bloodline temptation

Chapter 26 A Little Joy Between Lovers

The place Ximo took Lin Jing to was called Devil's Wing, and it was a casino.

As soon as you enter the casino, there is a huge stage. Sure enough, there are beautiful sisters dancing pornographic dances, with thin waists, long legs and big tits. They are simply Sailor Moon!

Lin Xiaojing was very excited, drooling, lying on the side of the stage, refusing to leave.

"Good-looking?" Xi Mo's eyebrows trembled imperceptibly.

"Yeah, you have a good figure!" Lin Jing said silly.

"...Then see for yourself, I'll go in first." Ximo patted him on the head, "If they find someone to dance with later, you remember to run faster, if it doesn't work, call for help, don't be caught by them undressed."

"What?!" Lin Jing was shocked, "Go up and dance together?"

"Baby, this is in the Demon Realm." Xi Mo smiled maliciously, "Remember to run fast, or you may be forced out."

Lin Jing opened her mouth wide, forced... what does it mean! !

"Some elves are intersex, so—"

"I'll go in with you!" Lin Jing hugged Ximo's arm nervously, "I won't watch Yan Wu anymore! It's not good-looking at all!"

"It's up to you." Xi Mo smiled softly, reaching out to hold him and walked in together.

Lin Jing still couldn't help but think about bisexuality, bisexuality, and bisexuality in her head!Ahhhh so scary!I don't know what it's like to be naked...Ahhhhhhhhhh why can't I help but think about this!

"What are you thinking?!" Ximo pinched his face, "Why is your face so ugly?"

"I want to drink ice juice." Lin Jing felt that she needed to calm down.

"Come to the casino to drink juice?" Ximo laughed.

"Ice water is also fine." Lin Jing lowered her request.

Ximo shook his head, and brought two glasses of blue liquid from the bar on one side: "Do you want to try this?"

"What?" Lin Jing took it over.

"Sparkling wine." Simo touched him, "Cheers."

Lin Jing took a sip and found the taste to be pretty good, a bit like peach soda, so she gulped it down: "More!"

"Choose by yourself, there are many flavors there." Ximo raised his chin at the bar.

"You go with me." Lin Jing tugged him.

"Reluctance to bear me?" Xi Mo raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Who can't bear you, I have no money!" Lin Jing frowned.

Ximo shook his head and smiled, and took out three gold coins from his pocket.

"So stingy!" Lin Jing despised.

"Don't drink too much, you'll get drunk." Ximo ruffled his hair, "I'll go to the second floor, and wait for me at the bar after you finish drinking."

Lin Jing hummed habitually, and went to the bar with the gold coins in her pocket.

The bartender is a one-winged fallen angel, young and handsome, with a row of red, green and green sparkling wine in front of him, each of which looks delicious.

Lin Jing chose carefully for a long time, pointed to a pink cup and asked, "What does it taste like?"

"Huh?" The bartender was taken aback, "Taste? You mean texture?"

"Forget it, how much is it?" Lin Jing decided not to let people see that she was a bumpkin who only drank soda, so she didn't bother with this question any more.

"Three gold coins." The bartender replied.

Depend on!so expensive!Daring

That cheapskate gave himself the money for a glass of wine!

After drinking the newly ordered wine, Lin Jing sat on the bar counter and turned around unhappily. The glass of wine was like watermelon juice, and she wanted to drink it!That looks a lot like citron tea, I want to drink it too!The one that looks like grape juice is also good...but it's not rich!

"Would you like to try a new flavor? The freshly made Crystal Sky." The bartender recommended it graciously, "The favorite flavor of the nobles in the devil world, with angel's tears in it."

"Tears?" Lin Jing frowned in disgust, "That's so disgusting."

"Disgusting?" The bartender was a little surprised, "You didn't find the drink disgusting just now, but I thought you had a strong taste."

"What do you mean?" An ominous premonition welled up in Lin Jing's heart.

"That glass is pink flame, the base wine is all concentrated, the reason why it is pink is because the blood of the hell bat is added in it." The bartender dragged out a dead bat from under the bar, "That's it, it's dead More than 1000 years, but because it is well preserved, it hasn't rotted... Hey, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Jing threw up at the counter and vomited. The bat that had been dead for more than 1000 years... vomit...

"Don't throw up here!" The bartender frantically shook a brass bell, and soon came a few patrolling demons in black.

"What's going on?" asked one of the leaders.

"Sir, this person affects my business." The bartender pointed at Lin Jing.

Lin Jing vomited dizzily, looked up and wanted to explain, but felt dizzy for a while, the concentrated base wine had fully exerted its effect, and she almost couldn't even stand still, so she threw herself on the bar counter in a daze, and brought a piece of wine bottle wine glass.

"OHNO!" the poor bartender yelled in despair, "Take him away!"

The patrols rushed to arrest the man, but they soon found that they could not get close to the seemingly defenseless drunk.

The backlash enchantment that Ximo cast on Lin Jing's body is the most powerful black magic, and few people in the entire demon world can break it.

Just as the entire inspection team looked at each other, a man in black walked over with a gloomy expression: "What's going on?"

"His Royal Highness!" The guard saluted with his chest raised, "Here is a man who is drinking and making trouble, and we are going to take him back to the security office!"

Xi Mo gave the people around him a cold look, then bent down and hugged Lin Jing, who was smelling of alcohol, into his arms.

What's happening?The people present were overwhelmed, and the princess hugged? !

"I want to drink milk!" Lin Jing grabbed Ximo's collar and struggled, muttering dissatisfiedly, "Don't add strange things to it!"

"Okay, let's drink milk when we go back." Ximo smiled, hugged him and teleported away.

The little gossip reporter was late again, only in time to capture a bunch of stunned onlookers.

"Oh my God, I saw His Royal Highness smiling!" - Witness A said.

"And there is a princess hug!" - Witness B said.

"His Royal Highness also said in a gentle voice, go back and give you milk." - Witness C said.

"But I think that 'milk' seems to have another meaning" - analysis of eyewitness D.


The tabloid reporters were so excited, they were recording while thinking about how to write the lingering, erotic, exciting and tear-jerking, so after Freddie and Lester, the front pages of major newspapers were once again occupied by gossip, such as "The Great Prince, Your Tender Smile What kind", "Madden!Brilliant!The Passion History of the Blood Prince! ", "Prince's Self-narration——My Little Sweet Lover" and other titles emerge in endlessly, and the degree of heterosexual discrimination in the devil world has reached a new peak. "Heterosexuality is Ultraman" became the No. Download No.1 ten times the sales volume!

Everyone wanted to know what happened after the prince brought back his cute and drinking lover, but it was obviously a secret, so everyone just had crazy YY, nosebleed while YYing, I can't believe it, it's so beautiful!

But the fact is that there is a little distance from Xiangyan. After Ximo brought back Lin Jing who was full of drinks that day, he asked the maid to prepare milk, and carried him to the bathing pool.

This super luxurious bathing pool is a gift from Freddy to Xi Mo. Lin Jing has zero alcohol tolerance, and the wine in the devil world is indeed a bit strong, so until she was stripped naked, Lin Jing still looked at Xi Mo and smiled stupidly. .

"Kiss one?" Xi Mo poked his face.

"No!" Lin Jing shook her head violently.

Don't even kiss when you're drunk?Ximo frowned, thought for a while, and took a side of milk: "I'll give you milk after a kiss."

Lin Jing stared at the glass of milk seriously: "Kiss that one."

"Okay." Ximo held back a smile.

Lin Jing came up and hugged his neck, pouted and kissed him.

"Drink." Ximo was in a good mood. After watching him drink the milk, he hugged him into the bathtub. The red rose petals stuck to Lin Jing's delicate collarbone. After cleaning, I hugged and threw it to bed.

After all, it was the first time for this fool, and it was a bit difficult in the water, so he was not very willing to hurt him.

Lin Jing closed her eyes, her white body lying on the black sheet, was the most alluring scenery.

Ximo lowered his head and kissed his smooth skin, caressing his beautiful waistline and soft buttocks greedily with his palms, he wanted this human being, from the first time he saw him, he wanted him to moan under his body, I want him to bloom for herself, the slightly concave collarbone, the light cherry-colored vermilion fruit, the pitifully thin waist, and even the little thing curled up quietly between the legs is as beautiful as his face.

Lin Jing was tickled by the kiss, so she pushed him dissatisfied, and opened her eyes to look at him in a daze, but she couldn't focus for a while.

"Baby." Simo took his hand and kissed, "I love you."

In this case, the love spoken out, even I am not sure whether it is true or not.

"Huh?" Lin Jing looked at him stupidly, then swallowed, "I don't love you."

"Really?" Ximo smiled helplessly, reaching out to gently press his tiny nipples.

"Hmm... not at all." Lin Jing thought about it drunkenly, and put her arms around his neck, "There were many before, but you lied to me, so there are no more! But you don't seem to be too annoying now, So come back for a little bit!"

"...Fool." Xi Mo was taken aback and pinched his nose.

"So if you continue to be so obedient, I might love you again!" Lin Jing patted Ximo on the shoulder, "You! Work hard!"

"Of course." Ximo smiled wryly.

Lin Jing was silly, leaned over and kissed Xi Mo on the mouth, then fell back to sleep.

The person under him was sleeping soundly, looking the most defenseless.

If I force him, I don't need to think about how he will react tomorrow morning.

It is possible to use magic to make him forget, but when he thinks about it, he suddenly feels that he has no interest.

I want this fool because he loves to laugh, fight and lose his temper. He is the most real and unique existence. If he forgets after a night of fun, what's the point? seemed a little bit reluctant to let him be wronged.

"You are such a little goblin." Ximo sighed, and stretched out his arms to hold him in his arms, "I admit defeat, go to sleep."

Lin Jing leaned into his arms, sleeping peacefully and sweetly.

With a wave of his hand, Ximo blocked the light outside the window and the six-pointed star shining on the ceiling.

"Sweet dreams, baby."

It was not until noon the next day that Lin Jing sat up from the bed and rubbed her face after stretching.

"Good morning." Ximo quickly appeared.

"Morning..." Lin Jing was in a daze, lifted the quilt and was about to get out of bed, but was taken aback—when did she change into her pajamas? !

"You were drunk at the bar yesterday, and I brought you back." Ximo explained.

"And then?" Lin Jing swung him with a pillow, "Tell me! Did you take advantage of the opportunity!"

"No!" Ximo shook his head seriously, "After I sent you back, I went to the Temple of the Dead. There is an urgent matter there, and your clothes were changed by the servants."

"Really?" Lin Jing doubted.

"Of course." Ximo looked at him with a smirk, "Do you want me to take advantage of you? Then come here and kiss me."

"Get out!" Lin Jing jumped up from the bed, chasing him and beating him all over the room.

So the new day started like this, very lively and joyful.

"Why doesn't the Prince teleport? Does he like to run around?" The maids in the castle often muttered in private.

"That's a little fun between lovers!" The older kitchen aunt kindly replied, "Little girl, you will understand when you grow up."

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