
Chapter 34

Although the measurement is inaccurate without a ruler, they don't need to be so precise, so the first step passed smoothly.

The second step is not so easy, because they don't know how to draw pictures, and they don't know what the clothes should look like before they are sewn. Xiao Li taught me this for a whole day.In the end, most people barely pass, and a few people still don't.

The third step is easy to say, just take a sharp knife and cut it off along the edge. As for why use a knife, because there are no scissors.

The fourth step is another big problem. At the beginning, many people think that it is just sewing clothes. What is the difficulty?After hearing this, Xiao Hao just smiled and did not correct him.There are many things that need to be experienced to know, well, let them be satisfied for a while first.

Sewing clothes is very troublesome. First of all, you need to find a needle with the right thickness, length and hardness. Xiao Hao kindly told them that they can use a special fish bone instead.Wugat ordered people to find a lot of these fish, and carefully took out the fish bones.

"How can you hold it so thin? Also, how to drill?" The women asked one after another, holding a fishbone tightly in their hands, for fear that it might accidentally fall to the ground and be lost.

Xiao Hao laughed inwardly, hehe, letting such a tall and strong female orc hold such a small needle is indeed considered a skill.It took me a long time to learn how to drill and hold a needle, and then there was threading. Seeing their progress, I felt a little headache.

Driss became even more irritable, why are these females so stupid?I can't learn no matter what, look at how powerful Xiao Li is, he can do everything.

The impatient wolf king didn't even think about it. If he was asked to sew clothes, he would definitely not be as good as these female orcs.

Driss was not happy at all, and after all, he didn't directly drag Xiao Li away.

"Okay, let's start to learn how to sew clothes. Pay attention, the stitches should not be messed up, otherwise the sewing will be ugly." Xiao Hao's guidance is decent, and the female orcs worship him as a god. How did he do such a complicated thing? Figured it out?

After a few days, Xiao Hao was seriously injured and vowed never to teach others to make clothes again.Driss felt distressed when he saw it, and regretted letting Xiao Lian teach his clansmen in the first place.

After returning to his own territory, Dries recruited the six Yourui, and Xiao Hao was forced to lock him in the room to rest. It was a joke, he didn't want Xiao Hao to work harder.

"Anu, can you find an open and flat place nearby?" To compete, you must first have a venue. Since the orcs are too destructive, you must find an uninhabited and large enough place.

Anu thought for a while and said, "Yes, there is an empty valley fifty miles away from here, where no one lives."

"Very good," Dries said with a satisfied smile, "You immediately go and enclose that piece of land, and no one is allowed to enter. By the way, this is the site distribution map, and you arrange it according to it."

The picture was naturally drawn by Xiao Hao. He divided the venue into four areas: the competition area, the viewing area, the referee area, and the player rest area.

Anu took the order to go out to buy, and Dries started to order the second task.

"This is the first time we hold a fighting competition. It must be vigorous. Cifen and Yuri, both of you, invite my teacher Tigrik to be the referee." Tigrik was the former Wang, it is most suitable for him to be the referee.

"Yes, king." The two also took orders and went out.

Driss continued to order: "Lintong, go get some large pieces of animal skins, Diante, help him divide the animal skins into small pieces, I will write invitations later."

"Yes, King."

After a while, the animal skin invitations were distributed, and Driss took dyes and bird tail feathers and began to write. Of course, he only wrote a copy as a sample for copying, and the rest of the work had to be done by Lintong.

"Write according to this, write as many copies as there are races." Driss ordered irresponsibly, how many races are there?He himself doesn't know.

Lintong felt a little wronged, did he have to count how many races there were on the mountain first?

"Amu, you and Diante should make more tables and chairs according to the table and chairs that Xiao Hao taught you to make earlier. Well, twenty tables should be almost the same, and chairs, two hundred." There is no way, we can't let the referee Let's stand and wait with the contestants, and the patriarchs of various clans, and don't let others sit on the ground.

Lintong felt more balanced when he heard that, but Amu and Diante wept silently, Wang, do you think two hundred chairs are too few?Is it really less?

"Driss, what about you? Just watch them busy?" Little embarrassment came out at some point, and heard him ask Amu and Diant to make [-] chairs.

"I have to direct them, and I'm very busy." Driss quibbled.What I think in my heart is that he is a king, how can he do such rough work?

"But the task of [-] chairs is too heavy, and if you let them all go out to work, who will protect you?" The six are Dries' bodyguards, and they really shouldn't be too far away from him.

Driss thought it made sense, so he ordered: "You go to the orc army and let them make tables and chairs for you, and you stay and write invitations with Lintong." In this way, at least three people stay by your side.

"Yes, Wang." The three of them looked happy, Lintong thought that he finally didn't have to write hundreds of invitations alone, and Amu and Diant thought that they finally didn't have to make tables and chairs.

"One more question, Driss."

"What's the problem?" Dries felt that the arrangement was very good, and there was nothing he hadn't considered.

"So many people come to watch the game, where do you let them live? Are there many races far away from here? Even if you fly, you have to fly for a day, not to mention some races don't have wings." Just thought of it, there is no way, he just fell asleep, so he naturally thought of it.

Driss frowned, indeed, this is a big problem.

"That's good. The spectators will let them live in a race that is close to here. As for the contestants, we will provide them with a place to live." Driss gritted his teeth and had already thought about what to do.

"You don't want to build a house, do you?" Xiao Li looked at him in surprise. This is a big project, much more troublesome than building tables and chairs.

"That's right." Driss smiled mysteriously, and asked Amu to go to the wolf tribe and drop a team of adult males. He wanted to build a wooden house nearby that could accommodate hundreds of people.

It is relatively simple to build a wooden house, and the people of the Wolf Clan have experience, so I believe they should be able to build it well before the competition.Little embarrassment shook his head, since Driss was confident, he had no choice but to let him go.

In the next few days, everyone was busy with their own activities, Xiao Hao took the opportunity to take a good rest, and finally recovered a little bit of the vitality that had been lost before.

The date of the competition was set for one month later. Diante and Lintong were sent to deliver the invitation after writing the invitation. There was no way, they were free now.

I thought that the next step was to wait for the game to start, but Cifen and You Rui brought back two important news.

"Wang, Teacher Tigrik said he can't be a referee." Ci Fen reported angrily.

"Why?" Why didn't the teacher come?This is the first time he has held a competition. The teacher is so shameless, Driss is a little embarrassed.

"Mr. Tigrik said he wanted to take care of his old...wife. He said he was going to be a father soon, so he couldn't come." Yuri continued, but he didn't know how much impact this sentence had on Xiaolian and Driss. .

To be a father?Doesn't that mean... Sarah is pregnant with a child! ?

The author has something to say: Daily updates, daily updates, I don’t have scalpers O(∩_∩)O~

33. No.30 Visiting the pregnant husband three times...

The two looked at each other and said in unison, "Let's go visit him."

"Ha ha ha ha……"


They seem to be getting more and more in harmony.

Yuri and Cifen looked at each other, not understanding why they were so excited.Of course they didn't understand, because they didn't know that Driss and the little gang were the help of Sarah's pregnancy.

Anyway, there is still nearly a month before the start of the fighting competition, and the preparations are almost in progress, so Driss clapped his hands and planned to take Xiaolan to visit Sarah.

The man is pregnant, this is the first time Xiao Hao sees it, so he is a little over excited.If Driss hadn't stopped him, he would have flown over to have a look now.I don't know it's been a few months, has my stomach grown bigger?Little embarrassment thought wildly, and finally inevitably thought about whether it would hurt to give birth from that place.

"Little embarrassment, your face is so red, are you sick?" Dries raised his chin to observe carefully, and then tested the temperature of his forehead with the back of his hand.

Little embarrassment slapped Driss's hand away, he was so ashamed, should he say that he thought it would hurt a man to give birth?

"I'm fine, by the way, what gift do you want to prepare? How about I make a dress for little Sarah?" In order to hide his embarrassment, Xiao Hao asked in a loud voice.

Driss looked at him suspiciously, and finally didn't know why he blushed, "Make clothes?" Does little Sarah need this thing?Animals can wear clothes too?

Xiao Lian slapped his forehead, how confused he was, although Tigrik and Sara were both humanoid, but the child they gave birth was in the shape of a beast at first.It seems that he still hasn't adapted to this animal world.

"Then what did you say to send?"

"Let's catch Ruyi birds. I heard that pregnant people like to eat Ruyi birds the most, and this kind of bird is good for the body." Dries still remembers that when he was a child, he often saw the male of the wolf tribe catch this kind of bird for the female. I really wanted to eat it at that time, but later I found out that it was for pregnant people.

"Then let's go quickly, how many do we need to catch, one hundred is not enough?"

Yuri next to him had black lines all over his face.

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