One weekend not long after school started, Ritsu Onodera, who had made an appointment with Zhaoqiao, got into a familiar black car and rushed to Zhaoqiao's residence.

This is the last novel he is in charge of at his own publishing house. Whether it's for professionalism or for the gentle and kind teacher Liushen, he must be perfect!

The intelligent recognition system installed at the door of Teruhashi House recognized the car of the Akashi family who brought Onodera, and opened the door automatically.Even though it was not the first time to come to Teacher Liushen's house, Onodera still sincerely lamented that the relationship between the teacher and the heir of the Akashi Zaibatsu is unusually close.

Knowing for the first time, in fact, every time the low-key black car that picks him up is not Teruhashi's but Akashi's house, Onodera Ritsu is taken aback.

Anyway, he is also the young master of Onodera Publishing House, and he still knows the weight of the surname Akashi.

"It's too troublesome, I'll take a taxi next time." Onodera put down his briefcase, and couldn't help nagging.

"But you can't let the taxi wait until your work is over." Zhaoqiao abided by the etiquette and brought refreshments, "But, Mr. Onodera, don't you think about buying a car?"

Holding a teacup, Ritsu Onodera recalled his accident-prone learning process, as well as the coach's shocked and broken spirit, and said solemnly: "I don't know how to drive."

In an instant, even the atmosphere became depressed. said the wrong thing.Zhaoqiao blinked hard, and changed the topic with a smile: "The rest of "Better to Walk at Night" has been written. You have a cup of tea, and I'll get the typescript."

When Ritsu Onodera heard that he had finished the draft, he rushed over immediately. He didn't read the electronic draft first and make revisions on the printed draft before discussing it with Zhaoqiao.

Not surprisingly, he will stay here for a long time at Zhaoqiao.

Walking into the study room on the second floor, only the printer is still humming and spitting out paper. There is a smell of ink in the air, and the small space is almost quiet.

So when the computer on the desk suddenly sounded a piercing siren, Teruhashi, who was standing there in a daze waiting for the machine to finish printing the manuscript, was taken aback.

He never knew that his computer could be so noisy!

Also frightened was Onodera Ritsu, who was sitting upright drinking tea. The delicate porcelain cups in his hands were all closed on his trousers. The tea soup with milk and sugar was indeed enjoyable when drinking it, but not necessarily when it was poured on the body. .

Fortunately, because the weather was still hot, the tea brought out by Zhaoqiao was not hot, and no one was burned.

Ritsu Onodera hurriedly put the delicate teacup that fell on his lap back to the coffee table, not caring about wiping the dripping tea soup with tissue paper, stood up and ran to the study on the second floor.

Pushing open the door, I saw Teruhashi Tsukimi standing next to the printer that had stopped working, sorting out the printed documents.

The computer behind him was still beeping harshly, and the entire interface had turned black.Only a red frame was left, with four large characters written inside: Intrusion Alert.

Still glowing red.

This movie-like scene made Ritsu Onodera stand in place suddenly, speechless.

"The manuscript has not been completely typed, you should read it first." In contrast, apart from being frightened by the harsh voice at first, Zhaoqiao, who had completely calmed down afterwards, still had the mind to continue with the original plan. The manuscript was handed over to Ritsu Onodera who hurried to catch up.

"Hey, isn't it hot?"

After walking in, I noticed a large area of ​​dark color on Onodera's legs, combined with the smell of tea on the nose, Zhaoqiao's face changed, obviously guessing what happened, he quickly pulled him back, ready to check to see if he was injured .

"Ah, what? Wait a minute!" Onodera pressed Teruhashi's outstretched hand in horror, while hugging the manuscript that he stuffed, and held it tightly to his chest, "I'm fine, the tea is not hot, so it didn't burn at all. .”

Zhaoqiao frowned worriedly, and said, "I'll read the manuscript later. I'll take you to the guest room first. There's a medicine box there. You can't just leave your pants wet like this. Do you want to go back like this? Be good!"

As he said that, he pulled out the manuscript without any refusal and put it on the table beside him.

...It turned out that he was going to get the manuscript, Ritsu Onodera breathed a sigh of relief, patted his flushed cheeks, and was dragged into the guest room obediently by Teruhashi.

The Zhaoqiao house covers a large area and has many rooms. Except for the master bedroom which was vacant after the death of Zhaoqiao and his wife, the three children have their own independent bedrooms.However, Yuejian is the only person living in such a huge house.

Akashi and Tsukimi grew up together, and when they were young, they often slept in the same bed.Later, when she grew up a little, Mrs. Zhaoqiao specially tidied up Yuejian's bedroom next to Yuejian's room.Just like in Akashi's residence, Teruhashi also has his own bedroom.

Gin's situation is a bit special. Although he often shows up to stay for ten days and a half months, it is calculated to be a little longer than Akashi's stay here in recent years.

However, even if Zhaoqiao regards him as a member of the family, specially tidy up the bedroom for him, and lock it when he is away, there is not much difference between this room and other guest rooms.

Except for the medicine box that consumes so much that it needs to be replenished in time.

Gin is very careful not to leave traces of himself in Zhaoqiao's house, for fear of causing trouble to Yuejian.No matter what Zhaoqiao tried to persuade him on this point, it was useless.

In the past two years, he was willing to drive his beloved car, Porsche 356a, and let Zhaoqiao add his license plate information to the white list of the security system, which is already the biggest improvement.

In this way, during the time he lived here, he would still clean up all his correspondence by himself—by the way, he would check whether there were any people near the Zhaoqiao residence during his absence. Dangerous unknown persons haunt.

A few years ago, when Teruhashi had just installed the smart security system of the same model as Akashi's, Gin personally 'tested' it inside and out, and then said with a sneer: "Smart? Mentally retarded, right? I can find seventeen or eighteen ways to get in without using my brain!"

However, under Yuejian's worshipful eyes, he rolled up his sleeves and upgraded the system himself, and installed monitors in many places up and down the house that Zhaoqiao himself didn't know.

Moreover, as long as there is time, he will come here every time he comes.

The mobile phone in his trouser pocket vibrated twice, and Zhaoqiao took it out to check, as expected.

In the mailbox, an email with the sender displaying "UNKNOW" was lying quietly.

Zhaoqiao clicked on it and saw that the content of the email was as concise as his words: "The situation?"

He moved his fingers, and when he was about to reply, the phone rang impatiently.

Putting the uncovered medicine box aside, Teruhashi pointed to the closet to Ritsu Onodera who was looking over, and said, "Check it yourself, if you don't need to apply medicine, there are new bathrobes there, and the room has an attached bathroom , you wash first, I'll answer the phone first."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Ritsu Onodera to nod, he hurried out of the guest room.

While Zhaoqiao was explaining to the guests, the phone rang persistently, without any intention of hanging up.

"Hello, Brother Zhen?"

The caller ID is the same as the email, it will only display unknown ones, and this is the only person in Zhaoqiao's contacts, so he doesn't even have to guess.

"It's me." On the other side of the phone, Gin steadily pointed his gun at the middle-aged man who was standing tremblingly opposite him. In the eyes of him who had survived the disaster because of his short respite, he made a gesture to the vodka on the side. Wink.

Knowing what the big brother meant, Vodka pulled out the plastic handcuffs, tied the man behind his back to the chair, and casually rolled up the suit he took off when he entered the room. Regardless of his constantly shaking his head in rejection, he unloaded his chin and went He stuffed it in his mouth, regardless of the corners of his lips that were wide and cracked.

Make sure this guy doesn't get a single syllable, Vodka thought triumphantly.

The man found that the two evil spirits in black had no intention of letting him go, and the hope that had been raised because of the sudden stop of Gin's movement gradually disappeared with the black muzzle of the gun in front of him.

The sharp pain in the lower half of his face reminded him how far the people in front of him could go for the news they wanted. The man felt the silver-white long-haired killer falling on him coldly and jokingly, as if looking at the eyes of his dying prey. , the little bit of courage that was left began to fade.

Did they... know?

A heavy uneasiness began to appear in the man's eyes, and the eyes that were fixed on the gun muzzle unconsciously shifted to the side.

Seeing this, Gin, who keenly sensed something was wrong, narrowed his eyes slightly, overturning his original plan for a quick fix.

It seems that the mouse in front of him seems to know something it shouldn't know!

"Are you opening the door, Brother Zhen?" Hearing a slight click from the microphone, Zhao Qiao asked suspiciously.

"Ah, yes." Gin slowly put away Beretta, looked at the man who was tied up, and said meaningfully, "I'm busy checking if there are more things that shouldn't exist."

The man's knees trembled involuntarily, and the slight shivering did not escape Gin's eyes, and he couldn't help but curl the corners of his lips happily.

But without pausing, he asked back, "What's going on with you?"

"I don't have anything here, it's just that the computer has been hacked." Faced with the computer being hacked for the first time, Zhaoqiao remained calm, "Except for homework and manuscripts, there is nothing of value. Brother Zhen, you are busy with your work." !"

"Wait." Gin Jiu didn't rush to let go of Zhaoqiao on the other end of the phone, stared at the man on the chair and sneered, "Don't think that I don't know about the matter before you if you don't tell me..."

"...Pay attention to your health and go home early! Bye!"

With a click, before Qin Jiu finished speaking, Yue Jian robbed him of a few words, and hung up the phone at lightning speed.

Gin: "..."

Very good, I am so courageous that I dare to hang up on his phone.

Silently staring at the phone in his hand, for a long while, Qin Jiu raised his head, expressionless, calm and scary.

Vodka silently, silently took one step back, another step.

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