Song Wen never knew that milk-flavored food could be so delicious, much more appetizing than any food he ate when he was a human.

Ever since he became an emperor penguin, Song Wen has never had a full stomach, so he ate two small fish cubs contributed by his novice mother yesterday. Today, he secretly hid the small fish cubs and planned to feed Xiao Huang Chicken, but it seems that it is not needed now.The temperature here is very low, and Song Wen doesn't have to worry about the little fish going bad, he can put it aside and eat it when he is hungry next time.

Eggshells are very filling. When Song Wen burps with a milky aroma, each bird and goose only ate about one-third of the eggshell. No need to eat anymore.

Emperor penguins are good at this, and one meal can last for several days.Speaking of which, his emperor penguin father, whom he had never met, hadn’t eaten for almost five months in order to incubate the eggs. If he went to sea a few days later, he might starve to death.

He patted his chubby belly with his small wings. If it wasn’t for the ice surface being too cold, Song Wen would really like to sit down and rest for a while. The rare full meal made him feel happy, and the whole penguin was a little lazy. Don't want to move.

The little yellow chicken leaned over and gently rubbed against Song Wen with its head. Its slightly narrowed eyes were bent into a half arc, like a smile that could not be concealed. Its belly bulged slightly, and its whole body looked like a big In fact, two-thirds of the one-third of the eggshells eaten by them went into the belly of the little yellow chicken. I don’t know how this little guy who is younger than himself can eat it. Those who order twice as much food as themselves, hope not to be supported.

Song Wen stretched out his little wings and gently rubbed the little yellow chicken's belly.


"Just eat enough, but don't overeat." Thinking that the little yellow chicken just hatched yesterday, Song Wen told the little cub in the tone of an old mother.

"Ji." The little yellow chicken nodded in response, and then rubbed against Song Wen again.

Song Wen is happy, the more you look at the little yellow chicken, the more pleasing to the eye, especially when talking to the other party, the little yellow chicken nods in response, making it look like it understands what you mean, but sometimes the little yellow chicken is very uncomfortable with what you say. Not all of them would respond, and Song Wen couldn't guess whether the other party really understood what he said.

"If only you could speak." Song Wen said with emotion.

The little yellow chicken tilted its head to look at him, then opened its beak, "Wing."

After speaking, he pointed at Song Wen with his little wings. Song Wen was taken aback for a moment, and then remembered that he hadn't mentioned his name to the little yellow chicken. His eyes softened a little, and he looked at the little yellow chicken seriously. , "Song Wen, my name is Song Wen."

The little yellow chicken grumbled, thought for a while, and changed another syllable, "Song...Song."

The pronunciation of the two words is still a little difficult for the little yellow chicken now. Song Wen couldn't spit out the word Wen after a long time. Although the pronunciation is not as accurate as when it said Yi, it has already made Song Wen Very pleasantly surprised.

Song Wen rubbed the little yellow chicken's head and praised a few words. The little yellow chicken was very happy to receive Song Wen's praise, and opened and closed his mouth to speak more seriously, "Song... Song."

Song Wen also patiently taught it several times, but until the end, the little yellow chicken could only say "Song Song Lai", and the words "Song Wen" and "Song Wen" could not be pronounced together.

Knowing that the little yellow chicken could learn to speak, Song Wen was not in a hurry. He looked up at the sky. Although the wind hadn't blown yet, the sun had already begun to hide in the clouds. It was obvious that a snowstorm was coming.

This will be the first danger Song Wen will encounter when he comes here. He has to take the little yellow chicken to the instep of the novice mother, or else he will stay here alone in the snowstorm with the little yellow chicken. Tomorrow he can only pick up a frozen chicken.

But before that, he needs to hide his small dried fish and the remaining eggshells. Food is also very important to them. After all, Song Wen doesn't know if he can still eat after the novice mother goes to sea. Found another emperor penguin willing to raise him.

Naturally, there was no place on Song Wen's body to put things. Considering the power of the blizzard here, things could not be placed directly on the ground. Song Wen planned to dig a snow hole in the ground first.

Although there is a layer of snowflakes on the ground, there is hard ice under the snowflakes. It is impossible for Song Wen's immature claws to smash the ice, but the snow layer is thick enough. I just hope that the wind tonight will not be able to Blow away all the thick snow.

After eating and resting for a while, Song Wen started to act. The little yellow chicken kept wandering around him. Song Wen could only explain one sentence to it, regardless of whether the little yellow chicken understood it or not. At the end, he reminded: "You Stand far away, and I will take you back to hide from the snowstorm after hiding the eggshell."

The body of the emperor penguin cub whose fluff has not yet grown neatly is too weak. Song Wen had to stop and rest after two paws, and the feet of the emperor penguin were too short. Falling into the snow pit again, Song Wen dug downwards obliquely, so that the area and length of the snow pit to be dug would be larger, and Song Wen's movements were naturally much slower. With his current speed, he could only I'm afraid that before the snowstorm comes, I can only dig a shallow hole.

Song Wen didn't mind, anyway, as long as he could hide things through tonight, he could slowly perfect the snow pit when he had time.

The little yellow chicken watched Song Wen's movements seriously, the little yellow in the black eyes moved, then walked to Song Wen's side, stretched out its paws, and pulled a small cluster of snowflakes directly far away by it, completely Afterwards, I looked back at Song Wen, "Ji."

Song Wen looked at the little yellow chicken that pulled the snowflakes out more than one meter away with one paw, and then looked at the snow at his feet that needed to be moved out bit by bit. He was silent for a while, and responded to the little yellow chicken: " Yes, that's how you dig."

The little yellow chicken croaked happily, and then plunged into the snowdrift.

Even though the little yellow chicken is not big, those immature eagle claws are much stronger than Song Wen's claws. It didn't take much time for Song Wen to plan the snow pit under the little yellow chicken's claws .

Seeing this, Song Wen simply stopped his movements and stood aside to guide the little yellow chicken, lest the little yellow chicken dig another snow pit and waste time and energy like that.

One bird and one goose worked together to dig the snow pit quickly, and Song Wen smashed the remaining eggshells in advance, and even carefully collected the broken shells scattered around before, and dragged them to the Deep in the snow pit.

The entrance of the cave does not need to be buried again. There is a huge block of ice just in front of the place Song Wen is looking for. He has observed that this block of ice is connected to the ground. Don't worry about it being blown away by the blizzard. With a piece of ice they can retrieve the food in the snow pit.

After finishing it, Song Wen called the little yellow chicken. After a day of contact, the little yellow chicken was able to understand some simple words. He didn't let the little yellow chicken follow him back to the emperor penguin colony. The appearance of the yellow chicken will only attract other adult emperor penguins to besiege and drive them away again.

Song Wen let the little yellow chicken hide behind a snowdrift, thanking the novice mother for liking to stay in the fringes of the group. At this moment, the novice mother seemed to find that her cub was missing again and was looking everywhere.

Song Wen noticed that there were no other emperor penguins approaching, so he breathed a sigh of relief and leaned closer to the novice mother, but did not walk directly, but stood not far from the snowdrift where the little yellow chicken was hiding He raised his neck and called twice.

Imitating the sound of emperor penguin cubs is a bit weird, but it is this strange tone that caught the attention of the novice mother. Fearing that other emperor penguins would come and snatch her cubs, the novice mother simply put her belly on the snow, With a push on his feet, he slid over quickly and stood up in front of Song Wen.

The novice mother didn't blame Song Wen for acting alone, and only used her beak to urge the cub back to her feet. Song Wen obediently crawled back into the novice mother's warm fur, but he always paid attention to the novice mother's movements. The other party seemed to be in a hurry to return to the group because of the imminent blizzard, and had no intention of paying attention to the surrounding situation at all.

He simply propped up the fur on the top of his head with his small wings, and shouted to the little yellow chicken behind the snowdrift, "Yi, come here."

Hearing Song Wen's voice, the little yellow chicken, whose body was covered with a thick layer of snowflakes to cover its yellow-orange-orange hair, poked its head out, saw Song Wen waving to him, took a step forward, and chased after him like the wind. go up.

While the little yellow chicken was running, the snowflakes swished down from its back and scattered all over the ground, but it was not big, and it had already rushed into Song Wen's arms before its hair was exposed.

Song Wen hid the little yellow chicken behind him, and seeing the novice mother bent her head to look over, she quickly rubbed her head against the novice mother's beak.


"Oh." This trick has been tried and tested. As long as the cub shows affection to her, the novice mother will happily shake her wings, regardless of the sudden chill on her feet, it must be because of the cub. Staying outside for too long, it was cold, it had to hurry back to the group, if it was too late, it would only become the outermost wall of meat against the wind and snow, which would freeze the cubs even more.

The novice mother thought, and the movements of her feet were much faster.

Song Wen breathed a sigh of relief, and he turned around to help the little yellow chicken pat off the snow on his body, swept all the snow outside, and said, "Please don't make any noise while you're here."

The little yellow chicken blinked, and instinctively wanted to say yes, but thought that Song Wen could not make a sound, so he nodded instead.

Song Wen rubbed the little yellow chicken's head and praised, "Good boy."

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