Pick up an orc

Chapter 44 Chastity Crisis

The bottomless passage extends to nowhere, like a monster with its mouth wide open waiting for its stupid prey to throw itself into the net.A gloomy cold air rushed over, the surrounding was so quiet that there was only the sound of water droplets, everyone was waiting for Lu Yuan's decision.

No one knows whether Hill must be at the other end of the tunnel, and no one can guarantee the safety of this trip.

Getu, a mysterious race living underground in isolation.How do they survive in the dark center of the earth, do they have a sound social system, what level of civilization has they developed, and what methods will they use to deal with invaders.Everything is a mystery, just thinking about it is enough to infiltrate people, let alone entering the unknown world.

Lu Yuan was very conflicted in his heart, he was in a dilemma whether to go deeper or leave here.If we rationally analyze the current situation, of course it is the best policy to pack up and head to Ivory Corner.

But Lu Yuan knew that he would not abandon Hill.

If he missed this opportunity, he might never see this Getu prince again.

"Li, I can't leave my friend behind." Lu Yuan gritted his teeth, knowing that this decision would definitely bring everyone into danger, so he said solemnly: "You take Tuantuan to Ivory Corner, if I can find Hill, Just go with him to meet you." Just like he rushed into the manta forest to save people without hesitation, this time, he also has to step into the tunnel.

Tuantuan hugged Lu Yuan, and said eagerly: "How can I let you go alone, force Tuanzi to go, I will go with you to save Hill."

Seeing Lu Yuan and Tuantuan arguing over who should go, Li finally showed an approving smile: "The Xiong Clan has always attached great importance to friends and family members, so we will never leave any companion behind. Lu Yuan, I am very worried You will shrink back because of fear, but fortunately you didn’t.” After Li finished speaking, he strode into the tunnel, turned his head and said to the two people who were still in place, “Let’s go rescue the little prince together, and then go to Ivory Corner.”

Lu Yuan and Tuantuan looked at each other and smiled, and followed behind with their fingers interlocked. Routuanzi would not go down the stairs, and was still tied around Lu Yuan's waist.

The tunnel seems to be endless, and the monotonous environment makes everyone very depressed; in such an environment, there is always a strange empty voice when speaking, so everyone is silent, only whether the dumpling snorts a few times; although this The tunnel is very uncomfortable, but fortunately, the air circulates without suffocation; the stone walls on both sides are evenly inlaid with glowing white river stones, but the dense spider webs show that no one has passed through here for at least several months.

The humidity in the cave was very heavy, and Tuantuan's hand was tightly covering Lu Yuan's elbow.

In a previous sparring practice, Li Sishou injured his arm. Although the wound healed quickly, it still left sequelae.Since then, his wounds have often been painful, especially in places where the cold air is severe, it is like needles pricking ant food, and the pain is unspeakable.

Knowing this, Tuantuan kept warming his aching joints.Lu Yuan glanced at him gratefully, leaned his body over, and the two continued to walk, clinging to each other.

After going down for a long time, it finally came to the end, and a stone door that was the same as above appeared in front of it!

Li opened the stone gate according to the original method, and the first thing that caught the eye was a huge stone slab standing like a screen.Going around from the back, you can find that they are in a dilapidated palace.Twelve round pillars formed a semicircle, and in the middle was the stone tablet that I saw just now when I went out, densely engraved with strange characters.There are exquisite reliefs depicting various battle scenes on the surrounding walls, as well as beautiful murals and decorations, but they are already covered with thick dust.

"It looks like an abandoned altar," Li turned around, judging the purpose from the furnishings inside: "It should have been unused for a long time, so Hill can come and go freely through the secret passage behind."

"Then why didn't he go back?" Li couldn't answer this question, but Lu Yuan really didn't want to think about the worst.

"I think you should come and see this!" Tuantuan, who walked out first, exclaimed, and Lu Yuan and Li who followed were also so shocked by the scene before them that they couldn't speak.

This is a huge underground world, brightly lit, spiraling downward layer by layer.

Every floor is inhabited, and the rooms are exquisitely decorated caves, but there are doors and windows, and they are neatly arranged.People come and go on the passage outside, and they are well-dressed. It is not difficult to see that this isolated nation has its own unique civilization.Going down to the bottom, it is a very wide flat land, and you can vaguely hear all kinds of cries, obviously it is a lively market.

And they are at the highest point, they can look down on this splendid cave kingdom from a commanding height!

Ordinarily, this is the highest point of the entire cave, with an excellent view, and it should be the best location for a temple or place of worship, but it was thrown away for some reason, and even this area is uninhabited.

"I think I can infiltrate the crowd to find out about Hill's whereabouts." After careful consideration, Lu Yuan made a suggestion: "Li, you and Tuantuan are too eye-catching, and you will be discovered immediately. This matter can only be done by me." go."

"Can you understand the language of the Getu tribe?" With a splash of cold water poured down, Tuantuan also pointed out the obvious difference with his amazing eyesight: "I see that the people below are all blond, blue-eyed, and fair-skinned guys. You mixed in because of the similar body shape, but you can still tell the difference at a glance."

"I'm not a fool, can't I pretend?" Lu Yuan retorted angrily, but saw Li's body go limp and fell to the ground, and at the same time, Tuantuan loosened his arms and passed out.

what's the situation!Before Lu Yuan could react, he felt a pain in the back of his neck, and a thin needle pierced his skin.Immediately after, the unbearable dizziness hit, and he knew in his heart that he was in an ambush, but the feeling of powerlessness made him spin around, unable to stand still.He held the dagger at his waist with his hand, but he didn't even have the strength to pull out the weapon, and he swayed a few times before collapsing to the ground.Tuanzi let out a pitiful cry and kept patting Lu Yuan's face with his nose, unable to restore his sanity at all.

Before he lost consciousness, he saw a group of soldiers who looked like soldiers coming to clean up the scene from the corner of his eye...

Lu Yuan woke up again because of the unbearable pain in his elbow, as if his arm didn't belong to him, he couldn't control it, and his whole body was weak.He tried his best to move his stiff shoulders and neck, and got up from the ground only after his limbs gradually regained consciousness.He was locked alone in a small cell, the uneven stone walls seeped water, and the cold was oppressive.

"Tuantuan, Li!" Perhaps because they were quite confident in the defense of the iron gate, these people did not restrain him anymore.He shook the gate and called out everyone's names.

Both sides of the long corridor were filled with dark and damp prison cells. Whenever Lu Yuan yelled, there were a lot of hisses coming from every corner, and the responses to him were all in unfamiliar languages.

Tuantuan, where are you!

Lu Yuan was very anxious, and they were detained separately. It seemed that these people were not friendly to outsiders.He beat on the cell door angrily, yelling, and soon attracted two guards.

The tall one was very strong, and seemed to have a very violent temper. Without saying a word, he raised his spear and stabbed at Lu Yuan.Fortunately, Lu Yuan reacted quickly, turned his head, and easily avoided the attack.Seeing that the tip of the gun was black and shiny, it must have been poisoned. It seemed that these guards wanted to put people to death.

The tall one was obviously angry at Lu Yuan's dodge, he was cursing and preparing to open the cell door for a showdown.His companion, however, clearly wasn't interested in killing much, and he whispered something in his ear, before both of them grinned evilly.

Naturally, Lu Yuan couldn't understand their language, but judging from the behavior of the other party, things might not be objective.

The guards entered the cell one after the other, the short one leaned against the fence door and looked like he was watching the show, while the tall one forced Lu Yuan to the corner of the room.

The man standing in front of him was like an iron tower, with strong muscles all over his body.His joints creaked, and he swung his fist to smash Lu Yuan's face. Due to the narrow space, he had no choice but to block the attack with his arms when he couldn't dodge.

There was a sharp pain in the arm, and even the fingertips began to go numb, which showed how strong the man was.But Lu Yuan is not a softie, and the melee combat technique taught by Li himself has played an unexpected effect at this moment.

Although Lu Yuan is not strong enough, his body is flexible enough, and the long-term sparring with Li has also trained him to have a good reaction ability.In theory, when dealing with an enemy stronger than yourself, you should quickly and accurately attack its weak points, such as the face, throat, back of the head, genitals, etc.

He understands the truth, but this is the first time in actual combat!

He dodged the second attack from the man, and then hit the opponent's throat with all his strength. When the opponent bent over in pain, he made up another knee strike and hit the front door.The bridge of the man's nose might be broken, his face was covered with blood, and he rushed over even more violently.Although the big guy is strong, his punches are simple. As long as you avoid his amazingly powerful fists, there is basically nothing scary.

What worried Lu Yuan was the guy leaning on the door to watch the show, that person was thin and weak, but had an indescribable murderous aura.

He kept dodging the attacks of the tall ones, and in order to preserve his strength, he only shot back at the best time, and at the same time, he had to take into account the silent and silent observers beside him.Although Lu Yuan wasn't seriously injured, he was punched several times and gradually showed signs of fatigue.It must be resolved quickly, he understands this truth!

Lu Yuan knew that at a time like this, he couldn't care less about etiquette, justice and shame.The fists and knees were raised together, no matter how ruthless they were, the tall man was forced to be unable to hold back for a while.

The tall man yelled at his companions, and the young man watching the play seemed to laugh a few words, as if preparing to join the battle.Lu Yuan raised his eyes vigilantly, but found that the man was not at the door, and at some point behind him.

His speed was extremely fast, and his skill was not comparable to tall ones. He cleverly avoided Lu Yuan's vital point, kicked him in the hollow of his knee, and used his inertia to throw him to the ground.

Damn it, Lu Yuan cursed inwardly, this person's speed and skill are far above him, he is not invincible.What's even worse is that this person doesn't want to fight him seriously at all, and easily defuses his attack every time, but doesn't fight back, just playfully subdue him and let go, it's like a cat playing with a mouse!

Compared to his relaxed companions, the deflated tall man obviously didn't have the patience to tease others. He grabbed Lu Yuan's body and pressed him to the ground with astonishing strength.

Lu Yuan was face down and pressed against the ground, his hands were folded behind his back to restrain him. If he used too much force in this position, his arms would definitely be dislocated.The tall one still looked puzzled, he unceremoniously pressed his knees on his back, the sudden weight made Lu Yuan almost vomit.

Immediately afterwards, he finally knew what they wanted to do!

He felt his pants being pulled down to his knees, and a cold hand circled his bare buttocks.Then he has something wet crawling on it and the pervert licks his ass!


Being touched by someone other than Tuantuan made Lu Yuan extremely angry. He cursed loudly, and twisted his body with all his strength like a fish being caught, trying to escape from the predator...

It's disgusting, it's disgusting!Lu Yuan's mouth was full of blood, if he was touched by someone other than Tuantuan, he would rather die!

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