Since the last time, Gin rushed to Mexico and Los Angeles in an emergency, and then returned to Japan. Although he has been busy with the organization, he has basically never gone abroad.

That time, someone hacked into Yuejian's computer, and then accidentally discovered the news that there were rats in the top management of the organization.

That is to say, what he ran between the two places and cleaned up was nothing more than a cover.

Qin Jiu didn't care who he killed, but he deeply hated the feeling that he had been concealed.

Even in terms of his heart, he is not as concerned about the organization as before.

However, this does not mean that he is happy to watch those rats triumph!

During the mission report, Gin informed the gentleman that there were still rats in the senior management.

The man who was hiding behind many shady scenes trusted Gin Jiu's judgment very much. While entrusting him with the full power of organization construction in Japan, he also entrusted this task to Gin Jiu.

That is to say, as long as there is evidence, even if it is the organization's second-in-command Rum, Gin can still insert a bullet between his eyebrows.

The scary thing is that he also has the ability to do it.

This is also one of the important reasons why Gin is demonized and feared in the entire organization.

Bloodless, tearless, emotionless devil.

This is the fear of him in the hearts of the people in the organization, and they dare not even say this title.Sometimes even his name is not mentioned, but referred to as 'that man'.

Even if they knew that Gin, who was as precise and emotionless as a robot, would not kill people casually according to their own preferences.

However, can people who live in the dark expect that the so-called "colleagues" around them are all good people?

Once involved in any troublesome matter, what you will face is the belief in gin that you would rather kill by mistake than let go!

It is said that since Gin Jiu joined the organization, the tasks assigned to him have never failed.

It also means that no one has ever managed to escape from his gun.

This alone is enough for people inside the organization to be afraid of this person after hearing only one name.

In addition, vodka, who has always been partnered with gin, has more face in the organization than ordinary high-level executives.

Among other things, just because he can do it smoothly, instead of being shot and collapsed by gin halfway, is enough to be remarkable.

Before vodka, the attrition rate of the gin partner was once a headache for the HR department.

Yes, it is the personnel department.

Although the personnel management is different from that of ordinary companies, as a serious black organization, they also have a personnel department.Otherwise, how to manage such a huge framework with so many people at the bottom and top levels?

Not only the personnel department, they also have the finance department.

The accountants in the finance department are all top students from the finance and mathematics departments of prestigious universities.The Ministry of Finance still has a very serious and innocent identity on the surface, and it is not afraid of the IRS in the United States, which claims to be able to put gangsters in prison.

Without this kind of visible benefit, who would want to serve an organization?

The FBI, who was born in Shuichi Akai, turned his attention to Japan because he really had nothing to do with the deep-rooted and seemingly clean organization in the United States.

The strength of the organization there is not very strong, but it has a close relationship with the one behind the scenes.

It's just that the latter sentence of vague information sacrificed the two nails that had been hammered into the organization by the FBI and CIA for many years.

Once the organization's short expansion period in Japan is over, it will cost more manpower and material resources for them to enter again, and the FBI has to temporarily re-select suitable candidates.

This selected Hideichi Akai who volunteered.

Fortunately, to the high-level's rejoicing, this temporarily selected person was very reliable, and successfully broke into the top management of the organization without any danger along the way, and got the title:


"In this operation, as long as Qin Jiu is successfully arrested, it will be much easier to deal with it without his organization."

Hideichi Akai, who has been in the organization for several years and understands the significance of gin to the organization, held up a disposable mobile phone to report the situation to his upline and boss James Black.

"Yeah, without this loyal person watching over the organization, the undercover agents can breathe a sigh of relief and play their role."


Akai Hideichi was silent for a moment, he did not agree to act so early, but he could not refute this sentence.

Gin's position in the organization is irreplaceable, and without this "cleaner" hanging over everyone's heads, the organization without barriers will definitely tighten up immediately before finding a suitable candidate to accept this position.

Just this period of time is enough for them to do many things.

It is difficult to completely uproot the tissue, but the future of biting off a few pieces of flesh is promising.

However, bloodless, tearless, emotionless devil...

Akai Hideichi removed the SIM card from the disposable mobile phone in his hand, and threw it away in two trash cans.Then he returned to the car and lit a cigarette.

When he first entered the organization, he heard the legend of 'that man', and then spent three years slowly dyeing himself into a black color similar to that of the organization, and reached the current position where he could touch gin.

Although the number of times of contact is not many, Akai Shuichi can more or less guess the other party's thoughts.

I also know that this so-called 'capture' campaign will never succeed.

It's not that the bureau's plan is not thorough enough, but that Qin Jiu is a person who is too proud to accept that he was captured alive.

Akai Shuichi also has such a similar pride, so he is full of curiosity about that bloodless and tearless evaluation.

Before taking on the undercover mission, he received training from a profiler from the Bureau's BAU (Behavioral Analysis Unit), and he has a relevant foundation, and he studies Gin almost every day.

No one knows about his past, and everything about him can be traced after entering the organization.

This person has no special hobbies in life. No one knows what kind of wine he likes to drink, what kind of music he likes to listen to, and what kind of books he likes to read.On the bright side, apart from his current regular partner vodka, there is no one who can get close enough to say a few more words.

He has no ambiguous partner, no fixed way of leisure - even a professional killer will go to the organization's shooting range every day, and enjoy a few shots.And everything about gin was hidden under the black windbreaker, and there was no trace of the real side.

This person is too meticulous, as some people say, he acts according to strict procedures like a robot, and will not take a step past or let go of a slightly suspicious person.

He once wondered if the other party was born with a lack of emotion - by the way, this guess has a considerable market in the organization.However, when Akai was an FBI agent, he had seen quite a few of this kind of people, and the characteristics of this kind of people had nothing to do with Gin.

Therefore, he is more inclined that the other party has built such a perfect shell to cover up the inside.

So, what exactly is being covered up, and does it have anything to do with Gin Jiu being so 'loyal' to the organization?

Just find a way to figure out what the gin is covering up, a living him is definitely more valuable than a dead one.

Yes, this is why Hideo Akai is not optimistic about this arrest in the game.

He judged that this operation could not get a living gin.

Or, if they acted in lightning, the other party was caught without reacting.Or, the opponent fights to the end, until the last drop of blood is drained.

The worst thing is that they paid a huge price, and finally let people escape.

Therefore, Akai Shuichi has only one requirement for the plan in the bureau, that is, it must be fast enough.However, he also knew that the latter two were more likely.

But the bureau couldn't wait any longer. The high-level officials thought this was the most likely breakthrough. If they missed this opportunity, once the organization grew stronger in this country, they would lose even the value of sacrifice.

The undercover agents who desperately brought this news out will also die with regret.

Akai couldn't refute this statement. After all, his judgment on gin included too many subjective factors, and he was not trusted by the top management.

Therefore, he was already prepared to die in this operation. He took the initiative to ask Ying to lure Qin Jiu out, and took on the important task of arresting him on the front line.

"To die together? That's a good ending too, isn't it?"

Qin Jiu: I have no such plan, and really want to kill Zhu Xingda directly.

The persistent low air pressure in the organization's wine has scared away all members except Vodka, and there is a poor bartender who can't escape.

In fact, Vodka, who also wanted to run away, looked at the trembling bartender in disgust, and asked cautiously about the source of the low pressure.

"Big brother, would you like something to drink?"

"To shut up."

Vodka was suddenly as quiet as a chicken, not a single breath came out.

The bartender hiding behind the stage felt that he had a little understanding of why the other party had been able to follow the demon for so long. He just wanted to shut up just now, which obviously violated the other party's request to shut up.

This is all a conditioned reflex developed in such a terrible environment. The bartender is having fun and trying his best to make up for it.

"So you still have a day to be angry?"

Feeling strange, Belmott, who rushed over instead, stepped on ten-centimeter high heels, walking as if walking on flat ground.Looking at Gin, whose eyes were all hidden behind a top hat and too long bangs, his tone was novel.

When dealing with traitors before, he had never seen him like this. Belmott leaned against the stage, ordered a martini, and kept thinking about it.

Members who do the opposite often get more information about unusual events than other members who avoid them.

Therefore, Belmott, who is good at using various methods to obtain information, took the initiative to lean over after hearing that gin scared away all the people drinking.

"Have a martini?"

Putting two glasses of the same martini in front of the gin, Belmott amorously picked a suitable angle, secretly looked at the person opposite, and thought about how to get something out of it.

A person who has been as precise as a robot all year round, once something happens, it must be a big deal.

She doesn't necessarily want to do anything, but instinctively collects more information, hoping to use it to protect herself someday in the future.

Qin Jiu didn't even look at her, and wasn't even interested in coping a little bit as usual.

Because the organization is now being suspected of being an undercover rye whiskey, that is, the fact that Zhu Xingda actually came into contact with Yue Jian, and it sounds like this is not the first time they have met makes Gin very angry.

And that place was actually confirmed by him himself, and he led Yuejian there!

The moment his anger boiled over, Gin knew that he had exposed emotions that he shouldn't have exposed.However, after all, his sanity was still there, and he calmed down almost when he realized it.

However, since it has already been noticed, there is no need to cover it up.

Otherwise, it will appear deliberate.

It is much more convenient for people to think that he is angry about the organization than for others to speculate for no reason and end up causing him unnecessary trouble.

Gin Jiu was angry because he discovered the undercover agent lurking at the top of the organization. Isn't this in line with their usual view of him?

"Take care of yourself." With a sneer, Gin Jiu kicked away the chair, turned and left, and the black windbreaker curled a murderous arc in the air.

Seeing this, Vodka followed closely behind him without daring to say a word, and remained silent, obediently carrying out Gin's order to shut him up before.

Seeing this, Belmott didn't hold back, and he drank both martinis full of regret.

"Really, heartless man."

For Gin to speak in such a tone, the situation is probably not small.It seems that she will really settle down next time.

Coincidentally, after a while, there will be several banquets of different natures held by various people. I didn't want to go to them at first, but now that I have nothing to do, I'll go and have fun, so as not to stay in the organization and get in the way.

Hmm, there seems to be a charity dinner organized by children?Borrowing the identity of an international female star, it seems good to get in touch with these future capitalists.

She didn't know anything about Belmot's inner drama, if she knew, she would definitely be too busy to "semi-retire" Gin, sitting in the car smoking a bored, eyes under the bangs with a cold light.

For what purpose did that man Zhu Xingda take the initiative to approach an innocent young man?


No, Gin never believed in coincidences.

This person was already on his list of key suspects, but this man has always been cautious enough not to be caught by him.Last time, the man whose mouth was accidentally pried open by him who should have been executed immediately was probably the only loophole.

From the very beginning, Gin instinctively distrusted him.

This time, no matter whether there is enough evidence or not, it cannot hinder his determination to send that man to hell.

Still, the investigation cannot begin with that shooting club.

He wanted to send people to die, not to send Yue Jian under the eyes of the organization.

If Zhu Xingda was not an undercover agent, it is very likely that the other party just took a fancy to Yue Jian's talent, and it would be too dangerous to keep in touch with this person.On the contrary, if Yue Jian does not appear for a long time, and the kid has a strong background, Zhu Xingda may not be able to do anything to him.

However, in Qin Jiu's heart, Zhu Xingda was already labeled a traitor.

It is very possible that the other party has doubts about the relationship between him and Yue Jian and him.

Gin's face was gloomy, and he began to think about where he was not careful enough.He is confident enough in his means that even Vodka, who has been with him for several years, doesn't know that such a person exists.

How could Zhu Xingda, a member who has just touched the edge of the top management and has never even been to the senior branch of the organization in Mexico, know about him?

But if it is not for this, Qin Jiu really can't think of any other reason.The reason of coincidence is even more difficult for him to accept.

Rational considerations are to immediately cut off all contact between him and Yue Jian, so that the kid can maintain the original frequency of life, and it is time to attend classes and practice.However, this means letting go of the kid's continued contact with the other party.

Gin is totally unacceptable to this choice.

The undercover agents who can deceive the organization all come from official agencies of various countries, and they cannot be people from other forces in the dark world. It is not that there are no such people, but once they enter the organization, they will be assimilated faster than those with the so-called beliefs The police are much faster.After coming and going, there are not many black guys who are so big that they will do this kind of thing with their brains full of water.

Logically speaking, they would never treat a young man who was completely ignorant.On the contrary, once the kid stopped going to that shooting club, the connection between Yuejian and him would most likely be confirmed.

It will also startle snakes.


"No more going to that shooting club?"

Yue Jian couldn't figure it out for a while reading out the short and powerful standard gin imperative statement in the email marked as invisible to the sender word by word.

He just came back from there, and it was too sensitive to receive such a news.

It would be impossible if it wasn't for replying emails, Yuejian really wanted to ask, did Brother Zhen put something on him again?

"Is the locator upgraded to a monitor?"

After thinking about it, I did nothing but practice shooting in the afternoon...

Well, he also accepted Mr. Zhu Xing's invitation.

However, it is impossible for every indoor shooting range to have only one shooting position. Isn’t it normal to be in the same room with others? I haven’t seen Brother Zhen express anything about this before?

What's more, the door of the shooting range cannot be opened from the outside after the people inside have swiped the money.However, opening from the inside is unimpeded.

It can also be regarded as guaranteeing the safety of customers in disguise.

Could it be that Mr. Zhu Xing has a problem?

From childhood to adulthood, only on the issue of safety, Brother Zhen was extremely persistent.Since the other party has said so, if you don't go, don't go.

It's not too difficult to change to a shooting club that allows a minor like him to come and go freely.

"No other shooting clubs, no practice for a while until I find the right place."

As if hearing what Yue Jian was thinking, the next news quickly jumped into Yue Jian's eyes.


It's fine in person, it's too much to guess what he's thinking through a mobile phone.

A paragraph has to be posted twice, Brother Zhen is too naughty, even Yue Jian was taken aback.

He couldn't help but look up, and began to look for the monitor that was said to have not been installed in the bedroom.

Maybe he didn't install it before, but he probably installed it when he was not at home one day?

Immediately afterwards, the phone buzzed twice again.

"...It can't be true!"

Thinking that Gin had sent a message, telling him 'don't look, the monitor is already installed', Yuejian looked down, breathed a sigh of relief, and then picked it up again.

The sender was not Brother Zhen, but Miwako Sato who promised to inform him of the progress of the case.

It seems that Brother Zhen still kept his promise, but the news brought by the police department Sato may not be optimistic.

After staring at the phone for a while, Yuejian took it over slowly, and moved her thumb to open it to take a look.

The ringtone of the incoming call rang impatiently.

Sure enough, he was a notoriously quick-tempered police officer. Yue Jian picked it up, and before he had time to say hello, he heard the loud voice on the other side remind him loudly amidst the noise.

"Mr. Liushen, are you at home now? Don't go out these two days. If you want to go to school, please don't leave alone. Someone may attack you."

"What happened?"

"A new body has been found, this is the second this month."

In the previous month, the killer strictly followed the frequency of one victim per month. However, why did this month suddenly shift?

Now the entire Metropolitan Police Department has fallen into chaos, and the media took advantage of the opportunity to enter, and I am afraid they will not be able to suppress it for a long time.Miwako Sato was in charge of communicating with the author, and immediately called Tsukimi Teruhashi to confirm his safety, and asked if there was any information he could provide.

"Because, this chapter is about a serial killer."

Tsukimi put his hand on Hasebe's knee, and frowned unconsciously.

Unlike the previous chapters, which dealt with independent cases with clear motives, this chapter was written after Yue Jian came into contact with Criminal Minds.

"The serial killer in the book killed seven people!"

Police Department Sato couldn't help but lose his voice.

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