It is now noon, when the sun is at its strongest, and Lian Li is rarely tired, and Hill, who has not seen the sun for several months, is even more dizzy from the sun.Coupled with the uneasy Tuantuan and Lu Yuan having an awkward fight, Li immediately decided to rest in a cool area and wait until the evening turned cooler before leaving.

Although traveling at night is dangerous, it is better than the scorching sun, at least it can save some energy.

In addition, the two who were quarreling and awkward had to be resolved.

Arrange the tired Hill to rest in a ventilated place first, and before Li even had time to drink water, he had to start peacemaking: "Okay, tell me now, what exactly are you guys making such a fuss about?"

Lu Yuan remained silent, while Tuantuan flicked his tail and ran to the other side of the rock to bask in the sun, not wanting to answer Li's question at all.

"Little bastard, you've turned your back on you!" Faced with Tuantuan's indifferent attitude, the good-tempered Xiong couldn't help but get angry.Looking at Lu Yuan's distraught face, this matter is probably caused by the stupid cat again: "Lu Yuan, what happened, if you don't tell us, we can't solve it, can we?"

Under Li's patient persuasion, Lu Yuan finally stammered out what had happened, and added at the end: "I thought he wouldn't care about not having an heir, but I didn't expect that in his eyes I was just a child-bearing tool!"

Lu Yuan was angry, and his thoughts were inevitably a little extreme.

In fact, how could the big cat treat him as a child-bearing tool? The two of them really love each other, but they always quarrel because of a little problem.The most important thing is that they have been inseparable from each other for a long time, but they have been unable to see through it for a long time.

The angry Tuantuan was just in a trance because his dream of wanting a child was broken.It's not that he really doesn't love him anymore, but his indifference still hurt Lu Yuan severely.

Li frowned, he couldn't solve such a thing as having a baby.

"Doesn't the Getu family have fertility fruits?" The black-bellied bear squinted at Hill, who was sleeping soundly due to the exhaustion of the long journey, and thought of the fruit.

Lu Yuan waved his hand immediately, and said in a low voice: "Don't say it, Hill has always wanted to give birth to Feilong, which is almost his biggest dream. If I ask him for fruit, it will be too embarrassing for him."

"What if there are more?" How would you know if you don't say.

"What if it doesn't?" It's better not to say it, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

"Listen to you!" Li moved his sore shoulders, last night he couldn't close his eyes all night because of the two too passionate fights, and now even he needs to rest for a while: "Then what are you going to do, look at his posture There must be a child."

"Isn't there meat dumpling?" Lu Yuan smiled and stroked the dumpling in his arms. The chubby little guy is very cute, always reminding him of the time when the dumpling didn't grow up.

Many times, Lu Yuan always misses the little thing curled up in his arms.

Such a small, soft little guy, so dependent on him, can't live without him.At that time, Tuantuan couldn't speak, and didn't even open his eyes, but he would groan and rub his head against his trouser legs, and lick his cheek with his tender tongue.

When did the cute and weak little thing disappear, and when did it grow into an adult that even I felt strange.

Always feel that the past time is gone forever, Lu Yuan feels his nose is sore, and the scene in front of him becomes blurred.He rubbed his eyes angrily, and attributed all these sadness to Tuantuan's change of heart: "I knew that he would find a tigress that can only give birth to cubs in the end, and then dump me!"

"If he dares, I'll kill him." He patted Lu Yuan on the shoulder and made a promise.But to solve the thorny problem of having a baby, it is not enough to just deal with Tuantuan: "Lu Yuan, let me ask you a question, you can answer it after you think it over."

"What?" Lu Yuan was puzzled, he shouldn't want to persuade himself to let go of Tuantuan, let him be free!

If Fang Tuan Tuan went to find the tigress, he would rather perish together!

"If, I mean, if you can have a child, would you be willing to give him one?" Naturally, Li didn't come to break them up, he just wanted to make sure how much Lu Yuan was willing to pay for Tuantuan, and then teach the wayward big cat a lesson.

Lu Yuan blushed, looked away coyly, and answered in a low voice after a long time: "If I can give birth, it's not a big problem to give him a few litters, the key is that I can't!"

"It's enough with your words." Li stood up and stretched, staring at the stupid cat rolling in the sun, and told Lu Yuan: "This time I will help you teach that guy a lesson, don't be soft-hearted and immediately Forgive him again."

"I won't!" Lu Yuan turned his head, even though he said that, he was secretly worried: "If you beat him up, be gentle."

Li shook his head helplessly, this Lu Yuan always had a sharp mouth and a bean curd heart, on the surface he was itching with hatred, but in fact he felt distressed.Knowing that he was reluctant to teach Tuantuan a lesson, no matter how angry he was, he would forgive him after a while.But if he continues to be pampered like this, that dead cat will become lawless, so Li decided to give him a shocking education!

"Big boy, let's talk." Li braved the scorching sun and walked to the side of the big cat, and pulled him up: "How about a man's conversation?"

"I don't want to listen to lectures." Tuantuan was still arguing, wagging his tail, and he still had the character of a child at all.

In fact, he had already started to regret it in his heart, but he couldn't bear to apologize.

"Don't worry, I won't teach you a lesson." Li and Yan led Tuantuan to a secluded place, and after confirming that Lu Yuan could not hear even with his ears up, he asked unhurriedly, "We stayed in the Getu tribe?" For a few days, although you don’t have personal freedom, you should have some ideas, let’s talk about it.”

Originally, I thought I was going to ask about Lu Yuan, but ended up asking about the Getu clan's thoughts. What's going on?

"There are a lot of people, and everything is done in an orderly manner. Why do you ask this?" The big cat took out water and food from the bag, and began to eat.Li didn't say anything, and smiled to see that he was full before opening his mouth: "Humans, like orcs, live in groups, and it is difficult to live alone."

"Why not?" Big Mao has been with Lu Yuan since he was a child, and later met Li, so he never lived alone in the true sense.

The sky is blue and clear, without a trace of cloud. Occasionally, huge pterosaurs fly by, casting brief shadows on the earth.The air seemed to be still, and it was so hot that people couldn't calm down. After looking at it for a while, he said slowly: "Because this world is dangerous, and because I'm afraid of being lonely."

"It's too profound, I can't understand!" Tuantuan shook his head, asking what.

Li smiled and shook his head. To the simple-minded big cat, he really can't play deep: "Simply put, we use the family as the unit to form a tribe or even a country. Only by working together can we live better. In a big family, men should To protect women, males should protect females. This is an unchanging natural law. If you want to grow into a good man, you should learn to shoulder your responsibilities and protect the weak in this family."

weak?Who are you talking about?

Tuantuan turned to look at Lu Yuan, he was leaning against the rock to rest, the meat ball was sleeping on his lap, the picture was very warm.He moved his eyes to the little prince again, and after looking at it for a long time, he said: "We are a big family, I understand this, but there are no women or females here, who do you want me to protect?"

"Lu Yuan is your spouse, and he is your woman. If you don't take good care of him, do you want to run away after eating and wiping him up? If you dare to go out and find someone else, I won't forgive you." The Xiong clan has always been a husband Monogamy, remarriage only occurs when the spouse dies, so Li attaches great importance to loyalty.

"I didn't..." Big Mao lowered his head, how could he leave Lu Yuan to find someone else, he just wanted a child.

"Become a man who can stand alone." He said earnestly.

"Men? What's the benefit?" Big Cat asked stupidly.

"The good thing..." Li squinted his eyes, his expression was abnormally dark: "When you become a mature man, I will tell you how to make a man have children."

"What!? Didn't it mean that men can't give birth?" Tuantuan jumped up excitedly, grabbing Li's arm.He couldn't believe his ears, Li was right, he said he wanted to tell him how to have a baby?

"Of course Lu Yuan is out of the question, but the orcs always have a solution. Since you want a child so much, you can give birth to one yourself." Wang's mind control technique is that you know what he wants, and then use a roundabout way to induce him to do it for you. You do business.

"I gave birth?" Tuantuan was taken aback for a moment, he had no concept of pregnancy and childbirth, and he had never seen a pregnant woman before.The only one who knew that she was pregnant was Hill, but how did he know that Hill was only four months old, so he couldn't see anything at all.So the simple big cat thought that pregnancy was a very easy thing, so he agreed: "As long as it is our baby, anyone will be born the same!"

"Really?" Li raised his eyebrows: "I won't tell you how to do it until you become a qualified man."

The big cat who was still in high spirits immediately lost his temper. How long will it take for him to become a man?Besides, what exactly is a man, he hasn't figured it out yet.

"I'll do whatever you want me to do, okay?" Big Cat grinned silly, as long as he and Lu Yuan can have a child, he can do anything.

"Cough—" Facing Tuantuan's extremely serious eyes, Li quietly wiped off his cold sweat. If this guy finally finds out that he lied to him, will he go berserk?But the current situation could not allow them to quarrel. It is dangerous enough to travel long distances in the dry season, and it is not safe to have two quarreling and sulking soldiers to guard against the Getu's pursuit.

"First of all, you have to learn to take care of the females in your family, and when you go on the road, you take all their luggage." Li glanced at the hill-like luggage, feeling complacent, that free labor is not in vain.

How to toss this stupid cat in the future will depend on the mood of the power.

So, at dusk, the wind began to blow, and the heat was gone forever, and everyone was urged to hurry on the road.

Lu Yuan took a nap for a while and regained some physical strength, and Hill also became much more energetic.They were about to take their bamboo baskets and leave when they saw the big cat carrying the luggage for three people in a funny way, and started on the road...

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