Rebirth of the fallen painter

Chapter 3 Vase Idol Rebirth 1

Wu Bo was so calm and determined to die, the ghost messenger was in a hurry.

This person should not be here.If Hades finds out that they have hooked someone else's soul by mistake, they won't be able to do this ghost job.This kind of ecstasy is the easiest among ghost missions.All the little devils are looking forward to rushing to this position.How could they get out of this position so easily?

The little black ghost tried to be patient and said, "Actually, you will not die this time. After you drank the pesticide, someone sent you to the hospital.

If you go back now, everything is still in time. "

"Every time your ghost messenger catches a soul, do you want to persuade him to go back?"

The little nigga jumped on the spot, "You idiot. I kindly brought you back to life, and you're still talking nonsense!"

The little gray ghost grabbed him, "Hey, calm down. Before Hades judges the ghost, ghost messengers can't do anything!"

The black ghost jumped, "How can I stay calm?!" Seeing Wu Bo stand up and go to the gate of the underworld, the little black ghost gritted his two fine white teeth, and said grimly, "I'll bite you to death."

The little gray ghost dragged his excited companion back, "What are you talking about, just lock him with a soul chain and let him come back to life?"

"That's right!" The little black ghost was overjoyed, and excitedly took out the cloth bag on his back. After digging for a long time, he said with a sad face, "Let me go to the eighteenth floor of hell. I actually forgot to bring this treasure."

The little gray ghost looked at him speechlessly, while dragging Wu Bo who was about to go to the main hall.

The little nigger was so angry that he punched and kicked Wu Bo.After fighting for a long time, Wu Bo did not change his mind.

At this time, the death knell rang twice in front of the gate of the underworld.

The little gray ghost frowned and said, "Let's go get the souls that should be hooked first. Otherwise, the underworld will be closed, and if the ones that should be caught are not caught by then, the Hades will not spare us."

So the two ghosts and one person flew back to the downtown area.Wu Bo never liked this downtown area, so he helped the ghost messenger guide the way, hoping to finish the job as soon as possible.

They flew over garden villas, passed through walls, and landed on a huge double bed.

The boy's complexion on the bed was as pale as paper, and his handsome face lost all vitality.Because he was poisoned to death, his soul was also in a coma period, curled up into a ball, and lay quietly in the corner of the room.

The gray ghost let the soul follow him, and the soul was unconscious, just following behind the little gray ghost foolishly.

The black ghost gave Wu Bo a sideways look, "You were also poisoned to death, why are you so difficult?"

Gray Ghost whispered, "Don't make noise, he is in a coma now, and he will wake up in an hour. Let's go back quickly to save trouble."

The little black ghost pointed at Wu Bo, with a mournful face, "With this big trouble, we won't get any good results when we go back."

The little gray ghost hesitated for a moment, then frowned and looked at Wu Bo, "It's our fault for hooking up the wrong soul this time. I just hope you don't add to our work troubles in vain. I hope you can understand us and go back. If you want to mention Conditions, if possible, we will try our best to satisfy you."

Wu Bo smiled, "I don't know, but you can ask ghosts for conditions."

"In addition to not being able to disclose your future fate, if you want your future life to be more comfortable, to an appropriate extent, we can make some improvements for you."

"Then can you make my painting accepted by everyone?"

The little gray ghost hesitated for a moment, "I'm sorry, this is not something I can do." This person has to paint in obscurity for a lifetime, and after his death, he must wait for a painter who knows how to paint before he can be truly accepted by everyone.The little gray ghost said, "But it will make your job hunting easier in the future."

Wu Bo smiled knowingly.He was completely tired of the fate of that life, and he didn't believe in this kind of rhetoric about changing fate. He only spoke sarcastically, "If I say, you let me enter this Ren Xi's body, I am willing to live. Is that okay? "

The scene was stagnant.The ghost has an extremely serious expression.No one spoke for half a minute.Wu Bo intended to make a joke. Seeing the expressions of these two people, he couldn't help but feel apologetic, "I'm sorry, I know this kind of thing is difficult. It's just that I really don't want to live like this—"

The black ghost ignored him, and looked at the little gray ghost, "Hey, this is a good idea."

Wu Bo suspected that he had heard it wrong, and he was a little dazed.

The little gray ghost nodded, "Yes, the King of Hades has never cared much about the affairs of the human world. Most of the time, he is researching how to develop new instruments of hell torture. Even if he wants to look at the human world, he only looks at the few emperors and generals." As for actors, in my impression, Hades never seemed to pay attention."

The little black ghost showed excitement, "Yes, yes, as long as we capture the soul that should be captured this time and go back to work, we don't care what the world looks like!"

The little gray ghost also said seriously, "When the time comes, you quietly tear up that page of the book of life and death, and no one will find out then."

The two ghosts were overjoyed and turned their heads to stare at Wu Bo together.

Wu Bo was a little stiff, "You are not serious, are you?"

The little black devil rushed to Baibai and said, "Hey, it's enough for you to make trouble now! It's you who said you want to enter this person's body. Don't worry, we'll help you get rid of the poison, and then go to the hospital for rescue. There is a problem. I warn you, if you do anything wrong to me, I will not spare you."

The body is young, and the pale face is also extremely handsome.The house is probably also his private property.

Although he was obsessed with painting, he also had such expectations when he was young. He hoped to have a handsome appearance and ample wealth so that he could live the free life he wanted.

It's just that life told him that you don't deserve to enjoy these lives.You're not smart enough, not handsome enough.No rich parents, in fact, he didn't even know who his parents were.He didn't want to dwell on how miserable he was, so he found himself in painting.It's just that painting to the end has become a prison to imprison him.

He smiled stiffly, "If I refuse your request, wouldn't it be too fake?"

The moment his soul was embedded in his body, he was overwhelmed by sharp pain, and there seemed to be malicious smiles on the faces of the two little ghosts.Before he could think about it, he fell into darkness.

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