bloodline temptation

Chapter 14 The Fool Falls into the Demon World

"I'm obviously trembling with fear." Ximo looked at him amusedly, and unbuttoned him one by one with his slender fingers, "Don't be afraid, baby, I will make you very comfortable."

Before three or four buttons were undone, Ximo suddenly heard the sound of jingle bells and palm nuts coming from behind him, and when he turned around, he saw a large piece of the candlestick and chairs fell down, and a small white shadow was rushing towards him.

"Wow!" The little white dog stood in front of Lin Jing and barked fiercely at Xi Mo.

"Why are you here to join in the fun!" Ximo gritted his teeth, if it wasn't for this stupid dog's greed, how could he use magic in front of Lin Jing.

The little white dog stared, looking desperate.

"Oh! God! What did I just see! My Death Dog!" Freddy's roar suddenly came from outside the door, "Let me in!"

"My lord, you are mistaken." The housekeeper explained patiently.

"That's obviously my Reaper dog! Give it back to me!" Freddy was furious, as if he was about to demolish the house.

Ximo rubbed his brows helplessly, and went out to deal with the single-celled creature.

Seeing Ximo go out, the little white dog returned to a docile look, and ran over to rub against Lin Jing's chest.

"Thank you." Lin Jing hugged the puppy into her arms, her eyes were a little red.

"Woof!" The puppy stretched out its paw and patted him.

Freddy is the son of the devil, and he has supreme rights in the entire devil world, but this kind of glory is obviously not worth a dime in front of the blood clan full of narcissists, so the noble prince Freddy was once again kicked by Xi Mo overturned.

"Stop!" Just as Ximo was about to kick the second kick, there was a sudden roar in the distance, and then a lot of roses were seen moving quickly.

Xi Mo was a little surprised, what kind of new species is this?Gu Transi's new achievement, the talking rose?

"Rist." Freddy got up from the ground, very annoyed that he saw his embarrassing appearance.

"Bastard!" A hand stretched out from among the roses, pointing straight at Ximo.

After much effort, Simo finally found Lester's head from the pile of roses.

"Why do you wrap roses around your body?" Xi Mo couldn't accept it.

"The latest fashion released by Milan." Lester raised his head proudly, "This is the only one in the world, don't think that I will sell it to you!"

"Liszt." Freddy wondered, "Will there be thorns?"

"Idiot! You have thorns!" Lester said violently, "These roses are sewn with the oldest silk in the East! Stay away from me! Being with you will reduce my taste and sensitivity to fashion!"

"Baby." Freddy was very aggrieved, and wanted to hold Lester's hand, but was dazzled by the layers of roses on the cuff, and couldn't find it.

The count straightened his sleeves inadvertently, revealing a pair of thin white fingers.

"Lester." Freddy took the opportunity to tug at his hand and refused to let go, "Shall we go back to the Demon Realm together?"

"No!" Lester shook his head gracefully.

"But my father wants to see you very much, and he has a gift for you." Freddy whispered.

"What?" Reese

I was shocked, "Why would he want to see me? He is almost a thousand years old! I don't like old men who are too old!"

"Rist!" Freddy looked at him dumbfounded.

"I'm not going." Lester withdrew his hand arrogantly, turned around and was about to leave, but his feet slipped, so he staggered and almost fell.

"Be careful!" Freddy hugged him quickly.

"Get out! I'm not so nervous that I can't walk because your father wants to see me, and I don't even expect his gift!!" Lester screamed, "I fell because I stepped on the tail of my clothes, the tail !!!”

"Yes yes yes." Freddy hugged him into his arms, "The trailing tail is too long and it's inconvenient, baby, I'll take you back to the castle."

Lester struggled symbolically, and then was taken back to the castle by Freddy cursing.

After watching the farce calmly, Ximo felt in his heart that these two evildoers have been entangled for almost 100 years, so why are they not tired of it?

"Prince." A red-haired boy came out of the castle, "You are back."

"Yeah." Xi Mo turned and walked back, "Go and get some desserts, right now."

Entering the bedroom, one could see Lin Jing sitting on the bed in a daze.

"Woof, woof, woof!" The puppy barked at Ximo viciously, the black hair on his forehead was about to stand on end.

"Are you hungry?" Ximo sat next to Lin Jing, "You didn't have dinner."

Lin Jing didn't say a word, just hugged the puppy back to her arms to protect it.

"Hate me so much?" Ximo reached out to help him cut his hair, "I thought you would like me a little bit."

Lin Jing turned her head in disgust, trying to keep a distance from him.

"No one has ever rejected me!" Ximo raised his chin, forcing him to look at himself.

"No one has ever used me." Lin Jing's voice was hoarse.

"Why do you think I will use you?" Ximo frowned, "What is it about you that I can use?"

Lin Jing pushed his hand away, and refused to speak again.

Xi Mo's face darkened, and he kissed his lips hard.

The frantic puppy was thrown to the ground by Ximo, whimpering and unable to stand up again.

Lin Jing struggled desperately, but it was of no avail at all, her clothes were torn to pieces, coupled with Xi Mo's irregular and overwhelming kisses, her whole body was about to suffocate.

When a cold finger entered an unimaginable place in her body, Lin Jing finally widened her eyes in horror, and bit Ximo's naked shoulder hard.

The Vampire Prince gasped in pain, pushed Lin Jing away and looked down, only to find that his shoulders were faintly oozing blood.

"This is your response to me?" Ximo almost crushed his jaw, "Tell me, how should I punish you?"

Lin Jing grew up from a young age, loved by her parents at home, protected by Han Yifeng outside, went to the graduate school directly after graduating from university, didn't know the world and didn't suffer at all, who knew that she was cheated and scolded this time Threats, and almost being raped, I was frightened a bit for a while, so I just hid in the corner of the bed desperately, unable to say a word.


. "Danny came in through the door.

"Who asked you to come?" Ximo looked at him fiercely.

"The prince said he wanted dessert." Danny didn't dare to look up.

"I don't want it now, take it out to other pets!" Xi Mo tidied up his clothes, and went out angrily. Before leaving, he did not forget to set a barrier at the door of the bedroom.

Danny bit his lip and looked around to see if there was no one around, so he secretly handed Lin Jing a small cake.

"Huh?" Lin Jing was a little surprised.

"Eat, if you don't have the strength, you will easily pass out and the prince will be angry." Danny wanted to leave after speaking in a hurry.

"...Hey!" Lin Jing called to stop him, "Can you find some medicine for me? My puppy is injured."

"Puppy?" Danny was a little surprised when he saw the Death Dog in the corner, "Is it your pet?"

"En." Lin Jing nodded.

"This is the purest Reaper dog. It won't get hurt. It will recover after a while." Danny carried the puppy to Lin Jing's side. "I can't stay here for too long. You should have a good rest."

Before Lin Jing had time to say thank you, Danny ran out of the room like the wind.

The puppy barked in a low voice. Although it was not as lively as before, it could barely walk.

"Sorry for hurting you." Lin Jing put the puppy under the soft quilt, broke open the cake and fed it.

The puppy rubbed its head affectionately in Lin Jing's palm, wagging its tail to please him.

Lin Jing didn't want to let the puppy worry about her anymore, so she raised the corners of her mouth and gave it a faint smile.

In the dim magic house, Ximo looked at Lin Jing's warm smile in the crystal ball and crushed the red wine glass in his hand.

Vampires are afraid of the sun, so most of the rooms in the castle complex are not exposed to the sun, and are only illuminated by crystal candlesticks that are not extinguished all the year round, except for Ximo's bedroom, which is probably the only room with windows in the castle complex.

Lin Jing sat with her eyes open all night until the sun shone into the room the next morning.

The maid pushed over the exquisite dining car, but Lin Jing didn't even bother to look at it.

"Woof." The puppy barked softly, rubbing against Lin Jing's lap.

"Hungry?" Lin Jing reached out and took a piece of ham, and put it to the puppy's mouth.

"Wow!" The puppy patted Lin Jing's stomach with its paw.

"I'm not hungry." Lin Jing patted the puppy's head.

"Woo." The puppy turned around and pointed its butt at the piece of ham.

Lin Jing poked him with her finger, the puppy turned its head, and gave him a sad look - the idiot is on a hunger strike, how can he escape if he has no strength!

Lin Jing wasn't stupid enough to commit suicide on a hunger strike, it was just that she really had no appetite, but seeing the puppy making such a fuss now, she felt a little warm in her heart, so she obediently fed the sandwich to her mouth.

The puppy snuggled into Lin Jing's arms, and pushed his hairy head against him.

The blood races are nocturnal creatures, so the castle complex was silent during the day.

Lin Jing stood in front of the window sill after breakfast, staring into the distance in a daze.

In front of him is a dense patch of rose vines. Through the small gaps between the dead vines, it seems that tall buildings not far away can be seen, and even the intermittent sound of car horns can be heard.

There was a bloody seal floating faintly at the door of the bedroom, and the night would soon come again. I never wanted to experience the humiliation and fear of last night again.

Lin Jing gritted her teeth and jumped out of the window with the puppy in her arms.

The castle is not high, but after Lin Jing jumped down, his feet did not touch the solid ground as he imagined.

The surroundings were pitch black, and the body was falling rapidly, as if it would never end.

Ximo stood in front of the crystal ball and watched what happened in the bedroom, and sighed slightly.

"Prince." The steward stepped forward to help him put on the black robe studded with jewels, "You want to go out?"

"Go and tell Freddy that a fool has fallen into the Demon Realm." Simo picked up the blood agate on the table, "Let him take good care of me for a few days."

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