Pick up an orc

Chapter 2 The Wounded Female Orc

Not long after, the rain gradually lightened and stopped slowly.The purple clouds parted, revealing the blue sky, from which the blinding sun slanted.

Lu Yuan felt that his legs were weak, and his whole body seemed to be drained of strength. He slumped on the ground, unable to believe everything in front of him.

Although the previous rain soaked his clothes, he didn't feel cold, and even felt very stuffy, with the temperature at least above 25 degrees Celsius.The soil here is soft, the plants are tall and dense, and the rainfall is very abundant.Those broad-leaved trees and epiphytes are typical tropical plants.

It's incredible, why do you see a large group of mammoths in the tropical rainforest!You know, mammoths lived in the Ice Age, and their thick fat and fur couldn't have survived the hot environment.

Moreover, this huge and formidable animal has long been extinct!

Lu Yuan hoped that he was having a weird dream, and when he woke up, he was still in the tour bus, waiting for the arrival of the next scenic spot.

He slapped his cheek hard, but the pain didn't wake him up from the so-called dream.He closed his eyes and prayed silently in his heart: As long as I return to the civilized world, I can do anything; I am even willing to give a speech on the bus, to confess to strange girls, to do things I never dared to do before. anything.Just get me back to my old life!

Lu Yuan had never been so pious before, all gods, Buddhas, Chinese and foreign sages became objects of prayer.But when he slowly opened his eyes, the vast land in front of him did not change at all, and opened his arms to him like a girl who just woke up from a deep sleep.

He was like a deflated ball, unable to recover for a long time.He repeatedly took out his mobile phone to check, and put it back in disappointment, there was no signal!The compass is still spinning around and is useless at all.Angrily, he smashed the compass far away, and the small ball rolled down the mountain.

Suddenly, a huge black shadow passed by from the sky, and Lu Yuan looked up instinctively.The sun dazzled him so much that he couldn't open his eyes, and he could only vaguely see an object more than ten meters long gliding away into the distance.

Is it an airplane?It seems that this place is not uninhabited, and I can still save myself.Lu Yuan stood up excitedly, although he knew that the chance of noticing him from high altitude was almost zero, he still waved his hat vigorously.But after his eyes adjusted to the sun's stimulation, he was surprised to find that the huge object was not an airplane at all.It was a bird-like animal with huge wings that flapped with the updraft.

But that's not a bird. No bird can grow to the size of an airplane.And there are no feathers on his wings, the brown skin is as strong and powerful as the wings of a glider, and there is a long tail behind him.

Lu Yuan knew what it was. Not only had he read about it in books, he had also seen the fossils of this extinct species with his own eyes.

It was once the overlord of the sky, named Pterosaur.

Lu Yuan was completely confused, everything that happened so far was too ridiculous.If it was because of some mysterious force that traveled to the prehistoric world, it would be understandable.But why did pterosaurs and mammoths coexist in this prehistoric world!You must know that pterosaurs first appeared in the Triassic period 5000 million years ago, while mammoths were relatively young, and they lived in the Quaternary Ice Age.

With the departure of the pterosaur, Lu Yuan is almost on the verge of collapse!

Time seemed to stand still, and anxiety and uneasiness slowly invaded the bone marrow.Trapped alone in an unheard of strange continent, without companions, far away from the civilized world, may never have the chance to return to their loved ones.Lu Yuan felt a kind of despair deep in his heart, but he knew that he had to keep calm now, otherwise there would be a dead end.

He began to adjust his breathing and let himself relax.

Lu Yuan has one of the biggest advantages, that is, he can go with the situation!Everything must be positive - at least he is still alive.

Using the stick as a crutch, he walked carefully on the steep rocky mountain, looking for a suitable way down the mountain.There is a water source under the mountain, and if there is a water source, there must be human beings living there, and they can ask for help.

After turning over a huge rock, the fresh blood in the cracks made him immediately vigilant.The dark red liquid hadn't solidified yet, and it spilled all the way to a cave not far away.Reason told him that staying away from the scene was the best choice, but Lu Yuan couldn't help walking towards that cave.Maybe it was a wounded human being, and in the current situation, it was better to have a companion than to come alone.If it was a beast, it must have been seriously injured according to the amount of bleeding. If you are careful, there should be no great danger.

Holding the knife in his hand, Lu Yuan slipped cautiously to the entrance of the cave, and there was a faint groan from inside.

Listen to the voice, it's a woman.

Lu Yuan probed in and saw that the cave was not deep, it was a natural stone cave with a depression of about four or five meters.A dark-skinned woman lay inside, bleeding all over the floor.The woman didn't wear a strand of hair from top to bottom, except for a piece of animal skin around her waist. She was injured by something on her thigh, and a blood hole was bleeding out.

He hurried in and gently lifted the woman up, only to realize that she was not an ordinary human being.

The woman is tall, with slender limbs, and her face is deeply contoured, like a mixed race of black and white; what is strange is that her forehead has horns protruding from her hair.The ears are not the way humans should be. They are roll-shaped and have fluff. At first glance, they look like goat ears; a long tail is connected between her thighs, and there are many brown soft hairs on the forearms and thighs. Covered with skin like animal fur.

From the knees down, she had no human legs at all. Her strong, muscular calves were connected not to feet, but to hooves.

Orcs!This word appeared in Lu Yuan's mind, and then he thought of the combination of human and beast that often appeared in fantasy literature.

But the current situation made him unable to be surprised, the woman was seriously injured, and the blood was flowing non-stop.He quickly took off his T-shirt and tore it into strips of cloth to make a simple bandage for her, but it still couldn't stop the bleeding.He turned the woman over, and saw that she was holding something wrapped in animal skin tightly in her hand, protecting it with all her strength.

The woman gradually came to her senses, seeing Lu Yuan, a gleam of hope flashed in her eyes.She eagerly spoke in an incomprehensible language, and stuffed the things in her hand to Lu Yuan.Although she couldn't understand what she said, the woman had tears in her eyes, clasped her hands together as if she was asking Lu Yuan to keep this thing for her.

Lu Yuan instinctively took the bag in her hand, and before he could open it to find out, the woman's ears turned a few times, and her face suddenly changed drastically.

She jumped up, pushed Lu Yuan to hide behind a rock in the cave, and anxiously said a few words in an unfamiliar language to him.The woman's eyes fell on the animal skin package tenderly, and her hands gently stroked it back and forth, as if a young mother was saying goodbye to her child.

Then, as if she had made up her mind, with a look of death on her face, she limped out of the cave.

Lu Yuan was confused by the woman's actions, he walked lightly to the entrance of the cave, only to hear something outside the cave trampling on the rock.Those voices were very chaotic, especially loud in the silent mountain, like a group of wild horses running fast on a stone road.

He looked out quietly and found that the woman was trying her best to get away from the cave. She was running desperately to the high place in the north, but her thigh injury slowed her speed.A group of antelope-like animals jumped on the steep rocks, surrounded her from all directions, and the woman was trapped on the mountainside.

Those animals had the faces of lions, and long hairs like lion's manes on their necks, all of which were brown or darker in color.There are sharp fangs in their mouths that carnivores only have, but they have the body of an antelope, with scimitar-like sharp horns on their heads, and four hooves of herbivores.

These weird lion-faced sheep jumped agilely on the steep rocks, forcing the woman to a corner.

The woman was forced to the rock shed in the north, unable to move, and there was no way to escape.The other end of the rock shed was cut off in the middle of the cliff, and below was a canyon tens of meters deep, which was already a dead end.It is the largest in size, and the head sheep at the head makes a long roar like a beast, like the sound of announcing victory.Hearing the leader's call, the other lion-faced sheep climbed up the rock shed along the cliff.

They lined up and slowly approached the woman.

Lu Yuan knew that now was not the time to stare blankly, he had to find some way to help the woman.But he only had two small knives less than ten centimeters long, so he was no match for those agile lion-faced sheep at all.

The situation was critical, and Lu Yuan was extremely anxious, his palms were covered with sweat.

But now that the situation was urgent, it was not time to think too much, and he ran out of the cave without thinking about anything else, and was going to use the method of yelling to attract the attention of the lion-faced sheep so that the woman would take the opportunity to escape.

This behavior is very dangerous, and it may lead to death, but Lu Yuan can't do the thing of refusing to save.

The woman saw Lu Yuan running out of the cave from a distance, and seemed to realize what he wanted to do.She struggled to stand up, uttered a terrifying howl like a wild animal, ran to the edge of the cliff in a few steps, and jumped down.

Lu Yuan was shocked by the scene in front of him, he didn't have time to react, he could only watch the woman disappear on the cliff like a knife.

The head sheep kicked the rocks violently and ran back and forth on the side of the mountain, as if trying to find a way down.But the fault was so steep that it was almost vertical, and it tried several times before retreating to a stable rocky platform.

The head sheep howled, and the long mournful cry penetrated the air and pierced Lu Yuan's eardrums.Lu Yuan didn't understand, it was obviously just an animal, why could he hear sadness from its long howling?

Those lion-faced sheep stayed for a while, and then left one after another along a road.They easily jumped over the cracks in the rocks several meters wide, ran quickly on the steep cliffs that were almost impossible to fall on, and quickly left this place.

When the beasts were gone, Lu Yuan immediately climbed to the rock shed in the north with hands and feet, and the woman's body lay quietly at the bottom of the valley.

It was very painful to see a living person die in front of her, especially when she couldn't help her.Lu Yuan embraced the burden that the woman gave him, and silently swore in his heart: No matter what the vow is, I will take good care of what you gave me!

Thinking this way, he opened the animal skin bundle...

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