In fact, Mr. Xiao is not only worried about the family. You must know that Mr. Gentle and Mr. Smelly are also going to fight this time.You must know that although the age of the two of them sounds like a mature age, after all, a mature age is not as good as a youth, and their physical and mental strength are all declining.Mr. Xiao was already worried last time when they went out to fight, and now of course he is even more worried this time.

So in the early morning of the next day, Mr. Xiao skipped to the elders' place by himself, without paying attention to the task Jacques had assigned to each family to make fish oil grinding weapons.

Sure enough, Mr. Smellyface was sitting outside the cave and was grinding his stone spear. After Mr. Xiao greeted him, he accidentally didn't go to Mr. Gentleman, but continued to dawdle in front of Mr. Smellyface.

How to speak this?Mr. Xiao obviously planned at home today to persuade the adults in the family to stay by his side after the expedition and not to run around, but when he really ran over to face Mr. Stinky Face who was still muscular and looked awesome Suddenly, Mr. Xiao didn't know how to speak to achieve results.

You can't be as ruthless as you are to Mr. Juan →, →

Mr. Xiao hesitated, surrounded Mr. Smellyface for a long time, except for shouting "Dad..." and didn't say a word.

It was rare for Mr. Smellyface to hear him call himself so enthusiastically. At first, he was quite heartwarming, but that guy kept him from sharpening his weapon for a long time, just to call him dad a few times, but he became very impatient later on.I saw the stone spear he raised his hand fell to the ground, stood up and yelled at Mr. Xiao who was still yelling, "Okay! I won't force myself this time! Are you satisfied! Stop shaking like this up,"

Ahhh, isn’t this not mentioned to make you calm down =0=!

Mr. Xiao was shrunk down by the yelling, but he felt relieved when he heard that Mr. Smelly Face simply promised that he would not be strong in the war To fight for honor, it seems that this must be the credit of Mr. Gentle.

Thinking of this, Mr. Xiao slipped away when Mr. Stinky Face bared his teeth in annoyance, and went to the cave to find Mr. Gentle.

Mr. Rourou was playing with two children in the cave. As soon as he saw Mr. Xiao, he immediately dragged him to his side. His eyelids were a little swollen, and he seemed to be unable to open them.Mr. Xiao was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly realized - no wonder Mr. Smelly Face so simply promised him that he would not force himself to stand out. It turned out that Mr. Gentle had already cried, made trouble and hanged himself last night- 0-|||It’s really a good shot, Mr. Gentle, it looks like the effect will definitely go deeper into the other party’s heart than what he did by Mr. Gojuan. Mr. Xiao rubbed his chin and pondered, or if he goes back tonight, he will do the same. Go back and try?

Obviously, Jacques would not give Mr. Xiao the time and opportunity to stage a scene of crying, making trouble and hanging himself, because Comrade Jacques came to look for him not long after Mr. Xiao returned that day.

Speaking of it, Jacques's feelings for Mr. Xiao are quite complicated. Of course, it's not because Mr. Xiao killed the buffalo first -, -+, but in Jacques' view, this long and loose style is not a role model worth learning, but At critical moments, he will always come up with some unexpected ways to stand out from the crowd, just like the battle for Ake back then, like the weapon made of fish oil.

So this time he came here in the hope that Changchang could contribute a few more good ideas that would allow their tribe to take the initiative, but—how can Mr. Xiao be expected to be a good-for-nothing?

All his outstanding actions in the past were just flashes of inspiration when he was forced to be helpless near a critical moment. It really stumped him if he really had to seriously think of something that could make people decide.Jacques was a little disappointed by this, but this is the way Changchang is, he really can't expect too much.

But when Jacques left, Mr. Xiao suddenly had an idea.He jumped to the side of Mr. Juan, stared at the lively and sensitive tail of a certain head, looked left and right, and then said, "Then what, how about I make you an animal skin that can hold the tail?"

"What, what does it mean to pretend!" One of the taboos of Mr. Juan's monster is to discuss things related to his tail. Of course, Mr. Ting Xiao was a little excited when he said it, but this time it is not a joke. Mr. Xiao thinks Mr. Juan's tail is the only weak point in his whole body. If the enemy finds or grabs this, it will cause big trouble?

"How could he be caught so easily." Mr. Juan was a little disdainful about this. You must know that except for Mr. Xiao, no one else knew that his tail was so vulnerable.

Mr. Xiao was a little resentful of Mr. Juan's indifferent attitude, so he didn't say much, just ran to the corner where the animal skin was about to be stored, and began to sew up the fig leaf he imagined with a thin straw rope. look.After he made the cloth head into the desired shape, Mr. Xiao forced Mr. Juan to give it a try.

The fig leaf with a small pocket at the back works well, it just allows Mr. Juan’s tail to be hidden in it, but the problem is that the tail being wrapped is equivalent to losing the space for free movement, whether Mr. Juan is walking or doing things. Everything else feels awkward.

"Long, can I not wear this?"

Mr. Juan had no choice but to beg for mercy from Mr. Xiao after he endured letting himself get used to failure. Mr. Xiao was also helpless. Although he thought that this guy's tail needed special protection, if his actions were restrained because of this, it would not be worth the candle.No way, he finally agreed with Mr. Juan to return the original ordinary fig leaf.

It’s just what to do with this sensitive tail, Mr. Xiao touched the tip of Mr. Juan’s tail and sighed. At first, he always thought that Mr. Juan’s lively and fragile tail was a very interesting thing, but when it came to the critical moment, this thing was not good. Is it a dangerous item?

Mr. Juan was so comfortable being touched by his tail that he began to babble again. When he realized that Mr. Xiao was just fiddled with his tail and did not make any further movements, the monster took the initiative to hug Mr. Xiao in his arms.He clumsily patted Mr. Xiao on the back and comforted him, "Don't worry, we'll be fine." Thinking this didn't seem to be enough, he lowered his head and leaned over to kiss and lick him.Mr. Xiao was not in a stable mood. After being so close to Mr. Juan, he quickly rolled to the ground with him and did bad things.

Maybe venting through a certain channel can really improve the mood. After Mr. He Juan came to vent again before it was dark, Mr. Xiao didn't get too entangled anymore—well, Mr. Juan is so powerful, how can a monster be so easy Just got killed?Instead of worrying and noticing what's there and what's not, it's better to spend some energy exploring other things.For example—Mr. Juan, why did you do something bad today without fighting =0=? ? ? ?

After Mr. Xiao realized this, he suddenly turned his head to look at Mr. Juan. Mr. Juan might also realize that he had forgotten the most important step in front of the circle. When he met Mr. Xiao's eyes, he immediately used his signature move—— He rolled himself into a small ball and turned his back to Mr. Xiao without moving.After pretending to be a shy little daughter-in-law for a long time, Mr. Juan finally found an explanation for himself, "That's right, I'm about to go out to fight, it would be bad if I hit you..."

Are you sure it's because of that and not because you got emotional and just ignored it?

Mr. Xiao flicked his tail, he jumped up and hugged Mr. Juan from behind, rubbed against him to discuss, "Juan, you see we are quite comfortable today, from now on—how about not fighting like this? "

"Well, how can this be done!" Mr. Juan turned his blushing face excitedly and retorted, "Fighting, fighting is... the rule."

"Yes, yes, this is the rule, so at least... let's not fight before we go out -0-"

Mr. Juan blushed even more strangely, but in the end he nodded in agreement with Mr. Xiao's proposal.

Mr. Xiao was so happy that he could enjoy the pleasure of fish and water without suffering from the pain of flesh and blood. However, he was happy. He still found that Mr. Juan was a little too embarrassed-although Mr. Juan was thin-skinned, he still Doing bad things with Mr. Xiao for so many years, even gave birth to two cubs, how can you blush like this because of discussing this matter?Could it be... this shouldn't be...

Mr. Xiao didn't know what he thought of, and he stared at Mr. Juan's expression carefully again. When he realized that he was really shy, which was rarely seen in recent years, Mr. Xiao suddenly laughed lewdly in his heart——

Hey, hey, hey!Mr. Juan, you are not equating the promise not to fight with the promise to contribute to Mr. Chrysanthemum.Low oil, this is really...too generous~(≧▽≦)/~The author has something to say: About the place to live:

Mr. Stinky Face and Mr. Gentle did not live on the hillside at the beginning, they lived on an ordinary flat land in the big forest.As an iron-blooded man, Mr. Smelly Face prefers to eat and sleep in the open and live a heroic life with the sky as the cover and the ground as the shop.Mr. Gentle felt that this was very insecure, but when he first partnered with Mr. Smellyface, he was quite accommodating to him, and slept with him everywhere in their territory.Then after Mr. Stinky Face laid an egg, Mr. Gentle knew that the opportunity had finally come, so he tried his best to let Mr. Stinky Face know that if the crystallization of love between them was born Living in a place where there is no shelter from the wind and rain, isn't it no different from other babies?

"I want our kids to be different." That's what Mr. Gentle said to Mr. Smellyface at the time.And Mr. Smelly Face was aroused because of the uncontrollable maternal nature in his body after laying eggs, so he agreed to prepare a nest for the baby.But the place where they live is really not suitable for nesting.So they moved, and moved to the later hillside.

So Mr. Xiao was able to enjoy a good residential life right from birth.Of course, in return, he has become an absolutely unique monster just like Mr. Gentle's "expectation".


About Grain and his good friends:

Mr. Grain and Mr. Jiyou have lived in Mr. Xiao's territory for a long time. During this time, Mr. Xiao's family had a baby, his younger brother's family had a baby, and even Mr. Qin's family had a baby.It doesn't matter that Mr. Grain is getting older, but Mr. Jiyou blames himself for not being able to bring Mr. Grain a child.So one day, when Mr. Grain was taking a nap, Mr. Jiyou sneaked to another fence of Mr. Xiao’s house that was purely for keeping livestock—because a sow had just given birth there.

When Mr. Grain woke up from his nap, he saw a little pig lying on his belly, and he looked at Mr. Jiyou inexplicably. Mr. Jiyou gave him a wink and explained, "Honey, This is the child I gave birth to you."

Little Piglet received a warning from Mr. Jiyou before and was told the difference between the two fences of the natural enemy's house - one will be eaten and the other will not be eaten, so after receiving the hint from Mr. Jiyou, he immediately blinked Looking at his squinted eyes, he shouted, "Mom~ I'm a baby~~"

The hard-working Mr. Grain collapsed at once, and he slammed his head against the fence and howled, "I was captured from birth as a prey for the natural enemies to learn to hunt. After a narrow escape, I was forced to fight with the natural enemies Living together, the children they had, and the girls they liked were eaten by them one by one. Forget it, the natural enemy even found him a headband to force him to have a baby. Finally, he can vote for a well-informed Dali's natural enemy is ready to enjoy the rest of his life, but this stupid boy even made him a small one, and that's fine! It's not the same kind, is it not the same kind!! Nima, when God is arranging his fate Absolutely blind dog eyes! BALABALABALA"

But since then, Food, Jiyou and Piggy have formed a happy family ╮(╯▽╰)╭======

About big and small eggs:

For some reason, apart from the fact that the two landlords can think that they are normal Crewe people, the only thing that they like to eat bird eggs is.


Let's make up for the above episodes.


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