bloodline temptation

Chapter 43 Poor Skeleton Legion

As soon as the three of them walked up to the second floor, they saw a small head sneaking out.

"Go back and lie down!" Han Yifeng raised his eyebrows, "Didn't you say that you are not allowed to sneak out? If you don't obey me, spank your ass!"

"Hmm..." The little head shrank back listlessly.

"You pervert, you know how to bully Xiaotangtang!" Lin Jing was indignant, "He's so obedient and you still bully him!"

"What do you know!" Han Yifeng knocked him on the head, "I'm doing it for his own good, Karomaki Province is in chaos, and people go missing every day."

"Excuse!" Lin Jing despised, "It's obviously to satisfy your perverted obscene desire for imprisonment! Don't you feel very proud of imprisoning such a cute little boy at home and not showing it to others?"

Han Yifeng was speechless.

"He's right, Karo McKee Province is in chaos." Xi Mo patted Lin Jing, "So you're not allowed to run around, almost everyone here knows you, it's dangerous to go out casually."

"Why do you know me?" Lin Jing was shocked.

"Your photo is on the headlines of newspapers every two days on average. It's hard not to know." Han Yifeng pointed to the bedroom, "Go and find Tang Tang, he cut all the news about you."

Although she knew that the news must be ridiculous, Lin Xiaojing was still curious, so she went to the bedroom.

In the bedroom, the little dinosaur is sulking as he rolls himself under the covers.

"If you agreed to do it today, let me go out to play!" Hearing someone came in, Tang Tang thought it was Han Yifeng, so he protested dissatisfied, "And I promised me to do it only once before! I did it many times! Seeing it with the prince! The master will lie to me!" "Uh..." Lin Jing rubbed her chin, "That, it's me..."

"Huh?" Tang Tang poked his head out of the quilt.

Lin Jing looked at him and smiled.

"Ah!" Tang Tang blushed and quickly hid under the quilt.

"Come out!" Lin Jing liked to tease Tang Tang the most, so she flew onto the quilt to rub him.

Tang Tang wanted to cry but couldn't cry. His back and butt were hurting, but now Lin Jing rubbed it like glutinous rice balls, so he screamed anxiously.

In the study not far away, Han Yifeng and Ximo felt a little speechless when they heard the two excitedly fighting.

On the big table in the study room, there was a list of the Skeleton Legion neatly stacked. Ximo took out a copy and flipped through it, and found that some of the names were specially marked with red circles.

"Are these disobedient leaders?" Ximo was obviously familiar with those names.

"Yes." Han Yifeng raised his lips, "It's very interesting to deal with them."

There are a large number of skeletons, and their endurance is stronger than other demon races, so they have always been very conceited.

For thousands of years, although the rulers of Karomaki Province have changed a lot, none of them can completely tame those stubborn guys.Later, once, Fryes even rushed to the border in person, trying to make them submit through cruel punishment, who knows that not only did not have any effect, but stimulated them to be a little ready to move, and they were about to riot. For the sake of the overall situation, Frye Dee finally had to make a public apology—even though his heart was about to burn, he still shook hands with the leader of the Skeleton Army with a smile on his face under the crackling flashlights of the tabloid reporters, and even invited him to dinner.

After this incident, the skeleton army became even more arrogant, so when Han Yifeng appeared with a demon army, all the skeletons dismissed him.It is rumored that on the day Han Yifeng took office, new businesses were launched in all the casinos on the border—guess how long the idiots sent this time can stay?Alternatives ranged from one day to 1000 years, but almost everyone chose less than a month, including the casino owner.

Within a few days of taking office, Han Yifeng called all the commanders for a meeting, and announced an order - in order to better fight against the Realm of Light, all skeleton troops must conduct military exercises. OK, destination Coralon Mountain.

"Why do such meaningless things?" A skeleton leader slapped the table dissatisfied, "From here to Mount Coralon, you have to cross countless swamps, lakes and icebergs, do you have any brains?!"

"I am the ruler here, and I have the final say." Han Yifeng looked at the crowd coldly, "Or do you all dare not?"

"Don't use aggressive tactics!" There was a commotion among the audience, "It's okay to practice, but you still have to participate! If you can't persist, get out!"

"Okay." Han Yifeng nodded, "My army and I will also participate. If we lose, I will leave immediately."

The little skeleton reporter quickly took out a paper to write down this sentence, and it was quickly published in the newspaper the next day, with overwhelming headlines.

"We want to compete with them in stamina?" The demon captain who followed Han Yifeng was a little worried, "The strongest of the skeleton army is stamina, and we don't have the advantage."

"That's why we don't compete with them in stamina." Han Yifeng took out a pen and drew a straight line between Karo McGee and Mount Coralon on the map, "Seventeen lakes, six snow-capped mountains, countless swamps, and There are giant beasts in the black forest, no matter how good their endurance is, they will not be able to reach their destination."

"But we can't hold on." The Mozu captain was puzzled.

"So let's take the path." Han Yifeng tapped on the map, "I've already found a guide, and he will take us on another path. It's a bit detoured, but there's no danger."

"The Skeleton Legion has never had the habit of detours. They always rush forward. You will be ridiculed if you do this." The demon captain frowned.

"Then let them pay the price for their stupid persistence." Han Yifeng leaned back in the chair, "pass on, anyone in the Skeleton Army who is willing to walk with me will be promoted immediately."

When the Skeleton Legion received this order, they almost jumped up angrily and walked down the path?It's just so despicable!

Dozens of army commanders wrote a letter overnight, seriously protesting Han Yifeng's opportunistic villainous behavior, and emphasized that avoiding difficulties is the behavior of the weak, and finally strongly demanded that the demon army should keep the same line as the skeleton army, which is only fair!

After the letter was sent out, the high-level members of the Skeleton Army waited eagerly for a reply. They didn't sleep all night until noon the next day. Han Yifeng finally sent an owl to send a reply. Walking the path with the Mozu is infinitely welcome.

The Skeleton Legion screamed in anger, tore the letter into powder on the spot, and threatened to win Han Yifeng.

On the day of the agreed departure, the Skeleton Legion embarked on the journey almost just after midnight, racing against time to reach the destination first.

On the contrary, the Demon Legion didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, and they didn't set out on the road leisurely until noon the next day.

The tabloid reporters followed the whole process and recorded this famous exercise that was later included in the military textbooks of the Demon Realm.

The Skeleton Legion is conceited by nature, and never has the idea of ​​escaping when encountering difficulties. Even if it is bloody, it will rush forward, and it has no ability to teleport, so it has suffered all kinds of hardships along the way.

For example, once, a large group of troops climbed a snow-capped mountain with great difficulty, but a large swamp appeared in front of them, so they had to look for wooden boards to build a bridge. A group of giant beasts happily ran out of the black forest, stomping on the bridge with a few thuds and crushing it, and they couldn't stop it.

No matter how strong the Skeleton Legion's stamina was, they couldn't stand the day and night rush, so there were constant small-scale riots, and they all asked for a rest—even a day's rest would be fine!

And the demon army walking on the small road is obviously much more comfortable.

"It's not comfortable, it's simply enjoyment!" - Said by a member of a Demon Legion.

The scenery along this path is beautiful, with gurgling streams, long grass and warblers flying, and small villages and small towns from time to time. Everywhere he goes, Han Yifeng will order gems and gold coins to the local residents, so the demon army will be treated like a VIP. Not only food and wine, but also beautiful women.

Just imagine under the starry sky, the demon soldiers with handsome faces and neat uniforms sitting in a circle, eating delicious roast suckling pig, drinking mellow wine, holding a delicate and beautiful girl in their arms, how enviable!It is simply a model picture of military-civilian harmony!

This tearful scene was unexpectedly captured by a tabloid reporter. When Han Yifeng saw the newspaper, he sincerely praised the reporter's photography skills. He also packed hundreds of newspapers and sent them to the Skeleton Army to enjoy them with owls.

The skeletons were on their way and were out of breath, when suddenly it rained newspapers all over the world, and due to the serious dereliction of duty of a certain owl messenger, a stack of newspapers was thrown away without being opened. It happened to hit the skull commander's head, and almost didn't smash his head off.

The content in the newspaper undoubtedly stimulated the poor skeletons again, especially when they saw that there was a beautiful skeleton girl in the picture!

In order to appease the emotions of the soldiers, the leader of the Skeleton Army had to give a speech every day, trying to arouse everyone's fighting spirit.

Relying on the passionate speech of the leader, the Skeleton Legion reluctantly continued to move forward. On the other side, Han Yifeng was having a happy dinner with many tabloid reporters, and gave each of them a valuable ruby.

So in the days that followed, various newspapers were constantly thrown into the Skeleton Army. In the pictures, demon soldiers soaked in hot springs, sang KTV, played poker, ate big meals, drank red wine, drove luxury cars, and even killed horses. Chicken, the Skeleton Legion is very sad and angry.

"Why can't we be like them?" Skull A drooled while looking at the newspaper.

"The commander said that it is a coward's act to avoid difficulties!" Skeleton B explained.

"Fucking shit!" Skeleton C spat, "I think he's just envious and jealous!"

When the Skeleton Army finally arrived at Coralon Mountain, they found sadly that even if they tried to move forward, it was still a step too late.

"What a coincidence?" At the entrance of the mountain range, Han Yifeng looked at the skeleton army and raised his eyebrows, "We are going back, do you want to go together?"

"What?" The poor skeleton soldiers almost fainted, and they had to go back the same way before they had just rested for a minute?

"Let's go!" Han Yifeng ignored the plaintive protests of the skeletons, "There is a town three hours ahead, we will rest there tonight!"

"Dream!" The leader of the Skeleton Legion looked at Han Yifeng angrily, "It is impossible for us to go with you!"

"Then return the same way immediately!" Han Yifeng looked at him coldly.

This was clearly a naked provocation. The resentment accumulated for many days by the commander of the skeleton army exploded in an instant, and after a strange cry, he rushed towards Han Yifeng frantically.

"Master!" Tang Tang on the side exclaimed.

Han Yifeng swiftly dodged sideways, but the skeleton commander barely missed him and rushed straight at Tang Tang.

"Tangtang!" Han Yifeng didn't expect his target to be the little guy, so he rushed over to stop him.

The claws of the skeleton leader were about to pinch Tang Tang. At this critical moment, fortunately, an approaching demon soldier reacted quickly and threw Tang Tang aside.

The next moment, the arm of the skeleton leader was chopped off by Han Yifeng.

Although he didn't feel pain, the skeleton commander still widened his eyes in disbelief.

How could someone be able to shoot so fast, so fast that it surpassed magic, so fast that he didn't notice it at all.

"It doesn't matter if you don't accept me, I have enough patience to play with you, but you dare to hurt Tang Tang." Han Yifeng's eyes were cold.

"You have the ability to—"

Before the commander of the skull finished speaking, Han Yifeng had already chopped him into a pile of pieces with a knife in his hand.

"Who wants to follow me on the path, immediately follow behind the demon army!" Han Yifeng turned around with a knife in his hand, and looked at the skeleton army coldly.

After hesitating for a while, more than half of the skeletons stood up.

"Very good." Han Yifeng looked at the others, "I'll give you another minute to think about it. If you want to die, you still have to obey the order!"

A skeleton has no soul, and when it dies, it means disappearing forever.

The once invincible leader has now become a pile of broken pieces, being trampled under by Han Yifeng.

After hesitating, another wave of skeletons came over with their heads lowered.

"You have a lot of backbone." Han Yifeng looked at the others, "If you were enemies, maybe I would let you go on the battlefield, but it's a pity that you are my subordinates, and I won't take subordinates who don't obey orders."

Tang Tang glanced at Han Yifeng, closed his eyes and covered his ears.

I don't like watching the master kill people, it's a little strange and a little scary.

In this way, the Skeleton Legion of the entire Kalomaki Province was officially incorporated into the Ninth Army of the Demon Realm, and made immortal military exploits in future wars.

Although future historians have some criticisms about Han Yifeng's iron-blooded killing, he is indeed one of the greatest generals in the history of the Demon Army, and in some respects he even surpassed Ximo and Nuo Lei.

This, no one will deny.

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