The accidentally found Bingdihua was beyond everyone's expectation. They looked at each other, but it was Ah Man who broke the silence first, "Let's take this Bingdihua back and give it to Snake Turtle."

"The lair of the flamingo..." Song Wen was a little hesitant. After all, he was the one who persuaded Ah Man to act at night, and the time at night is limited. Their search for the Direbird's nest tonight was another waste of work.

Although Ah Man was anxious, he also understood that there are some things that need not be anxious. After thinking about it, he made up his mind and said to Song Wen: "The Bingdi flower cannot be kept for a long time. Since you have found the Bingdi flower first, you should use it first. Get rid of the parasitic barnacles for the snake tortoise." Aman paused, then reminded: "The snake tortoise is too big, maybe a single flower can't clean the barnacles from its body."

"Then we'll accompany you to find the bird's eggs after we use up the stalk flowers for Xiao Dao." Song Wen thought for a while and nodded in agreement.

The three of them didn't waste any time, Song Wen took out the bone spur, stepped forward and carefully picked off the Bingdihua.

The roots of Bingdihua have already taken root on the bones, and it took a lot of effort to pick the roots. When the last root was separated from the white bones, the huge bird bones that looked hard and firm suddenly turned into powder. The Xueyin Chong, who was lying between the stamens of the twin pedicles and sucking the flower juice, was stunned, apparently a little dazed, raised his little head and looked around, then flapped his cicada wings twice, and flew to the ground like this among the powder.

Even the seawater that had been scattered before rushed over in an instant, burying the powder of the bones and the snow hidden insects under the water.

Song Wen and the others were aiming at the twin flowers, and they didn't care much about the fate of the Xueyin worm, but they were still a little surprised by the changes in front of them, as if the twin flowers they picked put the whole bird on the shelf. It was as if all the energy had been absorbed, only Yi took a few more glances at the snow worm that disappeared into the powder.

Holding the freshly picked Bingdi flowers, the three returned to the vicinity of the small island, and Song Wen took their stone pot down from the shore of the small island.

Putting the Bingdihua into the stone pot, Yi suddenly took the stone pot over, and before Song Wen could speak, he swiped his wrist with a bone knife, and the bright red blood dripped into the Bingdihua, pure white The petals were dyed bright red, and the strong smell of blood instantly filled the surrounding air.

Barnacles are full of vigor and blood, they can't resist the smell of the stalk flowers, and they can't wait to swarm up to earn food.

"Xiaoji." Song Wen originally wanted to use his own blood as a lure, but he didn't expect to be one step ahead of him. This method was told to him by Shutong during the chat, but no one had really seen Bingdihua. As a result, I'm not sure whether the barnacles can be lured away with the stalk flower.

Yi smiled at Song Wen, holding the stone pot in his hand and moved away from the two of them, "Don't get too close, lest the barnacles hurt you later." Especially Ah Man, who was covered in wounds all over his body, emitting The smell of Qi and blood is easy to be targeted by barnacles.

Ah Man flapped his wings and flew into mid-air. Song Wen looked at the blood still dripping from Yi's wrist, pursed his lips worriedly, and finally backed away a certain distance. Yi had already taken a step ahead with his own The blood is used as an introduction to Bingdihua, so there is no need to fight with the other party at this time. Song Wen might as well save a little strength to deal with possible accidents later.

Inside the stone pot, the petals of the Bingdi flower that had sucked the blood suddenly melted, and the smell of blood in the air became stronger and stronger, Yi sniffed, he didn't even hate this smell, it was a bit sweet Taste, Yi's eyes looked at the Bingdihua that had been fused with the blood, and there was an urge to take a sip.

There was a faint sound from the motionless island, and then the sound became louder and louder, like the movement made when a stone hit the ground.

Song Wen's eyes fell on the small island, and the dark reefs around the small island seemed to come alive. It was only very slow at first, but the smell of blood became stronger and more attractive, and even those who watched from a distance When both Song Wen and Ah Man couldn't help licking the corners of their lips, the commotion on the island finally became louder.

Boom and boom, the trees, flowers and plants on the small island were crushed by the reef, and the pitch-black stone seemed to have life, rolling down from the shore, and even the rocky mountain lost most of its area in an instant as if it had melted. Touching the reef, like a huge mudslide, he rushed towards the wing holding the stone pot aggressively.

Song Wen couldn't help but feel tense when he saw the magnificent scene in front of him. He didn't expect that there were so many barnacles hidden on the small island, densely packed, wrapped in trees and sand, and there was a tendency to swallow them all at once.

Ah Man, who was in mid-air, couldn't help feeling his scalp tingle when he saw this scene. Song Wen and the two could live on such a small island for so many days without any accidents. He didn't know whether to praise them for their courage or luck alright.

And that snake turtle, how many years did it take to be parasitized by barnacles into such a terrifying scene, and it can still tenaciously come to the burial place alive, that tenacious vitality, even the harpies I also have to envy the previous sentence.

"Song Wen, grab my feet."

Ah Man flew to the top of Song Wen's head, Song Wen heard the words, before he had time to think about it, he reached out and grabbed Ah Man's uninjured ankle reflexively, Ah Man's wings shook, and he flew into the air with Song Wen, And flew towards the distance, it seemed that he wanted to stay as far away from these damn barnacles as possible.

Yi waited for the surging barnacles to come close and suddenly turned around and ran away. After running for a certain distance, he threw the stone pot in his hand and the juice of the Bingdi flower that had already swelled to overflowing to the other side. one direction.

The group of barnacles rolling in from the black roared like a beast, and the huge movement alarmed the sleeping Dire Bird, who was hiding somewhere. Song Wen listened carefully, his eyes lit up, and he patted On the back of Ah Man's instep, he pointed in one direction, "Ah Man, fly in that direction."

That direction was exactly the direction Yiyi threw the Bingdi flower over just now, Ah Man's scalp was numb, but he didn't question Song Wen's opinion, he only raised his strength, took Song Wenfei a little higher, took a detour, wiped Following the turbulent barnacle waves, they flew towards the direction Song Wen was pointing at.

Seeing this, Yi also turned around and followed Ah Man.

Bright red blood spilled from the stone pot, and splashed all the way along the traces of being thrown away. However, it is strange to say that wherever the blood dripped, the sea water parted to both sides, and the underwater whiteness was soon revealed. The ice comes.

The turbulent barnacle waves rolled over with great momentum, and finally stopped slowly until the stone pot was pressed tightly under his body.

Yi quickly ran over to join them, Song Wen signaled Ah Man to put himself down, then took out a piece of clean fish skin from his backpack, tore a strip of cloth with a bone spur, wrapped it around Yi's wrist to stop the bleeding.

"Why did you cut so deep?" Looking at the wound that was still oozing blood, Song Wen blamed.

"It's not serious." Yi obediently watched Song Wen bandage himself, and did not forget to comfort him, "It's a small injury, just lick it and it will be fine."

Song Wen looked at Yi's wound worriedly. After bandaging it with fish skin, the bleeding eased a lot. I don't know if there are any plants on the island that can heal the wound and stop the bleeding, but they have already run a long distance. Now There is a black reef mountain made of barnacles between the island and the island, and there are many familiar skin grafts on it. I don’t know if there are any plants on the island now.

They couldn't even check the condition of the snake turtle.Song Wen looked at the barnacle mountain not far away with mixed emotions. He didn't expect that a small twin flower would be so attractive to barnacles. So many barnacles came out. How much the parasitized barnacles are removed.

Thinking of these things densely covering the snake turtle, Song Wen's scalp tingled for a while, and even some of the reefs they stepped on on the island before may be camouflage formed by the accumulation of barnacles. It made Song Wen feel sick.

Song Wen withdrew his gaze, intending to get the matter of the barnacles out of his mind.

In order to hurry, Song Wen discussed with the others, and planned to continue to follow the movement of the ice flamingos to find their nests first. Since the barnacles on the snake tortoise have been lured away, it should not be done for the time being. There will be other dangers.

"The sound has disappeared." While Song Wen was treating Yi's wound, Ah Man had already wandered around the vicinity, but he didn't see any place where the flamingos could nest. This situation is too weird , as if those ice flamingos disappeared suddenly, without a trace, at the speed of ice flamingos, it is impossible to suddenly fly over from a distant place during the day.

So Ah Man was sure that the nests of those flamingoes must be nearby, but he searched nearby for several days, but found nothing.

Song Wen pointed at his chin with his finger, and scanned the surrounding sea water, "Let's find another twin flower."

"Why? Do you want to help the snake tortoise clean up the barnacles first?" The barnacle mountain next to it is not very far from the snake tortoise. Ah Man has smelled the smell of the bunting flower before, if he does it again , will definitely make the barnacle mountain that has tended to be quiet become restless again.

They have spent a lot of time just now, looking for new Bingdi flowers. It is estimated that tonight's time will be spent on solving the barnacles, and after the barnacles are removed, the snake tortoise does not leave this water as soon as possible. Once again, there is a risk of being entangled by barnacles. Barnacles have been parasitic on snake turtles for countless years. They have long regarded this huge creature as their nest. Now they are attracted by the smell of stalk flowers, etc. After realizing it, it is estimated that it will wrap around the snake turtle again.

Ah Man was full of worries about the bird's eggs. If Song Wen and the two really planned to continue looking for Bingdihua, then he would separate from them and continue looking for the bird's eggs.Thinking of this, Ah Man felt sour in his heart. He didn't expect that he and Song Wen knew each other earlier, and they were not as important as the snake and turtle who had only been together for a few days.

Well, maybe their initial encounter was a little too bad.Ah Man reflected on it.

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