The weather in summer is changeable. After Song Wen brought people back to the wasteland, there were several heavy rains one after another. However, the summer rain came and went quickly, but it did not cause much impact. The crops brought moist rain, so that they grow more lush.

Song Wen also went into the forest several times during this period. They dug a lot of thorns and vines and came back. They dug a hole outside the wooden fence and wrapped it in plant ash. With sufficient watering and sunshine without trees, these thorns and vines It grows very fast, and within half a month it can cover most of the fence, and even hangs a kind of light yellow flower, which looks like a beautiful flower wall from a distance.

But there are sharp wooden thorns hidden among the green leaves and yellow flowers. If you are accidentally scratched by the wooden thorns, most of the skin on the wound will be numb, and you will feel dizzy as if you drank fake wine, but The poison of this thorny vine is not fatal, as long as you pick a little of the bright yellow flowers, crush them and apply them to the wound, it will detoxify.

Since the flower wall has grown, Song Wen and the others can often pick up one or two small animals outside.

There was only one door outside the wooden fence, and almost no one came in and out through the door. Even Song Wen, when he went out, had wings that turned into a beast shape to follow him in and out, and that door was just a decoration.

Around the original cement house, new houses have been built one after another, and the Wangye people who don't have a bird's nest live in it first.

The inside of the house is plastered, and it is very bright even with the glass windows closed. The bed boards for sleeping are made of wood, which is incomparable with the soft bird nests they usually live in. A lot of hay came back and made the wooden bed into a new bird's nest.

Song Wen visited a few times, but as long as they slept soundly, they didn't stop them too much. It's just that there were too many hay and debris, and the people of the Wangbu clan didn't have the consciousness of cleaning. Song Wen had to watch them clean the room, at least not throw the leftover bones and meat on the ground at will. In summer, these dirty things will attract a large number of mosquitoes and flies in less than half a day, which will increase their sickness. risk of disease.

It is not something that can be completed in a short period of time for everyone to live in a newly built concrete house. Song Wen's goal is to finish it all before winter. At that time, in order to cope with the severe winter cold, we will have to build a concrete house in the house. There are several people in the Black Crow Clan and the Wang Buzzard Clan who have lost the ability to fly for a long time, and even the animal-shaped feathers have fallen off and become sparse. The long winter is very difficult for them. Very difficult thing.

A few kids surrounded the kitchen, and the boy who was about to leave his childishness couldn't squeeze in. He could only lie on the outside of the window, peeping in, occasionally moving his nose, smelling the sweet fragrance in the air, and sending out There were a few swallowing sounds.

Zai Zai bit his chubby little finger, and the saliva flowed out from the corner of his little mouth.

Today they harvested a batch of sugarcane. To be precise, it is not actually sugarcane, but a plant that looks like sugarcane. It is the seedling that was obtained from the back of the old snake turtle. The old snake turtle did not give this kind of plant. The plant was named, and Song Wen simply used the name he was familiar with to call it.

Although some sugarcane has been planted one after another during this period, it is the first time to harvest in large quantities, which is their first growth in the wasteland. Everyone is very excited, tall and thick Sugar cane stalks are neatly piled up in a cool corner of the house, there are as many as several bundles.

Early in the morning, Song Wen led someone to grind a few barrels of sugar cane juice with a stone mill, and he planned to use the sugar cane juice to boil sugar.

Now that there is a big iron pot, it is much more convenient to boil sugar than before. Song Wen stirred in the pot with a wooden spoon. As the heat rose, the whole kitchen was filled with a sweet and greasy smell, which attracted a bunch of kids. I can't wait to stick out my tongue and lick the inside of the iron pot to taste what the smell is like and why it smells so good.

Song Wen was amused. After the sugar juice turned into a thick syrup, Song Wen took out the wild fruit that had been prepared a long time ago.

This kind of wild fruit looks a bit like a hawthorn, but it turns green and yellow when ripe, and it tastes sour. Song Wen doesn't like to eat this kind of wild fruit raw, but if you pickle it , or sun-dried as a snack is not bad.

There are a lot of this kind of wild fruit trees in the forest, and they are the food that small animals like pine trees like very much. Song Wen brought people back to pick a lot of them, and he is trying to find out how to turn these wild fruits into Delicious.

The wild fruit is sprung on a clean wooden stick, like candied haws, and sprung into a bunch, then poured thick syrup on it, and then put it aside to cool.

After the temperature drops, the syrup will solidify, and it looks a bit like candied haws.

Put the remaining syrup into a clean container. After it solidifies, it will be the sugar that Song Wen needs. The method is a bit crude, but the quality of the sugar cubes is not bad.

Zai Zai only has a few small deciduous teeth, Song Wen didn't dare to give him such a hard thing, so he could only mix a little sweet cane juice for him, I don't know if the little guy knows that it is not the same thing, He was very dissatisfied with pouting a small mouth, but the food was all fed to his mouth, so Zai Zai naturally wouldn't refuse, he opened his mouth to taste it after grunting a few times, and then narrowed his eyes happily.

After the candied haws were ready, Song Wen handed the first bunch to Yi Yi who had been helping him. The syrup on the surface solidified and became a little hard. Yi took a bite, and the sour トプトストライニWith a sweet and sour taste.

"Is it delicious?" Song Wen made candied haws for the first time. He simply coated the wild fruit with a layer of syrup, and he didn't know how it tasted.

Yi Wenyan handed over the half-bitten candied haws, and Song Wen didn't dislike it, and took a bite of the place where Yi had bitten. Although the method was simple, it might be that Song Wen hadn't eaten sweets for a long time, and he thought the taste was still good. good.

The eyes of the little guys watching around kept turning with the movements of the two of them. Although they really wanted to taste the taste of the candied haws quickly, they all waited obediently and did not rush forward to pester Song Wen. Act like a baby and want to eat.

Song Wen looked at the greedy faces of the little guys, and felt a little soft-hearted. He only tasted it, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with the taste, he quickly wrapped all the wild fruits in syrup, let them stand for a while, and made them The good candied haws were distributed to them one by one, and even the adult orcs were each given one.

Candied haws is a very novel food for the orcs. Even those who don't like the sour taste like to lick the layer of syrup on the surface to clean it.

Especially Ah Da, who likes sweets, after eating two or three bites of his candied haws, he pestered Ah Que to let him share a bite, but in the end Ah Man couldn't see it, and stuffed his share into Ah Da's hand, Ah Da was so happy that he could see his teeth but could not see his eyes, and almost wanted to pounce on Ah Man to express his gratitude by kissing him forcefully, but was slapped away by Ah Man's disgusting wings.

Although the harvested sugarcane seems to be a lot, but the amount of boiled sugar is actually not much, Song Wen still explained to everyone, and put the cut end of the sugarcane in the shade for seedling cultivation, after a while Can be replanted with new sugar cane.

"It looks like there will be a heavy rain today." Even though it was noon, the sky was as dark as evening. Thick black clouds covered the sky and overwhelmed the sky, and the surrounding air became extremely dull.The soldiers who went out to patrol also turned back early, and the dried fruit firewood that was drying outside the house was also moved back into the house early.

The snake tortoise likes the rainy weather very much. Since it is not used to help keep watch at night, the snake tortoise has fallen into sleep most of the time, and only wakes up for a while to eat.Today probably felt the atmosphere of the coming rain, the snake turtle poked its head out early in the morning, looked up at the rolling black clouds in the sky, and a gleam of light flashed in its eyes.

"It's estimated that the rain will last for a long time." The snake turtle found a comfortable position and lay down, intending to feel the coming rain.

The elder Cui and the big witch looked at each other when they heard the words, and there was obvious worry in their eyes. They were sitting in Song Wen's cement room. The snake and tortoise were very close to this house. As for the huge vertical pupils of the snake tortoise, if people who are not familiar with the snake tortoise see it, they will probably be frightened directly.

"Don't worry, we have done what we have to do. If this place is really flooded, we will transfer it to the back of the snake and turtle." Song Wen comforted the two, saying that with the snake and turtle, they don't have to worry even if there is a big flood. will be flooded.You know, the snake turtle took them across the sea.

"Boom." A flash of lightning suddenly exploded from the sky, and Zai Zai was taken aback. He crawled into Song Wen's arms on both hands and feet, buried his head and dared not poke his head out. The emperor penguin Ahen, who was hatching eggs on the ground, also froze for a moment, turned his head left and right, then took small steps, and moved towards Song Wen's side step by step. When he felt dangerous and scared, Ahen The first is to want to be close to one's own kind.

Song Wen touched Zai Zai's small head, and then stroked A Hen's fur comfortingly. The room was too dark, and Yi had already lit the oil lamp.

As the thunder passed, a strong wind began to blow outside. The branches and grass leaves were rustled by the wind, and some branches were swept into the air and hit their closed glass windows. The petals of the glass flowers were not enough. It was hard, and soon after being hit, there was a crisp cracking sound, and the salad fell to the ground.

Everyone in the house was startled by this change, Song Wen quickly ordered Yi to wrap the windows with animal skins, so that the broken glass would not be blown in by the wind and hurt the people in the house.

After the doors and windows were tightly blocked, because they couldn't see the outside situation, the sound became very obvious. Yi pushed the door and went out, just in time to see a whitish rain curtain sweeping from the other side of the mountain, but in the blink of an eye , Huge drops of water fell on the concrete roof, making a crisp sound.

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