Only 100 days left in life

Chapter 15 Friend's Answer

Shiratori Mariko buried her head firmly between her knees, like a living ostrich shrinking into the sand.

"I'm such an idiot—" she muttered, before realizing that someone else was sitting next to her.

Knotaba Yuhito in front of her was looking at her questioningly, which stunned Shiratori Mariko who had completely forgotten about it, followed by intense embarrassment.

Oops, oops, the situation is over now!How stupid in front of other people!

This made Mariko Shiratori, who had just raised her head, cover her flushed face again.

"Sorry, Mr. Knotweed," she said, "Just pretend I didn't talk, okay? Then I feel a little uncomfortable and want to sit alone for a while"

No matter what, please leave her alone! ! ! !

Yuuhito Katsuo, who had been rather at a loss for Shiratori Mariko's series of actions since just now, scratched his hair.

"What's the matter, Miss Shiratori?" He asked confusedly, "Do you have a fever?"

The intention was just to find an excuse to get rid of his Shiratori Mariko stuck: "That, that"

Damn it, how do I make it up later.She has no relevant experience.

Seeing Shiratori Mariko staring at him blankly, Knotweed stretched out a hand and shook it twice in front of her, "Take your temperature?"

He looked at Mariko Shiratori with a slightly worried face, and always felt that Miss Shiratori was really burning up.

After probing a few times, I found that Shiratori Mariko was still in a shutdown state, so I simply reached out and put the knotweed directly on her forehead.

"It's a bit hot," he murmured, "I'll go to Fu Hei for some medicine. It does feel a little hot."

The sunny atmosphere unique to teenagers came along with the wind, and a healthy wheat-colored hand rested on her forehead with a bit of coolness.

His side face was coated with a layer of orange red by the setting sun. Shiratori Mariko couldn't tell what it was like, but she always felt a gentle taste.

He got up to leave, but was grabbed by Shiratori Mariko.

"Wait a moment," she said, "Student Knotweed, please wait a moment."

Yuzu Yuhito looked back at Mariko Shiratori blankly, "What's wrong?"

He didn't react a bit, "I have to take the medicine, otherwise the disease will recover very slowly."

He also subconsciously used a coaxing tone, "I'll bring you some candy later."

Mariko Shiratori looked at Yuzuhito like this and suddenly wanted to cry.

That's how she cried.

"Ah, what's the matter..." Katsuobu Yuhito panicked, "I won't go get the medicine anymore, please don't"

He frantically took out a pack of handkerchiefs from his pocket, "Here, Miss Shiratori."

Shiratori Mariko took the paper and wiped it on her face carelessly.

"It's nothing to do with the medicine," she said nasally, "I don't have a fever. It's not what you think."

But even after wiping like this, the tears still kept coming out and pouring down.

Mariko Shiratori has never hated her overdeveloped tear ducts more than now.

It was like a machine with the stop button dead, working non-stop even though she didn't need its work at all right now.

It was like this when I was in school, and it was also like this when I was working.

"Crybaby", "the child who likes to complain the most", every time she argues with others, she can't stop crying when she feels wronged, even though she is actually quite angry, not ready to cry, and even wants to Continue to scold the other party a few words, but always cry inexplicably like this

Therefore, she has no friends at all, not even anyone close to her.

Who can stand that their friend is a crying bag?

A former friend said to her face, "Walk with you, and you will cry if you quarrel, and I will be thought to be bullying you in the end", and she gradually stopped making friends. .

Then she began to keep looking for part-time jobs to restrain her emotions and arrange her extra time by the way.

In the end, until Mariko graduated from university and found a job in a company, she still maintained this idea, seldom communicated with her colleagues, and lived her own life alone.

Shiratori Mariko thought to herself, this is probably the most embarrassing moment for her.

Recently, after knowing how little time she has left, she has overindulged.

She tried to regulate her emotions according to the previous method, but her emotions were completely different from before and out of control.

Her mind seemed to be divided into two halves, one half was venting wantonly, and the other half sat aside rather angrily, reprimanding her for her shameful behavior today.It was embarrassing to cry like this in front of a high school student who was so much younger than me.

"Okay, okay," Knotabagi Yujin responded, "You don't have a fever, Miss Shiratori."

He looked at Mariko Shiratori, who was full of tears, and caught some signals with his keen emotional radar, "So, you are not very happy, right?"

Forget it, anyway, throw it to the end, let's smash it.

Shiratori Mariko simply nodded, "I'm a very useless adult, right—"

Caught off guard, she was forcefully but gently pulled up by the knotweed Youren.

Shiratori Mariko:? ? !

Knotaba Yuhito snapped his fingers.

"Since you are not happy," he said energetically, "then do something with me that will make you happy!"

Shiratori Mariko was really stunned this time.She was stunned by the words of Knotabazu Yujin, and the resulting chaotic thoughts also jumped out.

Do something happy, what kind of bad line is that? !

"Wh, what are you happy about?" Before she could finish her sentence, she was dragged down the steps neatly and neatly by the knotweed.

He thoughtfully didn't ask Shiratori Mariko why she was crying, but simply took her down from her seat.

"I'm good at sports," Knotaba Yuhito stood on the track and took a look, then decisively took her hand and started running, "And sports do make people feel better, so jog with me for a few minutes Circle it! You will definitely feel a little better!"

He talked while running, without panting at all, and his lung capacity was quite astonishing.

"Ah? What? But I" Mariko Shiratori stumbled and refused, "Well, I'm not very good at running."

She ran and talked, intermittently, and her breathing soon became disordered.

"Follow me and run," said Yuzuki Yujin relaxedly, "Come, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale"

He simply held Shiratori Mariko's hand, and adjusted his pace intentionally, slowing down to match Shiratori Mariko's pace, "Trust me."

Even though he was a boy who was so much younger than her, he gave people a reliable and down-to-earth feeling for no reason.

Shiratori Mariko nodded, trying to adjust her rhythm.

Fortunately, she always dresses more casually. Today, she just went out in a sweater and trousers, and her shoes were casually chosen sneakers, otherwise she would have struggled to run.

However, since Shiratori Mariko gradually tended to work in the office after joining the company, her physical fitness gradually declined, and there may be some reasons why her body was gradually weakening, and she soon began to feel tired.

And when Shiratori Mariko's physical strength was gradually overdrawn and her speed slowed down, Knotaba Yuhito let go of her hand with a smile, and pushed her forward to run slowly.

This is more like a game than a well-behaved sport.

Exercise does make you feel better.

In this way, Shiratori Mariko followed the knotweed slowly in circles on the playground, swaying, watching the sun set little by little.

"Are you in a better mood now?" Yuzu Yujin walked side by side with her on the runway, "If not, I can take you for another two laps."

Light and shadow flowed, and the shadows of the two met under their feet, with brisk steps.

Hearing his words, Shiratori Mariko also smiled a little relaxed.

"Thank you," she replied earnestly, "It's really useful, and I feel much better."

"That's good," said Katsuobu Yuhito heartily, "I only have this advantage. If you can feel a little better, that's good."

"By the way," Shiratori Mariko asked curiously, "Why did you suddenly think of taking me for a run? Am I wearing sportswear?"

She looked down at herself a few times, "Probably not?"

"Ah, because when I ran in the morning, I saw Miss Shiratori sitting on the side, she looked very envious," Hu Zhang replied.

At that time, he wrote down the thing that "Miss Shiratori seems to envy them for running", thinking that he could call her to join him at that time, but he didn't expect to have the opportunity so soon.

This sentence made Shiratori Mariko stunned for a moment.

"Did I, did I look envious?" She asked uncertainly.

Mariko Shiratori doesn't really remember how she felt at the time.

Probably a subtle sour taste mixed with envy.

After all, whether it is their extraordinary physical strength like them, or the mood of playing with their companions, they are quite far away from her.

…And, after the disease gradually worsens, it may be a luxury to run on the playground like now.

"Yeah," Knotweed's voice interrupted her thoughts, "I've been watching us run without blinking, very focused..."

Turning his head to look at Shiratori Mariko beside him, he said with a little smile, "But speaking of it, Miss Shiratori actually ran much faster than I thought, and she persisted for a little longer than I thought."

Although he deliberately slowed down, in fact, Yuzu Yuhito felt that Shiratori Mariko might not be able to keep up at first.

She will run to the present extent, which is actually beyond his expectation.

"I used to work part-time," Shiratori Mariko rubbed her wrist a little, remembering her part-time job in various shops, "I have to do everything."

She looked at the sun that was gradually sinking into the clouds in front of her with crooked eyebrows, "So, I will have a little strength, but I have never experienced such things as running with others. I was not very popular before, so Often alone."

"Hey, how did this happen?" Knotaba Yuhito put his hands from the back of his head, "I always feel that Miss Shiratori is a very good person!"

He snapped his fingers and said, "He is very good at cooking, very gentle, and he is also very serious about his work, and he is also very kind."

"Well, do you think so?" Shiratori Mariko laughed, "Thank you, Knotweed-san."

She recalled the old days, as if she was dreaming, as if separated by a hazy fog, "Fortunately, I met you now. I used to cry a lot, and my personality was not as cheerful as it is now, so until now I don’t have many friends now. If you’ve ever seen me in the past, you might hate me at that time too.”

If she disappeared in the world, would anyone remember her?

The answer is definitely no.But it can be regarded as another level of "not causing trouble to others", so it is still worry-free.

Mariko Shiratori didn't say these words, but smiled embarrassedly at Yuzu Hirohito.

She said, "Sorry for talking about such a weird thing. Let's change the subject."

Knotaba Yuhito shook his head.

"No," he said with considerable certainty, "I will never dislike you at any time."

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