Geno Shibazaki looked away from the two people on the ground, and blinked slightly after hearing Osamu Dazai's words.

"I've only been here for less than a minute," Shibasaki Gensei had difficulty showing sincerity on his face, so he could only try to make his tone appear sincere, "I didn't hear anything."

"And you let me in," Shibasaki added, "I promise I didn't know anything until then."

Osamu Dazai was taken aback by this answer, and after a while he suddenly laughed, "Do you think I'm going to silence you?"

Shibazaki Yuansheng didn't speak, but blinked again, acquiescing to his statement.

Dazai Osamu laughed even harder when he looked at him, although Shibazaki Geno couldn't figure out where the other party's laughter was at all.

After laughing enough, Osamu Dazai stood up and opened the curtains to let the sunlight from outside shine into the room, and said to Geno Shibazaki in a brisk tone: "You are so calm when you think you are going to silence yourself, it seems that you are not so scared anymore. "

Geno Shibazaki said calmly, "Mr. Dazai, I grew up in Sicily, Italy."

As the entrenched place of the Mafia family, violence and bloodshed are commonplace there, and in a sense it is almost a part of daily life.Shibazaki Gensei grew up there, and it can be said that he is basically completely immune to such scenes, not to mention the scene in the room is far from scary.

It was the underground prison where Osamu Dazai gave him a newcomer test at the beginning, and the atmosphere there was much more eerie than here.

Geno Shibasaki felt that he really had no reason to be afraid.

Osamu Dazai shook his head, "That's not what I said."

That's not it?

"Mr. Dazai, do you think I should be afraid of you?" Shibazaki Yuansheng's voice was full of confusion.

He stayed in the port of Mafia for nearly half a month, most of which was spent with Osamu Dazai.

Shibazaki Gensheng recalled his experience with Osamu Dazai in the past half month, such as giving him a questionnaire on hobbies in the torture room, or reading out the task of patrolling and writing food street food tasting——

Apart from further understanding that Osamu Dazai is really empty, it is indeed difficult for him to have any other feelings.

"So it's because I've been too nice to you?" Osamu Dazai looked distressed, "If this goes on, I will lose the majesty of my boss with Shibazaki-kun."

Shibasaki Geno: "No, that kind of thing never happened from the beginning."

After a few seconds, Shibazaki Gensheng said again: "So Mr. Dazai, are you doing this today to scare me and restore your majesty?"

Probably because of the stereotype that Dazai Osamu gave him in the past half month, Shibazaki always felt that no matter what Dazai Osamu did, he had his own purpose, even if it seemed crazy or even stupid at the time, there was probably his deep meaning behind it .

But this time Shibazaki Gensei really misunderstood, Dazai Osamu really didn't think so much today.

Dazai Osamu did not expect that Shibazaki Gensei would come to him today, and it happened to be at the juncture when he was interrogating rival family members.Even the sentence that called people in at the beginning, Osamu Dazai had hardly thought about it before he said it.

Until the other party pushed open the door and came in, Dazai Osamu didn't feel that there was anything wrong, and he didn't feel that the current scene was actually not suitable for children to see.After all, the kid Shibazaki Gensao is extraordinary in every sense.

So logically speaking, Dazai Osamu should not have asked Shibazaki Gensei whether he was afraid, because the answer was obvious, and he never cared whether others were afraid of himself.

Why did I ask that suddenly, even Osamu Dazai didn't understand it for a while.

But Dazai Osamu would not say these words, he squinted his eyes and looked at Shibasaki Geno, "I want to say yes."

Shibasaki Geno didn't expect Osamu Dazai to be so boring, he paused, and then said: "Then I can perform with you."

Counting it, Osamu Dazai deliberately frightened him quite a few times. He jumped in from the window five times in the corridor, got out from behind his door seven times, and crawled out from under the bed about three times. Obsessed with scaring him, it seems that Osamu Dazai really wants to restore his dignity.

"How are you going to act?"

Osamu Dazai pretended not to understand the meaning hidden in Shibasaki Gensei's words, and asked the question with great interest.

He reached out and poked Shibasaki Gensei's cheek, this action Dazai Osamu did so naturally that Shibasaki Gensei didn't react for a while, but soon, Dazai Osamu's next sentence made him pull back god.

"Would you like to show me 'rolling in fear'?"

Shibazaki Gensheng: "?" What is that?

"Someone said it himself," Dazai Osamu explained with great interest, "He said that he couldn't control his expression, but every time I saw it, I was so scared that I started to roll."

It sounds like he speaks when he wants to perfunctory others, so there is a high probability that it is what he said.

Shibazaki Gensheng: "... Do you remember what the future me said?"

Not only remembering, but even being able to use it to tear down the stage at any time, Shibasaki Gensei began to think whether this is Dazai Osamu's talent in another sense.

Dazai Osamu did not answer his question, but asked instead: "Do you want me to remember?"

"Of course not," Geno Shibazaki replied very simply, and after a two-second pause, he added, "It sounds a bit creepy."

In this way, it seems that he has no secrets at all in front of Osamu Dazai.

"Many people say that being targeted by Mr. Dazai is not a good thing."

This statement was secretly passed on by the members of the port Mafia, and Shibazaki Geno had heard it several times when he occasionally went out to do expatriate work.

"There is such a saying, but this is restricted by the enemy," Osamu Dazai rested his finger lightly on his chin, "Shibazaki-kun is now a companion, so there should be no need to worry."

"It's my future self," Shibasaki Geno corrected word by word, "It's not me."

The expression on Dazai Osamu's face slowly receded, and he tilted his head, "What do you mean, you will become the enemy of Mafia at the port in the future?"

Shibazaki Gensei seemed unaware of the sudden change in the atmosphere in the room, and said calmly: "According to the theory of parallel time and space, there is a possibility."

Geno Shibasaki doesn't see himself as part of Port Mafia, it has been from the beginning.This place is just a place for him to stay, and he can leave at any time.

Dazai Osamu knew this a long time ago, but at this moment he suddenly thought that it was not just this Shibazaki Geno, but the Shibazaki Geno who really belonged to this era probably had the same idea.Ten years ago, Shibazaki Geno was more obvious, because everyone knew that he would return to his own era sooner or later.

As for Geno Shibazaki ten years later, no one knows how long he will stay in one place.

"Mr. Dazai, what are you thinking?"

The other party's behavior of suddenly stopping the topic and entering into contemplation made Shibasaki Geno couldn't help but ask.

"I'm thinking about how to make you stay."

Osamu Dazai looked at him, and then made a gesture to indicate that he was talking about the future him.

The tone of this sentence doesn't sound very serious, it feels like a joke.

And it was inconsistent, Shibazaki Gensheng said, "Mr. Dazai just said that I am your companion."

Osamu Dazai nodded, "But it's only temporary. Don't you realize it yourself? Shibazaki-kun, you are so volatile."

Shibasaki Yuansheng felt that the word intuition was very strange to use here, but he couldn't find anything to refute it for a while, so he had to change the subject and said:

"Mr. Dazai, do you want me to stay because I hold an important position in the organization?"

Osamu Dazai told him more than once that his future work is very important to the port Mafia, although based on Shibasaki Geno's observations these days, he is definitely not a cadre, nor does he seem to be a cadre's direct subordinate.Other than that, he really couldn't find any other position that fit Osamu Dazai's description.

"Yeah," Osamu Dazai has long been used to saying similar lies, basically opening his mouth, "It's very important, that's why I hope Shibazaki-kun will stay here forever."

Shibasaki Gensei thought for a while and asked, "It must be me?"

Osamu Dazai nodded, "That's right, and you asked for it yourself at first."

Shibazaki Gensheng was taken aback: "I asked for it?"


Probably because this sentence is the only truthful sentence in it, Osamu Dazai answered very frankly.

"Because of this, you made such a fuss that everyone in Mafia at the port remembered your name."

"Since that's the case," Shibasaki Geno said, "then Dazai-san, you don't have to worry about me going around."

Although that word made Shibasaki Geno a little awkward, he couldn't find a substitute for a while.

Osamu Dazai raised his eyebrows, "How?"

"Because as far as I know about myself," Shibazaki Geno thought for a while and said, "If I am really persistent to the extent you describe Mr. Dazai—"

After a pause, Shibasaki Geno said solemnly:

"I'll probably stay in Port Mafia for the rest of my life for this job."

Since it was the first time he said such a thing, Shibazaki Geno still felt a little uncomfortable after he finished speaking.But this was indeed his first thought after hearing Dazai Osamu's words.

Shibasaki Gensei has never been particularly attached to anything since he was a child. Maybe that level of attachment is nothing to others, but it is already very rare for him.

Osamu Dazai looked at him straight, as if he was in a daze, but he didn't seem to.

Shibazaki Yuansheng: "...Mr. Dazai?"

After a long time, Osamu Dazai seemed to have recovered from his words. His eyes were fixed on Shibazaki Yuansheng, giving people a very strange feeling.

Shibazaki Yuansheng had no choice but to call the other party's name again, "Mr. Dazai?"

This time Osamu Dazai finally answered, but it sounded out of touch with their topic.

"I'm thinking," Osamu Dazai said slowly, "if the guard room is blown up into fireworks in front of you, I don't know how you will react now."

Shibazaki Gensheng: "?"


The author has something to say:



Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 4 crow ghosts; 1 cuttlefish in a pool;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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