Pick up an orc

Chapter 23 Can't Die

Li's injuries were severe, and he seemed to have lost too much blood and passed out, but he was still breathing weakly.

Lu Yuan hurriedly took out the medicine he had found from Feilong, took out a bamboo tube written to stop bleeding, and sprinkled the powder inside on the wound.Although the ingredients of the dark green medicinal powder with a strange smell were unknown, it took effect as soon as it came into contact with the wound.The place where the blood was still bleeding just now has begun to solidify.

His body can be described as bruised and bruised, with various bruises and contusions, his hand seems to be broken, and his joints are swollen badly.There was blood all over his body, both his own and other people's, and there was almost no intact place.But the real fatality was the two stab wounds on his stomach. Such large stab wounds supposedly required stitches, but Lu Yuan was not a doctor after all, and only knew simple first aid methods.He tore the linen into strips, which he used instead of bandages to bind wounds.

During the process of dealing with the trauma, Li never came to his senses, and only occasionally said a few inaudible words in a daze.Lu Yuan kept cheering in his ear, don't die, if you die, you will have nothing.

For what purpose to help him, Lu Yuan himself is not very clear, he just intuitively feels that this man is worth saving.

As the sky gradually darkened, Lu Yuan considered bringing his strength back to the cave, but his body was bigger than Barlow's, and he couldn't carry it on his own.Seeing the drizzle falling in the sky, and it was getting bigger and bigger, Lu Yuan had no choice but to cut off branches and build a simple shack for him to shelter from the rain.

Li san frowned in a coma, with a pained expression on his face, Lu Yuan shook his head.He was not an idiot, and probably guessed the relationship between these three people, but it was embarrassing that Li had ended up like this.

After sitting for a while, Lu Yuan considered that he might sleep in the wilderness tonight, so he wanted to go back to the cave to get some necessities, but he was afraid that if he left, his defenseless power would be attacked.After hesitating for a long time, Lu Yuan still decided to go back. Flint, food and medicine had to be prepared, otherwise he might not survive tonight.He used the leaves to hide Li's body, hoping that no accidents would happen before he came back.

"Tuantuan, let's go." Lu Yuan went to hug the little thing, but it jumped away deftly, stood on the ground and howled but refused to go with him.Repeated several times, Lu Yuan also got angry, what on earth is the little guy trying to do.

I saw Tuan Tuan crawling into the simple shack built for Li, with his little head poking out from the leaves.Lu Yuan thought in his heart, the little thing would not want to stay here to protect his power when he left.Startled by his own thoughts, he quickly shook his head, how could this be possible.

But Tuantuan stubbornly stood where he was, so Lu Yuan could only ask tentatively, "Tuantuan, do you want to protect him here?"

As soon as the words fell, I saw Tuantuan shouting happily, as if saying: That's it!

"No, it's too dangerous, I won't leave you here." Lu Yuan was still worried, he stretched out his hand to catch the little thing, but it deftly escaped to the side and jumped onto a small tree a few times.After coaxing him softly for a long time, the little guy still lay lazily on the tree trunk unmoved, wagging his tail and making Lu Yuan jump in anger.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and it seemed that the sky was going to be dark, and it would be dark if we didn't leave, and the situation would only become more dangerous if we dragged on.He had no choice but to comfort himself by saying that even if a predator appeared, Tuantuan would climb up the tree to escape.Thinking of this, he hurried towards the direction of the cave.

He came out too hastily, he only brought hemostatic medicine and bandages, now he spent a little time researching the medicines that Feilong had stored.

Most of the medicine box was trauma medicine, Lu Yuan picked a few bottles and put them in, and took two bottles of medicine powder labeled anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving; then food, corn cakes, dried meat and porridge, put them in water cups and leaves respectively, flint Lu Yuan looked around and remembered that sick people are afraid of the cold, so they rolled up a thin quilt and took it with them; he was afraid that the wood outside would be wet with water, otherwise , Simply bring the dry firewood with you.

So, Lu Yuan carried his backpack backwards in front of him, carried a roll of quilt on his back, and carried wood in his hands... and ran back to the valley in a super funny manner.

Although there are a lot of things to bring, the volume is also large, but fortunately it is not heavy.In addition, the valley is not far from the residence, so the trip only took about forty minutes, and they rushed back before dark.

Lu Yuan trotted all the way, and saw Tuantuan from afar.This little thing raised its tail high, circling around the force aggressively, like a conscientious little guard.He put down his things, picked up the little guy and kissed him hard: "You are so good, you will protect me like this in the future!"

"Aww!" Tuantuan threw herself into Lu Yuan's arms and acted coquettishly.

"Hahaha, it's so itchy, don't make trouble." I don't know how to develop the habit, as long as the little thing is in Lu Yuan's arms, it will definitely be licked.Putting down the screaming little thing, Lu Yuan covered Li with the quilt, and found that he seemed to have regained a little consciousness.

Sensing movement around him, Li slightly opened his eyes, still weak.After realizing that it was not a threat, he closed his eyes to rest again, while Lu Yuan fed him medicine and porridge while he still had some strength.

After eating, Li's complexion seemed to be better, and his breathing became steady.

The howling of some wild beasts came, the sky was already dark, and Lu Yuan hurriedly started to build a fire.He put some damp branches picked up in the forest at the bottom, dry wood on top, and flammable bark torn into small strips on top.He took out the flint and started the fire, the second time he had used it since the lighter had been dropped, but all went well.

Fortunately, the light rain stopped soon, perhaps because the rainy season is coming to an end, and there have been more and more sunny days recently.

Lu Yuan removed the leaves covering Li's body, and changed the wet bandage for him.In order to replenish his strength, he was even forced to eat all the chocolates he treasured.

Desperate to survive, Lu Yuan kept cheering him up.

After all this work, he had a little free time. He kept adding wood to it, and the flame was burning, making a crackling sound.He sat by the bonfire, chatting with Tuantuan one after another: "Little thing, do you understand what I'm saying? If you understand, just blink." He obviously felt that the little guy could understand his own words Yes, but every time I asked it, it would tilt its head and stare at itself with a pair of round dark green eyes.

"Are you a fang? If so, can you become a human? When you grow up, will you still like to cling to me like you do now?" A series of questions spit out from Lu Yuan's mouth. If Tuantuan is really a fang Tooth, when it grows up, it will leave itself.

It is instinctive to find females that match it and reproduce.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan felt very sad, he poked the little thing's soft stomach a few times with his fingers: "You can't leave me alone, I have nothing but you."

Tuantuan seemed to understand his sadness, held Lu Yuan's finger with two small paws, and licked it lightly.

Lu Yuan only felt a tremor in his heart, something soft moved him, and sprouted in the depths of his heart.

He picked up the little guy, stared at those beautiful dark green eyes for a long time, and had a crazy idea in his mind: Who knows, maybe this warm kitten will become his own.

"Little guy, if you grow into a human, will you also be a super handsome guy?" Let Tuantuan lie on his lap, playing with its soft belly and wagging tail, jokingly Ask: "When you grow up, will you like me?" After saying this, even Lu Yuan laughed himself, expecting a kitten, I must be sick.

Holding the soft ball in his arms, Lu Yuan lay on the grass with his arms pillowed on his head, and fell asleep in a daze after a while.

After an unknown amount of time, he was awakened by the whining of some wild beasts.It may be that the corpses not far away attracted a large number of scavengers, and various roars came from the valley.It sounded like a group of hyenas and something were fighting for food. In order to avoid accidents, Lu Yuan immediately turned over and sat up, holding the weapon in his hand, and focused on guarding.

Sure enough, several hyenas found them following the smell of blood.These hideous creatures travel in packs and don't give them a chance to escape once they spot their prey.

Lu Yuan pulled out a burning stick and threw it at the nearest hyena, but it easily avoided it, howling, and soon more hyenas came running towards us.

Facing a dozen hungry hyenas, Lu Yuan's hand holding the knife was covered with sweat.Tuantuan jumped to the front, bowed his back and roared at the hyena. Although it was a big cat, it was still a baby after all, and neither its size nor its imposing manner could scare the hyena group.

Relying on the superiority in numbers, the hyenas are ready to attack.

A strong adult hyena led the way, and it swooped down on Li who was lying on the ground.Seeing this, Lu Yuan immediately swung his knife to chop off, but another hyena also attacked him, so he had no time to distract himself.Seeing the hyena throw Lu Yuan down, Tuantuan also flew onto the hyena, piercing the thing's eyes with its sharp claws.

Taking advantage of the hyena's painful movement, Lu Yuan hesitated for a moment, took the opportunity to touch the knife and killed the beast.The blood made the other hyenas growl, but a sharp scream stopped them all.

Lu Yuan turned his head and saw that Li had transformed into a huge brown bear, and he bit off the neck of the hyena that attacked him.

Li let out a roar that shook the sky, and looked fiercely at the remaining hyenas like knives. After a confrontation for a while, the group of hyenas ran away with their tails between their legs.

"Are you alright!" Lu Yuan hurried over to help him, the transformation caused all the bandages on his body torn, and he was bleeding profusely after transforming back into human form.Carefully applied medicine and bandaged him, and Li gently said thank you.

"Thank you, you are amazing. When you recover from your injury, you will also teach me how to survive in such an environment." Lu Yuan smiled and said, "No matter what, it's always good to be alive."

Li nodded and asked, "What's your name?"

"Lu Yuan, I'm friends with Mr. Feilong's lover, Hill." He carried Feilong out in the hope that Li could let go of his guard, believed that he would not hurt him, and healed with peace of mind.

"Lu Yuan, I swear, I will never die until I take everything back!"

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