Song Wen explained to Yi the reason why he met the dolphins, and Xiao Yi had already taken his new partner to look for food nearby, and the dolphins who were too silent turned around and used It gently rubbed its head against Song Wen's palm, and there were several scratches on its head, but it was not as serious as the one on its body, and there was no sign of skin bleeding.

That night, Song Wen had a dream. In the dream, there was a dark seabed. Only the sparkling light on the water brought a little light to the surroundings. Song Wen wanted to swim back to the surface, but the pressure was huge. Suppressing him in place, the ripples on his head seemed to be untouchable dream fragments, just at that not far or near distance, but no one was allowed to approach.

Song Wen tried several times, but finally he had to give up. The emperor penguin can stay in the water for a while, so he can go to other places to see if there is another way out.

However, before he started to swim forward, another stone wall appeared in front of him. The stone wall was so deep that it was impossible to swim under it.

Song Wen circled the stone wall until he saw a dark stone cave. The cave was only the size of a fist at first, and as the surrounding stones peeled off, the opening of the cave gradually widened, and finally became large enough to hold an adult. The size of the entrance and exit finally stopped.

Song Wen didn't dare to rush in. Just relying on the little light on the water surface was not enough for him to see the situation inside the cave clearly. He looked at the entrance of the cave and then at the water surface, not knowing what to do. At the same time, there was a vibration from the depth of the loose mouth. The vibration sound was very dull, like the feeling of a rusty chain being dragged slowly by someone after a long time. The sound was slow at first, but then gradually accelerated, as if It's like rushing out of the shackles of the cave.

Song Wen's heart was beating faster and faster with each sound, and his hand that was holding the stone wall was slowly released, and he kicked off, leaving a distance of several meters.

But this distance was not enough to make Song Wen feel safe. His muscles tensed up following the movement inside the hole. After about a minute or so, a cloudy bubble suddenly spit out from the dark hole. Yes, that's right, the bubbles are similar to the bubbles that Song Wen occasionally spits out when he is active underwater.

It's just that the bubble in front of him is bigger now, and after coming out of the hole, it slowly began to float towards the surface of the water.

Song Wen only glanced at it, and then his eyes continued to fall back into the cave entrance. He knew that there must be something hidden in this dark cave, and now, that thing was about to come out of it.

"Kaka." A faint light flashed through the entrance of the cave, and Song Wen was startled. He was familiar with this light. He had seen it before when he rescued the new dolphins, but now the light was not as bright as before. It disappeared in a flash, but it became clearer and clearer, and soon Song Wen could see the appearance of the bright light clearly.

A cold vertical pupil.

"Wow." The cold sea water splashed on Song Wen's face, Song Wen opened his eyes in vain, his heart was still beating violently, as if he hadn't recovered from the dream just now.

Yi leaned against his side and slept soundly, and occasionally smacked his mouth a few times, as if he was tasting something delicious.

Song Wen looked around. Because of the whale burst that morning, in order to avoid the suffocating rancid smell, the place where they are staying is still on the huge rock they discovered before. It is ventilated on all sides, except for the sea breeze. Except for the salty smell, there is no smell of the other side of the island.The area on the top of the rock is not large, and they are covered with soft leaves, so you don't feel the back of the stone below.

But it can only accommodate him and Yi to barely lie down. If the sleeping appearance is a bit exaggerated, they will fall off the stone.In order to prevent such a thing from happening, a vine was strung around their waists.

But at this moment, most of the rocks had been flooded by the high tide sea water, and the sea water washed over the rock wall, splashing a wave, and Song Wen was woken up by these waves.

The feeling of being frightened in the dream has disappeared, and now the touch of reality returns, Song Wen frowned tightly, the high tide tonight seems to be worse than before, at first glance, it looks like the whole island They're all sinking down.

Of course, this may just be Song Wen's illusion, the sea water under the rock has no intention of rising any further.

Tonight is a full moon, and the moonlight shines on the sea. Not far away, two dolphins are resting quietly together. They are Xiao Yi and his new partner. Because Song Wen and Yi changed places, they followed This side of the coast.

"Song Song?" The movement of the vines tied around his waist made Yi wake up a little bit. He rubbed his eyes, looked at Song Wen who was sitting by the rock quietly watching the water, and couldn't help calling out.

Song Wen turned around, stretched out his hand to wipe off the water splash on his forehead, and coaxed: "It's okay, go on to sleep."

Yi leaned his head into Song Wen's arms, just like when they were still in the ice cave, two furry cubs leaned close to each other to keep warm, found a comfortable position, and fell asleep again. Tsubasa didn't seem to notice a high tide, or because the sea didn't flood their resting place like the first day, Tsubasa didn't take this phenomenon to heart.

Early the next morning, there was a rumbling sound from the direction of the iceberg. It sounded like an iceberg had collapsed. This is a normal thing after the temperature rises in summer, but because it is too far away from the island, it is only I can see a blurry shadow on the other side of the ice field. If I want to know what happened, I can only go back to the ice field to check.

Xiaoyi has a new partner, and no longer stays on the coast as before and urges Yi to go fishing with him. When Yi wants to find Xiaoyi, the two dolphins have already eaten and drunk and are playing nearby. Most of the time, Xiaoyi circles around her new partner, who just stays quietly in the water, and only occasionally sees someone walking around the reef, so she pokes her head out for a look.

Song Wen guessed that the new partner was probably still shocked by what happened yesterday when he was trapped in the cave, and hadn't come out of the shadows, so he was very quiet, but seeing that he had no intention of leaving, he acquiesced that the little friend stayed .

Although the tide was high last night, in the morning, the sea water had already receded. Fortunately, they chose to rest on the big rocks. Otherwise, they would have to stay at the foot of the mountain as before, and they would have to experience another night from the trees. wake up.

Without Xiaoyi, Yi didn't dare to stay in the water for too long, so Song Wen simply took out the fishing rod and let him fish on one side, while he went back to the other side of the island to check.

Last night's tide cleaned up all the broken meat left on the coast after the whale exploded and returned it to the sea. Only some remained on the trees and grass. The sun dried the last traces of water on the ground, and the rotten smell in the air was gone. basically dissipated.

Song Wen was a little surprised. The unripe coconuts on the ground were washed away along with the minced meat. Song Wen regretted not picking up all the fallen coconuts last night.He only picked up two clean ones as snacks, and the rest of the coconuts that were stained with meat residues were all left in place, and now they are all gone. The coconut trees are clean, even the driftwood piled up together before And the rotting leaves were gone.

The entire coast became extremely tidy, as if it had been washed by last night's tide.

Finding nothing new, Song Wen went around and picked up a bunch of branches and went back to the rock.

During the time he went out, Yi had already caught two sea fish. When he saw Song Wen coming back, he happily greeted him, took the firewood, and took the initiative to start a fire beside him.

"Is Song Song unhappy?" Yi rubbed the wooden stick hard while observing the expression on Song Wen's face. After waking up in the middle of the night last night, Yi felt that Song Wen's mood was not very good. Could it be The sequelae left after being frightened by the whale explosion last night?

"No." Song Wen was stunned for a moment, then picked up the two swimming fish and disemboweled them, and kept the viscera as bait, then took the wooden stick and stuck the fish on them, so that they could be set up next to the fire after it was ready baked.

There was a fire last night, but unfortunately it was all extinguished by water. If we could find something like a storage fire or a flint that is easier to make a fire, it would not be necessary to toss with the stick for a long time like now.

Yi tilted his head to look at him, obviously he was not perfunctory by Song Wen's words, he thought about it with his little head, except that he was not scared by the whale explosion, what Song Wen had always cared about was leaving, but This Song Wen talked with him, after all, it is not so easy to find a new island in the sea, so besides this, what else would make Song Wen worry.

"What are you thinking? I'm not unhappy." Song Wen saw that Yi frowned as if he was thinking hard, couldn't help but smiled and patted his head. Seeing white smoke coming out of the wooden stick, he hurriedly prepared the side He took the tinder, carefully poured the faint spark from the wooden stick into the tinder, and gently put it in the palm of his hand to blow.

White smoke came out of Song Wen's hand, but because the flame hadn't ignited yet, Song Wen didn't rush to put it into the stacked firewood.

Yi couldn't think of a result, so he simply gave up thinking about it, "Song Song must tell me if there is something to do."

"Yeah." Song Wen's whole mind fell on the spark in his hand.

Yi was a little dissatisfied, and repeated again earnestly, "I have to say something."

Song Wen paused, and the cold vertical pupil he had seen in his dream last night appeared in his mind again. He raised his head and looked at Yi, a little surprised at his sensitivity.

As soon as the tinder that had started to ignite was put into the firewood, the flames sprang up and quickly ignited those dry firewood branches.

"My task now is to raise you up white and fat, so that you can grow up quickly."

Yi looked at the two fishes that had been processed, thought for a while, and corrected: "I caught this fish."

Song Wen looked at him suspiciously, and Yi said, "I can catch prey, I prepare food for Song Song, and I raise Song Song."

Song Wen laughed, but he didn't want to argue with Yi about such a childish question, "Well, well, it's Xiaoji who is raising me."

Only then did Yi grunt in satisfaction, sat next to Song Wen, and did not forget to add, "I will always find food for Song Song in the future, don't worry Song Song, I will always support you."

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