The boy didn't speak, Rhett knew he didn't believe it.

Or, unwilling to believe.

"Listen, in front of you, he maintains a very perfect image. He cares about you, protects you, and whatever you want, even if you don't say it, after a while, it will appear on your desk."

Tsukimi blinked. In his room, beside the bed and on the desk, there were different souvenirs brought back from all over the world.

Cute, funny, pretty.

"He will try his best to pay attention to you and check the environment around you. When you are not paying attention, some people around you will disappear quietly. This is to eliminate all the unstable factors around you."

Instability?This should not be the case. After all, his life is extremely simple, and he can know where he is and what he is doing by counting the time... Well, six years ago, the drunk driver committed suicide in prison not long after the trial.

At that time, he was busy moving and cheering up his siblings.Although it feels strange, but there is not much energy to get to the bottom of it.Now that I think about it, maybe I don’t want to get to the bottom of it.

The boy's eyes continued to be blank.

"After your parents died, he entered your life and became a part of your family. He protected you, and you trusted him very much. He couldn't stay by your side for a long time, he would often disappear, Then tell you that you are on a business trip. However, even in normal times, he can't maintain a regular schedule."

"He'll give you a perfect excuse to get used to his chaotic schedule. But, behind the scenes, you don't know, he's actually doing stuff like this."

Hozner put the miserable photo of the maid being interrogated in front of Yue Jian, staring straight at the boy who didn't know what he was thinking with a pair of sharp eyes.

"With all due respect, you have no idea what he can do. Maybe one day, one of your actions will touch his sensitive nerves, and you don't know why. At that time, your situation will change. very dangerous."

To be honest, he even did such a thing as running to hell without reporting it. Yue Jian couldn't imagine anything that could stimulate Brother Zhen's nerves more than that time.

He thought it was the bottom of the hell event, so Brother Zhen didn't seem particularly angry this time.I just tossed a bit during the morning exercise this morning, and it wasn't even as strong as the previous actual combat training.

Now it seems that it is because his anger has a place to go.

The human trafficking organizations that were wiped out, the maids who were interrogated, and the scum who all died overnight - even if these detectives didn't say anything, he knew that the death toll was definitely more than that.After all, it was the leader of the organization that he brought down with his own hands. Of course, he had seen the list of buyers on the other party's computer.

Before Yue Jian, he knew that Brother Zhen might have a lot of influence in this country, and maybe it also involved gray industries.As it stands today, it might be a little more polite to say gray.

Pure black, no compromise.

Considering that Mr. Morohoshi, no, now it is Agent Akai, an FBI agent who has obviously performed undercover missions appears here, if it doesn't matter, no fool will believe it.

And apart from the brief meetings with no more than five sentences, the only point of contact between an undercover agent from the United States and him is Brother Zhen.

It can be concluded from this that brother Zhen is a high-level executive of a transnational black organization.

The reason why it's not a BOSS... Which BOSS needs to work in person?

Thinking back to Brother Zhen these years, Shenlong has seen its head and tail, and can't find any regular whereabouts at all. Even a pen can be used to exert its maximum lethal ability, all of which can be reasoned.

However, unlike the FBI's deceitful words, Yue Jian knew clearly that Brother Zhen would never hurt him.

Contrary to what they say, Brother Zhen has avoided leaving traces in his life all these years.In the relationship between the two, only this rule is absolute.

This is undoubtedly a kind of protection, whether it is from the perspective of the black side or the white side like the FBI.

However, during this period of time, Brother Zhen's attitude has obviously loosened.It's hard to say why, but...

"I'm pretty sure I don't have the type of people you describe around me."

"It's impossible, he's lying!"

Morgan, who was more irritable, slapped the table, kicked away the chairs and walked around the office.

"He definitely knows that there is such a person, and he is protecting him!"

Rosie, the oldest among the profilers, picked up the coffee slowly and took a sip.

"Zhaoqiao Yuejian's performance is very sincere, and there is no sign of lying."

"Performance can be staged, and it's not surprising that he has an anti-interrogation training with his obviously specially trained skills."

"I agree with Morgan this time around, his performance was perfect."

"He even knows to miss a little bit or two to avoid 'excessive force', and he only knows to pay attention to this part if he has been trained."

This is like an actor acting in a play. Completely copying the script and copying the content taught by the teacher will inevitably appear deliberate and unnatural, in other words, it is excessive force.Experienced actors tend to be more relaxed. They don't pay attention to so many details, but they can act vividly.

"However, this cannot be written in our report. According to the profile, he just didn't lie."

That's the downside of not being able to interrogate, they have no way of creating a stressful environment.As it is now, the mode that is biased towards chatting can't get real response, and these profilers knew it well from the beginning.

However, when faced with such a result, it is inevitable that it will be unacceptable for a while.

"Is there any other way? Or, Rosie, you and Emily go try it?"

No matter what the former said, he had a relationship with the boy once, and he was able to start a conversation.

"Sorry, the chat is over."

JJ, who had been outside talking about something since just now, opened the door and came in. Morgan reflexively turned his head to look at the video, and saw a group of people in black suits walking into the room on the other side of the screen.

"The ambassador is here."


Several profilers showed unbelievable expressions, and Akai Shuichi, who had been silent all the time, silently raised his eyes and stared at JJ who came to deliver the message.

"You heard me right. The leader is the Japanese ambassador to the United States. He also brought lawyers, no, lawyers."

In other words, they were going to be in trouble.

Among this group of secretaries in black suits, assistants, and a dozen lawyers, there is a young man with a very beautiful appearance who suddenly descended from the mortal world.Although he simply stood in the middle of the crowd, the profilers could tell that these people had a faint respect for him.

As soon as Yue Jian raised her head, she met the smiling eyes of the visitor, and her expression froze.

"Teruhashi-san, your grandfather is very worried about you."

"I didn't want to alarm anyone, but it seems I'm going to trouble you, Ambassador Konno."

After exchanging greetings with the ambassador who had met a few times at the banquet before, leaving the other party to deal with the administrative director of BAU, Yue Jian smiled helplessly at the visitor.

"Thank you for your hard work, Sankayue."

Also wearing a black suit, the young man seemed to be a crane mixed into a flock of chickens, and the modern clothes seemed to show the ancient charm from Heianjing.It's no wonder that the people around him respect him so much, some temperament can't be concealed from others.

However, these were nothing in Yuejian's eyes, and his eyes fell on the young man's eyes, which were clearly wearing colored contact lenses.Maybe because of the reason that I'm not used to, this pair of beautiful phoenix eyes are now glistening, and I'm stunned by a group of men and women in the police station.

It is beauty across gender and race.

"Haha, it's rare to be able to go out for a walk, everyone in the family is very envious!"

Ignoring Yuejian's eyes that suddenly became a little pitiful, this beautiful young man who attracted many eyes took two steps forward leisurely, then knelt down on one knee in front of the young man, gently raised his hand and held it in his In the palm of his hand, there was sincere worry in his words.

"You are too easily drawn into trouble, my lord."

There was a gentle but completely irresistible force from the palm, Yue Jian paused, then held the young man's slender fingertips with his backhand and smiled.

"That's right, I can't handle this kind of thing well. Professional matters should be left to the professional. What do you think, Sanriyue?"

Hearing this, the corners of the young man's beautifully shaped lips smiled, and he looked at the young man with a softness that couldn't be more real.

"After all, you have to do as much as you get!"

This sentence, which sounded like a philistine, instantly made Yue Jian, who was already feeling heavy at the thought of having to deal with a bunch of people at home, dumbfounded.

This sentence is not just saying that he should let the 'non-humans' raised at home exert their due power.Instead, it is the same as the previous few words, still implying that he should not be in danger by himself.

Sometimes, Yuejian really doesn't know whether to say that Fu Sangshen, who has gone through thousands of years, is better off-line, or wise and foolish.

He shook his head helplessly, took the hand of San Riyue who came to pick him up specially, and pulled him to sit down on the sofa first.

"Everything is fine at home, how many people know?"

Sanriyue tilted her head, sat down next to her little master, and then spoke in detail.

"It turns out that a man can really be described as beautiful." On the other side, Emily raised her eyebrows with interest. She couldn't understand Japanese, so she turned to look at Akai Shuichi, the only one in the room who could translate for them. But for the first time, this man who looked a little thin showed some inconceivable expression on his face.

"Would you mind telling us what they were talking about?"

"Nothing substantial." It was nothing more than some official pleasantries.However, what surprised Akai Shuichi was that the ambassador actually used honorifics to a boy.Even though, compared to the young man himself, he may respect the forces behind the young man more, that also shows that this is not a small trouble.

"Show him respect, if you must."

Facing a few fellow detectives who showed signs of trouble at the same time, please continue, Akai Shuichi organized the language, and then made a simple and rude analogy, "Let's think about the influence of several famous consortiums in the United States on this country. The opponent's power in Japan."

"...but this is an ambassador."

Emily, whose mother is an ambassador to foreign countries and basically belongs to the second generation of officials, is not particularly able to understand.Of course, it may also be because she "advocates freedom", that is, she has a relatively strong rebellious spirit, and she has not used her mother's network resources so far.

"As you know, Japan is a country where class traditions are hard to fade away. This ambassador is likely to have a very 'close' relationship with the family behind the boy, nothing incomprehensible."

Political donations, parliamentarians and plutocrats, this model is almost a semi-open secret in capitalist countries.

Akai Shuichi pointed to the handsome young man on the video with a cold expression, "In these old-fashioned families, there will still be such a role as a retainer. He called Qiao Yuejian the lord."

After hearing Akai's explanation, the expressions of several agents became a little strange.

"Like the butlers in those English manors?"

JJ asked curiously. Sensual girls are always more curious about this aspect.When faced with the gazes of several colleagues, she blinked, "I happened to watch Downton Abbey with Garcia a few days ago."

"It's a little different, but it's the same if you think so. It's not easy to explain, and I don't know much about it."

Now is a new era, some things will decline, and some things will change. Even if you work in the FBI anti-terrorism department, you have mastered a large number of secrets that the public will never know for a lifetime.Some things are impossible to understand without being in that environment.

"It's hard to imagine." Emily looked at the boy in the video, and suddenly thought of a crazy idea, "Do you think Gin is the retainer of Teruhashi Tsukimi?"

Akai Shuichi looked at this sharp-looking big woman with indescribable eyes, then shook his head.

"... Teruhashi Tsukimi's paternal lineage is just ordinary civilians, and his background comes from his mother. Mrs. Teruhashi's surname was Usami before she got married. This surname... Forget it. In short, is the Usami family a chaebol? Yes. Does this family have anything to do with the Black Organization? No."

Is there any connection between Teruhashi Tsukimi and Gin?Yes.

Is there any connection between Teruhashi Tsukimi and the Black Organization?he does not know.

Did he have evidence for all this, all that bored him?Absolutely not.

Akai Hideichi looked at the young man who led the beautiful young man out of the door with a smile in the video, and the footsteps that he planned to take also stopped.Appearing in front of Zhaoqiao Yuejian was the biggest temptation of his trip.There is no need to meet again.

As Agent Morgan said, the teenager is very smart and has a very high IQ.If he appeared frequently, the boy would definitely notice something.

If he is unlucky, it is very likely that he will be assassinated next, and he cannot take the risk of involving the BAU agents-this time the profilers still help him under the guise of dealing with the follow-up of the child trafficking case. This is a 'conversation'.

No one understands better than him what kind of giant this organization entrenched in the dark depths of the United States is.

Ever since he started chasing the Black Organization, went undercover, and returned, he has often felt alone.The crowd came and passed him, bustling, but he couldn't breathe as if he was strangled by the throat.

This is destined to be a road that is difficult to see tomorrow.

"So, for the time being, only you know everything?"

Tsukimi showed a relaxed expression. When he saw Ambassador Konno, he wondered if his grandfather was frightened.

San Riyue glanced at her little lord with a smile that was not a smile, but still reassured him.

"My Excellency Yu Zuojian was the one who explained it myself."

This is probably the biggest good news after the incident, which means that he saved a lot of explaining work.As for Hasebe's 'Aluki~' home-style surround sound unlimited playback, it's not the first time he has encountered it anyway.

The young man, who was a little bit of a broken pot, saw that the lawyer team brought by the ambassador had taken over the work of chatting with the BAU agents. After checking the messages on his mobile phone, he pulled up Sanriyue, who had been holding him tightly.

After such a long delay, it was time for him to leave.

Rejecting the lunch invitation from the ambassador, Yue Jian walked to the black car parked at the door under the eyes of everyone. Before getting in the car, he suddenly remembered something. Some kind of little doctor beckoned.

Seeing the boy's hand gestures, Rhett thought he was calling someone else, looked around, and found that he was indeed calling him, so he stepped forward a little hesitantly.

"Is there a problem?"

Yuejian smiled, then raised his arm, and with lightning speed, tapped the little doctor's forehead with his empty right index finger.

In a trance, Spencer Reid seemed to hear a sharp scream. He froze for a moment, but when he listened carefully, he found that everything seemed to be just an illusion.

Seeing the little doctor covering his forehead, staring at him with a pair of watery eyes in bewilderment and innocently, Yue Jian was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help but raised his sleeves to cover his lips and smiled.

Finally recovering, Rhett touched his forehead and found that nothing seemed to have happened.He was still in the crowd, the surrounding air was cold and fresh, and even the sun was not as dazzling as it was when he first came here.

But if there is no change, it is not like this. He found that the migraine that had suddenly become heavier since last night seemed to be gone with just one finger.

"what happened?"

Morgan, who was standing at the back, came forward, looked suspiciously at his little boy, and then at the boy who was obviously kind but not innocent in certain things, and asked.

"It's nothing." Reid put down his hand covering his forehead, he pursed the corners of his lips, thought for a while, then lowered his voice, and quickly persuaded, "I don't know what the relationship between you two is, but listen to me ,once……"

He paused, swallowed, and it seemed that what he said next challenged some of his principles, "In case something happens, protect yourself."

Sometimes love is so crazy that it destroys everything.

Rhett has seen many such cases, and he is sincerely worried about the relationship between the teenager and his protector.

Yuejian smiled, neither admitted nor denied, just looked at the little doctor in front of him who was sincerely worried about him, and said with a smile.

"I'll send you a censor, goodbye."

Watching the boy get into the car, the little doctor mouthed a thank you to the boy before rolling up the window.

"This young man should feel something. I thought no one would believe in Shinto anymore."

Sanriyue, who was sitting next to Yuejian, laughed, as if she thought it was very interesting, "Don't they all believe in science?"

"People are the same everywhere, and Japanese people don't believe in Yin and Yang anymore, don't they?"

Yue Jian supported her head, even if she left the eyes of strangers, she didn't show too much emotion.

"What those people are facing is the devil in the deepest part of their hearts."

And there are always some things that science cannot explain.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Morgan always felt that the child was mysterious. After watching the car that came to pick him up leave, he turned to ask the little doctor.

"No, I'm pretty sure."

Different from the usual refusal, at this time the little doctor's tight lips showed a relaxed smile, he shook his head, and walked into the police station.The most important witnesses have already left, and their case is probably not going to be further. It's time to pack up and go back.

Seeing that he was unwilling to say anything, Morgan didn't seem to have any problem, so he didn't insist anymore.

"What do you want for lunch?"

"Sushi, I know a very authentic place in Baltimore."

Rossi answered and was about to continue when she was interrupted by a phone call.

"Hi, Dr. Lecter? What? Are you sure?"

As soon as the voice was wrong, everyone in BAU stopped and looked at the serious elder.

"Dr. Lecter said that when he visited Teruhashi Tsukimi this morning, he saw a man with long silver hair, and Teruhashi called him Gin."

After hanging up the phone, Rossi raised her phone and raised her eyebrows meaningfully.

"Do you think it's a coincidence?"

"Then the question is, should we raid each other's room, especially when there are a group of lawyers in the police station."

All the profilers stared at their administrator Hozner, no matter whether they agreed or disagreed in their hearts, they were all quietly waiting for the other party's decision.

Hozner pondered for a while, and before the policemen could react, he made up his mind without spending too much time.

"JJ, go and call Detective Akai, and stay by the way to deal with this group of lawyers and buy us time."

"Despite whistleblower information, let's continue to keep a low profile."

There are bulletproof vests on the SUV itself, they don't need to make more preparations, they just need to drive away.

"Shouldn't you call it a backup? According to Agent Akai's introduction, that's not a level that the few of us can handle."

"No, calling backup is equivalent to telling Gin to leave."

Akai, who strode over, quickly denied their proposal. He looked at the group of profilers in front of him, and said directly.

"When you arrive, you will directly block the hotel, and immediately make a surprise attack when you arrive. You don't need too many people, and I don't intend to offend, but you won't be willing to experience Gin's skill and marksmanship for yourself."

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