Savage Continent Survival

Chapter 1 Mr. Xiao is Dead

The department store where Mr. Xiao worked finally overfulfilled the year's sales task before the end of the year. Although he was only the head of the security team, Mr. Xiao was still invited to the company's celebration banquet.After a whole year of busy work, he was finally able to relax. Mr. Xiao didn't notice that he drank too much for a while.After returning to the residence, I vomited in the bathroom.After finally getting his stomach clean, he didn't want to slip on the sole of his foot and fell directly on his own vomit.

The unlucky Mr. Xiao was so drunk that he was so weak that he fell on his face, not to mention that he didn't even have the strength to turn over.His nose was soaked in the disgusting pile of vomit, sucking and sucking, which eventually blocked his airway.

At the moment of suffocation, Mr. Xiao felt that he was wrapped in a white thing, which was wet and warm, and staying in it made people want to sleep so comfortably.So Mr. Xiao closed his eyes and died.

====Crossing the dividing line=====

Mr. Xiao did not expect that he would still be in a white environment after waking up. He thought he was still drunk and was planning to continue to sleep, but unexpectedly the whole world shook suddenly.

This is—was there an earthquake! ! !

After the hangover, Mr. Xiao, who was slow to react, immediately hugged his head and bent down to run, but found that he seemed to be trapped in a sticky liquid, unable to move no matter what.At this moment, there was a "click", and white flakes fell on Mr. Xiao's head. When he looked up, he saw a hook that was as sharp and thick as a stone stuck in it less than ten centimeters away from his head. The place.

My mother! ! !

Looking at the huge hook, Mr. Xiao froze for a moment. He maintained the movement of holding his head just now, stared at the huge hook moving for a while, and then slowly backed away.

Then a hole appeared in that place—this made Mr. Xiao finally realize that the place he was in now seemed to be a closed space, and it was a warm closed space with water.

Where is this? !

After several rounds of fright, Mr. Xiao had already regained consciousness. He tried his best to push his body towards the hole, and was about to see what was going on outside, when suddenly an eye was stuck on the hole.

That's right, it's an eye. Although it has no white and the pupil is just a thin line, Mr. Xiao still knows it's an eye - because his cats have such eyes.

Now this eye is moving flexibly, as if looking at the situation inside.And when it met Mr. Xiao's gaze, the thin pupils instantly became round.

This was probably an expression of excitement, like a wild animal finding its prey. Mr. Xiao felt the hairs on his back stand on end one by one. Just when his fear broke through the limit, his body instinctively wanted to stand up.This momentum seemed that even the mucus around him couldn't control him, Mr. Xiao was able to break free, and the top of his head slammed into the confined space, only to hear the continuous cracking sound of "click, click", and as pieces of debris peeled off, The outside world finally unfolded in front of Mr. Xiao.

This is a huge cave, the gray rock walls have been deliberately polished, like a residence.And in front of Mr. Xiao, stood two huge men who looked like savages—monsters? !



Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Mr. Xiao, a former elite security guard of a department store with a strong body, finally screamed desperately—this was really the most exciting and deceitful day in his life!

But for the two Crewe people in this cave, this day is worth celebrating, because their long-awaited first child came out of the shell, crying so loudly, it must be a healthy baby ╮(╯▽╰)╭ Mr. Xiao, who realized that screaming was useless, calmed down. He stayed in the eggshell that he had broken, watching the two giant monsters approaching him in front of him.They seemed excited and were exchanging something in a language he didn't understand.

Although the eyes are like cats, but the facial features are still similar to humans, so Mr. Xiao can at least see that one of the two monsters has a gentle expression and the other has a stern face.Out of the instinct of self-defense, he slowly moved in the direction of Mr. Gentle.When doing this, Mr. Xiao still held up the hand that was holding his head earlier. Mr. Gentle thought he was going to hug him, so he took the initiative to stretch out his paws towards him.

Those are really two paws!Not to mention the thick knuckles, the hook-like nails seemed to be able to cut a piece of flesh from his body with just a touch.Mr. Xiao involuntarily glanced at his hand for comparison, and after only one glance, he was shocked again.

Is this hand irradiated?It must have been irradiated! !

What's the matter with the back of the hand, which is so fleshy that it has dimples all over it!What's the matter with the little short fingers!What's with the transparent nails that look like hooks! ! !

Mr. Xiao was so shocked that his thoughts short-circuited, and the gentle gentleman had already gently hugged him.The feeling of soaring into the air is not very comfortable for an adult, and with Mr. Xiao's visual inspection just now, although the two monsters are physically strong, they are at most two meters tall, and his 1.8-meter-high body is so easily crushed lifted up...

Mr. Xiao pursed his lips, and he moved his eyes from his hands to his body expressionlessly, what did he see?A bulging belly that was only the size of his original palm, and underneath it was a little penis that was definitely smaller than Xiao Qiao, and a slender tail that was bending up from between his little fat legs.



You were a little overwhelmed by the baby who was holding and crying, because the chief of the tribe said that when the baby was born, the first person they saw was their father, so he stayed at home with Tu Mu these days.

It's just that all babies cry like this after birth... such heartbroken?

He clumsily shook his arm and tried to cheer up the little guy in his hand, but unfortunately the effect was not good. He finally turned to Tu Mu as if asking for help, "What's wrong?"

Tu Mu has been watching with a stern face and cold eyes since just now. This has always been his habit, but deep down in his heart he still looks forward to the arrival of the little guy, no matter because it is his offspring or for other reasons.So when he saw the little guy who was still in the eggshell first stretching his arms towards You, his hard heart even felt a little sad. Fortunately, the little guy started crying again - You seemed to have nothing to do with him.

The corners of Tu Mu's mouth curved slightly, that was a smile that no one could see except by accident, "Baby is afraid of you."

"Afraid of me?" You frowned, could it be that the smell of blood from hunting a few days ago still lingered on him?But it would be a funny thing to be scared by Tu Mu.Looking at the stinky face next to him, he handed the baby over as if giving up, "Why don't you come?"

Tu Mu took the baby, and he remembered what the tribal chief often did when conveying God's will to his people. Maybe this would be useful?

Mr. Xiao vaguely felt that he was being transferred when he was screaming until he lost his mind. When he figured out that Mr. Gentle had handed him into the claws of Mr. Smelly Face, Mr. Xiao unconsciously lowered his voice—he was afraid that The monster would just tear him apart.

I accidentally met Mr. Smellyface, those beast-like eyes were locking him coldly, fierce and persistent, and getting closer——

Mom, help me TAT

The monster's forehead finally touched Mr. Xiao's forehead, which made him so frightened that he forgot to cry. Mr. Xiao felt as if his whole body was covered by air-conditioning, and he couldn't move.

Almost a century later, Mr. Gentle next to him seemed to say something, so Mr. Smelly Face finally raised his head.The air-conditioning dissipated a lot in an instant, Mr. Xiao's whole body softened, and he managed to catch his breath. After this, he felt extremely tired, and he didn't have the energy to think about anything else, so he should just go to sleep.

You looked at the baby sleeping in Tu Mu's hands, and had to admit that this time it was a miracle, and there would be a little guy who was not afraid of him, "Then you will take care of him." You shrugged, and he took the baby by the side. The stone spear walked out of the cave. As a family, someone should be responsible for raising the offspring, and someone should be responsible for hunting.

After you left, Tu Mu found the specially prepared rhinoceros hide and wrapped the baby gently. Although the little guy frowned, he slept soundly.Tu Mu put the baby on the clean haystack, lay on his side beside him, lowered his head and stuck out his long tongue, licking off the sticky liquid from the baby's body, just like all wild beasts lick their little ones.

In this regard, the tasks of each member of this small family have been assigned. As a newborn, Mr. Xiao doesn’t have to do anything. As a result of the tragedy, I wonder if Mr. Xiao will cry again to reverse the previous misunderstanding?It's really exciting.

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