Waiting until midnight, when everything on the sea was completely calm, Song Wen and Yi explained a few words, and then returned to the ice cave where they lived before under the not too bright moonlight.

The area around the ice cave was a bit messy, and the food outside that they had eaten halfway in the morning had disappeared. Song Wen didn’t think that the picky flamingos would pick up their leftovers and eat them coldly. In all likelihood, the flamingos vented their anger , Throw all these foods into the sea.

There are also marks left by the flamingo's claws on the nearby ice rocks, indicating that the flamingo turned back before they knew it.

Song Wen was a little regretful, but thinking of the Direbird who would rather throw the half-eaten leopard seal into the water than leave them a little food, Song Wen also guessed that such a situation would happen.

Fortunately, the entrance of their ice cave is relatively small, and the huge ice flamingo can't get in through the ice hole like a cub. Even if the ice flamingo wants to vent its anger, it will not spend too much effort to destroy a person who has already died. The empty ice cave, of course, has several deep scratches on the ice above the ice cave, which proves that the ice flamingo has nowhere to vent its violent emotions because it has lost its own food.

Shumen Shulu got into the ice cave, and after being able to transform into shape, I have to say that Song Wen's movements were much more agile. There were still a few whitebait in the ice cave that hadn't had time to eat before, and they used them as cushions. The feathers of the seabirds in the nest, and the fishing rods used for fishing the night before were nowhere to be found because they were too late to take them back into the hole, but they still had some remaining bird bones that they hadn't had time to throw away. Brought them back to their ice cave in the sea.

Although I told Yi not to move around at will, taking advantage of the time when Song Wen went out, Yi tidied up the place where they are now staying, and opened a platform far away from the water. It may have been washed by the icy sea water.

That piece of whale skin was played with by Song Wen, and it was used as a package at the moment. In order not to wet the seabird feathers inside, Song Wen kept swimming back slowly on the surface of the water. Spread them in the new cave that Yi Yi sorted out. Although they don't know when the iceberg they are in will melt, at least these two days can make their temporary shelter more comfortable.

It is much easier for human hands to remake a fishing rod than before. Song Wen didn't need Yi Yi's help. He directly made a fish bone from the whitebait as a hook. Go to the ice wall next to it and wait for the fish to take the bait by itself.

The fish here probably haven't experienced this kind of hunting method, and they can be caught easily.

Song Wen ate the whitebait and the wings that he brought back from the ice cave.

The next day, Song Wen found that the flamingo had returned. Today, the humpback whale did not appear. I don’t know if it was because the herring and krill in the vicinity were almost hunted by it, so it changed to a new one. place to hunt.

In addition to the flamingo that captured the wing yesterday, Song Wen also saw the figure of another flamingo. That flamingo was not like the previous one that kept patrolling the waters. Standing on an iceberg, a pair of sharp eyes swept over the places where they used to live, as if they could be found by looking at them like this.

Song Wen, who had been hiding under the ice floe to observe, almost met the gaze of the flamingo, and was so frightened that he quickly dived into the water, only daring to come out after returning to the ice cave.

"There's another flamingo." Without waiting for Yi to ask, Song Wen first talked about the situation outside.

Yi took the whale skin over and asked Song Wen to wipe the cold sea water on his body. Song Wen's face was not very good-looking, and he didn't know whether he was frozen or frightened.

"Song Song, let's get out of here."

Song Wen paused as he wiped the water from his face. He saw the fishing line next to him move, and he pulled it up. Sure enough, he saw a herring hanging on it. The new bait continued to throw the hook into the water, Song Wen turned back into an emperor penguin, and shared the not-so-big herring with Yi.

Anyway, there is no way to live here for a long time, and now the food does not need to be preserved, so it is natural to eat it first when it is caught.

Song Wen didn't immediately answer Yi's proposal, he pondered for a while, and then said: "Let's walk along the coastline tonight and see if we can find a more suitable place for us to settle down." Yi can't swim and can't Flying, going to sea is not allowed to go to sea.

Yi Wenyan was a little frustrated, but he also knew that it was because of his own problems, so he could only respond sullenly.

His recovery ability is stronger than Song Wen's. After only one night's sleep, the pain on his body disappeared. It's just that the wound has been wet by sea water, even though Song Wen found some snow to clean it off. The scars, but the healing is still very slow, and there will be a dull pain when touching the salty sea water, but the bleeding is no longer.

Since there was no way to go out, the two of them took turns to rest during the day. When it was dark, Song Wen went around the area first to make sure that the flamingo had left before coming back with his upper wings and planning to leave.If they can find a more suitable place to stay, they won't waste time turning back.

Both of them turned into human figures, which is beneficial for Song Wen to swim in the water together with wings. Song Wen had observed the icebergs on the coast when he went out for inspection before. On one side, apart from the floating ice, there is an endless ice field. The ice field is obviously formed by the frozen water in winter, and it has already shown signs of melting. It seems that it will not last for many days.

In contrast, only Shishan is a relatively suitable place to stay. However, Shishan is the territory of seabirds. I don’t know if it was Song Wen’s illusion before. Looking at that direction, it seems to be flying towards the stone mountain.

If those two ice flamingos also settled in the stone mountain, it would be very unfavorable for their trip this time.

Song Wen naturally considered this situation, but the stone mountain is connected to several large icebergs nearby. If they want to find a foothold, there is no other way except to look in that direction. It is impossible for them to run to the other side On the ice sheet, when daylight comes, it will directly become the target of the ice flamingos.

Yi is in charge of observing the surrounding situation, and Song Wen is in charge of moving forward. The goal of the first stop is the nearest iceberg. They don't pray that they can find a natural cave suitable for them to hide in. As long as they arrive at the place before dawn, they can directly An ice cave size suitable for them was opened on the iceberg.

Wing's claws can scratch even solid ice, and it is easy to open a hole in this iceberg that has shown signs of melting. Instead, what they need to worry about is whether the iceberg will collapse in the middle.Fortunately, they didn't intend to stay in this temporary shelter for long, they just wanted to survive the eyes of the ice flamingos patrolling nearby during the day.

The closer to the iceberg, the more and more ice floes around. The ice floes here are firmer than those near the ice sheet. Song Wen even saw a few seals perched on the ice floes. The seals came here only when the whales left, or they were always there, but Song Wen and the others never approached here, so they didn't find any traces of these seals.

Before he had time to think about it, Song Wen avoided seeing those black figures from a distance, but was not spotted by the seals.

This unexpected encounter made Song Wen's frozen white face startled into a thin layer of sweat. With wings, Song Wen didn't dare to stay too far away from the ice floe, at least he could lean on it when he couldn't hold it. The floe rested for a while.

There were too many ice floes, which hindered Song Wen's progress. It took Song Wen more time than expected to reach the destination.

Apart from the few seals lying motionless on the ice floes, there were no other accidents. The smooth journey made Song Wen secretly thank the two for their good luck tonight.

They opened a cave suitable for shelter at the foot of an iceberg near the sea. After waiting for Yi to finish the cave, Song Wen was already tired and lay down.Transforming into a human form and swimming continuously consumes a lot of energy. Now it's just a finger, and Song Wen doesn't want to move any more.

Yi took the initiative to take over the task of tidying up. First, he fixed the fishing rods. This is their source of food. After watching Song Wen handle it a few times, now Yi has gradually become addicted to the task of fishing. He even used it himself. A fishing rod was made out of the bird bone, and since there was no fish tendon suitable for a fishing line, he simply took off a bandage on his arm and used it as a fishing line.

This kind of fishing activity, in which the food will automatically catch the bait as long as you wait slowly, is much easier than his hard work across half of the ice sheet to hunt seabirds on the territory of seabirds.

It’s just that the harvest at night is not as good as during the day. Even if you fish overnight, you may not be enough to eat half full. Moreover, since Song Wen can transform into form, I feel that my food intake is getting bigger day by day, even for several days before. I don't feel hungry even if I don't eat, but now as long as I don't eat anything for a day, I will feel hungry.

Could it be that after transforming into a human form, even his own eating habits are closer to humans?

This is not the place where they fell into the water, nor is it the range where the flamingos usually move. The next day they did not see the flamingos nearby, but the special cry of the flamingos would still be heard faintly from a distance. Passed over, indicating that they have not given up and left.

Originally, Song Wen planned to stay in this newly created ice cave for two more days, but at noon, the bait on one of their fishing rods was snatched away by a leopard seal. Fortunately, the leopard seal did not jump to the surface of the water. With the intention of checking online, they dragged the bait into the water together with their fishing rods.

Looking at the black shadow that was fading away under the water, Song Wen and Yi glanced at each other, seeing a bit of helplessness in each other's eyes, it seems that we can't rest tonight, we have to continue to find a new place to stay point.

"Song Song, do you think I can learn to swim?" When the two cubs huddled together to eat their free lunch, Yi asked suddenly, looking at the surging sea water in front of him.

Song Wen paused when he was eating, and looked back at Yi. Yi's eyes were a little confused at first, then glowed as if he was sure of something, and finally looked at Song Wen firmly, "Song Song, I want to learn to swim."

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