Savage Continent Survival

Chapter 38 The Beginning of a New Life

When the new day came, Mr. Xiao and Mr. Juan finally let go of their sad emotions, and they had to look forward to everything. They were destined to face it alone in their future life.After all, they are two ends, plural, and it is much easier to live than one end alone.

The most urgent task is to find a place to stay. Although their tribe's territory is very large, it is not easy to find a safe place to live in the primitive environment that can shelter from wind and rain.Mr. Xiao was a little distressed. He felt that they should dig a cave on a small open hillside like his previous home, so that they could not only avoid the ferocious beasts in the forest, but also raise some animals around their own territory.

Mr. Juan's idea was very simple. He directly proposed to find one of the places he took Mr. Xiao to when they met together before.

Just those narrow ravines or dark and damp corners?

Mr. Xiao had a very unreliable guess in his mind, but in order to prove that his family Mr. Juan actually made the proposal after serious consideration, he still asked a lot, "The places you are looking for can live in? "

"Of course." Mr. Juan Xiao wagged his tail and recommended to Mr. Xiao, "There is water and fruit trees there."

"Is there water, and fruit trees?" Mr. Xiao's speculation became more and more intense, and Mr. Juan was obviously a little guilty. As soon as he was questioned, his eyes immediately shrank back, but even so, he still tried his best to ask him. Mate recommends those dank corners because - "there's still sweet fruit in there."

"There are sweet fruits, only sweet fruits!" Just like you, Xiaojuanjuan!The only thing left in my mind is Tianguo Tianguo Tianguo! !

Mr. Xiao almost repeated Mr. Juan's words through gritted teeth, and then he didn't even bother to say no, he turned around and opened the way to find a seemingly reliable place to live.

Mr. Juan naturally had to keep up. In fact, he was just proposing, and he didn't really want to live in those places, but Mr. Juan still prayed silently in his heart that his parents would find a place where wild fruit trees grew nearby to live.

Apparently, Mr. Xiao wanted to disappoint Mr. Juan, because in the end he really found a hillside that was the same as his previous residence, with empty faces on three sides, and only a dirt road leading to the depths of the forest.

However, this mountain is higher than his previous residence, and he lives relatively far from other tribesmen.Mr. Xiao is dead at the end of the house, and thinks that this place is clean and a good place to live and work in peace and contentment. As for Mr. Juan, of course he only needs to live with Mr. Xiao, but after running around the boss, he didn’t find that half of the trees can bear fruit. trees, a lively tail has become a little wilted.

Mr. Xiao saw this situation in his eyes, and cursed that he was a stinky brat who didn't grow up, so he thought about it in his heart and tried to plant some fruit seeds near his home.

After the general territory is delineated, the rest is to dig holes in the rock wall.The Kru's claws are strong enough to deal with loose mud and stones, but tools are needed to carve out a space large enough for them to live in.The two little monsters usually look quite capable under the care of their elders, but if they are really asked to control everything by themselves, it is inevitable that they will appear a little messy.

Usually half of the tools were made from grinding stones, and they had to go hunting to find food, and the skeletons of animals seemed to be good raw materials for tools, so they turned to repairing the skeletons to make shovels just after the prototypes of the stone tools they were grinding were produced.This hassle was twice the result with half the effort, and by the time they dug out a small cave that could accommodate two people, the weather had already cooled down.

Finally, he had to hunt and eat every day, and he got back a lot of animal fur. Mr. Juan’s fur treatment skills are quite high. After soaking water with grass ash, he put the dried fur into the water, soaked it for a while, and took it out to dry in the shade. The whole fur will be soft, and the fur on the fur will be firmer.Afterwards, bone needles are used to pull thin grass ropes to nail several pieces of fur together, which can be used to keep out the cold when the weather is cold.

However, their caves are still small now, and the space they can move in is facing the entrance of the cave. In the snow and ice season, the ability of fur to keep out the cold is still limited.So Mr. Xiao dragged Mr. Juan to the forest to cut wood. They cut down the trees with straight trunks and cut them to the same length as the height of the hole, and then split the round trunks vertically in half. They are tied side by side, and hot resin is poured over the joints between the trunks.

When the pine resin solidified, they moved the raft back to the territory and made some repairs to the opening of the hole. The raft became a wooden door that could block the wind and rain.

Mr. Xiao made the first wooden door of monster birth, and he was naturally proud for a while. In addition, he finally stopped being ordered by the two big monsters, Mr. Gentle and Mr. Smelly Face, not to allow him to do strange things until winter came. He was busy trying all the things he wanted to do but failed to do.For example, he found a square stone and hollowed out the middle to make a stone pot. That night, he improved the meals for Mr. Juan and treated him to a meal of broth; for example, he sharpened the fish bones and cut off his long hair. It became a board inch; for example, he made a hole on both sides of the idle fur, stretched his arm in and wanted to make a piece of clothing to put on the upper body...

Many, many things are imitating the actions that humans would do, but the results of the experiment are not satisfactory. Mr. Xiao does not think that broth or wild vegetable soup is better than barbecue, and his scalp without thick and long hair It's a bit cold, and as for the body that has been liberated for more than ten years, it is no longer used to wearing things.

He is really no longer a human being. Mr. Xiao is a little disappointed, but there is nothing to lose. He is now a Crewe, and he lives happily, and that is enough.In fact, Mr. Xiao really doesn't have much time to develop sensitive and delicate emotions, because Mr. Juan can always draw his attention away intentionally or unintentionally.

Speaking of which, winter is coming soon, and Mr. Juan has been very busy recently—in late autumn, when the fruit trees bear fruit, this comrade has to go all the way to pick wild fruits every few days. Putting a big bag on the boss, the posture seemed to be to collect all the wild fruits in their territory.

After living in a hole with Mr. Juan, Mr. Xiao finally understood how serious his father was when he told him to watch Mr. Juan wipe his teeth with mint every day.Because his dear Mr. Roll——actually a fool’s stupid roll, as long as there is stock, he can really eat a lot of sweet fruits every night! !

one by one!

one by one! !

Even if Mr. Xiao is watching from the sidelines, he still feels a toothache!But this Mr. Ju doesn't like to wipe his teeth with mint leaves before going to bed. He usually takes a leaf and swipe his mouth with his back to Mr. Xiao who is staring at him as he wipes his teeth.

Do you think that if you keep a straight face, others will think that you have brushed your teeth seriously! !Mr. Xiao was really going to be laughed at by Mr. Juan, but unfortunately, he was misunderstood by the other party in his attempt to teach Mr. Juan a violent lesson, and he was bashed up on the haystack, so he really can't act rashly now.

Mr. Xiao thought about it for several days, and finally came up with a solution for him - rubbing the teeth with mint leaves is just to use the juice in the veins to disinfect the teeth.Mr. Xiao thought to Mr. Juan that since you are not willing to do it yourself, he has no choice but to let him do it.

One night before going to bed, Mr. Xiao stuffed the mint that was supposed to be used to wipe the teeth of the idiot into his mouth, and chewed hard until his mouth was full of mint.Enduring the spicy feeling, he showed Mr. Juan his tongue, which was stained with mint green juice, and then Mr. Xiao hooked his paw at Mr. Juan again. The sentence "Let me wipe your teeth for you" directly irritated the shy Mr. Juan into red Fat face.

So the little monster who never brushed his teeth seriously ran to open his mouth and let Mr. Xiao lick his teeth clean.Mr. Juan felt that this was his favorite teeth-cleaning event, and in order to express his love for this event, he gave Mr. Xiao a fist of love without hesitation——I can’t help it, I love it too much, Mr. Chicken of Mr. Juan's house can't help but start a commotion too^0^!

It's really a sweet life, but only young couples like them who have just started to live together will treat everything as a hobby ╮(╯▽╰)╭Ah bah!Mr. Xiao clutched his bruised cheeks and wanted to cry. He suspected that if this continued, sooner or later, he would be beaten into a dementia by Mr. Juan's idiot T^T

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