sword color

Chapter 34 Dragon Emperor

This sudden appearance and sudden disappearance of the disaster made all the living creatures in a radius of a hundred miles shy away in fright.

Only a few powerful people, driven by curiosity, couldn't help but go to have a look.

Thunder Tribulation and Thunder Cloud is the last slash before a cultivator succeeds in cultivation and ascends to immortality. However, this hurdle is so difficult that he will fail in all likelihood. After all, the road against the sky cannot be accomplished without great luck also.

A well-informed and strong man can naturally recognize that the vision just now is someone crossing the catastrophe.But in the end, before the calamity cloud dissipated, there was no light beam leading to the heaven falling—then there is only one possibility, that is, this unlucky guy failed to overcome the calamity, and I am afraid that he has been wiped out.

However, those who came here were of course not just to admire the ruins of that unlucky bastard, but for the magic weapon left behind by this person.

After all, apart from magical weapons such as flying swords, foreign objects are of no help in crossing the catastrophe, so when preparing to cross the catastrophe, ordinary ascetics will store their belongings in a safe place nearby. There is no need, and if it fails, it is even more unnecessary.

When a guy with self-sufficient mana tried to come to pick up a bargain, and unexpectedly found that there was a down-and-out man here early on, he couldn't help but curse inwardly.

The visitor was wearing a dark golden armor and carried a huge epee on his shoulder. He looked majestic, domineering and coquettish, especially compared with Du Zhilan, who was dressed in rags and lost his soul.

It is obviously not his style to just give up the benefits of getting it soon for nothing.

The man secretly looked at Du Zhilan for a while, and then made up his mind. With a loud shout, he swung the epee on his shoulder in a big arc, and finally plunged into the dry and cracked ground, making a loud noise, which immediately shook Du Zhilan who was immersed in grief. I was so surprised that I came back to my senses.

"Hey, brat, who are you? Let me tell you first, you don't want to swallow the relics of this unlucky ghost who failed to cross the catastrophe! Although there is an old saying in the human world that first come first, there is also a saying that those who see have a share, how about it?" , I'm going to let you take advantage of it, four or six, you six and one four, how about it? Is it enough loyalty?"

Before Du Zhilan could open his mouth, this guy chattered on the phone, and he even thought about how to divide the spoils, as if the treasure was in his pocket.

"... Remains?" Du Zhilan sat blankly for a long time, his head was muddled, he didn't listen to a single word of the whole sentence, and he heard these two words back and forth.

With just two words, his complexion became gloomy like a black cloud of thunder in an instant.

Du Zhilan raised his head slowly, the strange blood-red royal seal on his forehead and the dark red pupils startled the man in armor.

Damn... what's the matter with this strange coercion?

His strength was not taken seriously by the armored man, but this kind of terrifying gaze made him instinctively feel threatened. This is a kind of innate intuition of a strong monster for danger, besides, he is not an ordinary A monster, but a silver dragon with a noble lineage, and a general who has followed His Majesty the Dragon Emperor of the East China Sea for hundreds of years.

On the battlefield, acumen and intuition are important skills for survival.

Yin Jiao Rong Xing clenched his epee solemnly, confronting the opponent, his dark golden armor glistening in the sunlight.

He carefully looked at the beggar-like guy in front of him with probing techniques, but he was shocked. This man was obviously a human being, but he actually had the aura of a white tiger beast in his body, as well as an extremely pure fire-attribute spiritual power.

Especially the king's seal on his forehead, constantly exuding the unique coercion of the blood of the beast.

The white tiger is the king of the mountains and forests, and the melting punishment is the silver dragon of the sea clan. Although the blood of the white tiger is not as good as that of the commander of the sea clan, Lord Dragon Emperor, it is not much better than the silver dragon. He is a prince of the water, but now he is in someone else's territory, and half of the strength of the water tribe can't be displayed. I'm afraid he really can't suppress this person...

Melting punishment secretly pondered the situation of the battle, and found that it seemed to be a bit unfavorable. This is really hard to ride a tiger.

At this moment, the owner of the pair of dark red pupils who were staring at him stood up slowly, and his whole body suddenly burst into a dazzling red flame like a fire lotus, which was astonishingly powerful.

Rong Xing's face changed wildly. Standing a few feet away, he felt the heat wave hit his face, almost roasting himself.

He is an aquarium!Flames are the most annoying thing!

"You, repeat what you just said, what relic? What unlucky ghost who failed to cross the catastrophe?!" Du Zhilan was so angry and mournful that he had nowhere to vent his anger, and unexpectedly a baba who didn't have long eyes brought him to him!

Die die!Jian Qing died, the young master asked you all to be buried with him!

Du Zhilan's eyes were as red as blood, full of deepness, and the murderous intent and hostility all over his body seemed to be real, melting into the tongue of flames all over his body.

Ever since he set foot on this road of blood in the Demon Refining Cave under the Fire Lotus Palace, the beastly and ferocious aura of the White Tiger God had all been combined with his xinxing, if not for the existence of Jianqing, a pure land that cannot be touched , I'm afraid he would have gone crazy long ago.

Right now, Jian Qing is more fierce than good, and no one can suppress the ferocity in his body anymore. Du Zhilan was originally just the young master of a small city lord in the world, and his determination is not so firm. If this continues, I am afraid it will not be long. There is going to be another terrifying humanoid killing maniac, which will cause harm to the world.

Melting punishment has no great ideal of eradicating evil from the sky. The lowly human race has nothing to do with the noble-blooded Hai clan. Right now, he only thinks about how to get rid of this lunatic.

"Damn it, if I knew I wouldn't be greedy for killing me, I met a crazy tiger..."

He snorted secretly, pulled out his big sword to protect his body, and sternly shouted: "Don't think I'm afraid of you, what about the white tiger blood? I don't care about those rags, I'll give you whatever you like, I'll go also!"

Even if he escaped, this guy would not give in, but the speed of his escape was not slow at all.

Du Zhilan's eyes turned cold, as far as he could see, there were blooming fire lotus everywhere, the earth was withered and cracked, quicksand rolled wildly, everything became his hands and eyes, and his subordinates like fingers ——This is the land and forest, the domain of the king of the forest!

The Shui tribe, who are used to water battles, suffered a great loss here. Melting Xing waved the big sword awkwardly, his hair and eyebrows were almost scalded, and he didn't know what kind of flame it was. Even the diamond armor he was wearing seemed to have signs of melting.

"It's a big game now... I'm going to be cooked if I continue to fight..."

Rong Xing rolled a few times on the ground in depression, jumped up and fled quickly, and still shouted: "My lord, help me! This subordinate can't take it anymore!"

He didn't finish his sentence, but after hearing a "crash", almost all the water vapor in the air condensed in an instant, and all the flames were extinguished in the blink of an eye, and he was drenched in molten water by the way.

"Who?!" Du Zhilan's red pupils shrank sharply, and the sticky feeling of water vapor all over his body made him extremely uncomfortable, as if he was in the bottom of the sea, he was under great resistance and pressure when he moved, and he couldn't breathe.

"...Hmph." There was a soft sneer in mid-air, "A kitten makes you so embarrassed, it's really embarrassing to me, go back and chop off its tail, and serve me wine."

The voice seems to gather from all directions, shaking people's ears, but the voice is deep and pleasant, the tone is slow and arrogant, and there is a sense of alienation everywhere.

"Hmm——" Du Zhilan's eardrums ached sharply from the sound, his throat felt hot, and he coughed out a mouthful of fishy sweetness.

He stared coldly at the mid-air ahead, where a slender figure quietly appeared, and he was suddenly stunned.

The scorching sun above his head made people unable to open their eyes, half of the man's face was hidden under the bangs, only his dazzling silver long hair and a pair of extremely indifferent golden pupils could be clearly seen.

In the void behind him, a gigantic and terrifying creature phantom hovered, almost covering half of the sky.The scales shone with a cold golden light, and there were five claws under the belly, which were also shining with golden light, making people dare not look at them directly.

——That is a dragon, the rarest five-clawed golden dragon in the world.

Golden eyes... golden dragons...

Du Zhilan was a little distracted, his bloody heart sank continuously, the sound alone could make him cough up blood, and he couldn't move if he made a random move. There is no doubt that this person killed himself, just like pinching a bird to death. As easy as ants.

"But—so what?" Du Zhilan met the other party's cold eyes looking down on all living beings, with a fearless sneer on the corner of his mouth, "Anyway, Jian Qing is dead, so I just sent the young master to accompany him..."

"... Oh?" ​​The man with golden pupils tilted his head, and the dragon shadow behind him gradually disappeared. He suddenly disappeared from the air, and appeared in front of Du Zhilan in the next second. Thinking of something else through him, the corners of his mouth curled up, and he muttered slowly, "This look... At that time, he was also like this..."

After saying such a sentence without thinking, the man suddenly changed his expression, stopped talking, and regained his original cold and arrogant look, as if his mood had become extremely bad, and he ordered with a deadpan expression: "Take him back to the Dragon Palace, if you resist , directly slaughtered."

These words are naturally an order to the poor melting punishment.

With the scorching sun and dark clouds turning, the place soon became silent. Countless cultivators and monsters who came to hunt for treasures emerged one after another, but all of them returned disappointed.

Thousands of miles away in the north, on Tianchi Mountain, the disciples of Shenxuzong still practice meditation day after day.

It's just that there is an extra forbidden area on the top of the snow peak in the back mountain.

The mountains are covered with ice and snow all the year round, and once the cultivators below Jindan get close, without exception, they will be frozen into popsicles by the extreme cold.

It is said that there is a person frozen here now.

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