Teacher Fu's sentence: "It's very important, don't be late." He immediately woke up, jumped up from the bed, and quickly started to clean up.

Fortunately, His Royal Highness just glanced at them last night and left without changing his expression. As for his last sentence...

El Ann buttoned the last button of her school uniform.

...or just ignore it.

"knock, knock"

A crisp knock on the door suddenly sounded in the quiet morning, interrupting his movements.

El Ann responded and ran to open the door.

Fini at the door smiled brightly, his fiery red eyes turned into crescent moons: "I thought you were still sleeping."

Er'an blushed and explained: "No."

Finney turned around and waved his hand in a funny way: "If you don't hurry up, you will be late, don't you want to be the first freshman who is late at the beginning of school?"

Upon hearing this, Er'an immediately accelerated the speed of changing shoes, and hurriedly followed Fei Ni, and the two walked out of the dormitory building one after the other.The dazzling sunlight poured down in an instant, and El'an couldn't help stretching out his right hand to cover his forehead and looked into the sky.

Cloudless and sunny.

The huge Peorista Academy of Magic is immersed in the early morning bath, and it looks resplendent with a layer of vitality.

The freshmen who poured out from all directions walked towards the gathering place in groups of three and four. The languages ​​of various countries and regions, and the voices of propaganda were quickly passed on in their ears. Elann opened his eyes wide and excited, put his hands on his chest and shook them excitedly. It was the first time he saw so many classmates who were older than himself, thinking that he would make more friends from now on, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"What are you thinking? So happy." Phini's teasing voice sounded above his head.

Er'an raised his head in a good mood and grinned at him: "Fini, we will meet more good friends in the future, don't you look forward to it?"

"Good friend?" Fini frowned and paused. For some reason, such a familiar face appeared in his heart. He suddenly shuddered, and forced a smile, "I'm not... looking forward to it."

"What?" Er'an didn't hear clearly, and looked at him with round eyes.

"No..." Fei Ni suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed forward, changing the subject: "Look, we're here."

Sure enough, the simple El'an was successfully distracted by him, and he looked forward.

The huge fountain with multicolored engraved gold sprinkles various water column patterns up to tens of meters in the morning sun, and the big characters [Freshman Enrollment Welcome Ceremony] composed of various magics in the sky are extraordinarily refined and gorgeous. No loss of solemnity and grandeur.The magnificent castle against the background is enough to attract the attention of most new students.

Mentors flying around in magic robes in the sky are preparing for the ceremony.

Er'an looked around with wide-eyed eyes in novelty. Although it was not the first time he saw flying magic, so many people cast it together and cooperated with the various elves following behind him, but it was not at all chaotic. A beautiful scenery with unique artistic conception.

Under the arrangement of the instructor, the freshmen gradually formed a regular whole, with Er'an and Finney standing in the middle and a little behind.

With the bell ringing loudly throughout the academy in the early morning, the noisy freshmen gradually quieted down. Four magicians in white robes suddenly appeared in the air, and then slowly fell, suspended in the pool Before the magic word before.

"That's Dean Jermaine." Al-Ann was obediently looking at the four magicians in the air, but suddenly found a familiar face that he met a few days ago and helped him, and he tugged Finney excitedly. His moderate voice attracted the attention of the surrounding students.

"Welcome everyone to Peorista Academy of Magic." Before Finni could answer, a thick voice came from the air, and everyone who was interrupting raised their heads and looked at the one with the longest beard and wrinkled hair in the air. The old old magician who has the most and is at the forefront.

"I am your main dean, Ai Ruo, the most senior dual-line elementalist. I think it is the first time for everyone to come to our academy, and entering our academy proves that you completely belong to Paoli Star Academy of Magic, so in the days to come, our fate will always be intertwined, and I will let everyone believe that Peorista Academy of Magic will be more amiable than your family most of the time." Ai Looking at the neat school uniform below, Ruo said with a satisfied smile.

There was a commotion among the students.

Ai Ruo stretched out her hand, beckoning to be quiet, and said after a while: "I believe that what everyone is most curious about in this ceremony is the distribution of magician attribute detection at the end. But there are many school rules that I have to inform you now, Some small details may affect your life safety."

Ai Ruo was still chanting tirelessly in the air, with a posture of reciting words backwards, while the students below had already begun to restless, even Fini guessed how many times this official sentence was followed step by step at the age of the old dean , As for Er'an, his thoughts have long been pulled thousands of miles away by the magician's attribute detection assignment.

The freshness under the sun was swept away, and then came the most boring moment of each opening ceremony. The four instructors took turns explaining all the school rules and details in the school, and Jermaine was the shortest among them. I returned it and left a good impression on many students.

I don't know how long it took, how many words the four instructors took turns to say, how long the students were silent, and how many times Ai Eran dozed off with his head down, and finally heard Ai Ruo's deep voice: "Let everyone It's been a long wait, the last task - magician attribute detection assignment will start soon.

This sentence woke up many sleepy students, bursts of commotion emanated from the crowd, and even faint cheers of liberation could be heard.

Ai Ruo's expression remained unchanged, and he said lightly: "But I can't guarantee your safety during the detection."

……life safety?

Is this considered a slap in the face?

The students slandered all over, but finally suppressed the cheers into their stomachs.

Ai Ruo nodded in satisfaction.He stretched out his hand and chanted a few incantations. With the undulation of the cloak, brown and blue interlaced lights suddenly flashed in the midair. Accompanied by a light voice, a light figure in the shape of a human gradually appeared in front of everyone.

——Wooden and water dual-line gods!

There was another commotion among the students, although most of them didn't know what it was, but from her magnificent appearance, it could be judged that the dean's elf was absolutely extraordinary.

The god looked at the students below, and the beautiful elf with half-closed eyes flew up briskly, passing over the students one by one.Countless transparent bubbles fall from the sky, which is too beautiful to behold.

Er'an looked at the bubbles that fell in front of his eyes, and was hesitating whether to poke them.

Ai Ruo's voice sounded again: "Students, please touch with your heart, and your perception and spiritual power will be absorbed by the gods."

... fetish?

Finney sneered again.

But he still closed his eyes and slowly calmed himself down, then reached out his hand and gently touched the round bubble.


A small explosion sound reached his ears.

Opening his eyes, he happened to see Er'an's widened eyes in surprise.

"Is that so?"

Ailan suddenly realized, and immediately closed his eyes and poked the bubble, and then there was another explosion.The attention next to them was once again focused on them. Originally there were only a few rustling explosions in the crowd, but after seeing Finney and El Ann doing this, most of the students immediately poked bubbles.

The crisp popping sound of bubbles resounded throughout the academy.

In mid-air, Jermaine was looking at the other three mentors complaining: "I said earlier that it would be good to just tell them to pop the bubbles, so as not to have to read a bunch of high-sounding statements, but there are still many idiots who will Close your eyes and mutter the poke."

Ai Ruo touched his beard and said slowly: "This is more artistic."


After the students finished poking, they all opened their eyes wide and looked at the old dean in the air.Waiting for the next solemn instruction.

Ai Ruo cleared his throat and said: "Then, let's disband today, and the detection results will be imprinted on your school badge tonight. We will arrange other things tomorrow."

Students: ...

Is it true that I stood in the sun for a few hours today just for the moment of poking bubbles? !

And what's life-threatening about poking bubbles? !

The author has something to say: There are a lot of updates today, so tired. . .I hope everyone supports

8. Admission to the hospital [7]...

A long time ago, when the Fantasy Continent was still in a sea of ​​flames and vast oceans, the first sacred contract between human ancestors and elves was reached.

The legend of heroes is always so gorgeous and dazzling. They went to the sky and entered the earth. In order to extinguish the raging fire, they transformed into water elves and water elementalists.In order to disperse the huge waves, he turned into a fierce fire elf and fire element.In order to heal the earth, to build walls to protect the home, and to protect the peace of the fantasy continent, wind elements, wood elements, and space-time spells appeared.

Until now, the contract between elves and humans is still going on endlessly. This sacred legend has been spread and revered throughout the continent.After each magician confirms his own attribute, his elves will sense it and come to look for it at the first time. On the contrary, if he does not find an elf that is destined for him within a period of time after confirming his attribute , it means that he (she) has nothing to do with magic.

[Friendly reminder: If you are at Peorista Academy of Magic, you will be ordered to drop out of school]


Fini closed the book crisply, and stamped the gold on the cover

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