"Why did you escape?" Han Yifeng asked Lin Jing, "Did Ximo send you here?"

"Why did I ask him to give it to me!" Lin Jing was furious, "It's not that I'm mentally handicapped!"

"Then those reporters didn't follow you?" Han Yifeng was puzzled.

"They're in a meeting." Lin Jing grabbed an apple and gnawed on it. "It's Lester's birthday in a few days. Ximo said that all the reporters are now discussing how to write the love between the prince and the princess into a shocking story." Legend, I don’t have time to talk to me, that’s why I dared to come out, I’ve been suffocated to death these days.”

"Since you think the Demon Realm is boring, how about I send you back?" Han Yifeng never wanted Lin Jing to stay in the Demon Realm.

"No! I have to go back to work. Going to work is so boring, and there is also the wretched bald head of the research institute!" Lin Jing strongly refused, "I won't go back!"

"Whatever you want." Han Yifeng rubbed his head helplessly, "Just be careful not to lose money."

"Don't worry." Lin Jing waved her hand carelessly, reaching out to poke Xiao Tangtang, "Can I play chess with you?"

"Not good." Tang Tang refused in a daze. He was tossed and tossed all night last night, posing in a lot of strange poses, and he was extremely tired.

"Come on, come on." Lin Jing didn't give up, Tang Tang was the only one he could win in backgammon!

"Master, I want to sleep..." Tang Tang couldn't get rid of Lin Jing, so he closed his eyes and leaned hard into Han Yifeng's arms.

"Little Tang..." Lin Jing pulled the little guy's feet out, but was kicked out of the door by Han Yifeng.

"Han!" Lin Jing got up from the ground and pointed angrily.

"Go back if you have nothing to do!" Han Yifeng closed the door inhumanely, and went back to sleep with the little pet under the covers.

Lin Jing silently gestured her middle finger in her heart. She came to Tang Tang because Xi Mo had something to do and she was bored!Unexpectedly, he was kicked out by a bamboo horse who valued sex over friends!Looking at the closed door and imagining the harmonious scene inside, Lin Jing couldn't help feeling again, once an ascetic old virgin loses his virginity, it's really a terrible thing!

After leaving the Temple of the Dead, he ran into a mighty parade of floats, which looked lively and festive. Lin Jing took out the big sunglasses that had stolen the ink from his pocket and put them on, standing there in a low-key manner. Watching the fun on the side of the road.

There are two demons standing on the float, playing the roles of prince and princess respectively, holding hands and looking at each other affectionately, and when someone cheers, they will kiss affectionately, so the people around are booing one after another, and from time to time, "Take off your clothes! Shouts like "Touch!" "Do it!" "Do it twice!" can be seen from the openness and hunger of the people in the Demon Realm.

Lin Jing was happily watching, when she suddenly felt her clothes being pulled by someone, she turned her head and saw a figure running away in a panic.

This scene is simply a classic scene in TV dramas. Lin Jing touched her pocket, and sure enough, she didn't have her wallet anymore!

Lin Xiaojing was very angry, so Sa Yazi chased after him, there are so many people!Why steal your own!Do you look easy to bully yourself? !

After going around three streets, Lin Jing finally blocked the thief in an alley out of breath.

"I'm X." Lin Jing was out of breath, scolding extremely without force, "Return the wallet, return it to me."

"Are you really human? You're so tired after running such a short distance." The thief took off his hat and looked at him in disbelief.

"You are... ah!!!!!!" Lin Jing was shocked, it turned out to be that special princess? !Little San meets the original partner, the second episode of the classic dog-blood drama!Ah bah bah what the hell was I thinking!

"How could he like a slug like you!" Princess Grint raised her chin and looked at Lin Jing with disdain.

"You are the slug!" Lin Jing was furious, "Your whole family are slugs!"

"Bastard!" Grint became furious, and spread out three pairs of gray wings with a "swipe" to show his extraordinary background, "How can your background compare to mine!"

"How many pairs of chicken wings do you have to be born into a noble family?" Lin Jing looked at him contemptuously, "Hillbilly, bumpkin, old woman!"

"What did you say?!" Grint was furious.

"I said you are an old woman, you have not been married for hundreds of years!" Lin Jing made faces at her.

"I'm going to kill you!" Grint screamed.

"Kill it." Lin Jing proudly puffed out her small chest, thinking that I have a blood VIP shield on my body!

Grint's face turned blue, and he quickly condensed a gray energy ball in his hand.

Lin Jing took out a bubble gum from her trouser pocket, chewed it calmly, and blew bubbles.

Grint was completely stunned, the energy ball in his hand condensed countless energies, and threw it towards Lin Jing viciously.

There was a huge explosion, and the air was filled with gray-black smoke. Lin Jing was shocked and took three steps back, but he was unscathed.

"How about it, admit defeat?" Lin Jing couldn't see anything clearly, but she was still very complacent.

"Do you love him?" Grint said suddenly.

"Huh?" Lin Jing was taken aback for a moment, wondering why she asked this.

"Do you love him?" Grint asked again from the other end of the smoke.

"Of course not." Lin Jing's nostrils turned to the sky, "Who wants to love that bastard!"

"No love at all?" Grint seemed interested in the question, and there seemed to be some joy in his tone.

"Not at all!" Lin Jing spoke very hard, "It's his own obscenity! How could I love him!"

"Did you hear that, that humble human said he doesn't love you at all!" Grint's voice was full of sarcasm.

Lin Jing was puzzled, what does this sentence mean?

Suddenly, a strong wind blew up in the alleyway, instantly blowing away the chaotic black mist.

Between Lin Jing and Grint stood Ximo with an extremely ugly face.

"You..." Lin Jing was stunned, when did he come?

Thinking of what she said just now, Lin Jing felt empty in her heart, and looked up at Xi Mo, only to find that he didn't look at her at all.

"He doesn't love you." Grint looked at Xi Mo with a sharp smile, "This is really a joke, the noble blood ruler fell in love with the lowly human, and was rejected!"

"Get out!" Xi Mo said a word expressionlessly, stretched out his hand to embrace Lin Jing, and teleported back to the castle.

Lin Jing knew he was wrong, and wanted to apologize, but Ximo didn't give him a chance to admit his mistake, so he turned around and left after reaching the bedroom, unable to hold back.

The little white dog crawled out from under the bed and looked at Lin Jing sympathetically.

"Tet..." Lin Jing sat on the ground holding the puppy, and looked at each other with sympathy, speechless, "Did you make Feili angry too?"

The puppy quickly shook its head, whined twice, and there was another rustling sound from under the bed. After a while, Philip slowly moved out.

"Woof!" The puppy leaped joyfully, stood up with its front paws holding Fili's big head, and rubbed its nose affectionately.

Lin Jing sighed sullenly, feeling more and more blocked in her heart.

When eating in the evening, Ximo didn't go to the restaurant, Lin Jing looked at the paella and salad on the table and lost her appetite.

When it was time to rest, no one would compete with me for the pillow or quilt anymore, and the familiar sound of breathing was no longer in my ears, and the silence was a bit cold.

After that, Ximo didn't show up again for three or four days. Sitting alone in the garden, Lin Jing felt a little sour when she saw Feili and Tete who were biting each other affectionately.

Later, it was Lester's birthday, and everyone in the devil world cheered and celebrated around the Temple of the Dead. Only Lin Jing sat in the empty castle in a daze.

There was a small black suit in the cabinet, which was clean and exquisite. It was originally sent by Xi Mo, saying that he would go to Lester's birthday party with him.

At the beginning, I said with disdain, but I knew in my heart that I really wanted to go. I wanted to see what the biggest party in the devil world would be like. I wanted to see the fallen angels with wings sing. I wanted to see the golden owl. It's not that he really has blood-red teeth, but he wants to stand beside Ximo and appear in everyone's sight with him.

Lin Jing felt like laughing and crying, but she didn't even know what was going on.

In the middle of the night, there was a sudden noise in the corridor. When Lin Jing left the house, he saw several servants hurriedly carrying wine barrels.

"What's wrong?" Lin Jing grabbed one of them and asked.

"His Royal Highness wants us to fill the bathtub with red wine." A servant hurriedly replied.

Sim is back?Lin Jing hesitated for a moment, but slowly walked towards the bathroom.

The corridor was filled with the scent of roses and wine, and there were two servants standing at the door of the bathroom. They were a little surprised to see Lin Jing coming.

When Lin Jing pushed the door open, one of the servants seemed to want to stop him, but another servant stopped him.

"Maybe the prince wants to play with the three of us."

The moment the door was closed, Lin Jing only heard this sentence.

The big bathtub was filled with rose petals. Ximo was leaning against the pool wall with his eyes closed, his head raised slightly, and his perfect chin and neck were connected into a beautiful line.

Standing at the door, Lin Jing suddenly felt a little embarrassed. When he was hesitating, Xi Mo suddenly opened his eyes and looked over.

"Uh..." Lin Jing was a little flustered and had nothing to say, "Well, you come back, are you back?"

The corner of Ximo's mouth curled up, smiling alluringly, like a rose blooming in the dark.

Lin Jing was buzzing in his ears with his laughing brain short-circuit, and just wanted to organize his words, but he heard Ximo ask in an ambiguous tone: "Would you like to come with us?"

us?Lin Jing only heard these two words.

The surface of the water swayed, and suddenly a person emerged from the water, with wet red hair tightly attached to his face, like a beautiful ruby.

"Prince." The young man wrapped his arms around Ximo's neck coquettishly.

Ximo stretched out his hand to Lin Jing, still smiling very charmingly, "Come here, let me introduce you to my little pet."

The breeze blew the curtains, and the starless night of the Demon Realm was pitch black.

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