"Long time no see, Zhaoqiao-kun."

Jian Zhaoqiao Yuejian walked into the bookstore, the shopping guide wearing a warm-colored apron and carrying a large stack of books poked his head out from behind, and greeted happily: "I haven't seen you for more than a month, I'm really worried. "

"Excuse me, Mr. Yuecheng." Zhaoqiao's eyebrows were curved, and he was in a good mood when he saw an old friend—although we only met in a bookstore, but we exchanged names and got along well with each other, that is very good friends.


Hearing the greeting, Momoya Kinomoto poked his head out from behind the bookshelf and greeted Teruhashi who was already familiar with him briefly, then quickly took the stack of books in Yukito's hand, and urged him, "This is the last book. It's one o'clock, I will tidy up, you go to rest first."

"Okay~" Yuecheng Xuetu was not polite to him, and happily moved to Zhaoqiao Yuejian as soon as he waved his hands, "What book does Zhaoqiao-jun want to buy this time?"

"Are there works by Yusaku Kudo in the store? A full set?"

"Hardcover edition, as many as you want." Taoya, who had finished all the heavy work, walked over holding her arms. At this time, school had just ended, and most of the students had not returned home from club activities. There was not much business. They and regular customers If you say a few more words, the good-tempered boss will usually turn a blind eye and pretend that he didn't see it.

"Oh, that's right." Taoya turned around, and handed a book to Zhaoqiao from the bookshelf she had just tidied up, "Didn't you want us to help you pay attention to books on reasoning, I think this should also help .”

Looking at it from Zhaoqiao, the design of the book is very simple, even rustic.On the cover is written "Criminal Psychology" in large characters, and below it is a line of small characters that are almost invisible: For the University Affiliated to the Metropolitan Police Department.

This is... teaching material?

"This is for college students. When the boss took the order, the numbers were written too sloppily. As a result, ten more books were added. It is estimated that there will be a pile of dust over there. I think you may use it. It doesn't matter if you don't like it, anyway. This one is not much." Taoya explained.

The boss who was drinking tea: "Hey, you bastard Toya, I can hear you!"

Zhaoqiao flipped through it carefully, and then said: "No, I like it very much." Because it is a textbook, it is inevitably a bit boring, but it is also more objective, and it is actually more inspiring to him than literature books.

"Well, I guess you will like it." Taoya nodded. After all, she is a talent who can clear out most of the unpopular books in the store, and reading textbooks is no big deal.

"However, it seems that this needs to be studied systematically. After I go back to consult, I will make a detailed book list, and then I will trouble you." Zhaoqiao handed the books in his hand to Xuetu and asked him to issue tickets, " Don’t forget to write your name in the column of shopping guide!”

"Yeah, I won't forget this time."

The boss, who was busy scanning the QR code and paying the bill, complained half-truthfully: "Really, I have always taken good care of Taoya and Xuetu, and the salary is very high!"

"I know, I know, it's just that Mr. Yuecheng is too confused sometimes, and I can't help but want to take care of him more, isn't the boss the same?" Zhaoqiao took out his bank card from his wallet and asked back with a smile.

After returning from studying abroad, he opened a large bookstore in this place where every inch of land is very expensive. It is not short of money. The owner of the real local rich and beautiful woman brushed her long golden curly hair and said confidently: "No way, who made him look good!"

"You are really upright."

"Thank you for the compliment~" As she spoke, the female boss squinted her eyes halfway and leaned forward, lowering her voice towards Zhaoqiao, with a slightly drunken aroma, "Of course, Xiaoyuejian is the most beautiful, why don't you stay and drink tea with me, chat and eat snacks~ "

"Please don't shoot at minors." A large stack of carefully packed books fell in front of the boss with a 'bang', blocking her view of the beautiful boy. "If the boss is caught, it will be very troublesome."

"Hey, is Taoya-kun reluctant to part with me?" The beautiful boss immediately put aside Teruhashi Tsukimi in front of her, and said pleasantly.

"What Taoya means is that it will be very troublesome to find another place to work!" Yuecheng Xuetu replied innocently, and then asked Zhaoqiao with the note in his hand, "Should I still send it to the old address?" ?”

The beautiful boss who was choked to death: I can't tell that it is still a natural black, Mr. Snow Rabbit!

Feeling the long-lost joy, Zhaoqiao smiled and shook his head: "I don't need it this time, someone will pick me up later."

In the past two days, there is a big murder weapon in the house, and people come to the door casually. It would be bad if they are frightened.

"Ah, that's right." A small light bulb dinged on the top of Snow Rabbit's head, "Wait for me."

I don't know why, but I still stood there and waited, and after a while, I saw this slender boy with brown hair jumping over from the pile of books: "Here, this is a free coupon from the dessert shop that Taoya and I worked on Sunday. The coffee pudding there is delicious, don't miss it!"

"Oh...thank you?" Although they didn't know where they left the impression of loving desserts, so that they would give him dessert coupons every time they saw him, but Teruhashi, who knew he couldn't refuse, still gave this gift.

Even though I still want to ask why, but I have asked many times before...

"In short, thank you for taking care of me these two years!"

Every time it was this kind of thanks that he didn't understand at all, no matter how much he asked, he would only get this:

"I don't know why, but I always feel that Teruhashi-kun is taking care of me!"

The meaning of the answer was completely ambiguous, and Momoya Kinomoto on one side also had a default look of "ah, that's indeed the case".

It should be said, fortunately, it was only such a small gift that did not involve much money, otherwise he would never have been able to accept it with such peace of mind.

However, he also often came to take care of this bookstore.After coming and going, I became more familiar, and this strange friendship probably unfolded like this.

Even if he didn't know where he was taking care of each other, but...

[They are indeed taken care of by you, so there is no need to think too much. ]

A familiar voice directly conveyed the words into his mind, Zhaoqiao turned his head happily, and greeted: "Long time no see, Nan Jiang, you came so fast."

[Well, teleportation is still very useful after all. ] With conspicuous pink hair, two lollipop-style super power suppressors on his head, and a pair of dark green glasses in front of his face, the mouthless man with paralyzed face is Teruhashi Tsukimi in the short three years. Saiki Kusuo, who I met during my transfer career in [-].

He is a basically omnipotent superpower, referred to as Kami Sama.

He is also one of the people that Akashi is troubled with, "When he is not in front of his eyes, he meets a group of people who don't know where they come from". By the way, this group of people is still expanding.

Also a member of the home club who did not participate in any clubs, Saiki Kusuo rushed over from the school on the other side of Tokyo after receiving the news from his little friend. The purpose was very direct, that is the one in Teruhashi's hand... …Um?

[Ladies only? ]

In the lower right corner of the word 'free' in bold and bold form, which occupies nearly one-third of the size of the entire free coupon, the four characters for women's limited are so small that they seem to be fraudulent consumption.

"What's the matter?" Zhaoqiao called the waiter and ordered a double serving of coffee jelly for the little friend, "What do you want to drink?"

[No, nothing. ] Decisively put away the free dessert coupons. Anyway, this is not the first time I have encountered such a thing. It will be good to transform into a woman when the time comes, it is not worth mentioning.

"Speaking of which, Nan Jiang is going to take the high school entrance exam next year, have you figured out where to go?"

Gathering up the homework that was completed during the short time waiting for Saiki Kusuo, Teruhashi cared a lot about his friend who didn't understand humans very well in a sense.

"Would you like to come to Diguang, I also want to introduce Zhengjiang to you." It would be interesting for two super like people to stand together!

[…It always seems like you're thinking of something unfriendly. ] Qi Mu's expression remained unchanged, and the corners of his mouth did not move, [I refuse, the high degree of coincidence with celebrities is very distressing to me, and it does not conform to my low-key principle. ]

Yes, because of telepathy, a passive skill that cannot be automatically turned off, Saiki Kusuo has been forced to listen to the voices of everyone within a diameter of 200 meters—except for the smiling guy in front of him who never seems to be troubled.

According to their mutual friend Natsume Takashi, it may be because of Teruhashi Tsukimi's powerful spiritual power.However, he also heard it from other monsters and ghosts, and its accuracy is very doubtful.

Of course, the point of strong spiritual power has already been demonstrated.

After all, because of the strong spiritual power, monsters and ghosts dare not approach them, so that they have never been seen before.Therefore, it is logical to think that there is no "non-scientific" Teruhashi in this world except for the superpower friend Saiki. In another sense, it is so strange and powerful.

At least, Natsume has seen it more than once. As Teruhashi approached, the fierce monsters were shivering and trying to crawl out.Out of reluctance, he helped a lot.Although these 'demons' ran faster than rabbits one by one after he chatted with Zhaoqiao.

TOEFL, now that Natsume sees those grotesque and fierce monsters, he can still turn a blind eye with a calm expression.I was afraid that this kind of emotion disappeared after watching them for three years. The only thing that could hold back the laughter was that he was kind enough and his life practice was very good.

As a friend of the "Big Demon King" (although he does not realize it himself), he is now well-known in the entire demon world (probably a vicious name?), and there are far fewer "things" who dare to scare him, little monsters If so, he can solve it himself.All in all, life has been much better.

"I don't know what Guizhi thinks, he will be promoted to high school next year!"

[His words mainly depend on the guardian, it seems to have changed again. ] Seeing the involuntarily worried expression on Teruhashi's face, Saiki Kusuo swallowed the delicious coffee pudding in his mouth, and continued, [Don't worry, this time it should be a good person. ]

"Nan sauce has confirmed it, that's really great."

[Don't think about it too much, it's just that I happened to hear the voice of that family when I was traveling in Yayuan. ]

"Yeah, I understand!"

Although he doesn't understand human emotions, Nan Jiang is actually a good boy who cares about his friends!Zhaoqiao smiled happily.

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