The appearance of Shibazaki Gensheng when he was a child is almost the same as now.Except for his slightly immature face, the boy in front of him is completely a shrunken version of Shibasaki Gensei.

Coupled with the tragic appearance of the opponent now, Chuya Nakahara's first reaction was that Gensheng Shibazaki had hit the enemy's ability.

If it was an enemy attack, the enemy might still be in the base.

Without worrying about other things, Nakahara immediately stepped forward and squatted down to roughly check Shibazaki Gensheng's injuries.

When his eyes fell on the dazzling blood hole in the boy's chest not far from his heart, Chuya Zhongya temporarily shelved his plan to inquire about the whereabouts of the enemy, and he frowned tightly.

Zhongyuan Zhong also stretched out his hand without thinking, but unexpectedly, the bloodstains and bullet marks were very fresh, but there were no scars on the skin of the boy's chest, only some dirt mixed with mud and blood .

And not only the chest area, most of Shibazaki Yuansheng just looked embarrassed, but he didn't have any injuries at all.

Nakahara Chuya was about to ask him what was going on, when he realized that Shibazaki Yuansheng's attitude in front of him was not quite right.

Although his expression and behavior were exactly the same as the Shibazaki Geno he knew, just when he was about to reach out to check his injury, Shibazaki Geno did not express any objection to his behavior, but it was almost invisible Take a step back.

This is an instinctive vigilance and alertness.

What's more... Nakahara Nakaya stared at him closely, and Shibazaki Gensheng hadn't said a word since he came over.

Normally, even if he didn't say a word, Shibazaki Gensheng would take the initiative to tell him the specific situation.

Even if this ability can not only make people smaller but also dumb, Shibazaki Yuansheng's attitude towards him shouldn't be so strange.

And his current clothes are also not right. Most of the time Shibazaki Gensheng wore a black suit that almost everyone in Mafia at the port had. Just looking at the style of the clothes, it didn’t look like his daily wear. clothing style.

Nakahara also had a headache thinking about it, but Shibasaki Gensei didn't say a word, just stared at him all the time, and occasionally there would be some nervous emotions on his face, although it was fleeting, it did exist.

This is also a very strange performance.You must know that in Shibasaki Gensei's body now, no matter when it is, emotions such as nervousness and fear almost never appear.

Could it be fake?

Zhong Yuanzhong also immediately became vigilant, "Who the hell are you? Why did you appear here?"

He can be sure that Shibasaki Gensei has no brothers, and even if there are blood relatives that he doesn't even know, he shouldn't appear in the port Mafia like this.

The boy was obviously taken aback when he heard Zhongya Zhongye's words, and after thinking for a long time as if he was thinking about some century-old problem, he slowly jumped out the words almost syllable by syllable, "I'm sorry, sir, I also not sure."

Nakahara also felt that he had never heard such awkward Japanese, and he even began to suspect for a moment that the other party was actually thinking about the meaning of what he said during the time when he was in a daze.

After all, he spoke very fast just now, and this guy even has an accent like this, and his hearing in Japanese is obviously not very good.

This kind of accent, which is like a hodgepodge of local dialects, makes people wonder whether the teacher who taught him Japanese is a part-time physical education teacher.

Since you don't know how to teach, don't mislead your children. Where did this wicked teacher come from?

But Zhongyuan Zhongye can basically confirm now that it is indeed just a young child here.

It is indeed Shibazaki Gensei, but it has been reduced in all directions.

Although there is no convincing basis for this conclusion, even Chuya Nakahara's judgment is mostly based on intuition——

Nakahara also sighed, stretched out his hand with the pulp of his thumb to wipe off a little blood stained on the end of Shibazaki Yuansheng's eyes.

He could feel the other party's stiffness and repulsion, but even so, Shibazaki Geno still stood there obediently.

"It's really a strange ability, but you really have been so obedient since you were a child..."

Nakahara Chuya muttered a few times in a very soft voice. With Shibasaki Geno's current listening level, he obviously couldn't understand what the person in front of him was saying. He could barely make out the word "obedient".

Does it mean to make him more obedient?

Geno Shibasaki, who is still completely a kid now, is having a hard time judging what the other party means.

He had just come out of the treatment room with Yosano Akiko, and was going to ask Dr. Lin to help him find a new dress, but when he arrived, he found that the other party was researching a new technology that seemed to be obtained from the Povino family. tester.

According to Dr. Lin, there are many messy faults, which cannot be solved in a while.

Anyway, Shibasaki Geno was not in a hurry, and simply waited beside him, but it was probably due to too much physical exertion today, and he fell asleep unknowingly.

When he woke up, not to mention Dr. Lin, even the place where he was originally was turned into a row of bookshelves full of materials.

Fortunately, Shibazaki Gensheng was only in a light sleep just now, and he reacted in time, otherwise, if the row of books above fell down, Xie Ye-san would probably drag him to treatment after seeing it.

After that, Mr. Hat suddenly appeared here.

When he saw the opponent for the first time, Shibasaki Gensei quickly made a judgment: he couldn't beat him, he couldn't run away, he had better be obedient.

He has always cherished his life.

"Anyway, no matter what happens, you guys come with me first." It's obviously not okay to put people here, if you let him run around in the base like this... Zhongyuan also rubbed his forehead with a headache, or put people first Take it to your office and think about a solution.

But as soon as the words fell, Nakahara Zhong also showed a helpless expression as if he realized something.He slowed down his voice, and repeated what he said to Shibazaki Yuansheng word by word, "It's okay if you come with me?"

In fact, Nakahara Chuya himself is not too old in the port of Mafia, but when he met Geno Shibazaki, who is much younger than him now, he unknowingly became several times taller than usual patience.

After all, Shibasaki Gensei is usually too stable for people to worry about at all. As a subordinate, his type is of course very good, but it will inevitably appear distant and unreal.

Shibasaki Geno obviously had some basic knowledge of Japanese, so he couldn't understand it completely, so he nodded quickly and replied, "Okay."

Nakahara Nakaya looked at Shibazaki Gensheng, and suddenly felt a little weak.

He promised so simply, this guy must have been a little too easy when he was young!

"...Do you have any questions to ask?"

Shibasaki Geno shook his head.

In fact, he wanted to ask a lot, but he wasn't sure if he would inadvertently piss off the Mr. Hat, so it would be wrong to say too much, so it's better not to say anything.

Zhong Yuanzhong was even more powerless, "You don't even wonder who I am?"

Seeing Shibasaki Gensei's appearance, he obviously didn't know him. Didn't he find it strange that a stranger suddenly wanted to take him away?

Shibazaki Yuansheng blinked, he always felt that Mr. Hat wanted to ask questions by himself.But he really couldn't figure out what the other party was. In this case, it's better not to talk nonsense.

That being the case, Shibazaki Geno thought for a while and said, "I know Mr. is a good person."


The author has something to say:


The protagonist listening to others speak Japanese is basically equivalent to listening to my listening comprehension in the sixth-level examination room ()


Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Bian Zhouzhou 1;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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