Pick up an orc

Chapter 57 The Road to Home

Although Lu Yuan thought that they should rest here for a period of time until Tuantuan's injury improved before going on the road, Da Mao firmly disagreed.His reason is that it is far away from the water source, and the longer it stays, the more dangerous it is. If the water is cut off during the dry season, it is waiting for death.

Li said that there is a lake about a day away from here.If you are lucky enough and the lake has not dried up, you can stay there for a while until Tuantuan's injuries get better.

They only rested for a day, and they were on the road again before the sun went down.

Try to carefully streamline everyone's luggage and only bring what is necessary, which can reduce the burden.He was responsible for most of the heavy loads, and even Hill helped to carry a lot of things. The team changed again to the formation of Wang and Prince in front, Lu Yuan and Tuantuan in the rear.

At this time, the remaining heat of the earth had dissipated, and the long-distance trek became relatively easy. The evening wind rushed towards the face with the unique fragrance of plants, and Lu Yuan almost forgot about the quarrels and all kinds of unpleasantness.Most importantly, knowing that Tuantuan's injuries were not serious and that his life was not in danger, the big stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

He took the initiative to hold the big cat's hand, and asked him how he was, for fear that he would feel any discomfort.

"Don't be angry with Li, he didn't do it on purpose." Seeing that Lu Yuan was still brooding over Li's behavior, Big Cat tried to persuade him in a timely manner: "Without his full protection, it would be difficult for us to survive in such a dangerous world." Go on living, maybe before I grow up to admit it, you and I will die."

The big cat is telling the truth, of course Lu Yuan understands what Li has done to them, but he still feels very uncomfortable in his heart that he lied to Tuantuan.

Anyway, he shouldn't have lied to him!

"Don't you care? He lied to you. You want a child so much, don't you feel disappointed." He didn't understand why Tuantuan, who was so obsessed with having a child, was so calm after knowing that he had been cheated.

Lu Yuan felt that the big cat had changed, but he couldn't tell why it was different.

Tuantuan turned to look at him, and said solemnly: "I didn't treat you as a child-bearing machine when I came out."

Needless to say, he knew that Li's big mouth told him, Lu Yuan blushed slightly, and quibbled in embarrassment: "I was angry, I didn't take it seriously, how could Li tell you these things."

Seeing that he misunderstood, the big cat quickly explained: "Obviously you are talking too loudly yourself, don't forget that my hearing is several times more sensitive than yours."

He showed a smirk, and looked proudly at Lu Yuan's face, which had turned into a liver-colored face because of embarrassment: "I have thought a lot about you and me, about our big family since I was sober. Look at Li, He is of a different race from us, has no blood relationship, and is not even a friend for many years, but he takes care of us in every possible way. Why do you think he is willing to be our pillar? I think it is not only because you have rescued him, but also There are many reasons, and I can't say what they are. But I understand one thing, we trust and care for each other to form such a wonderful family."

Looking up into the distance, the afterglow of the setting sun dyed the sky a magnificent orange red. He squinted his eyes and looked at it for a long time: "It is really not easy to survive in this world, and one cannot survive alone. I In the past, I was too obsessed with having offspring, and even lost my temper with you. Now I think it’s really stupid. What if we don’t have children, we can adopt meat dumplings, and we can adopt a child of another race, the same Can form a family full of joy. For me, although there is no blood relationship, Li is my father. I think that one day I can also be the father of another child, and that child does not necessarily have to be a tiger cub, Isn't it?"

"Actually, there are many things that transcend blood, such as you and Li. You are my most precious family members and cannot be replaced." Tuantuan's Chinese is not very good, and sometimes it is difficult to clearly express his wishes. Did the words touch Lu Yuan?

He watched him nervously, waiting for his response.

"You didn't break your head, did you?" Lu Yuan looked at the big cat worriedly, this guy fell, why did he become a different person.I always feel that the soft and soft little fur ball is gone forever. Has this strong man in front of me grown up overnight and finally has a brain that matches his strong body?

"It's rare for me to say such an emotional thing, and you actually said that my head was broken!" The big cat knew that the previous willful and immature character had been deeply embedded in Lu Yuan's mind.Now he has to work hard to prove that he is a strong man, not a bunch of cute things: "Actually, I think you should change my name. Such a strong and mighty hero stands up, and he is called Tuantuan, how decent!"

As the big cat grew up, he became more and more dissatisfied with the name Tuantuan, which has a strong and lovely atmosphere.

"I think it's pretty good, don't you like it?" Hearing that Tuantuan wanted to change his name, Lu Yuan was in a hurry. He had already lost his little furry guy. Could it be that he was not even allowed to call him by this name?

In Lu Yuan's heart, he still can't let go of that little furball the size of a palm, and he can't forget the scene of him shivering and screaming in his arms; he used to breastfeed him mouth to mouth and clean his butt with a towel, meticulously. Take good care of him, these good times are gone forever.

Sometimes he would ask the big cat to turn into a tiger and act like a baby to him like he did when he was a child, but the feeling was much worse...

Now, Tuantuan actually wanted to change his name, which shattered his last illusion.To be honest, he was very upset.

But the crux of the matter is that Tuantuan, who is childish and cute and can't grow up, has disappeared.

"What about Bawang Tuanzi?" Lu Yuan said angrily. Anyway, if he was asked to name him, he would not give him something nice.

"This sounds mighty, but it's weird. Is there any other choice?" I don't know why Lu Yuan got angry suddenly, Big Cat could only apologize, and Bawang Tuanzi sounded like some kind of food no matter what.

"Turtle fish." Without even thinking about it, he spit out another magical name.

"..." Turtles are definitely eaten, so can't he upgrade from a prey to a mighty hunter?

"Don't like it?" Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows: "You want to be mighty, right? That's called bastard. It's really domineering, powerful far away!"

"Bad bastard?" The big cat repeated, feeling pretty good, and a domineering aura surged all over his body.He nodded in satisfaction, and almost decided to use this name in the future. Fortunately, he asked one more question: "What is the bastard, do you mean very domineering?"

"Bastard, it's the turtle." Lu Yuan said calmly.

"..." or food...

The big cat complained, and he realized that that guy didn't want to change his name at all, and it is estimated that Tuantuan's name will be called until the day he dies.

Lu Yuan, on the other hand, continued on the road in a happy mood with a look of reluctance.

In this way, they rested during the day, traveled at night, and stayed by the lake mentioned by Li for a few days.Although it was no longer a lake, but a dry puddle, the water mixed with silt saved everyone's lives.

Because of the stop and go, the original plan was to arrive at Ivory Point in four days, but now it took a full ten days to arrive.Fortunately, the journey was safe and sound, and the big cat's wound has almost healed.

The orc's recovery ability is really amazing!

In the early morning of this day, they finally arrived at Ivory Point. In the vast mist, a huge mountain shaped like ivory stood in front of them.

Finally arrived at the destination, which lifted everyone's spirits, and the speed under their feet accelerated a lot.They rushed into the forest below the mountain before the sun fully rose.There are dense tropical rain forests and wide rivers under the ivory rocks. The drought does not seem to affect them. There are abundant resources and enough water here.

It was good to see such an abundance of pure and sweet water again and it made everyone feel alive.

Regardless of whether it was a human or a beast, they threw themselves on the bank and drank a lot. Rou Tuanzi even played in the water happily, spraying a jet of water with his nose and shooting at everyone.

After eating and drinking enough, and washing away the fatigue, Li led everyone to find the tree house of Feilong based on his memory.He has been here several times, and he highly appreciates this kind of log cabin built on trees to effectively hide from natural enemies.

Somewhere in the lower reaches of the river, there are large areas of banyan trees, which are extremely tall and have well-developed root systems.The thickest tree requires a dozen people to form a circle to embrace the tree. On this huge banyan tree, a wooden house is faintly exposed among the dense branches and leaves.

There is a thin rope hanging in the air, and with a slight tug, a soft ladder is lowered from the tree.Everyone went up the ladder and soon came to this sky platform.As soon as Hill stepped on it, he shouted the name of the flying dragon and went straight to the room, but the thick dust and satisfied spider webs showed that no one had visited this place for a long time.

He fell to the floor in a daze, exhausted by repeated disappointments.Lu Yuan patiently enlightened him, while looking for clues, hoping to find out where the flying dragon was.

They cleaned the wooden house from the inside to the outside, and did not spare any corners, but in the end they failed to find any useful clues.

Where did Feilong go, and whether he would come back, everything became a mystery.

Lu Yuan proposed to go to the cave where Feilong found a large number of foreign language books, and maybe he found something unexpected.The cave, just below the Ivory Rock, is a trumpet-shaped cavern that, after passing through a narrow entrance, opens surprisingly wide.

There was a person lying on the stone slab in the middle, and Lu Yuan quickly stepped forward, only to find that it was a mummy that had been dead for a long time.The skin of the mummy has long lost moisture, the skin is tightly attached to the bones, and the eyes are sunken, which is very strange.He folded his hands over his chest and was wearing a black military uniform with a swastika on the armband.

Then, Lu Yuan understood that he was the owner of that diary, a German who traveled here during World War II.

This person's hair is completely white, and he should have lived for a long time. His body has no trauma, and it seems that he died naturally.A military uniform is well preserved, but traces of excessive washing can be easily found.Lu Yuan couldn't help but wonder how he came to this world, how he survived, whether he had made friends who lived and died together, and why he died here.

After all, it was a very sad sight to see him die alone in this world far from home.

The Germans' caves had been ransacked by the Mutalisks, and anything that could be used had been removed, leaving nothing.Lu Yuan looked around the huge cave hall, under the light of the White River Stone, he soon found something strange on one of the stone walls.

It is a pattern carved with a knife and axe. It looks like a map.

"It's amazing, this is the map of this island." Li stepped forward to observe carefully, and suddenly sighed: "The ancestors of the bear people were nomads. They traveled to every place on this island and drew a very detailed map. I have seen The whole picture is not much different from the one he drew."

Li pointed to the large mountain range on the map and explained: "Look here, this Hengduan mountain range divides the island into two parts. The side we are on is smaller and mostly forest." He moved his finger on the map: " On the other side is the savannah, where most orcs live. This blank space is where we held the whirlpool sacrifice, and he didn’t mark it, so he probably hasn’t been there.”

The only blank place on the map is the sacred place of the Bear Clan, where sacrifices are held every 35 years.

"If he hasn't been there before, why did he draw a propeller on it?" Tuantuan also leaned over to look at it. Hill was left in the treehouse because of his physical discomfort, but the big cat followed quietly.He has seen the things drawn on the map, there are many such things in Feilong's house, and Lu Yuan said that it is a propeller.

Indeed, since he had never been to the Holy Land, why did he leave a picture of a propeller in this place?Lu Yuan has always believed that the design of the propeller is the key to returning home, but he has been unable to understand the connection. Could it be that this mysterious location can help him return to the original world?

"This notch may have been left by the flying dragon." Li quickly pointed out that compared with the notches at other locations, the marks here are too new.

A dead German, a missing dragon, a mysterious bear shrine, and a propeller that will bring him home.All these seem to have nothing to do with each other, but they are inextricably linked.

Lu Yuan was silent, various hypotheses surfaced in his mind one by one, he felt that the way home was right in front of him, but separated by a layer of film, he couldn't see through it.

What should he do to return to civilized society?

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