of cracking on the surface of the eggshell. It looked like the two Genius shows up here as well.

Even though it's early spring, the temperature here is about minus [-] to [-] degrees. At this temperature, the blanks inside the white eggs have been frozen and destroyed, and it is impossible to hatch again. Song Wen can only pray for the blanks inside. The tire has not yet formed, after all, he has no interest in Maodan at all.

But at this temperature, no matter how long the egg has been kept here, Song Wen doesn't have to worry about the egg liquid inside going bad.

Song Wenmei patted the surface of the white egg with his small wings. It was very hard and colder than the ice rock he had climbed just now. With his small body, he wanted to smash the white egg open and eat it. The delicious egg liquid inside seems to take a lot of work.

But this is not a problem for Song Wen. After all, he is not a real emperor penguin. With human wisdom, there are many ways to break an eggshell. Instead, he has to worry about whether the adult emperor penguins next to him will run away. Come over and grab food from yourself. He is just a cub with little ability now. It is not easy to find a little food on this barren ice field. At least this white egg can save him from the adult emperor penguin for a long time. Begging for food.

Literally speaking, even though he was very hungry, Song Wen still had no way to adapt to the feeding method of emperor penguins. Except when the snowstorm came and the temperature dropped suddenly, he needed the emperor penguin's pouch to keep warm, if he could find food by himself In fact, Song Wen still hopes that he can support himself.

At least this will prevent him from forgetting his human identity.

Song Wen tried to push the white egg with his own body weight. The white egg touched the ice surface and made a dull sound, but there was no sign of breaking.

Song Wen clicked his tongue secretly. He knew that there was a piece of broken ice not far away. Something, Song Wen opened his eyes there. It is estimated that the original little emperor penguin cub got lost in the crushed ice and couldn't find the way back to the emperor penguin colony. outsider.

The white egg is like a giant football, round and round, even a weak emperor penguin cub can roll it a long distance on the ice.

But even so, when Song Wen finally pushed the white egg to the destination, it was almost dark. After no sun, the temperature was ten degrees lower than during the day. Even if there was no wind, the fluff hadn't grown neatly Song Wen also couldn't spend the whole night at such a temperature. He had to find an adult emperor penguin to provide him with warmth before the temperature dropped completely.

"You have to stay here well, I will come to enjoy you tomorrow morning." He obviously used the body of an emperor penguin cub, but what Song Wen spoke was still human language, which was why he couldn't express it. The reason why I think of myself as an emperor penguin.

He patted the white egg lightly with his short wings, and Song Wen also put a few fluffs that he rubbed off by himself next to the white egg. Although he turned into an emperor penguin, Song Wen's sense of smell became more sensitive Many, putting his fluff here will make it easier for him to find this white egg tomorrow.

The emperor penguin cubs are carefully cared for by the emperor penguin mother on the insteps. They will not wander outside like Song Wen before the full moon. Some emperor penguin mothers who lost their cubs have returned to the sea one after another to look for food. However, it is actually not as easy as imagined for Song Wen to find an emperor penguin that can take him in.

It caused the emperor penguins to scramble for the cubs, which could endanger Song Wen's life if it was serious.

Fortunately, the female emperor penguin who took him in yesterday is used to moving outside. While walking, she raised her neck and barked twice from time to time. If Song Wen knew more about emperor penguins, she would find that it was the sound of calling her cubs.

There are many emperor penguins here, tens of thousands. He was also shocked by the number when he saw it on the ice rock. They look exactly the same, and parents and children can only communicate with each other through this unique call. To identify it, Song Wen can't make this sound, and can't tell the difference between other adult emperor penguins calling like this, so even if his father emperor penguin comes back with a full belly of food next time, Song Wen won't be able to recognize it. other side.

Even with the body of an emperor penguin cub, he is actually a fake emperor penguin.

His makeshift emperor penguin mother doesn't need to rely on the call to identify it. It has a small tuft of hair on its neck that is orange-red, which is very different from other emperor penguins.

It seems to be a novice mother. It didn't notice when Song Wen sneaked out of its feet in the morning. Now it sees the cub sauntering back, but it is running with short legs vigilantly. After coming over, in front of Song Wen, the novice mother stopped, bent down, and drove the bold cub back to her instep with her beak. The fur there is soft and warm, which can give the cub the best protection .

Song Wen didn't struggle, and took advantage of the opportunity to climb onto the novice mother's instep to nest. The soft fur gently covered his body, driving away the chill all over his body. Song Wen couldn't help but sighed softly. It would be better to starve.

The novice mother seemed to know that the cub was still hungry, lowered her head, spit out the food, and grunted twice in her throat, as if reminding the cub to eat as soon as possible.

Song Wen looked at his little wings. If he wanted to eat, he had to raise his neck and stretch his beak into the novice mother's throat to grab the food. He saw that the food was covered with saliva like emperor penguins. Things, think about the white eggs I found today.

Forget it, there will be fresh eggs to eat tomorrow. Anyway, emperor penguins don't need to eat all the time, so it won't be difficult for their stomachs.

Song Wen patted the novice mother's instep with her small wings and shrank in, obviously not wanting to ask for food from the emperor penguin's mouth.

The novice mother tilted her head in doubt, isn't Zai Zai hungry?

Seeing that Song Wen really had no intention of eating, the novice mother straightened up, walked cautiously, and walked back to the colony of emperor penguins.

Even after walking on the ice field for a long time today, he pushed a white egg that was bigger than himself into the crushed ice and hid it. He was obviously very tired, but Song Wen didn't feel sleepy at all.

His neighbor seemed to be an overly active bear kid, probably slept too much during the day, and was screaming at Song Wen energetically at the moment, as if he wanted to call Song Wen to chat with it.

The temperature under the emperor penguin's fur is very high, and it covers the whole body, so it will feel a little stuffy after a long time. Song Wen could see a bird's head protruding over. The first time Song Wen was startled, but after getting used to it, Song Wen didn't bother to pay attention to it.

And the bear child seemed unable to see Song Wen's rejection all over his body, but kept barking more and more vigorously. If its mother hadn't stopped it with a bird's beak, Song Wen felt that the bear child might just want to crawl directly to his side Come.

The black sky is full of bright stars. After living in the city for a long time, I almost forgot what the stars looked like. Song Wen didn't know much about the starry sky, so he couldn't find the ones with familiar names from the starry sky. pieces.

Not long after nightfall, the aurora began to appear in the sky. This was the first time Song Wen saw such a thing as the aurora. Starting from the horizon, almost half of the starry sky was illuminated by the emerald green aurora. This time it was not just the neighbor's bear boy , several emperor penguin cubs around looked up and looked up, and called twice from time to time, as if they were enjoying this gorgeous natural wonder and discussing with their partners by the way.

Song Wen couldn't understand what they were saying, but listening to these voices, he felt a peacefulness in his heart, and he fell into such a deep sleep not long after.

The next morning was still a sunny day, even the temperature seemed to be warmer than yesterday, Song Wen took advantage of the time when the novice mother hadn't woken up, and sneaked out from its instep again.

This time he no longer wandered around aimlessly, and carefully avoided the sight of other adult emperor penguins. He had a clear purpose and ran directly to the place where the white eggs were hidden yesterday, thinking that he would be able to eat in a short while. I can't help but feel a little happier.

After one night, a thin layer of snowflakes fell on the surface of the white egg, which should have been blown by the wind last night. At first glance, this white egg is similar to the surrounding ice cubes, but the shape It was just rounder than ice cubes. Seeing that Bai Dan was still in place, Song Wen's heart, which had been worrying all night, finally relaxed a little.

Song Wen's beak is too immature to peck too hard things. The claws are sharper than the beak, but after all, it is the body of a cub. Song Wen is worried that the claws will be worn out before they grow well, so then The gain outweighs the loss.

There are many pieces of ice around. The place where Song Wen originally hid the white egg was lower than the surrounding area, but now he happened to use ice to smash it down from a high place.

It's just hard work pushing the ice cubes up and down.

Just do it, Song Wen picked a piece of ice with corners, pushed it to the highest place, estimated the distance, and then pushed the ice down.

With a "pop", a crack appeared on the hard eggshell surface.

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