"Does the wound still hurt?"

Yi looked at his calf, the wound was not deep, and it was no longer bleeding, but Yi's skin was pale, which seemed a bit too serious at first glance. "It doesn't hurt." Yi shook his head, and stretched out his hand to pinch his calf.

Song Wen quickly stretched out his small wings and patted his hand away, scolding: "Don't touch the wound."

"Oh." Yi obediently obeyed.

Yi dragged his prey back to the edge of the snow pit, dug a big hole at the entrance of the cave familiarly, buried the prey in it, and took out the leftover giant petrel meat from yesterday's meal. Buried by snow, this prevents aerial predators from finding their prey.

Seeing Yi busy walking up and down the snow naked, Song Wen still couldn't help asking: "Xiaoji, aren't you cold?"

Yi used his sharp nails to tear apart the hard-frozen flesh of the Giant Petrel. Hearing this, he shook his head, "It's not cold."

His nose was red, and he couldn't help sniffling when he spoke, but today's weather is good, and the place where they are is just exposed to the sun, and staying in the sun during the day will be better than being in a cool snow pit.

Song Wen thought for a while, "Does Xiaoji want to eat whale meat? How about we take that humpback whale home?"

If both of them were cubs before, there would be no way to bring back the humpback whale cubs that are much larger than them, but now that Wing has become a human, it will be much easier to do things like transport , In addition, they only ate fish meat before, and there was a piece of intact whale skin on the outer layer, so they could make a fish skin coat for the wings. Even if the heat preservation effect is not ideal, it can at least provide some shelter.

Yi thought about it before Song Wen ate more whale meat than these birds of prey. Before, the novice mother was also feeding them small fish, so he hid the torn pieces of meat in the snow pit , stood up and said: "Then let's get the whale back."

The humpback whale cub was frozen in the crack of the iceberg. They didn't use ice and snow to bury it for the convenience of taking meat. The raptors who returned to the ice sheet could easily find it by circling in the air.Birds like skuas are not picky about food. Once they see this humpback whale cub, which they have eaten more than half of, they will probably swarm up and eat it. Next time Song Wen and the others will come again, It might not be possible to see it anymore.

It's still early, one person and one emperor penguin set off towards the crack. Before leaving, he even took the wing of a giant petrel, and gnawed it happily while walking, and he carefully tore the tender meat between the bird's wings Passed it down to Song Wen's mouth, Song Wen asked him to tear the meat strips into smaller pieces, then opened his mouth and took a bite, chewed it casually a few times before swallowing it whole.

The emperor penguin cub walked slowly in the snow with a pair of short legs, and Wing walked behind slowly. The bones on the bird's wings had been chewed to pieces, and only the hardest skeleton in the middle was left in his mouth. I don't spit it out, and I have to grind my teeth from time to time, so I'm not afraid of hurting my teeth.

"I'm walking too slowly, why don't you carry me behind your back."

"Back?" Yi didn't know what this action meant. Even in the inheritance, birds didn't carry their own kind, like emperor penguins, they just carried their cubs away in their pouches. .

If Song Wen was not worried about Yi going out alone, the best way would be for him not to follow him. After all, he would not be able to help with such a big humpback whale cub. The human being Yi still needs to do the strenuous work, and if he is by his side, it will slow down the speed of the two of them on the road.

Of course, Yi doesn't think so. A few days ago, Song Wen secretly went out while he was asleep. Now that Song Wen is willing to take him out, Yi is so happy that the smile on his face has never disappeared. If he can hum a ditty , now I'm afraid I have to sing a song to vent my excitement.

"Squat down first." Song Wen didn't want to stay outside for too long. Giant petrels and skuas had already started to return to the ice sheet. Now the situation outside is much more dangerous than before. After the cubs are retrieved, they return to the breeding grounds with their wings, where they will be much safer with adult emperor penguins guarding them.I can only work hard.

Yi squatted down obediently. The emperor penguin cubs were actually not short. Even Song Wen, who was a little less developed than other emperor penguin cubs, was almost one meter tall. On the back, straighten the small wings as far as possible so that you can reach Tsubasa's shoulders, so as to stabilize your body.

"Okay, put your wristband behind my feet and stand up slowly." Song Wen commanded, while carefully observing Yi's movements, lest he suddenly throw himself to the ground.

Yi finally spat out the bird bone that had been bitten all the way, because the weight on his back made him a little uncomfortable. When he just stood up, he staggered and almost fell with Song Wen, but he reacted quickly and used a Holding his hands on the snow to stabilize his body, he slowly stood up.

The size of the emperor penguin cub was not too heavy for Yi. After standing up, he couldn't help shaking. Song Wen, who was behind him, was so frightened that the small wings holding Yi's shoulders increased their strength.The body shape of the young man is probably still in the growth stage, and he is relatively thin. Even the shoulders that look muscular to the touch can only feel panicked by the bones.

Yi cheerfully chuckled twice, this time without Song Wen's further words, he started to run on the snow with strides, and Song Wen only felt a feeling of running over the hurdles on the snow with those long legs. The cold wind whizzed past the ears, and the whole penguin was bumped up and down a few times, as if it was on a roller coaster.

Song Wen suddenly felt a little regretful, and it was obviously not a wise choice to let Yi carry him behind his back.The one who is happy is Yi, but the one who suffers is himself.

However, the wings of the human form were really fast, and it didn't take long for them to reach the crack.

This road wing ran very happily, even when he reached the destination, he didn't want to let Song Wen go.There is a great plan to dig out the humpback whale cub behind Song Wenlai's back.

Song Wen felt a little helpless, and had no choice but to say, "Xiaoji, let me down."

Wing curled his lips, but finally obediently obeyed.

Most of the humpback whale cubs were dug out by their joint efforts before, and now Yi alone can get the remaining half of the humpback whale out of the ice. Most of the meat on the abdomen has been eaten by Song Wen one after another. drop or take away.

This humpback whale had been frozen here for an unknown amount of time, and Song Wen naturally didn't intend to take the internal organs, but the fish tendon was left behind, intending to use it as silk thread for sewing fish skin clothes.

On the return trip, Yi had to carry the humpback whale, so naturally he couldn’t carry Song Wen on his back. The two could only walk slowly on the snowy ground. Passing by the breathing hole they had blocked with a snowball, they found that the snowball was a bit off. I don't know if it was deflected by the previous snowstorm or pushed away by the leopard seal.They simply blocked the displaced snowball again.

"Xiaoji, we now have two giant petrels and a humpback whale, enough for us to eat for a long time. You are still a cub, so don't go hunting any more." Song Wen staggered on his short legs. He walked ahead without hesitation, and did not forget to talk to the teenagers beside him.


"After you finish moulting, it will be my turn to moult. At that time, let's leave here together and find a warmer island to live." Song Wen paused at this point, "Speaking of which, you have become a human. , will it affect your hair change?"

"Ji, I don't know." Yi tilted his head to look at him, in order to have a good talk with Song Wen, he bent his body slightly, if Song Wen didn't know how strong he is, he might think that the other party was really the prey on his back The weight was so heavy that I couldn't stand upright.

Song Wen's mouth twitched, "You can talk to me even if you stand up straight."

Yi has an inexplicable stubbornness in some places. For example, at this time, he still maintains a hunched posture and walks forward, but he still explains, "Song Song can be seen better at this height."

Song Wen couldn't hold back him, but he was still worried that the other party's premature transformation would affect his body, "I can also transform after I change my hair, and then we can go hunting together, shall we?"

"Can Song Song also transform into form?"

"It should be possible." Song Wen is not sure. After all, he is different from Yi. Yi has mastered the method of transformation, but he still doesn't know what the opportunity for his transformation is. According to Harpy, Some acquired orc races may not be able to transform in their entire lives because they cannot find the opportunity to transform. In the end, they are passed down to the next generation to barely increase the chance of transforming.

"Is it in human form like me?" Yi looked at Song Wen with bright eyes. After the transformation, his movements were much more flexible, and his running speed was also much faster. This form is more convenient than when he was a cub. Walking on the snow with Song Song on your back, after Song Song transforms, can you also walk on the snow with yourself on your back?

"Of course, I'm a beastman just like Xiaoji."

"Then Song Song needs to transform as soon as possible, and leave the whale meat for Song Song to eat." After thinking for a while, Yi added: "I can look for other whale meat, there are still many icebergs here, there must be more Lots of whales."

I haven't seen the sea yet, and most of the Yi tribe who live on land think that whales live in the cracks of icebergs, and they can be found as long as they look for them.He is in human form now, and he can run very fast.

Song Wen coughed lightly, and had to put the popular science education of children on the agenda in his heart.

Yixu was talking about where to find food to feed Song Song so that he could transform as soon as he did. Song Wen had to emphasize again that he could not mention hunting until they had finished eating. Song Wen But I don't want to wake up one day, and the wings will become the prey under the claws of some raptor.

"I know that hunting is your nature, but I don't want anything to happen to Xiaoji. When Xiaoji grows strong enough, I will never stop Xiaoji from hunting. Maybe I will catch Xiaoji back from hunting. The prey will eat it, so now Xiaoji only needs to grow up safely."

Yi looked at Song Wen's serious expression. His inheritance only told him to keep hunting to survive. This kind of being cared for carefully, even took the trouble to tell him over and over that he didn't need to hunt before he grew up. The feeling made Yi feel a little strange, but it made his heart feel warm.

"Ji, Xiaoji listens to Song Song, after Song Song transforms into form, let's go hunting together."

Song Wen touched his palm affectionately with a bird's beak, and praised: "Good boy."

Yi frowned, "Ji."

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