And sign a power of attorney. When you complete the task, the king will sign the power of attorney. "

"And getting the approval of a king is equivalent to the approval of the entire kingdom. Although this is very domineering, the rules of the academy cannot be broken, so as long as you get the approval of two kings, you can come back and report to me, and then perform magic. Advanced."

Er'an thought about it with a headache, it seems that such an assessment is really troublesome.

But before he could show a complaining expression, the other students became emotional first.

"What, it's so difficult."

"That's right, what if the king is abnormal and gives an unacceptable task?"

"For example, to a beautiful woman...that or something, haha..."

"You... hate it!"

All the students suddenly exploded into a pot of porridge, and the voices of complaints gradually turned into discussions of obscene topics.

"Be content." Jermaine's shrewd voice suddenly sounded so shrewd that he couldn't help the numbness of his shoulders: "The intermediate assessment of Peorista Academy of Magic needs to be recognized by at least ten countries, while the advanced assessment requires At least 25, not to mention the magicians of the legendary level, even if they don't need the recognition of the whole world, at least more than half of them will be more than half?"

"Like you, you only need the power of attorney from two countries, and you still have to complain. Everyone in good health can complete it with your eyes closed."

"Are you all ready to apply for a disability certificate in Fantasyland?"

There was no sound again below.

Jermaine continues to tell everyone that the country can choose freely, and the time limit is from the start of the application for the assessment to two months after the application. If the time is exceeded, it will be automatically invalidated and the assessment will fail.

Then it was announced in the silence that get out of class was over.


"Actually, I think we can go to the Vilradelli Empire first. My father used to do business there, and later told me that the king there is very...gentle? Well, gentle, and the Vilradelli Empire is just a north It is a small country, so I believe that the power of attorney he issued should not be too perverted... right?"

With a spoon in his mouth, Indel drew a heavy circle on a corner of the map laid out on the marble dining table with a marker pen, and then looked up at the people opposite.

Everyone smiled ambiguously at the gentle smile he said.

Indel cleared his throat in embarrassment.

That's right, it's lunch time.

And the scorching sun that has officially entered summer is also unceremoniously baking the earth.

In the restaurant, the guys who gather together routinely are discussing the itinerary and arrangement of this primary assessment.

"Villadelli Empire?" Billig swallowed a mouthful of food, and continued, "I seem to have heard of it."

"Well, here." Indel pointed to the black circle on the map.

"However, it takes at least four to five days to travel from the college to the Villardelli Empire in the north by carriage, right?" Billig propped his chin with his hands, looked at the map and suddenly remembered something: "And Just to the north is the site of the Mondiri Hunter College."

Indel turned his head and gave him a dissatisfied look: "It's just a friendly match. Don't think that everyone who is as insidious as you will pay back ten times if you get stabbed, and they had the upper hand last time."

Billig immediately felt his cheeks burning hot, and then shook his collar in embarrassment: "The weather is getting hotter and hotter."

Aieran, who was on the opposite side, was about to bite off the steamed bun with strawberry heart jam, but when he heard this, he raised his head with some sympathy, and kindly cast a comforting look at Billig.

However, what he didn't notice was that the steamed bun in his hand contained so much strawberry jam, and before he could put it into his mouth, he tilted his hand, and the jam immediately poured down beside him in a viscous shape. on a clean white robe.

In fact, it would be okay if it was just poured on a simple white robe, but the place where the jam splashed was...the embarrassing crotch.


A silence.

"That... I'll clean it up for you." Er'an blushed and quickly grabbed the white paper towel on the table.

Xibo rested his head on one hand indifferently, and took a sip of coffee: "What about the second country?"

"..." This time it was Billig who looked sympathetically at Al'an, who was wiping with a paper towel, neither scratching nor sweating profusely.

"Hmm." Indel was stunned for a while, and was just about to whisper to Billig whether the two people on the opposite side also had a story.

Seeing Xiber glance at him with an extremely sharp color, he coughed lightly, held the marker pen and began to stare at the huge yellowed map, pretending to be thinking deeply, before he raised his head and said seriously: "Just pick the countries around Villeradelli. ? This is more convenient, at least you don’t have to run around in the southeast and northwest.”

However, as soon as the tone that he thought was quite serious fell, the answer to him was silence.


El Ann, who had been struggling with strawberry jam from beginning to end, couldn't answer at all.

Billig beside him looked at him calmly.

Xibo lazily yawned.

Without any embarrassment or coldness, Indel immediately buckled the cap of his pen, slapped his hands on the dining table, and said boldly: "Then it's settled! Our first goal is the Villeradelli Empire!"

"Let's go tomorrow!"

The author has something to say: the dinner is about to start, I feel like this article is going to rush, alas~ But I will definitely stick to it/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~


33. Primary assessment [3]...

That afternoon, a few of them applied to their mentors for the assessment to begin.

Jermaine was leisurely reading the newspaper and drinking coffee in his research room at the time. When Al-Ann excitedly opened the door and told him to apply for the assessment, Jermaine almost sprayed all the coffee on the newspaper.

One must know that Er'an was actually the first student in his class to apply for the assessment.

After getting the mentor's signature and consent, the excited Al-Ann rolled over on the bed throughout the night, tossing so hard that Xibo's face turned black and he almost kicked him out of bed.

So two more panda eyes appeared in the crowd early the next morning.

However, the luggage of these two panda eyes is actually the least among the four. Xibo Qingfeng's two-sleeved Indel expressed his understanding, but El'an's backpack was full of steamed buns and dry food except for a small change of clothes!

This made the two teenagers on the opposite side who were full of two big boxes and didn't even know what they contained were so embarrassing.

Later, when discussing the travel expenses naturally, I thought that among the four people, there was only a viscount nobleman like Billig, so the result was that he would bear all the travel expenses for everyone, and even the carriage was sent by Billig's family. The deluxe plus version.

And when everyone sat in this luxurious and enhanced version of the car that could not be squeezed any more.

Indel couldn't help asking him for the sixth time whether it was an ox cart or a horse cart.

Billig's personal dignity was trampled to the bottom line, and he shook his fist at Indel and said, "Shut up, get out of the car and run over if you are questioning."

Indel shrank into the corner aggrieved.

And El Ann has also learned to be smart this time. From the moment he got into the carriage, he started reading like Xibo borrowed a book.

The title of the book is "Falling in Love with Coffee".

However, he just flipped through it silently for a while, then silently handed the book back, and then silently asked Xibo if there were any other books he could choose from.

Xibo handed over a stack without raising his head: "Here."


So Al Ann looked at the stacks of "How to Taste Coffee", "Coffee Appreciation", "Opening the Door of the Cafe", "Coffee Map", and even a copy of "Cocoa Doesn't Understand the Beauty of Coffee", and burst into tears .


The scenery outside is gradually receding, and the carriage is galloping forward.

In the evening, a few people randomly found a hotel in the passing town to spend the night, and then continued to travel silently in the closed, narrow and almost suffocating luxury enhanced carriage during the day.

Finally, after unremitting efforts, they arrived at the main city of Angela, the capital of the Vilradelli Empire, late at night on the fourth day.

With no need to carry the burden of riding in a carriage for one night, everyone felt a sense of relief and peace, and took it for granted that they had a good night's sleep.

The next day, a group of people prepared to enter the palace in good spirits.

In the morning, Angela is like a cold, glamorous and indifferent girl. She is clean and beautiful without losing a touch of cold aloofness unique to the north. The unique Gothic architectural style is extremely echoed in the cold winter that is still cold even in summer. In the wind, the neatly pointed roof can also form a chic landscape.

There are only a few scattered passers-by on the street, and a few merchants pushing wooden carts and selling potatoes.

"Is your father among them?" Billig asked suddenly, propping his jaw.

Indel made no secret of giving him a hard look.

And Er'an, who was sitting opposite, was curiously looking at the street outside through the narrow glass window. He blinked suddenly, opened his mouth and breathed upward, and a cloud of milky white water vapor suddenly appeared on the window. .

Seeing this, everyone except Xibo couldn't help but folded their arms. Although they had already put on several layers of spring clothes, Indel said that if this continues, it is estimated that the school uniform of Peorista Academy of Magic All put on.

With a creak, the carriage stopped in front of a majestic castle. Al-Ann watched Billig go down and negotiate a few words with the royal guard at the gate, and when he came up, the carriage moved again.

After crossing the moat, you arrive at the inner garden of the palace. The standard classical symmetrical building suddenly catches everyone's eyes. The neatly shaped, solemn and majestic castle stands in the center of the garden, which makes people feel awe involuntarily. feel.

A man in heavy formal attire but without losing seriousness

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