The harpies ate very slowly, Song Wen patiently waited for it to finish eating, the little yellow chicken saw that Song Wen no longer fed itself, and lightly rubbed the fluff on Song Wen's shoulders with its head, its beak opened , let out a big yawn, probably followed me on the ice field for two days in a row, even though I finally had a big meal yesterday, the little yellow chicken also put in a lot of effort, and looks very tired all day today .

"If you're tired, do you want to go home and sleep for a while?"

"Is Song Song going back too? Chick."

"You go back first, I'll leave after chatting with the human-faced bird."

"Ji, then I'll wait for Song Song."

Song Wen looked at it helplessly, and helped it smooth the fluff on its body with its wings.

While chewing slowly, the harpies watched the interaction between the two cubs. When Song Wen called herself a man-faced bird, she couldn't help correcting her: "I'm a harpy, not a man-faced bird." lower creatures."

Song Wen was stunned, "Are there other human-faced birds here?"

"Of course, but they are not called human-faced birds. They should be called rappers. They just keep repeating what others say, and they can't speak according to their own ideas. They are not orcs." The harpies curled their lips in disgust. , obviously dissatisfied with the behavior of the cub in front of him treating himself as the same as the man-faced bird.

Song Wen looked at its mouth that kept smashing, and couldn't understand why the harpy could eat such a small piece of whale meat for so long, "Don't try to change the subject, the meat is already given to you, and you haven't answered my question yet Woolen cloth."

The harpy's eyes fell on the remaining piece of meat under Song Wen's claws, and she swallowed, her face full of greed, "Would you like to give me the remaining meat first? I'll eat it right away." Tell you everything I know."

Song Wen raised his eyes to look at it, but he didn't believe that the harpy would be obedient, maybe he would pretend to be dead after the meat was fed, and he could bear it too.Song Wen didn't want to play tricks with it, picked up the piece of meat on the ground, and Song Wen pretended to feed it to the little yellow chicken leaning on him.

The Harpy's eyelids twitched, and she said anxiously: "Wait, don't say hello, don't hello, I said, can I just say no?"

Song Wen put the meat down again, and the harpy glared at him. She couldn't believe that she was repeatedly frustrated by a cub. The down-and-out phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken. If you want to blame it, you can blame yourself for being so unlucky when you hit a blizzard Not to mention, when it fell to the ground, it was lucky to be stuck in an ice hole, leaving only one head that could barely move.

Now she needs a cub to feed herself in order to survive. Just thinking about it, the Harpy has the urge to vomit blood.

"Are you going to ask yourself or it?" the harpy said reluctantly. There was still a lot of snow on its face, making its expression look a little funny.

"Is there any difference?" Song Wen was puzzled. Aren't he and the little yellow chicken both the orcs that the harpy said, so the method of transformation should be the same?Could it be that the changelings are divided into races?Song Wen's heart skipped a beat, and he looked at the harpies in front of him. He didn't want to be like the harpy with only one head that could transform into a human form.

In the future, if he becomes an emperor penguin with a human head on his head, Song Wen will get goosebumps just thinking about the picture. It would be better to keep the emperor penguin's appearance all the time.

"Of course it's not the same. A natural orc can have the ability to transform into an adult, but an acquired orc must have a chance to transform."

"A natural-born beastman? Is someone like Xiaoji a natural-born beastman?"

Hearing his own name, the little yellow chicken tilted his head and called out to Song Wen, "Hey."

The harpies glanced at the little yellow chicken, with a bit of envy deep in its eyes, it nodded, and replied: "Well, the number of natural orcs is not many, and it is easy to transform, so their young Cubs are easy to be targeted by other races, and it is probably because of this reason that the little chick beside you was stolen by other races when it was still a bird's egg."

Song Wen thought about it for the first time when he met the little yellow chicken, the other party was indeed just a bird's egg, but he didn't respond to the harpy's words, no matter why the little yellow chicken appeared here, the little yellow chicken appeared here. A harpy with unknown friend or foe doesn't need to know.

"I believe you also know that when birds break their shells, they will have a good impression of the creatures they see at first sight. If other races can raise up the cubs born with orcs, then they can let him be in their own cubs in the future." Looking for a partner in the ethnic group, the bird eggs born may also become beastmen."

No, I don't know.Song Wen retorted silently in his heart, no wonder the little yellow chicken clings to him so much after birth, the relationship is due to the chick complex.

Song Wen glanced at the naive and ignorant little yellow chicken next to him with complicated eyes, but no matter what the first charge was, at least the current result is good for him.

In this desolate and lonely place, the little yellow chicken who has always been with him has become a relative existence to Song Wen now, not to mention that the little yellow chicken can still speak and communicate with him, and can no longer simply regard each other as a person. bird.

"Then will Xiaoji be able to transform when he becomes an adult?"

The harpy nodded, "Generally speaking, yes, but for some powerful races, their cubs can actually change shape when they moult for the first time." The harpy looked at Xiao Huang Chicken, the little yellow chicken is actually big compared to other birds, but compared with the emperor penguin cubs, it will appear a bit young.

The harpies searched in her mind, but did not find any orc cubs with such a golden appearance when they were young, and it is impossible for ordinary cubs to survive on such a cold ice field, let alone It was hatched. After all, only the emperor penguin family can reproduce here in this ice field.

Song Wen knew it in his heart. It seems that it should not be difficult for the little yellow chicken to transform into a human form. It will be much more convenient to leave this ice field or go hunting for food after having a human form. "What about me? Didn't you say that I am also a beastman?" ?”

"Well, but you are different from Xiaojizi. You belong to the acquired orc species. If I guess correctly, you are the first one in your emperor penguin family to awaken the orc species?"

Song Wen didn't know if he was the first to awaken the orc species, but since he came into contact with other emperor penguins, there was indeed no one who could speak human words except himself.

"As I said just now, it takes a little chance for the acquired orc race to change form, and the chance for each race is different." The harpies continued: "Some races may have fallen from mid-air while practicing flying. It can be transformed into shape. Some races may do it when hunting for the first time, and some races need to give birth to their own eggs... Anyway, it is not so easy for the acquired orc race to transform into shape. In fact, many races I don’t like the human form, except for running faster on land, the human form can’t fly, and many races like to live in the beast form.”

The harpy raised its neck, if it could come out of the ice now, maybe it would puff up its chest and flap its wings to show its pride, "Like our harpies, the animal and human forms are maintained at the same level." At the same time, you can give birth to your own eggs without looking for a partner, and you should regret that you were born of the wrong species."

Song Wen glanced at him, no, he didn't want to turn into a monster like Harpy, who was neither human nor bird.

"I've finished answering your question, can you give me the rest of the meat?"

Song Wen stretched out her claws and kicked the remaining whale meat directly in front of the harpies. The harpies lowered their heads and grabbed them into the mouth. While eating, they couldn't help but praise Song Wen, "I didn't expect you to eat so much meat." The little cub was able to get a piece of meat, is this fish meat? Did your parents hunt you back from the sea?"

Song Wen didn't intend to answer this question, "What about the things outside the ice sheet? How much can you tell me?"

After eating, the harpies still licked the corners of her lips, "I have answered enough today, and I will explain the rest to you slowly when you bring the meat over next time, but I advise you It's better not to ask, emperor penguins can't fly like other birds, birds that can't fly can't get out of the North Sea."

"You don't have to worry about that."

The harpies giggled twice, "You are quite interesting, you brat. If you hadn't seen you with your own eyes, with your intelligence, you would be no worse than those adult orcs. But it's this Clever to tell the difference between orcs and other beasts of prey."

After the harpies rambled on, she stopped talking. Song Wen waited for a while to make sure that the other party had no intention of speaking anymore, so she planned to take the little yellow chicken away.

After only two steps, the harpies, who had been watching the snow, added another sentence, "Little brat, for the sake of feeding me, let me remind you that summer is coming soon, and on this ice sheet It will no longer be the world of emperor penguins, and it is impossible for ordinary birds to steal orc eggs."

Song Wen looked back at it.

The harpy did not look back at Song Wen, but raised her head slightly. Today is also a sunny day. There are no clouds in the sky. The blue sky is like a smooth mirror, which makes people feel refreshed.

"Although our harpy clan will not attack emperor penguins, emperor penguins are on top of the diet of many raptors."

Only then did the harpy look away, and her deep gaze fell on Song Wen, causing a layer of cold sweat to break out on his back, and even the fluff on his body couldn't help but explode a little.

The little yellow chicken found that Song Wen's mood was wrong, hooked his wings with his wings, and said worriedly: "Hey?"

"Little cub, you have to live to bring me meat next time."

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